TOASTRY & Co - · marketing, operations, human resources, and finance. ... MARKETING MIX Product: ... report to us, we have a discussion ...

Post on 28-Apr-2018






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MB1101 Introduction to Business School of Business and Management

Institut Teknologi Bandung 2014






Toastry & Co sells food, using bread as our basic ingredient. Our products

mainly serve as light snacks. We specialize in serving toasts with various fillings to choose from. Not only that, we also sell Frappes as drinks, also with various flavors. We keep up with what kind of flavors that is a favorite among the society, so we came up with modern flavors – oreo, greentea, taro, etc. We emphasize in making our products homemade. Everything on our menu is produced on the spot. It adds more uniqueness to our products.

Our company’s objective is to serve our customers with high quality products. We satisfy our customer’s need for food and drink with our products. We also try to give our best to the effectiveness of our business. From this project, we hope that we can gain more experience in the field of business and step further towards better in our ventures in the future.

@toastryco @toastryco




Code of Ethics


Respect the uniqueness and diversity of each member of the company and commit to unite everyone together. Members must support each other through every hardship along the way. Every opinion matters therefore we must respect everyone’s ideas.


Be responsible and work hard to give the highest quality of our product in order to satisfy our customers. Always keep in mind that every action we make will affect the company’s outcome. All members must contribute to the success of our company. Don’t engage personal matters during work hours. INTEGRITY

Trusting each member of the company to stick to the moral principles. Being honest in every transaction.


All members must be polite and friendly towards the customers. We serve our customers with high standard.





In this business simulation, the first thing that we did as a company was deciding the company name, what we would sell, and how we were going to execute it. We took off from there and decided to open a food and beverage stall specializing in toasts, using bread as the main ingredient. We held a meeting every week to brainstorm new ideas regarding our company and product and report progresses from each division. We sometimes did urgent meetings outside our scheduled meeting if needed and took decisions quickly while facing problems throughout our journey. The meetings are set in a fun yet serious atmosphere, where every opinion equally matters and they are delivered in a warm and relaxed way to keep it conducive and productive. The members of the company are divided into four major divisions such as marketing, operations, human resources, and finance. Inside those divisions, the respective chiefs manage their employees’ tasks and workloads. The distribution of employees is matched with division workloads and needs. For example, the operations team needs more people in order for them to operate well, so most of our company members are put into the operations team. Collaborations between different divisions occur, such as operations and marketing. These divisions work together in deciding the product price and packaging. Motivations are done through human resources team, but outside of that we always try to encourage and remind our members to work well. Controls inside the company is done in our weekly meeting, as it is the day that we share every divisions’ achievements and shortcomings.





PROMOTION We promoted the company and product intensively through social media, because it is the most inexpensive yet effective way of promoting. Social media promotions started from October 30th until the end of execution day. We stressed on promoting our products to relatives, friends, and fellow ITB students. D-day promotions were also done, such as chalkboard adverts, walking banner, testers, flash-mob, and stand decorations. (Appendix 2.2) MARKET RESEARCH

We did some observation about what people love to eat and their references for food by asking our relations. The result is they tend to have a fast service and easy to bring food, that was how we decided to sell toast. We also made Google forms about our products and prices. The Google forms consist of flavors option for our product, prices, kinds of beverages and so on. It turned out that green tea, taro, milo, oreo flavors are people’s favorites, and so we chose those flavors for our toast and beverage. In the Google forms, we added a question about what makes people attracted to a product as well and most of the answers are the variety of flavors. MARKETING MIX Product: Toastry & Co. specializes in toast. The added value of our product

is the variant of the toast filling. We carefully chose the flavors according to market research that we did. Asides from toast, we also sell an original product called minibites, chopped toast sprinkled by various toppings. Frappe is in our menu as well. We believe that our products will meet customers’ expectation.

Price: We had the price adjusted to production costs and sales revenue target, but nevertheless it was still based on market research. The price of the product is worthy enough to satisfy the customers. The price that has been decided still covered the capital even though the sales were at the lowest state.

Promotion: The promotion was focused on emphasizing the added value of our product, which is the various filling. We use some methods for




promotion but mainly it is through media social and mouth-to-mouth promotion.

Place: Toastry & Co. produces convenient products that easy to bring and quick to make. So, the best place to sell it is at the sidewalk of the road that often be passed by pedestrian who need a fast service food. To be precise, we sell it at Dago Street, which is pretty crowded on daily basis.


Before execution day, we spread the information about our company through social media such as: Instagram, LINE timeline, Path, and Twitter. We made shifts for posting in the social media so that the posters are seen on every peak hours of the day. On the execution day, we managed to get customers by attracting their interest. We did this by having a member walking along Dago St. while wearing an A1 sized banner, acting as our mascot. For those of us who stayed around the stand, we take shifts using the microphone to attract customers. We gave out testers and went to cars in front of the stand to extend our reach.






We first did our budgeting by letting the other division to search for the goods they need. Then, we asked them to report to us about the goods needed and inform us about the price of each of the goods. Next, after all of the division report to us, we have a discussion with the group to talk about the price of each menu so we could decide about how much we need to sell to reach our BEP and how much money we spend on each division. Each division should talk to us if they want to make any purchasing. So, we could give them the money they need. Also they are obligated to give us the receipt after every purchasing. Safira Azaria is responsible to keep the money save. If the division wants to make changes on the purchasing, they should follow the fixed allocated money; they are not allowed to spend more than the allocated money. They also have to tell us the changes and the reason why they decide to change the purchasing. We always take report of every purchasing after we receive the receipt. Hamzah Yondita take the responsibility to write every item bought by other divisions. Also we use an application called POS (Point of Sales) to take note of every goods sold on 15 November and 16 November. In order to facilitate us tracking how many of each menu has been sold. CONSIDERATIONS ON DOING FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES

1. Assets 2. Budgets 3. Using the least amount of money but producing the best goods


We coordinate with other division by using two ways of communication. First, using face-to-face communication because it is easier to understand the problems and finding the way out. The second way, if the could not see the finance member face to face they could contact us through our line account. Also, our group has weekly meeting to talk about the progress and problems faced.





All of the products we sold, whether it is beverage or food were both made on the spot at the D-Day of our Business Simulation. There were no pre-fabrication of our products’ whatsoever component. This is to ensure the maximization of each product’s taste and to make sure that the costumers directly receive what they ordered at its best form and taste as well. To follow up this target, we were obligated to confirm each member of the Operation division’s ability to produce our products fast and efficiently without forgetting the quality and the taste of the product itself. Process of our products’ making from scratch:

TOAST* 1. Prepare all of the

ingredients needed 2. Pre-heat the toasters 3. Prepare the filling of the

toast based of the flavors and orders

4. Place the untoasted sandwich to the heated toaster

5. Wait 2-3 minutes until it’s done

6. Wrap the toast to the baking paper packaging

MINI BITES* 1. Heat the toasters 2. Place 2 slices of bread

into the toaster 3. Wait 2-3 minutes until it’s

done 4. Cut the 2 slices of bread

into small pieces (3 horizontally and 3 vertically/ per bread = 9 pieces) or spread the spreadable flavored jam (for cheese or chocolate only) before cutting into small pieces

5. Incorporate the toppings chosen by the costumers all according to the fixed measurements.

FRAPPE* 1. Prepare a blender or a

Tokebi (handy mixer) 2. Incorporate to the

blender/mixing cup the fixed amount of powder (for green tea and taro) or Oreo (for oreo), ice, milk, sweet condensed milk

3. Blend until it’s even 4. Pour the mix into

Toastry & Co. cups





We settled on Griya Pasteur as our main supplier where we procured both the supplies for our bread including its topping and a few of the complimentary supplies to our packaging (such as mini cake forks and napkins), although, a few of our ingredients were bought in traditional market near the COO’s house (oreo and cheese slices). As for the frappe, we obtained the flavored powder (Green Tea & Taro) online around D-2 before the selling day and the ice D-1 before our business simulation and stored it in one of our member’s freezer to avoid the probability of not procuring the ice needed for the frappes thus making us loose customers.





The Human Resource team made sure all members did their jobs and made sure no one was left behind. We regularly asked them what they had done each week and when they had not done any work, we consulted with their manager so that the person would know what task they have to do. By doing this, works could be divided equally, all members have jobs and that no one was left behind. When we asked them about works, we also asked them if there was any conflict or problem and we did our best to help them solve it. We also made a questionnaire to asked them how they feel about the other members in their division and about their works, whether they like it or not, and we demanded them to give us the answers along with explanations.

We managed diversity and conflicts by communication. We asked our members about their feeling toward others and after they gave us the answers we advised and talked to the members that were problematic in a manner that wouldn’t hurt his/her feeling.





On our company, we were constantly motivated to innovate our product in order to make our products more unique. Not only that, innovation was also done on the decision-making process and actions on the execution days. Innovation is important in a company, especially on the D-day because there will be unexpected factors that triggers us to think more creatively.

There are several innovations that we did throughout this business simulation project; one of them is the innovation we did to our products. We added various fillings into toasts. The flavors of fillings we chose are based on what consumers actually like, with the help of market researches we did before the process of trial and error was done. The fillings are not the usual kind of flavors that people would add to their regular toasts, so to us our product is a result of innovation.

We also did some last-minute decisions on the execution days. We saw that Dago Street was very crowded because of the traffic jams. So, we tried to sell our products by going around and offer our products to the passing cars. We also approached and persuade potential buyers near the area.

Other than that, cashier and execution day accounting works are much helped by the use of a cashier application on our laptop. The application helps to calculate day-to-day revenues and the quantity of goods sold for each product. It makes financial team easier to control the flow of money and selling. It facilitates our financial team with data we needed for end-of-day reports and final financial report. However, we still use receipts to crosscheck the selling data input.

Technologies we used on our business, in addition to the cashier application as mentioned above, are mostly used on the field of marketing for promotional purposes. Social media is an essential and easy way to lure potential buyers. It is run by our marketing team and supported by all members of the team, as everyone on the team must promote our company through their respective social media accounts. Our marketing team controls the process so the promotions would not annoy people instead as it is sometimes tends to be.




Evaluation GENERAL MANAGEMENT The challenges that we faced are the lack of motivation from ourselves, not enough preparation almost in all of aspects of our business, bad weather on execution day, and also a misunderstanding in place of selling. Luckily, we have an understanding and cooperative team to tackle all of those challenges. We just need a reminder to reach our goal, which is a motivation to pass through this business simulation with our best effort. From our point of view, our business is feasible enough looking from what we have been through in building this business. The main point is the lesson learned by each and every member about this business simulation. We think that we could do more and give our heart and our last energy to this business simulation to make the results better. We suggest that we should give our best effort in doing anything, especially in doing business because sometimes even when we give our best the result would not be as we expected. A careful business planning is also essential to make the business run well. MARKETING MANAGEMENT In marketing our company, there were some challenges that we faced. Here are the problems that we had and how we solved them:

1. PRODUCTS Problem: At first, we considered ice cream as our main concept. However, due to some factors and based on the SWOT analysis, we thought that ice cream was not a good choice. How we solved it: We looked for alternatives and thought of toast as one of them. After comparing the positive and negative sides of these two products, we decided to make toast as our business concept.

2. LOCATION Problem: Our first choice of the selling location was in the parking area of Grande Factory Outlet with seating area in front of our CEO’s domicile (which is next to Grande) and we had gotten the permission from the




owner under the condition that we had to talk to the field manager. However, the field manager did not give us the permission due to hard access of the electricity and the use of parking area by buses on the weekend. The field manager offered us a space inside the factory outlet, but we thought it would be less strategic on the Car Free Day. How we solved it: We decided to place our booth in front of an unused gate of our CEO’s domicile. The place is quite big so it fits for both the booth and the seating area but did not disturb the pedestrians.

3. PROMOTION We think that some of our promotion techniques did not effectively work as we expected, such as are walking jingle, twitter, and testers. (Appendix 2.1)

As a marketer, we need to be braver in order to hook the customers.

Moreover, determination is needed in promoting whatever the product is. Besides that, we should improve our approaches to the customers by doing different kinds of approach that has been proven as an effective way. Creativity is one of the most important things in marketing; we should do something that will improve our creativity in order to make the best creative marketing. So, customers will be attracted to our products. For the pre-execution day, we should boast more about our product and company. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT

1. ALLOCATION The challenge with allocating the money is the late coordination between the other divisions with finance division. It affects the making of the financial planning. Solution: We give them time to search about what they need until 3 days prior to the first presentation with the shareholder.

2. REPORTING Some people did not report to us about their purchasing and finally tell us in the last day of the execution. There are 3 lost receipts. Solution: For the production division we finally predict the expenses using other receipt because mainly we purchase goods only from one place. (e.g.:




purchasing cheese; counting the expenses based on the receipts we have.)

3. SPENDING There is a division that often changes their marketing plan. It was hard for us to keep up. Solution: We decide to let them changes everything provided that the changes is still in the budget plan and they tell us specifically about the changes.

Our business is feasible enough based on how we managed the money. Because, the production cost needed to run the business is quite small. From the point of view of profit, our business is not really feasible since our location is less strategic than the others. Our business can improve if we consider adding savory dishes on the menu and also fresh beverages. Marketing plan also needs some improvements. Choosing a more strategic place to sell our product helps in increasing profit. Business feasibility can be forecasted through the help of NPV and IRR calculations also. (Appendix 1.7) OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT

Operation Division was most vulnerable to facing challenges especially on the D-Day of our business simulation and all of the members must be aware of that. This way a dead-end is not an option because a plan B must be present in any slight probability of chaos. Although calculations have been made, these are still the challenges that took most of our members’ effort to conquer and overcome during the making of our products.


1. MEASUREMENTS AND TASTE In making every product, we have paid attention to the measurements needed to achieve the taste we procured on the trials we made. As concise and concrete as these measurements are, taste can sometimes defy from our expectations, depending on the maker or the supplies that we bought. It was confirmed when one of the members bought our good and commented on the sweetness of the frappe and added that it was too much. Some of the makers may use all the same measurements (example: 3 tablespoon) but we never know how relative a tablespoon can be especially during our prime time of




unstoppable orders. These slight differences do matter and do play a role in differing tastes in every product. As much as we want every product to be equally good, we still couldn’t neglect the fact that some of our products might be better and some might be less. It was one of the biggest challenges that we faced in the making of our goods; we had to be meticulous in having all of our products equally good. Solution: We stick to the measurements. For the frappes (the one product susceptible in being uneven) the makers were asked to have a quick taste to make sure that nothing lacked in the taste. Suggested improvement: We should have made the measurement even more precise, closing in more probabilities of overs and less’. In addition, we should have trained the members more in making our goods, the more they train the more precise and more even the taste of the goods will be.

2. TOAST PACKAGING The toast packaging was the hardest compared to the Mini Bites and the Frappe packaging. It was the only packaging that needed an extra hand to be finished. The toast packaging was a baking paper that we pre-cut on the D-1 Selling Day based on precise measurements. It was rectangle shaped and would become somehow a slim cone to the triangle toast we made. It took extra time to just wrap the toast and not every of our members were able to do the wrapping. Solution: As the orders add up, the better the person assigned to wrap the toast gets and the job was done well until the end of the Business Simulation. Suggested Improvement: We should have known that not only wrapping the toast with the baking paper on the D-Day would be a waste of time but also adds up more things to do thus adding more chaos to the existing ones. Instead we should’ve pre coned every baking paper packaging to ease the D-Day wrapper and save up time. We should’ve known that a baking paper is flexible so however different the shape of the toast can be, it can still adjust to the toast itself.

3. ICE STOCK AND MEASUREMENTS Knowing that ice is a temporary ingredient that changes form depending on time, we had to restock ice within a period of time to ensure the quality and the quantity of the remaining ice. This was a small challenge that was overcome well because we had a couple of




member ready to restock the ice with a motorcycle on the ready. The biggest challenge with the ice is the measurements (again). Considering that the ice we bought were shaped very abstractly, we couldn’t be sure of how much ice we needed for a cup of frappe even though we settled on 4-5 ices cubes depending on its size. This was the biggest challenge for the frappe makers who encountered a lot of bland or too sweet frappes because of the inadequate amount of ice. Solution: We relatively chose the ices that fit best the measurements, not too big not too small, and we tried to put the same amount of ice (depending on the size) as equally as possible. If there were cases of blandness etc., we would adjust other ingredients that could possibly help (sweet condensed milk, powder etc.) regain the goodness of our frappe back. Suggested improvement: We should’ve pre-crushed the biggest blocks of ice and even up the ices to ensure the equality of fluid in it.

4. EQUIPMENT We settled the idea of using the members’ equipment, which would completely save up budget and just be practical. But throughout this decision we had to accept the consequences that some of the equipment provided by the members did not surpass the standard that we needed. For instance, some of the toasters took longer to cook the toast compared to another, which definitely was a hamper to the efficiency of our production flow. In addition, the tent that we rented was actually smaller than our prediction, causing us to simultaneously change the predicted and planned stand composition and production flow. Solutions: We couldn’t really do anything about the toasters, but to not lose efficacy the toast maker were given a direction to use the faster toasters if it was available and not used for the making of another toast. As for the tent, we manage to find another production flow that was as efficient and that fitted the tent perfectly. Suggested improvement: The operation team should have checked the tent in the first place to not miscalculate the size of it. As for the equipment such as the toasters, the members should’ve also given attention to its




functionality before it is used on the D-Day and cause disruption to the production line.

Toastry & Co. is not yet a feasible business. It could be, but it is not yet

feasible for a few different reasons. First, the equipment needed and available for the production to go effectively don’t exactly match, this is proven by how some of the prepared toasters took a longer period of time to prepare one of our toasts compared to another one of the available toasters. There needs to be an improvement in the ability of our equipment to make this business more feasible. Also, the equipment that we used was certainly not for a long-term business, especially in this raining weather where everything gets broken much faster (example: tables’ sheet were completely damaged for one time use only). In addition, the location should improve as well. We settled on a location that was not strategic enough which did hamper us to gain more customer and profit. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT

Every members have different personalities, some are easy to handle some are not. Most of the time, we handled them patiently but when we need to be decisive, we would state our concern clearly. Not all members were open about their feeling, so we couldn’t really tell whether they faced any problem or not. Therefore we asked other members in the same division to tell us about the person’s performance. We also asked another member who is close with the person if he/she has any concern regarding this business. The questionnaire that the HR team made also helped us to get the members to tell us about their feelings and the performance of other members. For example, we found out that the COO cannot really divide the job equally. So we, the HR team, helped her to give operation works to another members in the operation division. We also encouraged the operation members to keep asking their COO for works. The marketing team also faced different problem. There was one member who didn’t do enough work and it was hard for the CMO to contact him/her. So the HR team talked to the person and asked for his phone/telephone number so that he/she can get contacted. We also told the CMO to always invite him to marketing meeting and have more believe in him/her. As mention before, some members were not easy to get in contact through Line, so we asked for their phone number and called them or sent text messages as a way to communicate such as telling them when there’s a meeting.




In the HR team, there are many things we can improve in order to make all the members happy and in return, their work performances can also improve. First of all, we need to get closer to all members so that they will be more open about their feeling toward us. If they are more open, the HR team can know all their problems concerning works and so we can help them reduce their stress. The HR team must also ensure that all members enjoy their works. We need to learn how to interpret their behavior or attitude during work. Another thing the HR team need to improve is that we need to get more involve in other divisions and help them solve their problems such as doing the location survey. Some members are close to each other but some are not. The HR team should get them closer so that they will be more comfortable when doing their works. INNOVATION There are some challenges in our process of innovation. One of them revolves around the use of cashier application. Our finance team found a bit of problem adjusting to the program. The finance team was not used to the technology, so there was a few problems when operating the cashier during the first hours of selling on Saturday. They worked their way around and eventually got used to using the application, they only need a few times of practice.

As far as we see, we did not really stumble into any problems in our product innovation. Because the fillings we made were collected from research results, we did our trial and errors quite quickly as we already have a reference of flavors. Market research did really help us in determining the flavors fast, so we can calculate cost of production more quickly too. ETHICS We try our best to implement our code of ethics into our pre-execution and execution work. We have code of ethics for both employee and customer relations. For employee relations, we are not only working together as a team, but also as a family. Family sticks together through each other’s thick and thin. By that members have to be ready to help others in need. Code of ethics for customer relations discusses much about treating customers well and making sure our products are always in the best quality. Challenges we faced while maintaining the values of our ethics were not much. While we were still selling on the execution day, sometimes our stand gets so crowded at once so our production team struggled a bit in upholding the quality of goods produced. The stream of customers and orders overwhelmed us




sometimes. We overcame it by constantly reminding the production team to mind the quality of our products before distributing it to the customers. Other than that, we also faced a number of customers that were very critical about the products we sold. It got a bit frustrating, but we handled it well enough because we thought that we couldn’t always make people happy. There will always be unsatisfied customers to face while running a business, so we saw the critics and bad comments as something positive to live on, not something threatening, and we started to improve ourselves from that. We always keep in mind the code of ethics we built while facing these kinds of customers, to always be patient and kind to them even if they were not. Among our members, each division has their own tasks, which sometimes can be overwhelming. Some members did not directly help those divisions whereas those divisions need more people to finish their work. This action is the contrary of our main value as a company; being a family that helps and be there for each other. To face this, we encourage our fellow team members to care for other divisions in need and not to concentrate only on their field of work. As a team, we have to go through the struggles together and cooperation is very much needed in running a business.





From this simulation business we learned many things from various

aspects. We learned how to formally doing business from the beginning such as making a business plan, managing the company, applying business and management theories, taking urgent decisions, and so on. We acknowledge that this simulation business teaches us to experience the real business situation and how to work with people from diverse backgrounds and characteristics. Running a business is not as easy as we thought and making us appreciate any businesses and entrepreneurs no matter how small they are. We realized that this time profit is not everything but we succeed to get the quintessence of business. We hope that this valuable lesson is going to make us better in doing business and management.






A. Goods

Toast No Goods Quantity Price Per

Unit Total Price

1 Bread&Co Bread (loaf @14) 15 Rp9,900 Rp148,500 2 Blue Band Margarin (cup) 2 Rp8,000 Rp16,000 3 Meses Coklat Safari (sachet) 5 Rp3,950 Rp19,750 4 Keju Prochiz (sachet @10) 5 Rp12,275 Rp61,375 5 Milo (sachet @5) 5 Rp6,850 Rp34,250 6 Oreo Rodeo (@15) 5 Rp3,800 Rp19,000 7 Susu kental manis Bendera 2 Rp6,675 Rp13,350 8 Green tea Powder (1kg) 1 Rp80,000 Rp80,000 9 Toblerone* 6 Rp0 Rp0

10 Icing sugar 1 Rp5,650 Rp5,650 Total: Rp312,225

*)We get the toblerones from our CEO's relative

Mini bites No Goods Quantity Price Per

Unit Total Price

1 Bread&Co Bread (loaf @14) 12 Rp9,900 Rp118,800 2 Oreo Rodeo (@15) 6 Rp3,800 Rp22,800 3 Susu kental manis Bendera 2 Rp6,675 Rp13,350 4 Green tea Powder (1kg)* 1 Rp0 Rp0 5 Milo (sachet @5) 5 Rp6,850 Rp34,250 6 Meses Coklat Safari (sachet) 3 Rp3,950 Rp11,850 7 Icing sugar 1 Rp5,650 Rp5,650 8 Keju Prochiz (sachet @10) 5 Rp12,275 Rp61,375

Total: Rp268,075 *) We use the same green tea powder for the toast and minibites


No Goods Quantity Price Per Unit Total Price

1 Green tea Powder (kg) 1 Rp80,000 Rp80,000 2 Ice (kg) 5 Rp1,200 Rp6,000 3 Gulaku sugar (kg) 2 Rp12,190 Rp24,380 4 Susu kental manis Bendera 5 Rp8,900 Rp44,500

Total: Rp154,880





No Goods Quantity Price Per Unit Total Price

1 Aqua (24) 4 Rp26,000 Rp104,000 Total: Rp104,000

Total Costs of Goods Sold: Rp839,180 B. Operation

No Goods Quantity Price Per Unit Total Price

1 Toaster 6 Rp0 Rp0 2 Tenda (day) 2 Rp175,000 Rp350,000 3 Sedotan (200) 1 Rp18,000 Rp18,000 4 Tissue (200) 5 Rp7,900 Rp39,500 5 Tusuk gigi 10 Rp2,900 Rp29,000 6 Origami 16x16 (100) 1 Rp8,000 Rp8,000 7 Electricity & Generator 1 Rp0 Rp0 8 Place renting 1 Rp0 Rp0 9 Table 3 Rp100,000 Rp300,000

10 Chair* 10 Rp0 Rp0 11 Topping Container 6 Rp0 Rp0 12 Tray 1 Rp0 Rp0 13 Trash bag (8) 1 Rp13,300 Rp13,300 14 Knife (for cooking) 1 Rp0 Rp0 15 Cutting board 1 Rp0 Rp0 16 Bill 10 Rp4,000 Rp40,000 17 Gloves (100) 1 Rp12,500 Rp12,500 18 Toast packaging 200 Rp600 Rp120,000 19 Mini bites packaging 150 Rp800 Rp120,000 20 Sticker (ukuran A3) 4 Rp21,000 Rp84,000 21 Chalk board 1 Rp250,000 Rp250,000 22 Cup (50) 2 Rp12,000 Rp24,000 23 Chalk 1 Rp5,000 Rp5,000 24 Custom 20 Rp0 Rp0 25 Stamp 2 Rp70,000 Rp140,000

Total: Rp1,553,300 *)Chair's rent price included in Table's rent price

C. Marketing

No Goods Quantity Price Per Unit Total Price

1 Standing Banner (60 cm x 160 cm) 1 Rp60,000 Rp60,000 2 Menu 2 Rp10,000 Rp20,000 3 Banner (m2) 2 Rp20,000 Rp40,000 4 Maskot 2 Rp20,000 Rp40,000 5 Promotion 1 Rp100,000 Rp100,000




6 Twitter 1 Rp0 Rp0 7 Instagram 1 Rp0 Rp0

Total: Rp260,000

Secure Money: Rp347,520

D. Total Budgeting

No Division Budgeting 1 Goods Rp839,180 2 Operation Rp1,553,300 3 Marketing Rp260,000 4 Secure Money Rp347,520 Total: Rp3,000,000





A. Break Even Point (BEP)

No Goods

Forecast Selling Profit Total

1 Toast (coklat, milo, oreo, green tea) 60 Rp7,000 Rp420,000 2 Toast Keju 40 Rp8,600 Rp344,000 3 Mineral Water 60 Rp2,900 Rp174,000

4 Mini bites (coklat, milo, oreo, green tea) 50 Rp6,500 Rp325,000

5 Mini bites keju 30 Rp8,000 Rp240,000 6 Frappe 100 Rp10,000 Rp1,000,000 7 Special Toast 30 Rp17,900 Rp537,000

Total: Rp3,040,000

B. Additional Description

No Goods Capital Selling Price Profit

1 Toast Coklat Rp3,000 Rp10,000 Rp7,000 2 Toast Keju Rp3,400 Rp12,000 Rp8,600 3 Toast Milo Rp3,000 Rp10,000 Rp7,000 4 Toast Oreo Rp3,000 Rp10,000 Rp7,000 5 Toast Green tea Rp3,000 Rp10,000 Rp7,000 6 Aqua Rp1,100 Rp4,000 Rp2,900 7 Frappe Rp5,000 Rp15,000 Rp10,000 8 Mini bites coklat Rp3,500 Rp10,000 Rp6,500 9 Mini bites keju Rp4,000 Rp12,000 Rp8,000

10 Mini bites green tea Rp3,500 Rp10,000 Rp6,500 11 Mini bites oreo Rp3,500 Rp10,000 Rp6,500 12 Mini bites milo Rp3,500 Rp10,000 Rp6,500 13 Special Toast Rp2,100 Rp20,000 Rp17,900





Tanggal Keterangan Kredit Debet Balance Keterangan Lain 20 October 2014 Untuk beli Trial Error Rp53,350 Pakai uang anggota 22 October 2014 Susu kental manis Rp6,675 22 October 2014 Milo bubuk Rp6,850 22 October 2014 Keju Prochiz Rp12,275 22 October 2014 Oreo Rp3,800 22 October 2014 Meses Safari Rp3,950 27 October 2014 Roti tawar Rp19,800 30 October 2014 Modal Awal Rp3,000,000 Rp2,946,650

30 October 2014 Greentea Powder Rp107,000 Rp2,839,650 Green tea powder (1kg) + green tea powder kecil + ongkir

08 November 2014 Parutan keju Rp3,500 Rp2,836,150

08 November 2014 Talenan Kayu + Pisau Rp10,200 Rp2,825,950

08 November 2014 Saringan Rp21,300 Rp2,804,650

10 November 2014 Kertas Roti Rp12,000 Rp2,792,650

11 November 2014 Greentea Powder Rp308,000 Rp2,484,650 Green tea powder (3kg), taro powder (2kg) + ongkir

11 November 2014 Cup minum Rp48,000 Rp2,436,650 4 pak, @12/pak

11 November Packaging mini bites Rp50,000 Rp2,386,650 100 buah @Rp 500




2014 11 November

2014 Sticker toast Rp15,000 Rp2,371,650 Ukuran A3, 2 lembar, @7500/lembar 11 November

2014 Sticker frappe&minibites Rp75,000 Rp2,296,650 Ukuran 1m, dapat 515 buah 11 November

2014 Chalkboard Rp200,000 Rp2,096,650 Ukuran 88cm x 40cm 13 November

2014 Benang Kasur Rp5,000 Rp2,091,650 13 November

2014 Karton spektra Rp20,000 Rp2,071,650 Beli 8 buah @2500 13 November

2014 Isi steples Rp3,000 Rp2,068,650 Beli 2 buah @1500 13 November

2001 Beli oreo & keju Rp114,000 Rp1,954,650 20 oreo @5700, 6 keju @10000 13 November

2014 Beli nota Rp32,500 Rp1,922,150 Beli 10 @3250 13 November

2014 Kain Saten Rp45,000 Rp1,877,150 Beli 3m @15000 14 November

2014 Kapur warna Rp7,500 Rp1,869,650 14 November

2014 Duplex Rp6,000 Rp1,863,650 14 November

2014 Sticker Gede Rp75,000 Rp1,788,650 Diameter 100 m 14 November

2014 Milo bubuk Rp58,400 Rp1,730,250 14 November

2014 Taplak Rp11,600 Rp1,718,650 4 buah, @2900




14 November 2014 Selai coklat Rp36,000 Rp1,682,650 3 buah @12000

14 November 2014 Susu kental manis Rp8,400 Rp1,674,250 2 buah @4200

14 November 2014 Roti tawar Rp9,900 Rp1,664,350

14 November 2014 Roti tawar Rp198,000 Rp1,466,350 20 buah, @9900

14 November 2014 Roti tawar Rp198,000 Rp1,268,350 20 buah, @9900

14 November 2014 Keju Prochiz (Cheddar) Rp51,750 Rp1,216,600 3 buah, @17250

14 November 2014 Keju Prochiz (Spreadable) Rp21,900 Rp1,194,700 2 buah, @10950

14 November 2014 Keju Prochiz (Spreadable) Rp10,950 Rp1,183,750

14 November 2014 Susu kental manis kaleng Rp42,100 Rp1,141,650 4 buah @10525

14 November 2014 Gula bubuk Rp9,900 Rp1,131,750 500gr

14 November 2014 Meses Safari Rp19,900 Rp1,111,850 2 buah @19900

14 November 2014 Garpu kecil Rp27,600 Rp1,084,250 4 buah @6900

14 November 2014 Es batu Rp10,000 Rp1,074,250 beli 10kg

14 November 2014 Tissue Rp12,000 Rp1,062,250 4 buah @3000

15 November Aqua botol Rp72,000 Rp990,250 1 kardus isi 24 botol




2014 15 November

2014 Revenue Rp1,925,000 Rp2,915,250 16 November

2014 Fresh milk Rp15,500 Rp2,899,750 16 November

2014 Fresh milk Rp15,500 Rp2,884,250 16 November

2014 Fresh milk Rp15,500 Rp2,868,750 16 November

2014 Fresh milk Rp31,000 Rp2,837,750 beli 2 @15500 16 November

2014 Revenue Rp2,272,000 Rp5,109,750 16 November

2014 Bayar tenda & kursi Rp500,000 Rp4,609,750 19 November

2014 Return the capital given Rp3,000,000 Rp1,609,750




Kode Transaksi Keterangan Kredit Debet Balance

Finance Modal Awal Rp3,000,000 Rp3,000,000 Production Trial Error Rp53,350 Rp2,946,650

Production Buying ingredients Rp1,797,900 Rp1,148,750

Marketing Marketing plans Rp158,500 Rp990,250 Finance Revenue Day 1 Rp1,925,000 Rp2,915,250

Production Restock Rp77,500 Rp2,837,750 Finance Revenue Day 2 Rp2,272,000 Rp5,109,750

Operation Renting Tent&chairs Rp500,000 Rp4,609,750

Finance Returning capital Rp3,000,000 Rp1,609,750 1.5 INCOME STATEMENT Gross Revenue: Rp4,609,750 Cost of Goods Sold : Rp1,251,000 Gross Profit : Rp3,358,750 Operating Cost: Rp1,749,000 Net profit: Rp1,609,750 1.6 RECEIPTS


! 30!


! 31!


! 32!

1.7 Business Feasibility This is the prediction of our business using Payback Period, NPV and IRR :

Cost%of%Capital% 15%% %% Saturday's%income% %Rp1,925,000.00%% %%%% %% %% Sunday's%income% %Rp2,272,000.00%% %%%% Toastry%Co.% %% Restock%cost% %RpA3,750,000.00%% per%weekend%

Initial%Investment% %RpA23,000,000.00%% %% 1st%year%revenue%(No%cost)% %Rp4,197,000.00%% per%weekend%Year%(t)% Cash%Inflows% %% 2nd%year%revenue% %Rp447,000.00%% per%weekend%

1% %Rp25,182,000.00%% %% Initial%invesment%depleted%for%restock%in% 6% weekends%2% %Rp2,682,000.00%% %% Total%weekend%Toastry%Co.%can%use%for%business% 6% weekends%

Payback%Period% 6%weeks%(1%year)% %% Total%revenue%in%1st%year%(No%cost)% %Rp25,182,000.00%% %%NPV% %Rp925,368.62%% %% Total%revenue%in%2nd%year%% %Rp2,682,000.00%% %%IRR% 19%% %% %% %% %%%% %% Week% Payback%Period% %RpA23,000,000.00%% %%%% %% 1% %Rp1,925,000.00%% %RpA21,075,000.00%% %%%% %% 1% %Rp2,272,000.00%% %RpA18,803,000.00%% %%%% %% 2% %Rp1,925,000.00%% %RpA16,878,000.00%% %%%% %% 2% %Rp2,272,000.00%% %RpA14,606,000.00%% %%%% %% 3% %Rp1,925,000.00%% %RpA12,681,000.00%% %%%% %% 3% %Rp2,272,000.00%% %RpA10,409,000.00%% %%%% %% 4% %Rp1,925,000.00%% %RpA8,484,000.00%% %%%% %% 4% %Rp2,272,000.00%% %RpA6,212,000.00%% %%%% %% 5% %Rp1,925,000.00%% %RpA4,287,000.00%% %%%% %% 5% %Rp2,272,000.00%% %RpA2,015,000.00%% %%%% %% 6% %Rp1,925,000.00%% %RpA90,000.00%% %%%% %% 6% %Rp2,272,000.00%% %Rp2,182,000.00%% %%


! 33!


No. Promotion Plan Implementation Result* and Problem


1. Website We made a web page containing members’ profile, menu and the company’s organizational structure.


2. Instagram We reached 314 followers on the D-Day. We posted 15 pictures about our activities and menu.


3. Twitter 14 followers 2 tweets (about Toastry and D-Day)

INEFFECTIVE, there were less active user on Twitter

We focused more on our Instagram.

4. Path (personal) Each member shared the posters via Path and got good responds from friends and relations.


5. LINE (personal) Each member shared the posters via LINE and got good responds from friends and relations.




! 34!

relations. 6. Mouth-to-mouth

(personal chat) We invite our family and friends through personal chats and they came on the D-Day.


!*Result: EFFECTIVE-for the plan that met our expectation on attracting

customers INEFFECTIVE-for the plan that did not meet our expectation on attracting customers


No. Promotion Plan Implementation Result and Problem


1. Instagram We posted the latest updates of our activities, people knew our location and came to us.


2. Buy 1 Get 1 free We did this promotion through Instagram with a photo challenge. Some customers did the challenge and got free toasts.


3. Booth decoration We decorated our booth with Toastry’s bright colors theme so it was eye-catching and people were interested.



! 35!

4. Chalkboard Each day’s special menu and promo were written here so the customers knew about them and came to our booth.


5. Microphone (instead of megaphone, as written on the final presentation)

We promoted our products through microphone on the sidewalk to attract customers.

EFFECTIVE, but from the beginning, the microphone was not in a good condition, so on the second day it could not be used at all.

We walked along the CFD track to promote our products.

6. Walking banner People got curious and asked the walking banner about our products.


7. Promotion in the traffic

In the traffic jam, people tend to get hungry, so we took it as an opportunity to deliver the food.


8. Tester (on CFD) We offered some testers of Minibites to the passerby.

INEFFECTIVE, the Minibites was not warm anymore so people were less interested.

We stopped giving testers; instead, we show our menu list to the passerby.


! 36!

9. Flash mob We did a small dance together in front of our booth. People were interested to our flash mob.


10. Walking jingle Cancelled INEFFECTIVE, the speaker was not loud enough to be played outdoors.

We played music at our booth to live up the ambience.


! 37!

2.2 PROMOTIONS Pre D-Day No. Goods Quantity Information Pictures

1. Twitter 1 @toastryco started tweeting on November 1st

2. Instagram 1 @toastryco started posting since October 30th until the end of execution day.

3. Path 1 Posted on each

personal accounts of the members

4. LINE 1 Personal account of the members


Website 1 A web page of the company


! 38!


No Goods Qty Information Pictures

1 Stand

decoration 1 Buntings and company’s logo

2 Instagram 1

A “Buy 1 get 1 free” promotion under the condition that the customer posts an Instagram picture with our stand and product.

3 Chalkboard 1 Contains the signature menu and


4 Walking banner

1 A banner in the size of A1 for a member to wear and then walk

along the street of Dago.

5 Testers 6 Giving out testers for each toast

menu to passersby.

6 Flashmob 1 We did a small dance in front of

our stand


! 39!

2.3 PRODUCT PHOTOS Toasts Name of Product Description Photo Brown Attic 3 layers of classic

chocolate jam inside a toast

Rooftop Sprinkle Crunchy oreo-filled toast

!Green Backyard Peaceful taste of green

tea in a toast

!Power Pillow Energy booster milo-

filled toast



! 40!

Salty Kitchen Salty cheese-filled toast

!Special Toast Crunchy Melt Blanket

Toblerone, almond, toast. Delightful.

! Mini Bites Name of Product Description Photo Brown Attic Chocolate layer

on each bite

*Some of our Mini Bites: Brown Attic (Left), Green Backyard (Right), Power Pillow (Bottom).

Rooftop Sprinkle Oreo crumble sprinkled on little square toasts

Green Backyard Relaxing taste of green tea powder in little bites

Power Pillow Milo covered toast, cut into little pieces

Salty Kitchen Cheesy little toast that tastes great


! 41!

Frappe Name of Product Description Photo Taro Frappe Taro powder blended

with milk and ice

Green Tea Frappe Natural taste of green

tea and milk

!Oreo Frappe Crushed oreo blended

with milk

!Mineral Water Purest form of drinks !


! 42!


We did two surveys via Google Form a) Form 1: Toast

b) Form 2: Drinks



! 43!

























! 44!

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 4.1 Job Description Pre-execution days

Division Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Marketing • ,

A B A A• &; G AG

; A B A B

I ;H;AGD H ; A

; D ;H; ;AAB D ;A

D ; ;G D AGD

• GB I;A B

• , A A I ; D

I; D AG • ,


• & ; D

• ,CG ;A ;D AD


D B ;

; D• , I

I ;• B

I ;

• .D;D



• & ;G ;

Operation • &; G AG; A B

A BI ;H;

AGD H ; A; D ;H; ;A

AB D ;A D ;



A ;A ; D ; CG;B

• &; D; DDAD• GDH AD

A ;A ; D ;

CG;B• ;

BD; A; D ;


• AG; D ;A ACG;B


• & ADB ;

Human Resource

• &; G AG; A B

A BI ;H;

AGD H ; A; D ;H; ;A

AB D ;A D ;


• , A D BADA ;H; ;AB D A


• B ;A IAD




• , AD;B ;A ADJ G ;A

• B ; AIAD H



• ,CG ;A ;D AA ; I D


B D AD• H H; A

D• , IAD

;Finance • &; G AG

; A B A B

I ;H;

• D ;; ; B ;

• H;G ;


• ,AG



! 45!

AGD H ; A; D ;H; ;A

AB D ;A D ;


• ;G ; BD;


AB D ;AD ;

;H; ;A

CEO • &; G AG; A B

A BI ;H;

AGD H ; A; D ;H; ;A

AB D ;A D ;


• GDHA ;A ; D ;


GB I;A B ;

• , IAD A;H; ;A ;

D• A

;GD ;

• GDHA ;A ; D ;

CG;B• &; D; DDAD• AA B; GD A


DAG A ;;

• ,IAD A

;H; ;A ;D

• , GD

; D ;CG;B D

A ;• .DA A AGD

A B DAGA ; ;

• B A D;H; ;A A;


Secretary • &; G AG; A B

A BI ;H;

AGD H ; A; D ;H; ;A

AB D ;A D ;


• ,BD ;AAD ;L ;A D GDH

A ;A

• A


• A

BD ;A• & AD

B ;


! 46!

4.2 Job Description on the Execution Days

JOB$ DESCRIPTION$Cashier$ Count$money$in$cash$drawers$at$the$beginning$of$shifts$to$ensure$there$is$money$for$change$


Cook$ Season$and$cook$food$according$to$the$customers’$preferences.$Make$sure$the$food$quality$is$good.$$Portion,$arrange$and$package$the$food.$$$

Waiter/waitress$ Take$orders$from$the$customers.$Present$menus$to$the$customers.$Answer$questions$and$inform$customers$about$menu$items.$Give$recommendations$and$keep$the$customers$interested.$$Pass$on$the$customers’$orders$to$the$cooks.$$

Cleaner$ Ensure$the$kitchen$is$always$hygienic.$$$$$$Keep$the$kitchen,$tables$and$area$clean.$Get$rid$of$garbage.$

Supervisor$ Oversee$all$staff$to$make$sure$the$workers$do$their$jobs$properly.$$Ensure$the$kitchen$staff$has$the$necessary$items$readily$available$to$serve$$$$$$$customers.$$Make$sure$work$shift$is$done$properly.$$




! 47!

4.3 Member’s Morale !CEO (Haidar):

! Very responsible as he always tried to find solutions every time we faced a problem even the small ones and he helped each division such as doing trials & errors.

! Open minded to every opinions our members came up with. ! Kept our members on track to make sure we do our jobs properly. ! He knows when to be serious and when to be not, therefore we didn’t get

too stressful. Secretary (Destria):

! She always did her job fast and with high standard. ! She was happy to be our secretary because that is the kind of job she

likes. ! Her only concern was the way our members gave the presentation

materials near the deadline. Finance Hanifa:

! She was quite happy to be in the finance division because she could manage the workload and for her, the other divisions are not her forte.

! Though her spirit in doing the business simulation decreased due to the many other works that need to be done, she kept doing her finance work pretty well.

! Her attitude during work: 4/5 Aza:

! She enjoyed doing the finance work as she thinks this division doesn’t demand her a lot of work.

! The other members were satisfied with her quality of works and vice versa.

! Her attitude during work: 4/5 Hamzah:

! He liked being in the finance division and this business simulation as it prepares him for the real business he might do in the future.

! His attitude during work: 4/5 Marketing Avi:

! As the CMO, she held a large responsibility therefore sometimes she could be overwhelmed by the workload but this encouraged her and the other marketing members to always do their jobs with high standard.


! 48!

! She was glad to be in the marketing division because she finds her passion here.

! She also liked the way the other members do their job as they always meet her and our company expectation.

! Her attitude during work: 4/5 Tia:

! She was dedicated to her marketing works. ! She was happy to be in the marketing division because she likes

designing. ! Her works are always done on time. ! Her attitude during work: 5/5

Fay: ! She is very creative and good at designing which makes her enjoyed being

in the marketing division. ! Her only concern was the amount of work she has to handle. ! Her attitude during work: 5/5

Hilmi: ! He had done a good job such as updating our website, though sometimes

he needs the other members’ supports. ! His attitude during work: 4/5

Operation Ana:

! As the COO, she enjoyed doing her jobs. ! She felt she couldn’t divide the jobs equally so she was overwhelmed by

the workload, as she had to do most of the works by herself. ! Her attitude during work: 4.5/5

Via: ! She was happy to be in operation division because along the way, she

learned about the price of goods in market ! She thought that every members in operation division has done their jobs

well ! Her attitude during work: 4/5

Nona: ! She was quite happy to be in operation division because she liked doing

her job ! She thought that every members in operation division can work together

and be really responsible ! Her attitude during work: 4/5


! 49!

Karin: ! She quite liked the jobs in operation division because she thought

operation is the most important part of a business. ! She felt like the jobs in operation were not divided equally. There was an

imbalance in members’ performance. ! Her attitude during work: 4/5

Adrian: ! He kept his spirit high, but he was quite tired lately with the workload ! He liked being in the operation division because he was not under work

pressure. ! He thought the operation division had a good teamwork ! His attitude during work: 4/5

Azka: ! He was happy to be in the operation division because he was capable of

doing the demanded works and he didn’t have a problem with it. ! He did what he was told to without complaining and he did his jobs pretty

well. ! His attitude during work: 4/5

Bima: ! He had shown a positive behavior while doing his work in operation. ! He enjoyed being in this division because it fitted him and for him the

works were manageable. ! His attitude during work: 4/5

Bram: ! He did the tasks exactly how it was asked. ! His attitude during work: 4/5

Abi: ! He liked doing the operation jobs so he was happy to be in this division. ! He was enthusiastic about this business simulation as it was a great

opportunity for him to experience and learn about the real business. ! His attitude during work: 4/5

4.4 Shifts


! 50!

Saturday, November 15th 2014


$ No$ Activities$ Time$ Name$$1$ Stand$Decoration$ 06:00S08:00$ All$members$must$help$$2$ Walking$Banner$ 08:00S09:00$ Hilmi$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Avi$$3$ Walking$Banner$ 09:00S10:00$ Bima$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Fay$$4$ Walking$Banner$ 10:00S11:00$ Hilmi$$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Destria$$5$ Walking$Banner$ 11:00S12:00$ Adrian$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Avi$$6$ Walking$Banner$ 12:00S13:00$ Hilmi$$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Fay$$7$ Walking$Banner$ 13:00S14:00$ Azka$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Thia$$8$ Walking$Banner$ 14:00S15:00$ Hilmi$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Destria$$9$ Walking$Banner$ 15:00S16:00$ Azka$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Thia$$


$ No$ Activity$$ Time$ Name$$1$ Cashier$ 08:00S11:00$ Ifa$$2$ Cashier$ 11:00S14:00$ Aza$$3$ Cashier$ 14:00S16:00$ Hamzah$$


$ No$ Time$ Name$$$ 1$ 08:00S10:00$ Hanun$$ $$ $$ Hamzah$$ 2$ 10:00S12:00$ Sariz$$ $$ $$ Hamzah$$ 3$ 12:00S14:00$ Hanun$$ $$ $$ Ifa$$ 4$ 14:00S16:00$ Sariz$$ $$ $$ Aza$$


! 51!


$ No$ Time$ Activity$ Name$$1$ 08:00S10:00$ Supervisor$ Sariz$$2$ 10:00S12:00$ Supervisor$ Hanun$$3$ 12:00S14:00$ Supervisor$ Sariz$$4$ 14:00S16:00$ Supervisor$ Hanun$$


Waiter/Waitress$$ No.$ Time$ Name$

$1$ 08:00S10:00$ Thia$$$$ $$ Haidar$$2$ 10:00S12:00$ Bima$$$$ $$ Haidar$$3$ 12:00S14:00$ Destria$$$$ $$ Karina$$4$ 14:00S16:00$ Fay$$$$ $$ Haidar$$


Operation$$ No.$ Time$ Activities$ Name$

1$ 08:00S12:00$ Toast$ Ana$&$Karina$$$ $$ Mini$Bites$ Via$&$Bram$$$ $$ Frappe$ Nona$&$Azka$

2$ 11:30S16:00$ Toast$ Ana$&$Abi$$$ $$ Mini$Bites$ Via$&$Bima$$$ $$ Frappe$ Nona$&$Adrian$


! 52!

Sunday, November 16th 2014 !


$ No.$ Activities$ Time$ Name$$$$ Stand$Decoration$ 06:00S07:00$ All$members$must$help$$1$ Walking$Banner$ 07:00S08:00$ Hilmi$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Fay$$2$ Walking$Banner$ 08:00S09:00$ Azka$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Thia$$3$ Walking$Banner$ 09:00S10:00$ Hilmi$$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Destria$$4$ Walking$Banner$ 10:00S11:00$ Bram$$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Fay$$5$ Walking$Banner$ 11:00S12:00$ Hilmi$$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Avi$$6$ Walking$Banner$ 12:00S13:00$ Abi$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Thia$$7$ Walking$Banner$ 13:00S14:00$ Hilmi$$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Destria$$8$ Walking$Banner$ 14:00S15:00$ Bima$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Fay$$9$ Walking$Banner$ 15:00S16:00$ Hilmi$$$$ Megaphone$ $$ Avi$$

Finance$$ No.$ Activity$$ Time$ Name$

$1$ Cashier$ 07:00S10:00$ Aza$$2$ Cashier$ 10:00S13:00$ Hamzah$$3$ Cashier$ 13:00S16:00$ Ifa$$

Cleaning$$ No.$ Time$ Name$$

$ 1$ 07:00S09:00$ Sariz$$ $$ $$ Ifa$$ 2$ 09:00S11:00$ Hanun$$ $$ $$ Abi$$ 3$ 11:00S13:00$ Sariz$$ $$ $$ Aza$$ 4$ 13:00S15:00$ Hanun$$ $$ $$ Aza$$ 5$ 15:00S16:00$ Sariz$$ $$ $$ Hamzah$$


! 53!


$ No.$ Time$ Name$$ 1$ 07:00S09:00$ Haidar$$ $$ $$ Karina$$ 2$ 09:00S11:00$ Thia$$ $$ $$ Haidar$$ 3$ 11:00S13:00$ Fay$$ $$ $$ Bram$$ 4$ 13:00S15:00$ Avi$$ $$ $$ Haidar$$ 5$ 15:00S16:00$ Destria$$ $$ $$ Haidar$$

Operation$$ No.$ Time$ Activities$ Name$

$1$ 07:00S11:30$ Toast$ Ana$&$Abi$$$$ $$ Mini$Bites$ Via$&$Bima$$$$ $$ Frappe$ Nona$&$Adrian$$2$ 11:30S16:00$ Toast$ Ana$&$Karina$$$$ $$ Mini$Bites$ Via$&$Bram$$$$ $$ Frappe$ Nona$&$Azka$$

HR$$ No.$ Time$ Activity$ Name$

$1$ 07:00S09:00$ Supervisor$ Hanun$$2$ 09:00S11:00$ Supervisor$ Sariz$$3$ 11:00S13:00$ Supervisor$ Hanun$$4$ 13:00S15:00$ Supervisor$ Sariz$$5$ 15:00S16:00$ Supervisor$ Hanun$$


! 54!


Position Name Profile

CEO Haidar Al Farisy Jakarta

SMA Labschool Kebayoran IPA

Secretary Destria Arundani Jakarta

SMAN 70 Jakarta IPA


Savitri S. Prasetya Jakarta SMAN 28 Jakarta IPA

Fairuza Naima Jakarta SMAN 8 Jakarta IPS

Muthiadina Armaya

Jakarta SMA Islam Al-Azhar 1 Jakarta IPS

M. Hilmi Fathurrahman

Bandung SMAN 3 Bandung IPS


Hanifa Endru Subekti

Bekasi SMAN 81 Jakarta IPA

Safira Azaria Iskandar

Jakarta SMA Labschool Kebayoran IPA

Hamzah Yondita Purwakarta SMAN 1 Purwakarta IPA

Human Resources

Sarah Rizkina Jakarta SMA Islam Al-Azhar 1 Jakarta IPA

Masayu Asiyah Hanun

Bandung Al Khor International School IPA

Reffiana Anzani Bandung SMA Taruna Bakti


! 55!



Winona Anjani Bandung SMAN 5 Bandung IPA

Laurentia Livia Bandung SMA Santa Angela IPS

Karina Agri Widjaya

Kediri SMAN 2 Kediri IPA

Bima Riandiza Jakarta SMA Islam 1 Al-Azhar Jakarta IPS

Hifzhan Abiazka Jakarta SMAN 28 Jakarta IPS

Teofilos Bramantio

Bogor SMA Regina Pacis IPA

Abigael Handoko M. Adriansyah Lhokseumawe

SMA Sukma Bangsa IPS


! 56!


Green tea, Milo and Oreo Toast Cheese Toast


! 57!

Chocolate Toast

Cheese Minibites


! 58!

Chocolate Minibites

Oreo Minibites


! 59!

Greentea and Milo Minibites Frappe


! 60!


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