To Kill A Mocking Bird Project

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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To Kill A Mocking Bird Project

BY:Ashley Randle, Unnikue Edwards, Dawn

Adepoju, Edith Martinez, and Edward Cook


Pg. 4: “So Simon, having his teacher’s dictum on the possession of human chattels, bought three slaves and with their aid established a homestead on the banks of the Alabama River.”

Pg. 23: “You tell him I’ll take over from here and try to undo the damage… Your father does not know how to teach. You can have a seat now”.

Pg. 38: “I missed you today…The house got so lonesome ‘long about two o’clock I had to turn on the radio”.

Pg. 45: “’Don’t you know you’re not supposed to even touch the trees over there? You’ll get killed I you do!’ ‘You touched the house once!’ ‘That was different!’”

Pg. 46: “Jem looked around, reached up, and gingerly pocketed a tiny shiny package”.

Pg. 61: “The things that happen to people we never really know. What happens in houses behind closed doors, what secrets—“

Pg. 92: “’Why don’t they hurry, why don’t they hurry..’ muttered Jem…’Oh-h Lord, Jem…’ Jem put his arm around me. ‘Hush, Scout,’…’It ain’t time to worry yet. I’ll let you know when.’”

Pg. 116: “’you had the right answer this afternoon, but the wrong reasons”.

Pg. 154: “After one altercation when Jem hollered, “It’s time you started bein’ a girl and acting right!”

Pg. 162: Bootleggers caused enough trouble in the Quarter, but women are worse. Again, as I had often met in my own church, I was confronted with the Impurity of Women doctrine that seemed to preoccupy all clergymen.

Pg. 167: “’Cal,’ I asked, ‘why do you talk nigger-talk to the—to your folks when you know it’s not right?’ . . . . ‘Now what if I talked white-folks’ talk at church, and with my neighbors? They’d think I was puttin’ on airs to beat Moses.’”

Pg. 201: “The jail was Maycomb’s only conversation piece: its detractors said it looked like a Victorian privy; its supporters said it gave the town a good solid respectable look, and no stranger would ever suspect that it was full of niggers.”

Pg. 264: “Gertrude, I tell you there’s nothing more distracting then a sulky darky. Their mouths go down to here”

Pg. 264: “Thing that church ought to do is help her lead a Christian life for those children from here on out. Some of the men ought to go out there and tell the preacher to encourage her.”

Pg. 264: “You live in a Christian home with Christian folks in a Christian town.”

Pg. 265: “We can educate ‘em till we’re blue in the face, we can try till we drop to make Christians out of ‘em, but there’s no lady safe in her bed these nights”

Pg. 267: “’Hipocrites Mrs. Perkins, born hypocrites…’ ‘At least we don’t have that sin on our shoulders down here.’”

Pg. 268: “’I try to give ‘em a reason, you see. It helps folks if they can latch onto a reason. When I come to town, which is seldom, if I weave a little and drink out of this sack, folks can say Dolphus Raymond’s in the clutches of whiskey—that’s why he won’t change his ways. He can’t help himself, that’s why he lives the way he does’. . . . ‘That ain’t honest, Mr. Raymomnd, making yourself out badder’n you are already—’”

Pg. 271-272: “I say guilt, gentlemen, because it was guilt that motivated her. She has committed no crime, she has merely broken a rigid and time-honored code of our society. . . . She was white, and she tempted a Negro. She did something that in our society is unspeakable: she kissed a black man.”

Pg 281: “Equal rights for all, special privileges for none.”

Pg. 281: “Over here we don’t believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people are prejudiced.”

Pg. 287: “’I hate grown folks lookin’ at you,’ said Dill. “Makes you feel like you’ve done something.”

Pg. 300:“The thing is, you can scrub Walter Cunningham till he shines, you can put him in shoes and a new suit, but he’ll never be like Jem. Besides, there’s a drinking streak in that family a mile wide. Finch women aren’t interested in that sort of people.”

Pg. 301: “Because—he—is—trash, that’s why you can’t play with him. I’ll not have you around him, picking up his habits and learning Lord-knows-what. You’re enough of a problem to your father as it is.”

Pg. 326: “…I never understood: in spite of Atticus’s shortcomings as a parent, people were content to re-elect him to the state legislature that year, as usual, without opposition. I came to the conclusion that people were just peculiar, I withdrew from them, and never thought about them until I was forced to.”

Pg. 331: “Miss Gate… was talking with Miss Stephanie…I heard her say it’s time somebody taught’em a lesson, they were getting’ way above themselves, an’ the next thing they think they can do is marry us. Jem, how can you hate Hitler so bad an’ then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home-“

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