Today I will stop procrastinating and clear my desk

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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Today I will stop procrastinating and clear my . Today I will stop procrastinating and clear my desk. desk/top pot plants thrive in her new corner . desk/top pot plants thrive in her new corner office . office/ politics destroys many a work ethic. office/ politics destroys many a work . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


desk/top pot plants thrive in her new corner office desk/top pot plants thrive in her new corner

office/ politics destroys many a work ethicoffice/ politics destroys many a work

ethic/ally I find the planting of trees with fermentable fruit in public places to be objectionable for the sake of alcohol-poisoned birdsethic/ally I find the planting of trees with fermentable fruit in public places to be objectionable for the sake of alcohol-poisoned

birds/ of a feather flock together birds/ of a feather flock

together/ together to gathertogether/ together

to gather/ one ounce of rose essential oil requires 60 000 fresh rosesto gather/ one ounce of rose essential oil requires 60 000 fresh

roses/ are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet………. and so are youroses/ are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet………. and so are

You/tube is a hugely popular video-sharing platform. Other notable examples include Dailymotion, Flickr, Photobucket, Vimeo and moreYou/tube is a hugely popular video-sharing platform. Other notable examples include Dailymotion, Flickr, Photobucket, Vimeo and

more/ than 15 000 works are held within the collection of the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tama- more/ than 15 000 works are held within the collection of the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o

Tama/gotchi is a virtual digital pet. It was first-Tama/gotchi is a virtual digital pet. It was

first/-come-first-serve particularly applies to parking you fucking moron you parking thief you-you-oooh! YOU RUINED MY MORNING.

K I S S I N G Nic/k and Sally up a tree,


we fell/ out of the present and suffocated with fright we fell/ out of the present and suffocated with

fright/ened pufferfish are much more magnificent: what does this say about this horribly invasive happiness-first positivism question markfright/ened pufferfish are much more magnificent: what does this say about this horribly invasive happiness-first positivism question

“Mark/ my words young lady’ began her father“Mark/ my words young lady’ began her

Father/ Christmas bellows HO-HO-HO-Father/ Christmas bellows HO-HO-

Spot the odd one out

Gao. Xinjiang.Reihana, Lisa.

Ho/tere, Ralph.

Spot the odd one

out/ of the fire and into the panout/ of the fire and into the

pan/opticon (insert fact about power and controlpan/opticon (insert fact about power and )


WORLD/, beloved by hipsters, once put out a collection titled ‘Housework Makes You UglyWORLD/, beloved by hipsters, once put out a collection titled ‘Housework Makes ’

You ugly/, eh, hey! You ugly! U. G. L. Y you ain’t got no alibi you ugly, eh, heyYou ugly/, eh, hey! You ugly! U. G. L. Y you ain’t got no alibi you ugly, eh, !

Hey/, could you please hold my hand through these snippets of other people’s livesHey/, could you please hold my hand through these snippets of ?

other people’s lives/ fascinate the public unnecessarily, especially famous peopleother people’s lives/ fascinate the public unnecessarily, especially famous

People/ magazine is a mythmaking machine at its bestPeople/ magazine is a mythmaking machine at its

of bronze

best/men in dark suits eye up bridesmaids in tulle dresses of gold of silverof

bronze/d beach hunks parade up and down the sandybronze/d beach hunks parade up and down the -

Sandy/ Olsson is the female lead of GreaseSandy/ Olsson is the female lead of

grease/ & lard & butter & milk & honeygrease/ & lard & butter & milk &

Honey/, could you please pick me up? I missed my bus because I missed my other bus because of the crying boyHoney/, could you please pick me up? I missed my bus because I missed my other bus because of the crying

boy/ that was a long firstboy/ that was a long -

first/ date rule number 13: if fucking in another man’s bed, leave no pubic hairfirst/ date rule number 13: if fucking in another man’s bed, leave no pubic

eye of newt

hair/ of dog,blood of bateye of -

Newt/onian physics changed the way he felt about herNewt/onian physics changed the way he felt about

9 million people share this birthday, according to Libra Oddspots #3 (I have problems with this trivialisation of female knowledge

Her/r Hitler gave birth to a healthy baby boy Adolf on the 20th of April, 1889.

9 million people share this birthday, according to Libra Oddspots #3 (I have problems with this trivialisation of female ).

which means Work approaches zero as Knowledge approaches zero

Knowledge/=Power (1)Time = Money (2)Power = Work/Time (3)

A series of substitutions and rearrangements generates the equation:

Work = Money x Knowledge

which means Work approaches zero as Knowledge approaches

zero/ tolerance policies propose a simplicity which is very dangerouszero/ tolerance policies propose a simplicity which is very

Dangerous/ Liaisons is 119 minutes longDangerous/ Liaisons is 119 minutes

long/ing for everything, she lived too much in her head to achieve anythinglong/ing for everything, she lived too much in her head to achieve any

Thing/ is a fictional character in the Addams FamilyThing/ is a fictional character in the Addams

Family/ Planning Highland Park is a drop-in clinic open Wednesdays between 1.30 and 4.45 p.m.Family/ Planning Highland Park is a drop-in clinic open Wednesdays between 1.30 and 4.45

P.M./ could also mean particulate matter picometer post-mortem pac-man personal message or product managementP.M./ could also mean particulate matter picometer post-mortem pac-man personal message or product

Management/ 101 introduced me to Weber and his writingManagement/ 101 introduced me to Weber and his

writing/s on the wall, dude, just gotta learn how to read itwriting/s on the wall, dude, just gotta learn how to read

‘It/ was a real pleasure meeting you’, said one parachutist to another‘It/ was a real pleasure meeting you’, said one parachutist to

another/ man, another job, another life will not necessarily be more satis-another/ man, another job, another life will not necessarily be more

factory/ workers are killing themselves but I wouldn’t call it suicide.



Pretty much, no activities other than the docile riding of the Bangkok underground

No rollerblading,no eating,no dogs,no bicycles,no balloons,no littering, no fires, no smoking,no sittingand no peddling of agricultural goods.

Pretty much, no activities other than the docile riding of the Bangkok

underground/ political insurgences excite capitalistsunderground/ political insurgences excite

capitalists/ capitalise on opportunitiescapitalists/ capitalise on

opportunities/ flutter on notice boards.

to/day I will stop procrastinating and clear my desk.



(seduction comes in all forms(seduction comes in all )bat/ting her ridiculously mascara-ed eyelashes, she slowly tweezed his eyebrows

forms/ of application are behind the desk, top shelf, second pigeon hole from the leftforms/ of application are behind the desk, top shelf, second pigeon hole from the

‘left/, left, I left my girl in New Orleans for twenty-five cents and a can of beans’ is a rhyme which does not take into account rates of inflation or the time value of money‘left/, left, I left my girl in New Orleans for twenty-five cents and a can of beans’ is a rhyme which does not take into account rates of inflation or the time value of

Money/ money money MONEY! You are fired Money/ money money MONEY! .

You are fired/ up on adrenaline testosterone estrogen glutamine phenol-nitrogen and about to defy the laws of Newt-You are fired/ up on adrenaline testosterone estrogen glutamine phenol-nitrogen and about to defy the laws of

Pleasure/ Spots is an essay by George Orwell in which he argues the ideal modern resort should never let a guest do anything for him or her

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