
#RAG123 marking

Who: Kev Lister

What: Assistant Head

Where: Stratford upon Avon School

Twitter: @ListerKev


Originally shared November 2013

Updated presentation for TM Oxford 18th December 2014

Others may well have been doing something similar for years.

The only part of this I know I invented from scratch is the #RAG123 hashtag.

Details of the ideas that inspired RAG123 are given in my blog.


Feedback & marking related:

Keeping up to date with marking

Getting students involved in the marking process & building dialogue

Providing feedback that is timely and relevant.

Planning & progress related:

Understanding what students can/can’t do so that the next lesson has maximum impact.

Giving attention to those students who “fly below the radar”

Perpetual challenges as a teacher…


And it seems to be getting worse in many schools… “Marking Frenzy”

• A way to mark books after EVERY lesson (ideally)

• Simply rate based on a quick judgement:

• Red, Amber, Green for effort

• 1, 2, 3 for understanding

• Coded as G1, A3, R2, etc

• Full class takes between 5 and 15 mins

• Ideally students self/peer assess and you simply review/comment

• Then use the results to inform planning & intervention for the next lesson(s)

So what is #RAG123?#RAG123

Isn’t it just logical?

Doesn’t it just make sense that lots of smaller corrections have more chance of being successful than fewer larger ones?


“Marking every book after every lesson must take ages”

Actually easier to find 5-15 minutes to RAG123 regularly.

non-contact time becomes more productive!

“Just lazy marking” or “Not detailed enough for proper feedback”

Lack of written detail is overcome because the content of the NEXT LESSON(s) can be shaped to include intervention as needed.

“We are required to do dialogue marking so this doesn’t fit”

Students see the books being marked regularly so they respond more fully.

They know their comments will be seen.

Typical objections (before trying it)#RAG123

“Students won’t know what it means”

Once you tell them they pick it up very quickly

“Won’t work for my subject” or “We mark differently to maths”

It’s not a maths only thing – it can and is used effectively across whole schools and primary/secondary

“Ofsted wouldn’t like it”

Actually feedback from schools inspected shows generally positive comments.

One school leader has cited RAG123 as instrumental in helping his school out of special measures

Typical objections (before trying it)#RAG123

Get a copy here:

Students need to know what it means#RAG123

Initially it could be a quick look, review and teacher assessment

What does it look like in books?#RAG123

As students become more familiar they should participate in the process by self evaluating.

Useful for them to put a reason WHY they have given that rating

Teacher then reviews and agrees/disagrees

What does it look like in books?#RAG123

Because you see the books after every lesson a genuine dialogue can be established

Students write more because they know you see it and respond…

Student self assessment

Teacher 1st responses

Student response

Teacher 2nd response

(all within 24 hours!)

Rapid dialogue#RAG123

Errors can be spotted and addressed next lesson…

Initial comment and RAG123 marking

Conversation in next lesson resulted in correction (student chose to cross out incorrect working)

Rapid corrections#RAG123

No – Formal feedback slips, homework and formative use of tests/assessments also form part of the feedback process, but it’s all helped by RAG123

Is that all the feedback they get?

More details on these on my blog


Typical benefits seenQuote taken from a blog by @Benneypenyrheol, a

Deputy Head & Science teacher in Swansea


• “The positives absolutely smash any negatives out of the park:• The RAG123 is simple to understand.• You may spend more time marking but it just doesn’t seem like it. You

can snatch ten minutes here and there. In a week I had spent more time marking (added up) than I would normally have. However it is so efficient that it doesn’t seem that way at all.

• If you stay on after school for 5-10 minutes for each class you will never have to take marking home. No Sunday evenings ruined with hours of marking to do.

• I know my class so much better than before. I know who I need to push and who may need a little bit more assistance.

• Pupils value it. They really do.• You can build dialogue with the pupils. And it takes seconds”

Feedback on other’s trials#RAG123

Other feedback via Twitter#RAG123

Impact on progress

RAG123 started here


Difficult to find a robust control group, but where comparisons can be made the effect size has been estimated at between +0.6 to +0.7

None! Seriously!

The only people who suggest negatives are those that haven’t tried it!

EVERYONE I know of who has tried it has said it has a beneficial impact in the classroom!

NOBODY who has tried it has reported an increase in overall workload!

I’ve not taken a single book home since Nov 2013!


“Can we use RAG for understanding and 123 for effort?” Of course! But the students focus on most on the colour. The

thing they can control most is effort, therefore I like to have colour for effort.

“How do I decide what qualifies as R/A/G effort?” Main consideration is the message you want the individual

student to receive.

Don’t over–think it, quick judgement and move on…if it prompts a challenge/question from the student… great – that’s dialogue!

“What about pupils taking books home for homework?” Personally I set homework on separate sheets and keep the

books. Alternatively just miss RAG123 for that lesson.

Worth considering what’s going to have more impact on their progress – your feedback or them having their book at home?

Frequently asked questions#RAG123

“Does it have to be done on the same day as the lesson?”

No, but ideally it’s before you plan the next lesson in detail so there is opportunity to adjust based on RAG123

“Does it have to be EVERY lesson?”

No, but it’s better if it is.

However even every other lesson or even once a week would still have benefits.

Frequently asked questions#RAG123

Still sceptical?

Take up my challenge…

Choose a group

Try #RAG123 for 3 lessons (yes – JUST 3!)

If you don’t see any of the benefits then go back to your normal approach to marking and feedback

Please let me know if it doesn’t work for you - (you could be the first!)

Let me know how it goes… @ListerKev

Give it a try…#RAG123

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