TMC HealthcareBrochure 2017Side Chairs; Zenon Chairs. Pictured clockwise: Mobiles: Goose, Butterfly, Bird and Dragonfly; ImPrinted Vancouver 2 Lounge. Traditional to Modern. TMC offers

Post on 13-Aug-2020






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Healthcare Solutions Furniture for adults , teens , k ids & fami l ies

TMC is committed to the importance of strong design, lasting quality and exceptional service to our customers. TMC takes much of i t s insp i r at ion f rom nature , adopt ing the be l ie f that a s t rong connect ion to

nature p lays an integr a l ro le in the hea l ing process . A combinat ion of manufactur ing sk i l l s and a sophis t icat -

ed sens ib i l i ty i s in fused throughout TMC’s des igns , a l lowing us to of fer beaut i fu l products that are dur able

and can wi thstand hea l thcare c lean ing requ i rements .

Healthcare solutions for kids

Friendly and durable , TMCkids of fers many solut ions for hea l thcare environments .

TMCkids l ine is innate ly express ive with numerous sty l ing opt ions rang ing from f in ish

colors to cut-outs and more . Chair s , tables , s tor age cubbies or book car ts for wa i t ing rooms and more ! Whims ica l , co lor fu l and des igned with k ids in mind .

Round, gracefu l forms in our seat ing and tab les

are gent le and smooth. Offer ing a number of seat ing des igns wi th match ing table s ty les which inc ludes wood and meta l legs opt ions . Cha i r s are ava i lable in 12" , 14" and 16" seat he ights as wel l as adu l t s i zes too.

P ic tured c lockwise : Cody Fu l ly Uphols tered

Cha i r s and Lorca Table ; Puddle Stools ; Zetty

Stools : Edwin , L i t t le Bar red Owl and Gar y ; L i t -

t le Book Tr ucks .

Above : Lorca L i lypad Stool , Zetty Bench : Scooter ; Cubbies .

Be low: Zetty Tr a in ; Dott ie and Lott ie Cha i r s ; Per imeter

Leaf Table and L i lypad Stools wi th P lover leg .

Pul l Up Chairs and Soft Seat ing . Trees and squ i r re l s integr ate into benches . Caterp i l l a r s tools prov ide a seat and PLAY oppor tun i ty for young ch i ldren . Al l products are made in Mich igan .

Color and fr iendly character are abundant in our k ids l ine . TMCkids can create a fu l ly integr ated space that a l so inc ludes wa l l mura l s and other arch i tectur a l e lements such as mobi les and appl iqués . Nature , aquat ic or garden imager y are just a few opt ions in our por t fo l io.

Healthcare solutions for kids

Lounge, seating,tables,storage, mobiles, murals...

Pictured c lockwise : Mady Fu l ly Up-

hols tered Cha i r ; P lover Stool ; Whis-

t ler Lounge ; Puddle Stool ; Grove Tree

wi th Bench .

P ic tured c lockwise : Zetty Caterp i l l a r, Kestre l Per imeter Cha i r s and Kestre l Table ;

Kestre l Cha i r s wi th uphols tered seat pad ; P lover she l l on a Lorca base ; Cody Fu l ly

Uphols tered Cha i r ; In the Neighborhood Mura l (deta i l ) ; Garden Landscape (deta i l ) .

Creating that special place children can connect to. We offer beautiful healthcare solutions for kids and families in hospitals and clinics.

Nature and animals are abundant in the TMC l ine . Ear ly Learn ing doesn ’ t have to s top in school or in the l ibr ar y. Cons ider add ing the Alphabet Table wi th dr y er ase f in i sh where a ch i ld can t r ace the let ter s wi th mar ker s . PLAY I -spy and look for c lues such as “ I see someth ing I would see in the Savannah in Afr ica .” Our ottomans are ava i lable wi th a d iv ider pane l for v i sua l in terest as wel l as added pr ivacy.

Comfor table and durable for fami l ies .

TMC’s products s tand the test o f t ime both v i sua l ly and in qua l i ty and dur ab i l i ty. Our ch i ldren ’s furn i ture i s sca led just for them but can hold the weight of an adu l t too.

Oppos i te page c lockwise : Mady Fu l ly Uphols tered Cha i r s ; Whist ler Lounge Cha i r s wi th Occas iona l Table ; Zetty Per imeter Benches :

Scout and Scooter ; Per imeter Whale Book Disp lay. Above : Whist ler Ottoman with Leaf Div ider ; Whist ler Modular Lounge Cha i r s ;

Wal l Mura l : F lower Bouquet . Be low c lockwise : Wyoming Cha i r ; P lover she l l on Lorca base ; Alphabet Table ; Bowl of Oranges Ap-

p l iqué ; Edwin Zetty Stools wi th P lover Table .

Healthcare solutions for everyone

Waiting Areas

ImPrinted Vancouver Lounge Chairs . The Ca l i forn ia Quai l image wi th i t s hand-pa inted waterco lor qua l i ty adds both warmth and sophis t icat ion to th i s lounge area . Standard images or custom are ava i lable . The ImPr inted process may be spec i f ied on lounge or cur ved cha i r she l l s . I t ’s a process that prov ides r ich , satur ated co lor. The interp lay of co lor on wood gr a in i s capt ivat ing .

Space Accents Define space wi th screens or as an aer ia l de l ight in mobi les . Many patterns and sty les are ava i lable .

TMC adult l ine is sophist icated and t ime-

less . TMC of fer s a number of seat ing op-t ions wi th arms , uphols ter y or wood and match ing table combinat ions . Attr act ive in pat ient rooms, hosp i ta l resource rooms and pat ient reg i s t r at ion and fami ly lounges .

P ic tured c lockwise : Vancou-

ver 2 Lounge Cha i r wi th

Ode Creat ive Dots Screen ;

Couture Napoleon Cha i r

wi th uphols tered seat pad ;

Arcad ia Car re l s ; E i senhower

cha i r wi th fu l l seat pad ; Skye

S ide Cha i r s ; Zenon Cha i r s .

P ic tured c lockwise : Mobi les : Goose , Butter f ly, B i rd

and Dragonf ly ; ImPr inted Vancouver 2 Lounge .

Tradit iona l to Modern. TMC of fers many

sty l ing opt ions to eas i ly convey a spec i f ic

aesthet ic . Beaut i fu l ly cr a f ted , here i s an ex-ample of v i sua l cont inu i ty that spans f rom lounge , seat ing , table to wal l s . A c lass ic look in r ich mahogany f in i sh co lor.

Family Lounges

Pictured above : Custom Whist ler Modular Lounge wi th

Zetty Stools . A lgonquin Lounge Col lect ion ; Kestre l

Cha i r s wi th Column Base Tables .

P ic tured : Vancouver 2 Lounge Sofa ; Vancouver Lounge Cha i r s ;

E i senhower Lounge Cha i r wi th Occas iona l Table .

Booth Seat ing , Pul l Up Chairs , Stack ing Chairs , Bar and Counter Chairs are a l l

par t of the TMC product l ine for d in ing appl icat ions . P ic tured here a few so lut ions . The EnShe l l Cha i r wi th Forbo Marmoleum on the she l l ’s face (above) , for exam-ple , i s a dur able a l ternat ive to a p las t ic cha i r and a l so has ant imicrobia l proper t ies .


Oppos i te page and be low: Custom Mar-

se i l les Booth seat ing incorporat ing Ode’s

Rectang le pat tern . At le f t : EnShe l l Bar

Cha i r s . Bottom: Lorca Cha i r s .

Cafeterias+coffee shops Metal or wood leg opt ions . Whether s leek chrome i s the look or tapered so l id maple , TMC boasts a ver sa-t i le seat ing and table l ine up per fect for hea l thcare eater-ies . Many wood f in i sh co lor s create exc i t ing s ty l ing potent ia l .

P ic tured c lockwise : EnShe l l Stack ing Cha i r, Kestre l Bar Cha i r s wi th uphol -

s tered seat pad ; F l i ck Cha i r s , EnShe l l Bar Cha i r. F l i ck Cha i r s , EnShe l l Cha i r

and F l i ck Table .

Pictured : ImPr inted Bar Cha i r s : Wi l low.

Mobile Greeter Desks Light and mobi le for f lex ib le hea l thcare spaces , create a welcoming environ-

ment by transforming greeter desks into a tastefu l statement . Standard desk façades can be p la in or ImPr inted wi th images f rom our Image Bank (p ic tured be low: Wi l low) or custom images . Add ImPr inted seat ing or Ode Wal l Pane ls beh ind the desk for v i sua l cont inu i ty.

ImPr inted Kestre l Cha i r

Wi l l i am Mor r i s

Quiet contemplat ion that echoes insp irat ion from many bel ie fs in s imple e legance or ornate beauty.

TMC and Ode products prov ide an oppor tun i ty to br ing warmth and creat iv i ty into chape l and pr ayer spaces in hosp i ta l s . The CutThr u process prov ides per for ated patterns to f i l l the space in screens or ce i l ing app l icat ions . Scu lptur a l ly and exquis i te ly tact i le , the InRel ie f process i s founded in t r ad i t iona l sens ib i l i ty, as modern car v ing , as p ic tured above .

Chapels and areas of reflection

Pictured c lockwise : Ode Creat ive custom Pr ayer screen ;

Eastern pattern screen wi th Puddle Stool ; Skye 2 Cha i r s

wi th Trest le Base Table and Lectern ; Mar se i l les Bench .

Beaumont Health

Centura Health

Chi ldren’s Healthcare of At lanta

The Chi ldren’s Hospita l of San Antonio

Chi ldren’s Specia l ized Hospita l

Cleveland Cl in ic

Cohen Chi ldren’s Medica l Center

Christus Health

C .S .Mott Chi ldren’s Hospita l

F lor ida Hospita l

Geis inger Health

Gundersen Health System

Kaiser Health

Memoria l S loan Ketter ing Cancer Center

Miami Chi ldren’s Hospita l

New York-Presbyter ian Hospita l

Northwestern Memoria l Hospita l

Pr inceton HealthCare System

St . Jude Hospita l

Stanford Health Care

UNC Healthcare

Univers i ty of Michigan Health System

UCSF - Univers i ty of Cal i fornia San Francisco Health

VA Medica l Centers

Vidant Health

Healthcare Client Listing

TMC Furniture Inc. + TMCkids + Ode Creative

119 East Ann Street • Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Telephone 734-622-0080 • Website +

©2018TMC Furniture Inc. All rights reserved

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