Tobacco-Free Finland - Elements of the Finnish Endgame-policy, Finland's ASH

Post on 10-Aug-2015






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Mission Possible – Tobacco-Free Finland

The Goal by law: In 2040, no more than 2 percent of the Finnish population will use tobacco


• Finland was the first country in the world to set the endgame objective by law.

• The goal can be reached in 2030 by systematic and determined efforts.

ENDGAME:A Finnish Invention

Elements of the Finnish Stragegy

Prevent initiation of the use of tobacco products Support quitting the use of tobacco products Enlarge and monitor smoke-free environments Prevent bringing novel tobacco and related products onto the


The Finnish Way does

NOT support harm

reduction policy

Successful Steps

Comprehensive Tobacco Act in 1977. Endgame policy included in the Tobacco Act. Total advertising ban on tobacco, including tobacco displays at shops. Smoking prohibited in workplaces and in bars and restaurants. E-cigarettes, containing nicotine, are regulated under the Medicines Act. Annual increase in the tax and price of tobacco products.

Exposure to tobacco smoke is declining at work and at home. The consumption of tobacco products is declining steadily. The prevalence of smoking between different educational groups has started to narrow. Different stakeholders of society are united for tobacco-free activities. Social change is in progress, tobacco use is socially less acceptable than during the past

decades. There is growing support for tobacco control measures.

Tobacco smoking

• In 2013, 19 % of men, 13 % of women smoke daily.

• Adolescent smoking has almost halved during the 21st century

Current Situation


• Of the 18-year-old Finns, around 30 % have tried smoking waterpipe.

• The popularity of waterpipe is growing worldwide.

Smokeless tobacco

• The typical form is Swedish snus.

• The daily use was 2,9 % among adult men in 2013. Women do not typically use snus E-cigarettes


• 2 % of men and women used e-cigarettes daily of occasionally in 2013.

• 20 % of 14-16-year-old adolescents have tried them

• at least once.

A Few Plans for the Future

• Standardised packaging• Restrict the private import of tobacco• Nationwide, continuous and tailored mass

media campaigns• Ban on distance sales of tobacco products• Resources for control and monitoring• Free of charge, low-threshold services for

quitting• Smoke-free housing• Smoke-free private cars, while children are


Standardised packaging is

slowly becoming

more popular worldwide.

Ending the Tobacco Epidemic Requires• Goals, plans and

timetables• Legislation and

control, prevention of tobacco use and intensive smoking cessation services

• Implementation and follow-up

ENDGAMEdoes not

mean prohibition of

all tobacco products.

Interested in knowing more about the Finnish endgame policy?Follow us on Twitter: @SuomenASH


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