
Bruce Ismay Chairman of the White Star Line

Titanic’s Designer, White Star’s Chairman, The Captain

and Crew

Frederick Fleet

(October 15, 1887 – January 10, 1965) Forward Lookout who first announced the sighting of the iceberg ...

Will you be amongst those travelling in First Class

Aboard the Titanic?

John Jacob Astor

Ida and Isidor Straus

Lady Duff Gordon

Madeline Astor






Will you be travelling as a second class passenger?

Will you be immigrating to America as a Third Class Passenger travelling in Steerage?

First Class Accommodations

Second Class Accommodations

Life in Steerage

What’s for


April 15 - 12:05 am: The Carpathia

receives Titanic’s call of distress &

immediately heads toward the scene of

the accident.

April 15 – 12:25 am: Captain Smith gives the order to lower

the lifeboats & begin loading them,

women & children first.

April 15 – 12:45 am: A rocket is fired to

attract the attention of shiips that may be

nearby. The first lifeboat is lowered

with only 28 people in it. It could hold 65.

April 15- 2:15 am: The last lifeboat is

launched. There are more than 1,500

people still on board the Titanic.

April 15 – 2:20 am. Titanic’s stern

disappears below the water. Shortly after,

the ship breaks in two, the stern lifts into the air for a second time, &

amidst sounds of explosions, the ship

sinks into the freezing water.

April 15 – 4:10 am: The Carpathia picks

up the first lifeboat & its passengers. They

search & pick up survivors before

leaving the site of the accident at 9:00


April 18 – 9:00 pm: The Carpathia arrives

in New York.

100 years ago in the early morning of April 15, 1912, the ship that was once called unsinkable fell to the bottom of the ocean floor. The freezing water engulfed the massive ship, and the Titanic disappeared under the waves, taking with it lives, dreams, hopes, and loved


I read the news


A shocked world responds…

What is an iceberg? Icebergs are pieces of ice that formed on land and float in an ocean or lake. Icebergs come in all shapes and sizes, from ice-cube-sized chunks to ice islands the size of a small country.

How do icebergs form, and where do they go? Icebergs form when chunks of ice calve, or break off, from glaciers, ice shelves, or a larger iceberg. Icebergs travel with ocean currents, sometimes smashing up against the shore or getting caught in shallow waters.

Why are icebergs important? Icebergs pose a danger to ships traversing the North Atlantic and the waters around Antarctica. After the Titanic sank near Newfoundland in 1912, the United States and twelve other countries formed the International Ice Patrol to warn ships of icebergs in the North Atlantic. The International Ice Patrol uses airplanes and radars to track icebergs that float into major shipping lanes.

On September 1, 1985, Dr. Robert Ballard and a team of scientists discovered the sunken luxury liner R.M.S. Titanic. The Titanic was found below more than 12,400 feet of water. It was first photographed by a deep-towed sonar and video camera system called Argo. In 1986, Dr. Ballard further explored the wreck of the Titanic in a tiny submarine. He sent a deep-sea robot, named J.J., into the ship. As it explored, the robot sent pictures to Ballard. He called J.J. a "swimming eyeball.“ J.J. glided down Titanic's grand staircase. It peeked into her gym. The robot also gazed at chairs, bowls, and other items on the seafloor. Before leaving, Ballard wanted to honor the tragic ship. He left a plaque to remember the people who had died. Aside from that, he left everything exactly the way he found it. Ballard didn't see Titanic again for years. He went back in June 2004. He wanted to know how the great ship was doing. He found that other visitors have really damaged the ship. Submarines have punched holes into Titanic's main deck. And people have taken about 6,000 things from the wreck. These include dishes, lamps, a statue, a safe, and even pieces of the ship herself.

Argo Mir 2 Submersible Dr. Robert Ballard

What did

Dr. Ballard


Titanic’s propeller Titanic’s engine

Titanic window

Titanic hull

Bow railing of Titanic

Icebergs Thanks to Alex Gabrielli and Mrs. Moffitt for explaining our science activities.

This is a scanned copy of the photographic print of the iceberg with which the RMS TITANIC

supposedly collided on April 14, 1912 at latitude 41-46N, longitude 50-14W.

This iceberg was photographed by the chief steward of the liner Prinze Adelbert on the morning

of April 15, 1912, just a few miles south of where the Titanic went down. The steward hadn't yet

heard about the Titanic. What caught his attention was the smear of red paint along the base of

the berg, indication that it had collided with a ship sometime in the previous twelve hours. This

photo and informaiton was taken from "UNSINKABLE" The Full Story of RMS Titanic Written by

Daniel Allen Butler, Stackpole Books 1998. Other accounts indicated that there were several

icebergs in the vicinity where the TITANIC collided

Science Do-It-Yourself

Iceberg Science

And other activities


Lesson Plans and Hand outs will accompany this section

Is exploring the ocean depths similar

to exploring outer space? What are the

conditions for human survival

underwater and in space? Do you think

it is more technologically

challenging to explore outer space or

the inner space of the ocean? Why?

Scriptural Lessons In this life wealthy people may have some advantages, but in death, all are equal. Use the following scripture verses to have children discuss how God is present, God is the Great Equalizer of all humans, and make goals for life that reflect living by God’s Word daily. Ecclesiastes 5:15 -- As he came from his mother's womb, naked shall he return, To go as he came; And he shall take nothing from his labor Which he may carry away in his hand. Ecclesiastes 9:11 -- The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all. Besides rich people, the Titanic included many poor people in third class. People who paid $80,000 for a suite died alongside people who paid the equivalent of $700. John Jacob Astor and other wealthy men were turned away from the lifeboats, because the rule was "women and children first." Likewise, no amount of money can ultimately prevent a man's death. When a rich man dies, he leaves just like the poorest man who ever lived. Therefore, God warns men not to trust in riches. 1 Timothy 6:17 -- Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Matthew 16:26 -- For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? [Jeremiah 9:23,24] After this life all men, rich and poor, will face their eternal destinies. John Jacob Astor, with all his millions, could no more buy a place in heaven than he could in one of those lifeboats. When we face Jesus in judgment, what matters will be how we lived, not how much we were worth. What is your goal in life? Do you live as though this world is most important or heaven is most important? Are you living so you will be ready for the day you die?



The students will become familiar with artifacts as they relate to shipwrecks, specifically the


The students will be able to identify connections between past artifacts and their modern


The students will exercise their library skills in the study of their artifact and will use critical

thinking skills to reconstruct their particular artifact, which will be assessed in their journal

that is kept throughout the project.


•books, magazines (i.e. National Geographic), and pictures of ocean treasures

•access to computers that are linked to the internet

•$5 for each group (for materials to build artifact)

•a list of artifacts recovered from Titanic

•access to the Titanic Index

Find out what you can about the Titanic's band members. What kind of music would they have played on board the ship? Why are the musicians and their music such an important part of Titanic mythology?



After saying the word "Titanic," the students

will brainstorm at least fifteen

words/ideas/thoughts associated with the

Titanic. Working in pairs, students will type

their answers in to their word processors and

save the results (These can be utilized at a

later date).

Have students share their ideas/thoughts with

the rest of the class.

After reading and examining SELECTED

PAGES of the Titanic site, the students will be

able to identify the emotions they felt and

which of the five senses were used.


Titanic I hear the whistle as we set sail. I taste the scrumptious seafood in the First Class dining room. I see the decadent Grand Staircase. I smell the fresh paint and salty air. I feel the icy cold water as I go down into the deep Atlantic. A.T.M.

Student Example

With the 100th anniversary of the

sinking of the RMS Titanic on the April

15, 2012, we recall the events that led to

the tragic events on that night so long

ago. Although a great deal of time has

passed, people’s fascination with the

Titanic is still going strong. What are

those things that draw us to the story?

Is it the Titanic's mammoth size and

opulence, characteristics of the gilded

age? Is it the incredulous lack of

attention to safety having a limited

amount of lifeboats? Is it the

unfortunate, highly improbable events

which leaves us repeatedly saying, "If


At this 100 year anniversary of the

Titanic, as always, our attention is

riveted by the helpless 1,500 passengers.

The 4th

and 5th

grade students at Notre

Dame Academy plan to honor the

grand ship and its many passengers.

The students will present their projects

and share their knowledge at the April

Home and School Meeting. Please join

us for this special evening.

April 15, 1912 – April 15, 2012

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