Tit~· - NBGC

Post on 02-Apr-2022






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l!)c Nti9bborhood .-... Boys Cluot

',?~ 25ett~~cil.tN81vd. ,.,.~ H A I', P Y T If A N IC S C 1 Y l N C

the !UC litaU and Ludera• our Hoa■' Club, Dad•'


Nov.=mber 2), 191!9


Club, and Al.ant A11ociat1on, vould like to "11h Player, ~u•t r■tum JfllC'• football mlfor11 for everyone• R•FPY Th■nk11l•in1! We 1111uld al■o like a.refund betwaen !IATt.nmAT

1 NC,.,, ~5t11 ANO SATURDAY,

to thank our football coachc• for doin1 ■uch a D!C, 2ND: A• outlined in the unifol"II letter 1tgned fl re job thla N■■on, the pl■:r-r• for alway• &ivin& by ••ch parent, the unifoiw INlt ~• l"etumed clean, th1lr beat on and oft tM fiald alld 1i•in1 u■ 111 in aood condition, and on ti• ln order to qualify an exclttn, ••••on, and to the mny parent• llho for• full r.fund. have 1upported their boy■ throuab the up■ and dovn■ from ti-.. lidelinu, thank■ llDO to thaN lilfla helped ukAI thil ■p1cld day po11U1la1 includina the volunt■er official■ cn4 dad■, Der-Kello/We11elt for ra!re■haentt and a.eppliaa, Dunkin' Donut■ on t..VTenca and Bur~ Cillanl, Stanley Span for providin1 the paraaedlc■ frn the Fir• Dapc. ■nd Ti11 Clbbona, Ma11 l\ennla • Jta by tor a hat chocolate donation, and lob Het■a■r and Ji• NcCuire for photoaraphy,

------------- HIIC CLOSED FRIDAY-•-•--•---•--

The Club vtll be clo■ed all day toaorrov, Fri, Nov, 24th, to clean.up fr011 Thank11tvtn1 and to get thing, ready for the boclr..e7 1a•a and 111ifor. return ■, We open at 8130 a.a, on Sat. NOY, 25th "1th a lull actw:dule of hock17 1 ... a, Reme.aber to brin1 your teac 1hirt, cup 1 1111d clean, dry I>"' shoe ■ for lu>ckry! Unlfo'nll n1111&era are needed on vour 1hirt &y ni,xt Sat, Dec. 2nd..., • ._

. . . ~ •~ CADET AND PR!P H!ETll«:S


All Cad■ t and l'rep hochy player■ 1hould be aura not to !oraet about th411r ••tln11 on Kon, Nov, 27th, We vtll talk about th■ 1tart of regular aeuon floor hockey, acll iron oa nu:aber■, and vote tor hockey captains, Your teaR "111 n11d at l•••t ~ player ■ pruent 1n order to t.a'u • ,fair vote, We will Al■o take uign up• ror the bUDper pool ■ertca \.lhlch ■tart, Nov, 29th and Dec, lat:

,--------- HEITING SCIU'.IlJt.! ---------,

Hon. Nov. :17th 4100 <tt. \.--

BCat1 1 Coua,Be11,Loc Hon. !;ov. 27th 5:00 Ct, Pirate&, Vikln11 Hon. Nov, 27th 4ioo Pr, Beata, llee1, Locuat■ Mon. Hov, 27th 5100 Pr, 1alcono0 Pirat111Vilul



Fie aur c t o be at practice vith your cup: Shirt, ~.e not needed, but are• good idu , You c■n buy your lron on number• •ftir practico,

Wed, Nov, 29th 4100 Cadet Dena ' Locuata Wed, Nov , 29th 4140 Cadet. llobcat1 • Cougar• wed , tlov , 29th ,,20 C.dat Pintea • Vtkins• Fri, Dec, lat 4100 PNP 11Cat11 11e•••Locu1t1 Frl. O.c . ht 41 45 ·f n p ·1a1c, P1r■ tu, Vik• Frt, Dec, ht 5t30 Triti. ·~1,Falc,Pir,Vlk1 Fr l. De c , J ■ t !l d 5 Tribe BC.ta 1 11ee• 1 ~cu1t ■


.............. 1, Th• er••r aiat k 'Ml■ ed clean of 1a.1d ■ l\ll dirt

vtth •t•ln• r■-D'ftld aAd anr tear,"""• 2, Tl\11 helNt ■ult be acrultbed tn•id• ind outdd•

of all 4irlt 1Dd urk11 royr nuaber and 11,ht ■tripe RU•t be peeled off1 and the ■hell poU■hed. bo no~ u• a •tel ■crubbtng pad:

l, The chin ,trap, h■l•t pada, ■nd ■ 11 halt.et cllpa ind 1crav1 au■t be intact, ~

4, Anythtn1 daupd or al■■tn1 suit be p11d for, and than an alo1 deduction ■ for dlrty or late return■

A full nfund for tha C.d1t jar117 1~ SI0,00, and the Prep and Ttibe -refund h S,:l0,00, ~ Sat, Dec, ~nd the unifora t ■ late, and Cadet, are then el11lble tor• ,1,00 rdund ind Pr■ p and Tribe player• fo~ a $15,00 rafund up until Sat, D•c• 9th, A(ter that date. you forf•it the entire amount llfld vtll be bU hd for th■ unifom, PluM be rupon• dbl• tn rwturnina 1varythln1 and aave u• • lot of ••tr• ti~• and ~on•J•

0 UlltFOl01 llt'Ttmf ROURS • e) • C) •

Sat, Nov, 2:ltll IOtOO a,m, - 4:00 p,~.

Hon, Nov, 27th-Prt. Otc, l•t 5100 P••• - 7100 p.a,

Sat. Dec, 2nd 10100 1,11, - 4:00 p,m ,


Youth Style Helntt Football Jer■-y Velcro Forehud Pad

$39,95 Chin Strap 15,00 RalDet J■v Pad 10,00 clip ■ , 1crew1

liU A RO\.mA TIIE NllC M(!(S1 CLUB

AHO HAI! T0\1l DIHND\ A. succrss'

S4,00 2,SO


Wit h 111 of the pl.annt.na and runnin1 around that you have to do to put toaether your faally p■ rtle ■ during the Chrilttu■ lea■on, .it■ ntce to know th.at you can eliminate a,e bl1 chore by ordertna • ham through HBC: For ju■ t $2,50 per pound, ytiu'll 1et a fully cookad, defatted, apiral cut hJ.ckory-.-moked ha11, Thaaa are the ■1111 ha• you'd pay 56.09 per pound 1or frosUon■ J Biked e.11,: That'•• big ■avin1• durina the holidaJ•• Hau run 12-14 lb■ • ind 14-16 lba, You can al■o order a hooey and ■pica kit for juat $1.SO extra. Orden vill be t1ken throuah Dec, 15th froa 9100 a ••• - 3100 p,Q, by callin1 J1nnifer Sprin11taen ■t 463-1848, Plck up 11 on Thur■• Dec. Zl ■ t fraa 2100 wtll ]1)0 P••· Bclp the Iba■' Club rat• aoney for your 1on1 b7 orderina your Ma fro■ the■, and tell your !rlende:

0 0 • • I


Page 2


'11k!! l! t. g~lns .l1111on C011rlcy 5.,,.. Plf.'.lln Ricky Hunoz CC C11rlon ~•etez Tony De lCnr.1po l'lll\'I! Lfn~ Car Io, Id h riuc z C:re~ rnrtrt.1,.:<? r.,b1.1n Barren 3ry11n ~c:Donald '1tke Rutz J l'e Care ta C

fr,,1chr ~ kr,c l'ecor• ro C.11 lluli:

C Lie

L I. I. L


E MR/f.



1~1• game will plt two vr.ry strong tr.ams 11g11ln•t each other to brenk the tie in a 1-1 aeason !lcrtes, The coaches of the tc1111n are fril!nd11 and each v,1nu h h tca111 to "in, but only one can wi n unlc1a Ill! havo a dr11w,

The11e tcn11111 mat t\llce during the pre-11ea!lon, and the !lee• von on both occ11aton1, It v11s II little mote even ln the re1rnl11r ■eason, The llce11 won their flut hnlf matchup tll-6, The table a were turned, though, in the lll!cond half with an 18-6 P1r11te v1.n, The teama finl1he~ tied for fourth in the flrat half at 1-,.

All-Amertcnn Q8 11nd capt11in J~ Carcln le11da the offena"' out o( the T & r form11tlona. Joe, Hike Rut~, ,md Ser11to Cuev1r11 h11ndle thr. runnln11 II"""', Joi, connr.ct ■ vith nave I.Ing, rablan 8'1rrer11, nnd All-Ar.icrlcan C:11rlo1 ld!aquez ln their paa■ lnA attack, The key■ to their offenae have been ■Vll■ p ■ and the dra\l pl11y, and flne offen1lve blocking, lloundtn11 out the lJne 11rc Mike lll11gln~, S.1111 PAg11n, Ja■on



Jack llicmond rr11nlt hbl.1n 1'1 ke i..,,.,1,

Hl,iuel O,tvll.1 Ad11r1 0,11,ov Nike Taylor 11111 lllch,.rrl Cenff Tnytor C11t}l'lt1 AveloH Cnrl5 llrltt<'n John c:ha nnye:, ~Ike Guidu-11 raul Ahr.1h11r, Mar., T11vlnr

Co11c:hf'!1 TC'ffl ~ttjrr Mike llorntrnrFe r Steve l.'111

Gourley, Tony OclCompo, Bryan NcDonald and Greg rartridge. On defenae, Cllrloa Velez •nd co-cnpt11ln Ricky Munoz lead

t he v,1y. Sergi o Guevara handle• both end11 or the klcklng gm,c, • The• leading acoreu for the Plr.Hi,s arc J<-r.

r I. L ,. L

r.11rci11 (38 rta. ), and C.uloa ldi■qucz & Ser11to. Gucv11u (Ill pt 5.). the tc1111 1a.c6ac:hrd by Mex rec:orarn 11nd Gil Ru lr.. They c.in 't c11ll any one team the toughest bcc11u9e they felt ·chat the entlni leai;ul! v,i11 very cor-;,et 1-tlve, but 1<nu ld ::rnst like to beet the Bobcnta and Locu:'ltR, They l\.1ve pl11yl!d w,11 thh yur beca11n or hnrd vork and team partles to keep thent togethc!r, The roocon they vill vln thla game ta their "Cor.nttment to Excel lencc",

The trees edged out the Pintea by one polnt ln the second hnH vtth a 2-J-l fflllrk. The)" run thr.lr offeMe out c r the T, J, nnd Shotgun vi th Mar.1 Taylor c:1111 Ing the r bys. H lck 11nd punlahln11 All -Alnericnn runnr.u John Gh11nayem nnl Pa ul Abraham l111d th1 offense along vlth tenm scoring lPader Georr T11ylor {2b rca), Thr rer:dvlni; corr t s. ,led by CeoH Taylor, John C.hAn11yn111, 11nd Carlon Avelar, lClckofC■ ""d punt II nrc ent ruftte<i to to the right foot or Hik'I? Lllmh, R,111a up the middle and deep p,1111\Cll hnve led to l!luc:h or the l'el'll' 11ur:er.s!I, l>o lng • greot job In the tranche ■ 11r1 offcnaive and deren,ive llnr.men Hike Taylor, Hlke IAmb, Mam Oa111ov, "l1111el Dav1ln, 11nd -AU-Ar.terlcan Frank Fnbl11n, The d1!ft'n11lve ar,11rkfllt1i;" nre lllll IUclulrd, Nl~cl 11nd r ■ ul, Thr. conche• 11re Tol'II P,oattjer, IHke llomtrncicr, and Steve Wlll. They ■,,y that the key thll\ yP.11r h11• brPn itnNl p rnctlce,. The r.r.ca fc!lt that their tour,ht-st npronent v:i11 th!! Locu■ t11 and would lll<e to bent th('r,, he c11usl! of t hr:lr ne l i::hhorhood rlv■ lry, They "lll win thla content h111u,d upon de11tn,, "''hlr:h the co11rhc~ hH·e '-'n r~e<l t o ln ~tlll I n thr. player■, C.mw! luck to hoth tr.,.11111, nnd th11nk11 for 11uch II fine acn11on:

r in:r rt R,, rr. s rKF.I' PlRATEfi VS, LOLUST5 9:0U - FIELD 3

By: l'nul Goerner

rRr.r LOCI fll-

r. Ric!\ ~1.,n::ano C reg r.,nk!I CC Chrl11 \.:n<Jlcy Chr I~ flank~

C 1. I. ,.

~ Tony Chrl~tnphrr 011ve rr11v1n klern11n Kochr-.. , n

L/C I,

[. JJ111on D11v1, t.rl k Abr,,h,.r.,

L L .lu l Io Cn I Jc ro-,

T"'J tl Or own S11r r,~~• 1!1111el TOOi GI l l c s rll e

F. F. E E

Thie gnn:e will bc· one nf the HneH of the day 111 1t plte the ch111nplon Plr11tes (Ii-OJ 11g11tn1t the Locuote, The Locust string three !ltrnl&ht titles (198b- 87-8H) h~!I come to an end and the Ptrntcs, '-'ho shared n t1tle vlth the Locu,t11 laat yenr after t y ing on Tu rke y t>11y , nov have two in II row~ The tCllffill had " very even and tntenee rivnlry this season.

Jhoven r.orres L Jacob HAslw~nter E/0~ Luke Wolff t

f1 • r..,r !;uev.1 ra nan H , d!.irF, ,\n ton lo Ace vr,dn f. 11 Acevedo t: J.ucn Gu::lcc

Conc1'e ~ G11ry \.:ndlcy G l l Acev crl o Cl I ff P.ankll

n11 R!I RB QR

The Plratc r unn ing i;,,,,,e h.19 been thf'1r ,trmi r, point vith reveraea nnd end svccp~plllng up big ynrd11R,e, OB Jason Guziec dirccta the ,1ttack, hnmlinR the bllll to Gll Acevedo, 11 f1111t and powerful runner, ,md apced-humer Antonio Acevedo, l.~en the Plr11tes go to the 11 ir, Chris \.:.1dley Is called back and look.a for hl!I favorite receivers , Tom Gille cple and Sargon Jlavcl , After s cores, Kicn Hnn 1. 11no hand t ell the kickoff■ and 1<hen Chi! ofrense sputters, Greg Ranks d~e, the punting,

The Pirates have a solid offensive line which const■t• of Julio Calder on, thr1~ Bnnks, Rich Mnnzano, Chris ~ltdley, 11nd Greg BllllkB, When on dl!tensc, l inemen TCldrl Bro\111, Oscar Guevara, !Ian l'locllarg, Chris BAnks, Rich Mnntnno, 11nd Julio

Joe Glbhon., ~11t t Myers Paul Aspen~r~n CC lk?n !1cCIIM ltllt t l.ane

Cn11chee T1m C',1 bhon, J 1 .. Lane


~slderon put the pressure on the opposing qu11rterbacks, The Plrn t c 5 rrei thn t the Cougnrs have b<:'cn thelr toui;heet rr.ntch be cause they nrc a fut-runnlnit and qu t cY.·thl-,lt1-,~ tear.a, On Th,1nk~gtvlng, though, they inost wnnt to he11t the 1.o cus ts because they verl! r:o-ch,,r.-pl~:< la~t ye,,r • The Plrn tes po int to plnylng 11a II team nnd ns friends ns the re;,so ns behind thelr succ es5.

The Locus t s a lso hnve a !ltrong ofhnslve unit and rely upon t heir ruMing 11ame, OJ,tions, r.tl~dircctlo~~. ,1nrl reve rses have been very successful, Nick Aoagn opoulo s sp• r k.s the offense v1th his lnsttnr:tlve n.inn 1n~, nnrl h~s a lot o f help from r oul Aspengrcn, 1,1ho l11 a determined runner, and the fleet-footed M11tt !'1:,-ers , 1.'hen thr.y nl!erl n bi g gn tn, he ,wyback J1111on D11vill Is called upon to spo t Joe Gibbons , Jac ob Hulvanter, or Anapiopoulo~ In t'ie c l e.tr , \."hen t he o ffense 111 atopped, Kleman Ro chmm, And Haslvanter share the puntlnJ! dutles,

The Lo custs have a h11rd-worklng offensive line which opens holes bl!hind the conaistcnt play of Tony Chrl~t ophcr , Kiernan Roch~an , Dave Pravln, Jason Davis, Jhoven Correa, and Erik Abraha~, Giving the defense a boo~t ~re 1~ke ~olff, Ban HcC 11nn, Erik Abrahao, Matt Lllne 1 and Rochm11n , The Locuata name the Pirates and Cou~11r~ a~ their to ughest opponen ts . They want to atop t he Pirate ■ on Thank1111iving bec11uaa they have come cloae All Y~~r , hut fell j ust" f'llY or two s hort which '-'.15 frustrating, Te11m splr1t hna be1een their trader.111rk, .. nd th~)' "!II C" r rv tt ~it h t hee In to thla game, Th" co11 c hea h ave vorkcd hard all year for both te111s, which Cary Wadley, ~llff 8'1nks, and Gil Ac e vedo doing the job for the Pirates, and Tlm Gibbon a and Jl11 Lane, organizini the Locus t~. f.l"M l uck to bo th t e ans and c ongratulation& on nll of your successes nnd parent aupport,

0 0

• I .Q 0

P,,ge )

CAlll::T r l M Tl~~

u., t t I"., nzano L ~ n,irt,._. 1 Sh.,c-oun L h ,1nk lloykln I. llr ll\n 0' Kell fll L Nlnoa Hawel L/kB O•n Schelderlch L/RB !"&!lcclo C..st lllo L/RB Ro l,rndo Arguncdo .:IL J~ ~fadrld f./R8 Gi l bert Rulr. E/RD G~orge fucha CC RR/E Ulllla~ Hanoc" RB/ E Ch r l a Giannka1; R'I/ L a~~o Hansen , QB

r.~•aclw ~ iT .. ~nait?n

Folao<lo Argumi,do "Hck G lonakas Joe Eanfcllppo i.: e .i rgc fuch■

CADET PlAATES VS, FALCONS IU:00 - Fltl.U I By1 Tom Bocttjer f

The big matchup between these two teo~s looks to be II good one , The falcons will be powered by an offense which usc1 the 5weep to perrection while the P1rate11 will comter with i-evcr11ea end throwback•• The Piratea are the champion■ for the second atraight year, gotna undereated once again! They work very hard and earned this title,

n,c Falcon offense la led by the alashlng, cutback running of kussell Lubeck end the out■ ide speed of Nick Prauae, They run their best play■ out of the I, ln poa■ lng aituations, Lubeck look• for the aure-honded Jaaon Shrewsberry and Hike Jotiat. Good blocking la provided by Juan Carela, Scott Nt!ttnln, Jon Vojinovic, Diego Saucedo, and ttouriclo Rub11chla-ger,

The Pirate offense 1 ■ powered by the oloshing etyle of QB Dean Hnnaen, who led the league ln points, George fucha •dda hh •lu■ ive 1110vca while Chris Cianak•• poaae,iie■ deceptive epeed, \.'turn the Pirate• look to throw, Dean •pots recd ver■ Wl 11 laa Hansen and Rolando Argutnedo for the big play, The •olld offensive llne is led by Helecto Ca■tillo, l'latt H,muno, Nino• lla'-"l, Frank Boykin, and Dan Scheiderlch, Hoit of their playa arc run out the l ,1nd split T formattona,

CADET FAt.co•;s Juan Carcill Scott Ne ttn In Jon Vojanovlc Diego Saucedo H. Rubschl•'l:er Mike Jotzst J, Shrewsberr~· Cabrtel Herezcl Ada111 Zapata Oa vld Corne j c> !Itek Pr11u11c Petrick Jent9ch Ruuell Lubeck

Coaches llrlan Jotut tare Jot zat Ron Jot tat


f: / !18 r.

RPI RP. IC8 1\11 RP f'A

l'hc Falconi; will counter on defense with the quicl<nee■ of Gabriel llerecei, Hike Jotr.at, end ~lck. Prause, Till!)' play behind d tough llne of Mani Zapata, Dave Cornejo, and Pat Jentach. The coin flip• are taken b:, their c,1?talns, C.1brlcl llerezei and Nichol.1■ Prause, The Pirate11' defensive leader• are Gilbert ''tiousey'' ltulz, Brian 0·1·.,,c!e, and Chris Cl.lnakaa, The front four is powerl!d by Joe Madrid, Sharbd Shamoon, r.eorge Fuchs, .1nr\ ~olnn,lo Argucncdo, !'!Air.Ing the key dechiona are c11ptaina Denn Han11en and George Fucha.

llO:h tc,1cu1 think that each other hu been their toughest oppoaitlon. Sport1tu1nah1p and te11!llfflVork have hrlperl the:. both throui;lhiut the ae11aon. The falcon• lnparticulnr showed gre,H l111proveaent in all phaaea of the 11,,,r-r durlni; the nc~nnd h11lf, and i:,oved up lnto 111,cond place, Their conchr.11 1111d parentn have all vorked hnrd, ,, nd , ,cq·onr r,huuld ,•njny thla "NOC Pr 1met !me" conte■ t:


TKil!r. \'Jr.tNGS

1 ,, n,· I l . .:>::11 C '- ,1 1 \:u!or Cn-p s L

f Bv: l'nul A. l'l,itlcy Jeremy Kostanskl CCC Roher t 1.'ol f I.

J ,t ~L n OD' C.iro Gu~ K,1ralu1l lo• i!,, vcn !'ic\'el i;h

Chrl!< O<;ucndo ~l!r;uc ! Rlvcr,t •;1c ;,-. \."olf(

Syron Roge l

C I. 1 I. L L I, F.

Thi• game la belng pl•y~d ( o r neighborhood bragging right! 11a the l!venly matched Vikings foce the Fnlcon,, The boys all live in the anMe area and hnve to cor.,e to the Club the aame way, Thia ahould be• good gnMe hr.cause the Vlks defeated the Falconi in two close g11c,e1 ~uring the regular 1canon. The Vlldng■ won their first half e>eetln[I b-0, and a11aln In the •econd hnlf 12-b.

Joe Fabian Tito Quiles Ricky HO<lrli:ul!:


LIE r /1.

f. St..- -.·c Schn"-•1 1cr J -, s u 1; Sol la " E

The f'alcona' ofrenalve sparkpluga nre their llneMn, If t hey control the line of scril'll!lage, the ~·alcon11 win, The line 11 led by Salvador Caopos, Haven HcVcigh, Je11u1 Solis, t11ron Rogel, and Nick Yolff, All-American QB and Co-Captain Hilton C.1rdenaa, along with All-Af!lerl can punter Chris Oquendo, led the team in scoring vitn 18 pt11, e,~ch, They arc clrun, aggressive, very 11aart, and g.imehrc11kers. Hilton connecta wlth sure-handed Steve Sclrn~lder when they nred a big pass play, Jnson OeCaro handles the kickoff dutieB and, when the 0Cfen11e uputters, Oquendo Jrops h11ck tu bo0111 those

Arturo Avlles 11111 Gerstrna~·r \:illy Jti:icnu lllcky Horale& D1!nnl11 Dliu Kuben Rlveu Arturo Radlll,1 Shaun HcHontgal C Tony Rae, 1 re z


,\ :,! y Cru z Erlic. Lo:.1 u1 lt"" 1 .f.3r<lcnas

L<•,tcl•t".11 ;i~:r'°'ioi.:.,c.,rt I lo t.•n Sylv,1nd,·r

k8 RI!

C Qll

hl&h punt•. The>· run their orfcnac out of the I, and

Co11ch J'i'i7>1 hu

'1.: ,H':,St. ack runs anJ pltchouta have bern very auccessful, The falcona alao play well on defense, led bv .\11-,;::,,, r i c,,n Gu ~ L, r,,I al los, ~lguel Rivera, Jason DcCaro, nnd Steve Schne Ider,

,\cr.or.llni; to co,1ches Ron Sylvandcr and Darla Ca111arlllo, no one te11m ..,as touGher thnn the rest, Thev folt, ,llong "'Hh thei r pl.:iycn, thot "cau !or man, the Falcons knew we "l!re capable of beating any teat:1 that l lned


<-P .-ig.ilnst us". They would moat llk.e to defeut the l.ocuatfi because, to eventually becor,,e the best tean In the :c:Ji;uc, :,,ou cu~t flrht beat the top doi;. The key to their tea111 has been the first year players (6) who ,1re -.1111:ig to ll•t,·n, learn, not give up, nnd have fun ot the same tlt:1<!, They believe that they are destined to •·I n n Thank ~g ivlni; and had thi a to "1y, "\.le have gone through the highs nnd the Iowa tog.,ther aa n tc:oar.i and no t Just aB l n,ll viduals. ,\,lao, when you have 14 falcon players goingln the sa111e direction. the chances of the f ;,l con~ co:,lng out on top are very, very good,"

TIie Vlklngs bel !l!ve that tlu,y will ..,in today because c f the 1mprovccicnt they have c:Ade throughout the sen son. Ali;o , t he coach ls letting the boy1 enjoy their.selve1 and have fun by 11111king their own plays, They hope that t h i s v lll catch the Falcons off guard, They are led by All-Americon captain Shaun Nc!'ionigal and Co-captain JHl!=>Y Ko5t,111sk l. All-1\:ler lean Tony Rai:ii rez. lea.d s the offense fror.i the QB slot, He get a h1a play a rr~ coach ~ le:. l> i hu, who s i gnals them in from the sidelines, They operate out o! the T, 1 1 Power l, Pro Sl!t, Ulahbcne, Jnd Oo 'Jble \.'I n g forrutions. \.'hich ,ire they going co uae todn>·? Tony pauuto hi ■ reltabll! receiving corp of '•Illy J!m.:,nez .rnd Ricky !'iorale11, The runnln11 gnr.ic 11 powered by All-At:1er1can Ruben Rivera, who led the tean In scorl.n& with JO points, and by Arturo Radill11, S..,ceps end deep passea hnve worked the best, The•e pl.1ys work bcc o1 11se of a sound offensive llne, rounded out by IC011t11nski, Tito Quiles, Jimenez., Joe fabian, Ricky Rodrl,tucz, and Bill Cerstr.1.1yr, Doing great work on the defensive end of the line are Dennis Diaz, Robert ~olf, an1 Arturo Av!leR, !..lien the offenGe scores or the punting unit is called out, the kicker ta Rlcky Morales. The \'!ks feel that the Locusts are the teaa to beat bec11uae they tvicc shut the11 out, vh1le they played the other f o ur coir.petltlvely,

CooJ luck to both of these flne tellllls! Onl>· one of you can vin thh ga111e, and congratulation• to w~lchcver te~a acco~llshcs victory, Don't eat too much tonight beacuse you'll have a hockey garr.e on Saturday:

' .

0 0


\'Ir.tor Ttul My1m I ctrlch raul Sopanarat C Sandi £lab11~,1

C I.


PREI' COi/CARS \'S, F,\l.CONS IO I UO ~ fl E IJl l

l\y: Paul Goernr.r f n11 ■ g11rne "Ill pit II pi,ir of tll!nms 1Jhlch, basrd upon their

records, don't appcnr to be evenly matched, The Cougar■ are 7-4-1 overall ond the falcon■ nre )-6-l, Record• do not tell the ator)' all the tlm11! 1 and thU 11 A casll! vhere the F•leon .. rk id deceiving, The)' arc far better and vUl be 1ivins the Cou11ara a 11111jor teat,


rR1:r FM rn•:~

Jo,hun 7 ar,, t., Jeff Sn\'df' r Jnrill Hcrc~el D,on ~er;,dt R8fael 7npat~ Ricardo Arreguln Krt1 Stelnbtchlcr Sean Greene

r. t. L L t. I. !: ,:

Tony t1orale11 Rafael Rivera llrlttcn Borgert Brian Skinner Mike Chrht Inn

I. L L L £ E E The Cougar offense relies on the run to get it going 111th

1veepa and runa up the middle providing the 1park, kene Duran, vho h quick and atronp., and Tony Rauna key the 11round game. When they need to ~nke yardage quickly and go co th-! air, Ratana or heavyback Paul Sopanarat drop b11ck nnd find Hike Christian, llrlnn Skinner, 8111 Winters, or Britten Borgert down!ield, The npernte behind the tough blocking of Victor Tzul, Snndl £1abazn, Rn£nel Rlvern, Tony Moralea, Rynn I.ct rich, l\orgert, nnd Sopanarat. ~rn they can't reach a £lr11t do\11'1, Tony Rat11nn drop11 l!ock tp punt, After ma, the

R!I Tony Ra tann Blll lltnter, CC Rene Duran

Co:,c;hr- .'1 TC1'1 !lorRC! rt ~~rvl' !".ktnoer

tlll Il l\ QJ;

kickoff• •re hnndled by Ratana and Sopnnnrnt, On defanac,

1101 Rodrlf;Ul!Z C C" Eric ~dun• llrndJey raulu• lvty P:rev Mrlan I.nu C

Co-,che11 R,1lph 7,ip,1tA Jim r.rc~ne

'IP Pl!

!lylln Le t rl ""h, Vi c tor Tzul, and Paul Sop11n11r11t provide lenderahtp, and a great effort 11 ~lven by Tonv ••i,r~l<' 5, 51111dl Elabn:a , Britten Borgert, and R11fael Rivera, The Cougar■ feel the toughe•t opponent they'v, r.,::erl h11s been the Pltaten and vould lik■ • chancll! to beat the~ on Thankagivlng Day, They knov ct.at, vtth n couple ~f 111ore hard pr11cclces, they could beat tht'm, Tea=ork, aplrlt and conching haw 11otten the"' thl1 fnr, ,mrl they intend to ro home ~1th a vln,

The Falcons rely heavily on the run, "ith po~er a"eepa and roll out9 leadtna the attack, They ~ct ,o-c i;ood holca th,1nks to the blocking of Jeff Snyder, J11m1l Herezel, Joahua 11nd Rafael :'apnta, !)an Neradt, And Ricardo Arre11uln. QII Adrhn Lou hnnda of! to quick running bac\<11 F.rlk ''Holl)'VOOd" l'ocdura, • 11no<1 orP.n-(1~1,! runner, quld.-hlttln11 raul Anderaen 1 the ■peedy Br11d r.ulu•. and Ray Krll!)', and dercndablc Roy "Cnwhoy" l!odrti:un, lo11rn thr.y move tn thelr aerhl attack, I.cu lonka to i;.,.,n Greene 11nd Paul Anderten. If the, drive nal I~. J,,r.il I l!cretcl lR cnllcd ,,pan to pin the opponent bock, Thidr defcnne t11 very •1111reulva and h powered by l'err.trl, Greene, and Bcdurn who !lre up the rc1t of the unit, vhlch con•l•t• of Jeff Snyder, Dan Hcr11dt, Rafael 711rntA, 11nrl Krla Stclnblrhlcr. , They nall'II! the rtrate1 an thair toughru opponent but want to be11t th!! Cou1111r11 l>rc,..,~~ It 111 auch nn even Mtch, The F11lcon11 attrlhute their a11ccc1111 to ~oeorl dcfen8-1 te11nrvork, nnd l!fllrlt. ~Mh tr•r.1~ hove h11d th•.- benefit of aar.,e fine c0:tchlng, 11nd we 11pplnud the ef!ort11 of Cou1tar11 Tom !lor,:ert 11nd ~tr ·,e ~klnnrr .,_. .,-ell "" folcon11 Jlm Greene nnd Rnlph Znp11t:i. Good luck to both of you!


Bv: F~res ZAnnyed C .Jul lo Ontant'tl J oe Chrt&tophe r :ilck Sr1tton

c. t. I. L L I.

~ Thh gaQe features II pair of nelghborhoNI rlv■ l ■ vho each

had their struggles thh 11euon, bu~ never gave up, The Sobcata went "inlcss durin& the senson, but you'd never knov it by all the 11uprort of their coochea and puenta, 11• v-ell as their O\ln entbual11J1rn, The Locu■ta came cloae to vlnning th111 flrict h~ll, h ilt tnlled off in the second . Both temu plnycd "1th prillc nnd ~ood 11port1mnnshlp 1111 t he vay' throu11h,

~tke Ynr.iln~~. l Lev ta Shap I ro Hike nuffy Allen Vires

U( L I.

Carl o s \'ozqucz Chuc k fi, nnlnf: nsc11 r t or.a Jo rge 'l l e ve r. l' c vln Sc hoenfclt

L ]_


Joe Ro,..asant;, C An<iy !lnr,sey Tony !lor,tert Jft'llll!B ('.l.trk Ch11rll1! Ott<'

l l

I.Ir t/r

t Chrh llarazcz CC s:

Tony Pete r11on ~.lt t f.uldnra farl AbrAm C IJ ,1nnyl111ll

Rll RI\ RB RI\

The llobcat a did not defeat the Locu11ts th ta yaar, but d ld battle to 11.tie once. They are out to provt' aomethlng to themeelvi,n ""'' nftcr II tough 11e1111on nl~ays h.'ld 11ood atten,!imce 1md ~«!dic11tion. They know thnt it'n not whether you v1n or lose, but truly how you play the 11a1:1c. The Lncu11t■ vere

Tony lturr11lde George Tnyl t>r Albert \'il:t l'r Vince lt11rr<1lde

111'/t R !1/1.

q 'I II;~ 0 9

nll ly CllnC! l<•rl J149lw11n tor CC RII ~Ian 011vls QI\ r:onchc a Jlc, ll11slv11nt er Lenny Schoen Cc l t

2-l-2 in the (lr■t hnlf and tlcd the Falcona for 11econd, In the necond h~lf, they f!nlohed 2-3-1, They had• tough year nt tl....,a, but nevrr quit until the clock struck zero, The key to thelr aucceaa hna been coed attendance and lffl enthua­J,111t1c 11ttitude,

The Bobcats run their offenae out or the shotgun vith one back. They have been coached by Charlte Otto, Hike ~amin ■kl, and Bob Clark, \1110 have r,pent countless hour!! teaching and

Coache,a C:harl 1e Ott<' Hike 1-'11mirl"k I !lob Chrk

cnrnur,1gl ng, Vi n ce J turnlde take a cahrgc of the offcn11e vtth the help of Albert Vikt or 11nd Chris n.-r~:c1., They 1 ike to n111 11 reveroe •nd probably pa1111 rnorl! than any tl'am 1n the lca(!Ue, but depend upon the re,·n~e for big galna, 1,,l,en the pan is cnlled, either Alhert or Vine'! look to CJ Otto, Tony llorgert, Tonv tturr.,lrle, Chri11 Baratcz, or Joe RD1111111anta, P111111 protection and oolld blocking 11re provided by Hike !luff•,, Allen \'Ire,, l.e"I& Shapiro, J11i,,ea Clark, Andy Ram&ey, Geor&e Tnylor, and Joe Ro!l'■nant11, When on the other side o( the b•ll, th<! Bobcats have a confident dc!cn11ive aqund, lt ill led by Hike K.11111nllk1, Hike Duffy, CJ Otto, Tonv Poq::e:-t, uml Lewis Sh.iplro. The Bobcata 8111)' that their toughest opponent le the1:1selve• because, vi.th ell the tA!ent they po,11e9!1, thl!y should be undefeated: They would like II shot at the Pl rate a 11lnce they are "the tean to beat" and feel they could do it,

The LocuHll ,,re conchr.d by Jim Hoslwanter nnd Lenny Schoenfclt, nnd run their offense out of th!! T for-,1tlon behind AJaQ Onvls at QB or Jorgo Nlevea, Th!!Y have II fine bockficld made up of Hatt Guidnra, Carl Abrn1:1, and 11111 Cline. ~mn the run can't get the job done ond they need to io by atr, playcaller D11vl11 lonka to Yevln Schocnfelt, Knrl lla,1lwanter or Hntt Guidarn for the big cor.1pletion. Their but plays, thoui:h, are S"eep5 ,inrl Inside po"'Cr runs, The playa vork th11nk11 to th!! blocking of llncr.ien J11me11 Kaleel, 01car Lo~•, C,irlo• \'iuqun, Jul lo Ontanon, Nick Jlritton, Tony Peterson, Danny ll1111, and Kevln Schoen felt, Moat of their TDs have t,een •cored by Carl Ahrnm, Ad&~ Davia, and Hntt Guidara.who spark that offense, When on the defen•ive sldl!, Pllly Cline, J:erl H,011lwanter, Todt ~fork111 Joe Christopher, Chuck Fanning, 11nd Tony Peterson lead the · way "''lth their strength 11nd qulcr.nesa, The tougheat tenm they've faced hAvc been the Piratea becauee they are \lell-co~c:hed 11nd are the champlon9, Coed luck to both te11m11, You did your best in every 81111111! no Ntter \Jhat the, score, il'l<l

that' a vhat counts: Remeober to play your best ,md help your tcan in every "ay ln the Turkey l\nwl \lln or lto~e;

0 0


Scott 5111th Je1u1 Pinto llrctor Durruthy Donny 1olll ■on Jason Hontalvo Joae Ca•t11lo !ob Santana Oennil Holl11nJ John Hall Jeaua Orte&• Jamir Ort lz CC John Borrero Jlimy IIUr.Uoros "..trk IAmb C


C L L L L L L E E p; E



By1 Paul A, FlitleY


Thia l&ZN feature• the champion Locuata •1•inat our 1econd place Bobcat• and it 1hould be• very good g•e. The conteat pita nefghborhood rival ■ on th■ beat gridiron in Chicago! Thaae tvo te■11a Mt a total of 4 tii:,ea thia aea■on, The lobcata von la the pn-■ea1on 27-18 1 the Locuats 7-o and 20-6 in the firat and aacond halve■, and the 1lobcat1 IJ-0 to end the first half, Th■ Bobcat• \lllr■ the only tea11 to beet the Locueta, vho are nov tvo-ti- chacip■:

It didn't look like the Locu■ta wre going very far during the pre-aeaaon bac■u•• the fon:iation or the &ee• took avay aeveral player■, lloy, did they prc,a ua vronB! Th■ ten vorud hard ¥1th coachee Jia Dailey ind Glenn Jauch ,nd vent ~-1 and 6-0! Congratulation• on a fine accol:lflliahment,

The Locu■t o!fenae la led by All-Atierican captain Mark

November l), 1989


Edvard Cruz C Obdulia Velet t Sergio Olao■ L Kajdi Rijazin t. Till Sel1r•t L Tarek Faitl L/C J■■on Cr■y■an C p; Ansel C■1111cho E Jonathan S.nty ! Junior Colon E Jua1 Dunn CC RI! !1'Vin Godinet RB UlyHe ■ Hartinn RJI Don Sviney KB/QII Dave rtppe ■ QII

Clenn Jauch Jia. t!■ lhy

Lamb and All-American John Hall, Hall led the te111 tn ecorinl! Coach vith 4H point ■, and Lamb added 47 polnta. Hark 11 a aood iob'aanty runnar becaua■ of hia lens-legged ■printer'• atyle, and John r.ornro coapliaient■ hi• ■tYl• by 1rind1na out the ■xtra y1rda1■ vith hil 1110ve1, Heavyback All•Americ•n Je■u• Pinto

l ■ called in to handle the pa■1tn1 dutle1 1nd punting, Hi• primry receiver• ■r• Hall, Je1u1 Ortega, and C~captaln Jamie Ortic, Th■ offau1■ operate■ out of th■ 11ngl■ back, and the co■che1 ,end in the play,, They have &Otten their bi1 y■rda1■ on ■-ep■ and throuah the ■lr, Coad blockin& i• provided by llne-n Scott Smith, Dan'ly WUeon, Hector Durruthy, J11on Montalvo, and Jimy NikUor01, Th■lr hard~no111d defen■e h led by !lobby Santnna, Jo11e Caatlllo, and Dcnn11 Uolland, They feel that the Bobcat• have been thrir tou1he1t opponent vith their Cine running and pa11ing attack, They would ~oat like to beat the llee• on Th■nk1givin1 bec1u1e ~anv of t 11-.c playi,d on the LocuPt■ la1t year, Th• key to their aucceu!ul championahip ■e11on ha■ been tur:ivnrk .vid <plrlt, The l.ocusta Btatel "The Tribe Locu■te have the moat potent o!renae and• hard-hittina defense. Tht-s, vlth our tc,uwork onJ pride, vi.11 be plenty to beat any opponent that ve play on Thank11lvtng Day",

The llubcnl& fwvcn't t•kcn a back eeat to anyone thl ■ year, They ara the only t■ •r:i to ba ■t the l.nc11at1 t11l s H·.1r , a nd by a Mhu tout yet! Aho, they 111lntained their Hcond place po ■ itlm •11 ll!■■on lona. They "l!re J-1 ·2 In t he f 1 r. t half, and l-2-1 in the eecond, They were very deter.,inl!d to play hard,

Qli D•viJ Kipµco leJ the Bobcat offen1e, fie receive• the playa fron coach Bob B■nty and 1111\te ■ thni work, Al l-American co·copt■ in ■nd Tribe ■coring champion Juan Duran (80 pta,) v■• th• key to the offense, He is both quick and eluaive "'1th ■a.a of the best 111ovn you'll ■ee: Roundina out their backltald are Don .f:vtney, vho led th■ vay by beln; a good blocking back, their quick ■lot back Ervin Codinea, and the powerful Ulyasr• P~ rt tne:, ~•iJc• runnlng, Ulys1c1 kicka off, punt■, and kick■ ••tra point•, Ha ha■ tvo kick• to hi• credtt thl a year, ~t • a hope we ace on■ today! All-Amertc■n Jon B■nty ta their ltay receiver, Heh•• ■cored )7 pt1. An<! a lao klck• off and punt■, QB lippea al■o connect& vith Junior Colon, Angel Caaacho and captain Ja■on Grayson , They run t he offense out of the l, Pro, and Slot fo~tiona and have had 1ood 1ucce■1 vith trap• and ahort paueA. They need ■ atrOQ& olfen■ive lin■ to iult■ the play■ wrk, ■nd aet fine 1upport h-oa Ed Cruz, Ol~ulio Velez, S<?rglo Olmos, Kajdi Hijazin, Tia Selarat, •nd T■rek F■ lzi. They al■o 111ka up the bulk or the ~e!cnse,

Thee 6obuta feel that the Locu■tl have been thefr tou11hc11t opponent bec■u■e of their •he, speed and coaching, n,cy'd coat like to beat tha Locu■ c• and ahov them vho'a ninber one! The key to the Bobcat ■ thia year has been 5;>or,5can■h1p 1 ap1r1t 1 and 1ood attendance, According to coach l\anty, "Thi ■ team ha■ only lo■ t three re(lular "<'unon g-111u 10 hr end tvo of them h&ve been by one point, I feel thi• team vtll have 10111ething to prove an,! "h"w DI\ Turi(ey '>ay", Cood luck to both te■ma and con1ratulatlon11 on ■ great 1e11on,

i'RF.P l!Fr.S

J!c: Coonry Brien \ltlaon Stck llcrnam!u CC Alfred Roi.Ir! ituc: •a ck Pinto !1111 Ttie;tcc}·c r ll'1n forgcrt Jason Dt!LaCru: Pon O' t:ecfc C '1tkc TI101:1no StC\'l' S,111)'Cf J,,r:1.1 l Elayan Jc!! Prau11e Z~ck \.'1 r■ u1:1

Coachf!a Dan llorgert Hi ke Rhoades

C I. L L L L E E E

1111 RB RB RB QI!

PRE~ BE£S VS, VIKll-iGS 11100 - FIELD 3

8y1 PRul Goerner

Thi■ an~ pita • couple of team■ 1o1hlch have ■trunhd • lot, but ■lao learned a great deal !roQ their exper1enc■■, The Bee ■ von three g111ea chi• year, vhile the Viking• ver, vinle•• but had a pair of tiea, The player■ worked hard "1th their coaches, improved ea the aca■on vent by, ■nd 1lv■y1

diapleyed the best of aport ■11111nahip and attitude, That i• vhat vinnlng 1 ■ all about!

The Bco ■ equally rely on the run anJ pu■, Their offenalve ·1 lne 1 ■ led by Alfred RoJrlguer:, Nick llernandu, Ji111 Cooney, Brian Wilson, Nick Pinto, Bill Tegtmeyer, and J■■on DeuCruz. The running attack 11 led by the apeedy Zack Wlr■uQ and gutsy J ai::al Elayan, 1oi.en they call a pau, heavy !lick Pinto drape back to look for Dan Borgert and Delacruz, Brian W1l■on handle ■ the kickoffs, and Nick Pinto punt• when the offen■e can't DOve tho ba.11, The defense 1■ paced by the touah play of Jim Cooney, Jeff Prause, Mike Tho1:1aa, Steve Savyer, and Nick Pinto, n,ey feel that the Pirate, have bean their toughe•t opponent, but would 1D0at like to beat the Cou1■r1


Juon Arnold Joa■ph Hu,,,an Ila fa■ 1 Haro lten Irh:arry Hugo Onllan■ Carlo• Ferniu MiJuel t.a~o• Ryan tlova rd Roland Arnold l(ent E■quivel Richard Lind R1.1ben Cornejo J■■on Koetanskl

Conchei Ed Forst Harty Hovard

hc cau~c t hey alQost knocked the• off earlier, The ■trong po int for the lleee thi■ year has been de1lre and trying their ~st, ewen vhen outsunncd,

C L L L L L f'. E


• RI! RB/011


TI1r Vl klng offense rclie• ho•vily on the running game,vith in■tinctive QII J■ aon Koat■n■lti runninJ up the ~ ldJlc, and r~nt Eequivel and ■peady Roland Arnold roundina.out the backfield, In p■■■ing ■itu■tion•, both r.o~cameki and heavy Ryan Hovard t ■ko turn• looking for Miguel Lago■ or J■ IOn Arnold to set open, Their offenae run ■ behind the line of Rafael ll■ ro, J■■on Arnold, Ken lrh■rry, lluso Orellana, C■ rlo■ Ferniza, and Rich Llnd, Rafael Haro hand lea tha Uckoffa, aod Ja■on lo■tan■ki the puntl, On the defen11ve aid• of th■ ball, Joe Hernan, Jaaon Arnold, Ken Irizarry, JC.ent t:aquive11 Ruben Cornejo, ind Carlo■ Ferniza play hard, 11\e Vik■ feel that the l.ocust1 have been their touahe■ t opponent and would like to beat the■ on Tu~key Day because they are a solid t eam that plays hard. They attribute their ■ucce■■e■ to 1port11Do1nahip, te■IIJ\IOrk, 1tt1ndance, snd coaching. Good luck to both of the ■e tellllll 1 ■nd congratulation ■ on all of th■ affort you put into th■ ••••on, Thar• 11 no better mark of a ~lnne r than to nev■ r &iv■ up!

0 0

.. .o

Page 6

CCC l'lt19 NI\C AlL-AHERlCANS CCC The phycra lleted 1>9lov have becm honored by

t helr teaMmtlte• 11nd coach•••• footb1111 All-Ar.:erican•, They were aclected ba ■ed upon 1D0re than ju11t 11kl1l. ~o re fa,rortant thnn being a good athlete arc the qualltlea of dependability and co=ltaw:!nt vhlch are ■hovn fn p.ood g11a,e and prai;tice attendance, good ■port•manahip at 1111 timea, alvaya giving your best effort, and having a 1ood attitude, We congratulate these player■ for their contribution■ to their teRn111,

CAdet Lc11guc F11l cona: Rua11ell Lubeck, Nichols• Prau1c, Diego

Saucedo, Mam Zapata, Kik.e Jotzat Pl ratc11 Dean Hansen, William Hanaen, George

Fuchs, Sharbel Shamoon, Gilbert Ruiz llobcat11 \' Ince Iturralde, Chria Bar11zcz, Albcrt

Vik tor, George Taylor, Joe R01:1asantB loc uat,: Ad•~ Davla, Carl Abran, Matt Culdara,

Jors c Nieves, Nlck Britton

Prep League Falcons: l\oy Rodriguez:, Adrian Loza, Ja1dl llerezei1

Dan Neradt, Joahus Zapata Pirates: Chrh Wadley, Ctl Acevedo, Rich Hanuno,

Gree llanka, Antonio Acevedo Vikinea: Kent Enquivel 1 Jason l(.oatanakl, Rarael

Jlnro, Jaeon Arnold, Joe Heman Cougara: Rene Duran, Tony R.atana, Paul Sopanarat 1

Bill Wlntera, Victor Tzul IIC!ea: !Itek Pinto, Zack Wtr■ uia 1 Ji111 Cooney,

Jnm,,l h11yan; Juon Oel.nCru:r. t.ocu!lt,: Uld. An11gnopoulo11, Paul Aapcngren, Jaaon

Davi~, Kiernan Rochm11n, Joe Gibbon&

Tri~~ Le,,gue F11lcon11: HI lton C11rdenaa, Chrh O<tucntlo, Erik Loza

r1rate11; Carlo, Jd1aquez, Hilte Ru1:r., Joe Garci11

VikinR~: Tony Ra~tr~r., Shaun HcMoni&al, Ruben R 1 ve r11

llobc:11u1 Ulyesell H.,rtinc:r., Jon B11nty, Junn Durnn

!lees: Frank Fnh111n, John Ghanayem, Paul Abrahar:1

l.Dcusts: Jesu, r1nto1 Hark uab• John Hall


Monday through itiur11day 3130 until 8:tJO p,m.

Frldny )130 until ,1100 p ,m,

Sa t 11r day 8: 30 untll 5:00 p ,ct.

Sunday C L 0 s E 0

e FI NAi. f!RST HALF FOOTBALL STANT>INGS e Cndc t-Fl 1\111 \.'0!1 I.OSi' rn:D ATT sr FOR PTS rt ra ti,s b 0 0 b Ii 0 24 t or::u sts 2 2 2 b f, 0 18 Falcons .!. 2 2 5 6 0 17 r.o1>cat11 u 6 0 b 6 0 12

Prl!P-fi M l 1.0~ LOST TIED ATT sr FOR PTS Plratea 6 u 0 6 6 0 24 Coui;ara 4 z 0 6 6 0 20 Loe usu l z l 6 b 0 l y

fl{'C II I ) 2 6 6 u 16 Fn l con• 1 3 i 6 6 u 16 \' iking11 0 s 1 6 6 u lJ

Trlbe-rtn11 l I.UU LOST TIED ATT SP FOR PTS Locuau 5 1 0 6 6 0 22 llob r:: atll l l 2 6 6 u 20 Falcon ■ ) 2 I 6 6 0 19 ?irate• 2 4 0 6 6 u lf• l\cell 2 4 0 6 6 u 16 ViUn11• I ,. l 0 ' 0 IS


e FINAL SCORtNG LEADF.RS .. e C11de t I.ea 11ue BVl John Gh.inn\'f'UI

llaa,e Tea11 rn r.r 5 Pi~ DEA.'1 HANSF.N Plr 16 4 II l'lU George Fuch• Plr 1 l 2 ,, 110 Ruucll Lubeck F11l II I ,, 49 Carl Abram Loe h 0 0 Jf.

Adam Davh Loe :) 2 II 2(l

Hike Jouat hi 3 0 II IP Chr1 ■ llarsr.cr.

. !IC 2 u I') l:l

Hatt Culdara Loe 'J (1 n I 2 Jaaon Shrevnberry Fal I J n " Wllll11m Hansen P1r I J n !I

PTI!P Ll!!airue !Iv: John Gh,,n11ver, NA me Team TD rr ulL ACEVll>O Plr 2J 2 Nick Anagnopoalo1 Loe 16 I Rene Duran Coug 12 i Zack \Jlr11U11 lieu 7 5 Antonio Acevedo Plr 5 2 Juon Gur.iec Plr 3 }

Dan HacHart Plr ) ' Joe Gibbon■ Loe ) t Ray RC>drlguu Fal ) n TOID Cilleaple Plr ) u

Trtbe Le112ue By: Fare a Nlln.! Tea11 n> EV JUAN DURAN !IC ll 2 John Hall Loe II n Hark l.a1:1b Loe 7 5 Joe Carel■ P1r 5 b

Jon llm\ty !IC ,. i. Ruben l!iver11 Vlkn 5 0 CcoH Taylor &ee• " n Je ■u11 r1nto Loe 4 0

Denn in . Ho 11 and Loe ) 1 Ulysse• Martinea IC ] 'J.

•'!Vo point conver1ion


s l'TS f) J!.0

" 97 0 PO n r.7 IJ 32 f) 25 n 20 0 l'J f) Ill 0 I II

Znnaved s PTS II 110 0 I.II

0 47 1 JI' n JII I) ,n 1 n, 0 24 I 2] n l2

Wt! vould like to thank the NIIC Cheerleader, for all they do t o add to the 11plrlt or Thanksgtvtn,. The glrla practice very hard, '10rklng twice a wr.ek 11tnce October 7th: Nov, they are all aet to chl!er for all of you no matter "'1at the wieather: After thelr fine Pep ~ally perfot"llance, you can count en a job well done on Thurllday. They have hnd a great deal of help fr011 ln11tructor Bonnie \.lerstetn, ~110 haa apent much of her till'I! getting the xroup in top ahape,

The annual"Cheerleader party takea place at NN: on Saturday, Dec. 16th at lU:00 ••~• and vill 1~,t until about 11100-12130, We'll have anme gae,e", phu and pop, and a prize draving 1111 vdl as ava rd lni the captain•' trophle■, !Iring II treat tr you llke:


C11det Le112ue \Ion Lo11t Tied Att Sr, for Pt~ Pirates 6 0 0 6 f, I) 21. Falcon • 3 '.I 0 6 6 0 18 Locust11 2 ) I 6 6 n 17 Bohc11t11 .. 0 5 I 6 (, n 13

Prep l.cllll!\IC Won Loat Tle<l Att Sp For Pt ~ Pirates I, 0 ,, t, ,. n 21.

Locusts J l I) b 6 (l IR Falcon■ 2 J I .b 6 0 17 Couga rs J 'L I ) ~ 0 11, !',:!ca 2 J I 5 I, 0 16 Vik lnflll 0 :; 1 s 6 0 Ii

Tribe Leuue Won Loat Tied Att Sp fnr Pt s Locusts 6 0 0 6 b 0 2r. 8obcat11 J 1. 1 6 b 0 l Y Beea 2 3 I 6 I, n 17 Viking■ 2 3 1 6 I, 0 17 Pirate a 2 " 0 6 b 0 lh Falcon• l • I ' b 11 14

0 0


rage 7

•• ••• .. •• .. ~UIRTS NID CUrS NEWED FOR. CAH£SUU•Uuu

r 111yr.r s v \ 11 have t o war thelr tlftC te■l!I t hirt ,inJ h11ve t he i r cup for every ga111e, ,tartln11 111th tocl.iy' 5 pre-sen son opener11, With out the ac ite11111 you ' 11 lulVC t o "Dtc:h the 1111n., but "111 at 111 11ct c r edi t {or 11t t endln11,

St.utlng "1th the ll•"'e• of 611t, Dec, 2nd 1 all p ' n}'cr8 vtll 111"0 hitve to h1.ve thi!tr nU111ber■ ironed " II the b11ck~ n( the ahirta, The nUl!lbl!ra wlll coat ~Oc r .,ch an,! go _on n11le after Thankaalvlng,

**-\IJIE'I US ING Tiff. GYM,,** D, r ing t he lr\Cloor aeason 1t la lmporunt (or

al l ~~~bcr s t c kcrp II rev thJng11 in mind when going ove r t o Reven~ Park .


Do n<' t '-'/Il k through the dirt and 11ud when walkina t o t he f',,rk or \/lien co11ina baclt to the Club, ~A lk a long t he 11 idcvalka or uae the back door I l l t l • opcn • tf your ahocs 11re wet and/or muddy, you vill not be 11llo,:ed to plny ln )'Our 11ame, ~ 11ho ,!o not want you lnaide the Club, There la no rc,1~on to tn1ck niud into any buUding: Co to Revere no more than 15 minute11 be!ore your game, Don't run around in the lobby or up and tlovn the staira, 11nd behisve tf you are ~p In the ba l cony. o~ n.i t bri ng pop, food, or c11ndy l nt o the rteltlhnusc or ):)Tl, '


Th,• f ree r;. F..D Cl11as \lhlch la run at Nl'IC off c u .in r,pport 1m l ty f e r nil p11rcn t11, teen11 1 11nd an,a rr~l~cnt ~ to co~rle te t heir high school education at a convenlcnt lnlll tl~n . The .cl••• 111eeta each T11o;,sday '1nd Th11r11<lny from '4:00 un t il 8: 00 p ,r.1, C:,11!<: t llobcnt ooni M, p; Collin• l.11 our top-notch Ins t r uc t o r nnd w11ld be h11ppy to have you in her cl nR! ! Al l th'1t you have to do ia cme out to a c l na.,, t'1kc ., nhor: ak t.l l a te11t, and you're ready t,, so, Stop by Tul'11<lay n i gh t , and t ell yo\l r

frl cn,ls, !GE ~ ,11 r~~ vmrn ct.UB llACK rn ~cnrn ~

Tr i be ~rche rs who 11re intereated tn joinlng the \'ldr l' Club nrc ve l ~or,c t o c011e to the ne>:t aeeting on \,;cJ. :,o•,, 29 t h at 4 :30. Coach Rex recouro 111 grttlns t he club atn r tcd 11g11ln after having taken a su= c r and coaching brenk , You sight remember scclni;; the group t aping aome of your soccer and sr,CtbAI I gnoes, doinp; p layel' intervlewe, t aping n !'porl~ show In the gncerooc, and doing bit a ftt t hc Ca rniva l. I{ you 'd ltlu! to learn and hove f un , &c<' Rex on l.cdncsdlly.


\..\? would like to thnnk &Ollle of our 1:1embcra and thelr faoilics for bringing in ,cn:ie 100 wntt light hu lb9 Cor our Rccurity lighte 111 ~ll •• eome o~cnr •toyer UPC ayir.bo la . \;e ore anving the ayaibola unt il Dec , ) la t ln tho hope, of gcttlna a frei: pitch i ng ~•chine f or the 1990 ,ea1on, Juat drop off 11ny donntions of bulbs or eynbol■ at the office!

Thnnks to t he H11alvanters {7), Higgin ■' (5), l'lrovn s (4) , a nd Sanks ' (J) for UPC' s, and to the ftr!ttons fo r l i ght bulbn.


No~mber 2J, 19H9

19118 TKANKSGlVltt: DAY RlVlf."\/

9:00 - Field I - The big ■hovdovn between the t01) Cadet tem• ended fn a 6•b tle, Tha undefeated Pirate■ ■cored bafore the end of the tirat half when the league'• le■d1n1 •corer, Dean Kan■en, capped a nice drive Withal yard run , Th• t.ocu•t• rouaht back in thol 3rd on• 1reat 60 y1ra rtffl1' by the number two aconir, Cart Abra~. Th• de(en•e• dld the Jon the rut of the vay and the Loc:uau t>ec1m1e the firat tem to ltop the Pirate, fr0111 c111fflln1 a vtn, Y:OU - Fteld 2 - Thh gee WH an upaet or aorta H

the ch11111p1on &.ocu•t• fetl l:J-0 to arch-rival and 11econd place Plratea, Juan Duran, who led the league in acortng, got the Pirate• going tn the )rd qunrter vtth a 60 yard 1weep ■round the right end, ftnd the point alter va■ added by Serglo Guevnre, In the 4th , the Locu11t1 1 fate via tealed when Ju11n t>uran picked otf an ilt-adviaed paaa and returned lt l~ yard, for• ll-0 finat, Mark 1-b and Cenff Tayinr paced the Locust effort, YIOU - Field 3 - Thi■ d9fen■tve battle a11v tna Falcon■ edge the lobc1ta 6-0, 'Che only potntd■ c-• in the :lnd quarter vtien Adrian Loze took the ball ■t the 9 yardtine and raced around the 1ert end, Neither tem au■t■ tned a drive the re,t ol the vay although they had 1me chance■, Leading tne l!obcats effort were Paul lopanarat end Brian ~klnner .

10:UO - Yield l • The ■econd Cadet gm• ■av the hard-noaed Bobcat• tie the 11peedy ralcon ■ ~-6. Th• F■lcona broke throu1n in the lnd quarter vhen C■be llerezel ,ped l1 yard• through the detenae for • TO. Ti~e vae ■tarting to work ag11tn•t the !oocat8 ~Jt they per1l1ted and drove dovn to tne 4 yardltne ln the 4th quartr.r, It va■ frm there th1t the ftobc ■t•' Al be r t Vikt or ran it in to tie the game. lU: OU - Field 2 - the Tribe falcon, and Viklng• hAd • 11pirlted c0nte1t vhich ,av the Falcon■ pull it out I J-1, Alter A ■corele•• opening quart•r, tne Falcon■ punched it in vnen "•llton Cardena• carried on a 2 yardcr, In the )rd• the Viking• ■truck vflen Ru ben Rivera ran lt in from the) y■rdline to knot the ■core, ■nd Ad-. raylor · acored the eatr■ point !or ■ 7-6 lead, lt lfent dovn to the 4tn betore the F■ lcon, rallied (or the 1-vlnn1r, Th• a1>11 va, at the 6 when Kilton Cardena, dropped back top••• 11nd ■potted Steve Schnelder in the clear f"r • TD ! Cardena■ added the ntra point ■nd ■ecured the vin, 10:00 - Field 3 • The bil Prep Cn11111plon ■hlp gme v11e played ■ t lU10U 1 and the team■ Wl!re lnten1e, The Locu ■t• vera 1eektna their third ■traignt !ootball title, and the Pirate, vere out tor their flrat, In the em. both teim1 vent hOffle happy in a ■coreteaa tie 1 ••king thl!m co-ch11111plon■, The Locuat effort va• led by Nick Ana1nopouloa and ~att Hyer•, and the P[rat•• by Crea !ank■ and Chri■ W11Jley,


Nov that football hat ended, it la tlffll! to start the Winter Ca111Crooa Tournament Serles: The first tourn1111"1ent will be b~er pool, Clldet• play each Friday starting QI\ Dec, l ■ t at 4:00, end Pl'epe on l-lednelldaya 1tartin1 Nov, 19th ■ t 1&:llll, There will be three regular tourn17a, and tho■• who plac■ ln the top four of any 1in1le round plu• those who coc,c to at least tvo round ■ whether tney plac@ or not wtll advance to the final■, You can alJn up at your meeting on Monday or during the "l!ek , t! you play, you could win a ribbon or trophy~ All you ~ember• should practice, becau•• thr rtr•t Mother and Father and Son tournament ln J~nu~ry vill ba bumper poo\!

0 0


Page B

S:i t , Nov, 2!1th 3100 !lobeate-Vildnga ~H . llov, 25th 3100 Cougnu-Plrntell !in t • liov, 2~th 4100 llce ■-Locust11

i'hur1', !lo\' , 30th 4:00 llee ■-Loc:u11ta ,hur ~. 1/(lv . Jlt h 4:00 Bobc:au-Cnuga n Thur!', ~o v , lOth 5:0Q Pl rat■ 11-VJklnp,11 ·········••r.AOET R~~J.An Sf.ASO!'I Ol'ENF.RS••••••••••• S;it, Dec:, 2nd ltOO Bobcat a-Cou11a n Sit t, Dec, Znd l:00 Deca-Loc:uat ■ Snt, Dec, 2nd 4:00 Pir■ tea-Viltln111

~••••••••• i1Rti' PRE-SF.ASON HOCKEY SCHEOULE*-•uuu

~.n t. Nov, 25th 12100 Falcon11-Loc: ust11 Sat , !:Ov • 2'.;th 1: 00 Vlldng11-Cou1tnr1 S.IL. Nov . Z~,th 2100 Pirate11-llcr.1 r,,..~. lin v. 20th 4:00 lleea-Lot:u!lta Tu~ ll. ll ov. 28th 5:00 l'alc:ona-nohca u f ut !' , liov, 28th 6:00 Pirates-Vikins11 •• • •••••••••PkF.P RE~Ul.AR SEASON OPENERS••••••••••• 5,'lt, Dec, 2nd 12:00 Falcone-Bobcat■ Sn t. Dec, 2nd 1 I 00 Piratu-Vlk1ng11 SH. Dec:. 2nd 2:00 !cea-Locunt a


S11t. lfov. 25th 9:00 !obcatn-lleea S11t , Nov, 25th 10100 Pintu-Loculltll S11t, llov, 25th 11:00 t111lea/Falc/Vikina11 Tuea, Nov , 28th 7i00 Bobcata-Locuna Thurs. No\', 10th 6:00 Beea-Locu!ltll Thura, Nov, )0th b140 Pirate■-Viklngs Thuu. l/ov. JO~h 7120 - F..oglu-F11lcon11 •••••••••••~F18E REGULA~ SEAS~ OPENERS••••••••••• S~t . Dec Zn~ ~,oil lleea-Locuats S,, t , Dec, 2nd 10: 00 Eagleii•fnlcon11 s., t. Dec , 2nd 111 00 r1rR tcs-V ll<lnitll ,u•tt , Dec , 5th 7100 llobcatn- TIIA

[-:·--=-- --------:d:<T }H1:i►:~:\'SllINE DEC, 2NIJ-- ---- - - ------

l·- inc cxpnndcd Th11nk11glvi·n11 Day iuue of, the tlon~.cy11hln<! "tll he the la11t one printed until Sat, Dec, 2nd, All you need to know 1D in thia lenuc, 10 be sure to hana onto it!

D,Vl s . AND Hmrn. Ct.UBS TO MEET

Thr. NI\C t!oa11' Cl ub invit.,11 all !II0::111 to their .rnnU11t Chrlatnas r11rt; . The party -,111 be he l d nt :;nc c:n- 1.\,d , 0cc . IJth at 7:30 p.in, You src wclco:DC tn vrln ,: a &l\!:l[ll1ng or one of your favo r ite, ho lid ay t rcn tn nnd a grab bo g (option11l), It vill be 11lot of run !or all mo~s, and 111 a great way to meet ether ! ,

The NnC Dnda' Club is holding a Chriat~as Party .H the Amvl!t~ llall, ;!051 W, Bau,ont, on Friday, 'h,c, 15 th 11t 7:10 p,111, Thcri! vill be cnrd phying, rcf r r 11hr.icnt~, and II l(Ood time vill be ha~ by nll , \.lt)' not St ,1\1 by7


Our Tucsd,,y and Thuniday Karllte Clllss continues to RO ~11 a s the Qcabe r a develop t he ir skills ~~1lc vorking toward the next belt , Two class r.c~bcrs, John Morg11n an:l ~lly Manzano, will be g~ing up for the ir yellov belts next ~onth, If you'd like to Join, leave your name at the office, The, c lll11 a ls c t,, r r<:n:ly filled, but we expect t u l\dd people s oon. ,\lre,.dy on the list are Hike J otzat, Ste!~n Bcntclcr, and Cliff Cline,

Those who worked out laat vcek were Charlotte nnd Kllt'l ltolz:.lnser, Brinn llerndt 1 Kevin Schoenfclt, Meagan Hycra, TI10TCas Rodriguez, J:.elly Sc:hoenfelt, Frnnk Boykin, Antonio Montalvo, Mitt & Ke lly Manz11no, Dustin Jones, Todd Brown, Stephanie Moorehead, Jbhn Morgan, ,and Randall B111:nick,


November 21, JO~Q

fJ FJ rJ TlL\NKS TO OUR COACHF.S: CCC One of the bigge■t rea11ons we've h11d !uch 3 Cine

football ■eason ha• been the dedication of our coaches, These volunteers hnve put Ln II gr1?,1t de,.I of tlmc ■nd effort into hdpin11 the playl!r~. Every player should be 1use to th11nk hi ■ co11chr~ 11ftrr thl! bl,i game on Thunday: The11e inen g11ve up thrl r frer time to be ■t your aa••• end practicea, even ~en you did not 1111nt to ahov up, and did their hc~t to teach and be fair to all, Hnny adults c~nnot ~et lnvolv<-d due to \/Orlt schedule~, and manv more ,IJ not care to bother, The vork of these ~en Is 11

credit to the coB11Unity, Than\..• to1

r11M t 1.cngue Rri11n and Marlr. Jotzat, Oe11n tt,m11en, Knlan,l "I Ar,1ua:cdo 1 Nick Glanak••• Joe li11nfclippo, r.c r> r~" Fuch11, Charlie Otto, Hl~ Kacln11kt; lloh CJ,.rk, Fl ~ HAlllW!lnter, Lenny Schoenfelt

Prep Lugue IY!lph Zapata, JLm Greene, G11ry Wadley, Cltrf ~nn;A, Gil Acevedo, Fa Fdrat, Steve Sir.Inner, Tom Bor,crt, D11n 1\orgert, Kllc.e Rhoades, Tim Cibbona, .Ito t.,nc

Trlbe Le.;gue Dario Cainarlllo, Ron Sylvander, lie~ Pecoraro, Cll Ruiz, Jtm Dihu, !lob llanty, TOIi lloettjer, Mike llorntrseger, Steve Will, Clem Jauch, Jin l\.llley

*** 19149 TURKEY SHOOT RESULTS *** The re11ulta are nov ln from the Parent and Son

Turkey Shoot, 11nd 12 ramlliea are the lucky vlnners of a turkey: A total of 77 tean■ c0111petcd, 1111 aiming £or the bullseye, tr you missed lt thl~ ycnr, be 11ure to try next yenr .

We'd like to thanlt Rex Pecor11ro, Hike Rh~11des, !lob H,1c: H:1rg and Clif£ B11nk11 for lending us their bb guns for the conte ■ t,

Cndet Turkey Winners Matt & Klch Han£11no Kevin & Lenny Sc:hoenfelt Joe & Pete Chrl ■topher

7.11ck & Frank Sorenaon Honorable Mention Ribbons Juan & J1111n Carcia Dnn & nlll Scheiderlch Pon & Jon \lnll C.11 & cal Ru lit Chud-. ~ Ai:t Fanning

Prep Turkey Winners Ron & Kon o' l<ee fe Rich & Rl<:h Xanuno Gil & Gil Ac ■vedo Joe & Ttm Glbbonn lmnorshle Hentlon Ribbon■ Hike & Lnrry Christian Joe b Joe Hennen Roy & Roy Rodriguez Steve & Dan Sawyer .

Tribe Turkev Winner■ Mike & J lm Cox Mike & Robert Lamb Br~d & Joe K.ielnik John & John Borrero Tonv ·& Jone PMll1rez Honor11ble Mention Riblw:in11 John & Jon Hllll Gcofr & Alan Taylor Miki! & Cll Ruiz George & George Ho~

Pi rates Locust ■ Locusts Ptntes

Fa le nn11 Pi rat~• Locu,tfl Plriites J.ocu,t11

Bees Plr11tea Piute■


(OUl!llrll Vik!ng11 Falcc,ns 8ees

r.ougars 1\ees Locust a Locus ta Viking!!

Locu!lts lice ■ Pirntes Vikings

"L' pt s. I J 11t ~. If. pB. 15 pt 5,

I 4 r t,. p , pt!. l I pt~, JO pts, l'l pt,.

2, pts. 2 ) p ts , 2.:, pts • 21 p[ ~ .

I II p B , 111 pt s. 15 rts , 15 pt s .

) 1 l't ll, 19 pt 5 ,

1!1 p t~, 16 pts , I '1 pt!' ,

I' pt 11.

12 pt•. II pt s . 11 pt£ ,

0 0

top related