To God Be The Glory, Preston Cronan & Family...To God Be The Glory, Bro. Preston Cronan & Family February 2018 To God Be The Glory, Preston, Wendy, Riley, & Cole Preston Cronan & Family

Post on 22-Jun-2020






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“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” Christians as a whole have grown complacent. We have forgotten the factthat time is limited and that we were left here to do a work. Most people in the church are satisfied with the way things are. We have family, people we work with, and individuals that we see everyday that are lost and headed to Hell yet we sit back and do nothing. Christians today act as though it doesn’t matter to them that there are billions of people dying without Christ and headed for Hell. We are doing nothing about it and time is running out. When that one you love dies lost, it is too late. We must get broken and allow that brokenness to motivate us to go and tell someone about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. I challenge us all to put self aside and let us determine in our hearts that we will begin to work to see the lost people of this world saved.

February was a busy month, but the Lord has truly blessed. We traveled out to Oklahoma and Texas and were in ten churches sharing what God has called us to do in Wales. We also were able to stop by one of our supporting churches where we preached and updated them on our deputation. Every church was so welcoming and we had great services. It is always such an honor to preach and present the need in Wales to God’s people. The Lord also led three more churches to partner with us this month bringing our support level to 50%!

Our burden for the people of Wales is getting stronger each day and we are anxious to get there and preach the Gospel to them. We have lived in essentially the same area all of our lives, but when God called us to go to Wales it became home to our family and the Welsh people became our people. It’s amazing to me how the Lord moved my heart and even more

amazing to see how He has moved my family’s heart from the small town of Ringgold, GA all the way across the ocean to Aberaman, Wales. He has truly blessed our deputation and we have enjoyed it, but we are looking forward to the end so that we can go home and begin working to win the Welsh people to Christ.

Please pray for our support to continue to grow and that we would reach 100% by the end of 2018. I know God can provide and we are trusting Him. The spiritual darkness is still hovering over the whole United Kingdom and we are begging God to use us to bring light back to that land. Our desire is to see them saved before time runs out.

Thank you to all that support us financially and in prayer.Please Pray:• For more churches to partner with us financially• For souls to be saved in Wales• For more laborers to spread the Gospel• For safety while we travel• For us to be a help to the churches we are in• For us to be an encouragement to the other missionaries we meet• For your church and your pastorTo God Be The Glory,Bro. Preston Cronan & Family

February 2018

To God Be The Glory,

Preston, Wendy, Riley, & Cole

Preston Cronan & Family

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