2018tired of Christian education, tired of being peculiar and whispered about in society, tired of the spiritual struggle, tired of trying to keep their prayer life going, tired even

Post on 23-Oct-2020






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  • Sunday – October 7th 10:00 a.m. — Combined Service with Communion and Peace & Global Witness Offering (Sanctuary)

    Sunday – October 14th 8:30 a.m. — Celebration Service (Fellowship Hall) 9:45 a.m. — Adult Christian Education* 11:00 a.m. — Traditional Service (Sanctuary)

    Sunday – October 21st 8:30 a.m. — Celebration Service (Fellowship Hall) 9:45 a.m. — Adult Christian Education* 11:00 a.m. — Traditional Service (Sanctuary)

    Sunday – October 28th 8:30 a.m. — Celebration Service (Fellowship Hall) 9:45 a.m. — Adult Christian Education* 11:00 a.m. — Traditional Service (Sanctuary)

    *Adult Christian Education Classes are held in Sanctuary Rooms A & C, Fellowship Hall and Church Office. Classes are not held on Combined Service Sundays.

    Children’s Church for children up to 1st grade takes place after the Children’s Sermon

    at the 11:00 Service in Sanctuary Room B.

    t h e m o n t h l y n e w s l e t t e r o f


  • Keep Brevard Beautiful!

    Join us for

    Beach Clean-up

    Saturday, October

    20th at 8:30 a.m.

    at Seagull Park in

    Satellite Beach.

    Followed by breakfast.

    10/4 Marie Hoffman

    10/8 Anna Veatch

    10/10 Pam Sanders

    Haskell Walker

    10/13 David Swartz

    10/14 Hannah Webb

    10/16 Marilyn Papp

    Adel Ross

    10/21 Claire Ellis

    10/27 Moira Eddleman

    10/29 Sue Chambers


    Ed & Fran Dieterle


    Mike & Barb Mathewson


    John & Evelyn Marks

    Charlie & Barbara Ellis

    Ladies, please mark your calendars for

    the Presbyterian Women’s Fall Gathering

    to be held on Tuesday, November 13th at

    6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. More

    details will follow in the weekly worship

    bulletins and November newsletter.

    For now, please save the date.

    Sara Stava

    170 S. Lime Street, #1

    Quarryville, PA 17566

  • Food Pantry Donations

    Sunday, October 7th Canned Corn Sunday, October 14th Canned baked beans or beenie-weenies Sunday, October 21st Peanut Butter Sunday, October 28th Canned or pouch tuna

    This Thanksgiving, Pineda’s Mission Team will once again pack 15 Baskets for needy families. The sign-up chart will be available in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, October 7th and we will collect items through November 11th. An envelope for cash or check donations to purchase turkeys and pies will also be posted on the sign-up chart. Please write “Thanksgiving Baskets” in the memo line of your checks Please remember: no items in glass jars as there is a risk of breakage. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

    On Saturday, October 13th from 9:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Grace Communion Church of Melbourne will host their 2nd Annual Art Show Fundraiser

    in our Fellowship Hall!

    Please stop by and check out the various handmade arts and crafts for sale. There will be snacks, crafts for kids, raffles, door prizes, music and a bake sale! 30% of all sales will benefit Family Promise of Brevard & The Children’s Hunger

    Project. Please bring one can of food for admission.

    If you are an artisan and are interested in participating to sell your homemade arts & crafts (with 30% donated to the charities) please contact coordinator,

    Fred Legg at 321-544-9658 or felegg@gmail.com for more info.

    Peace & Global Witness Offering The Peace & Global Witness Offering (formerly called the Peacemaking Offering) is one of

    the four special offerings we receive each year. This offering will be received on World

    Communion Sunday, October 7th.

    A gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering enables the church to promote the Peace of

    Christ by addressing systems of injustice across the world. Individual congregations are

    encouraged to utilize up to 25% of this Offering to connect with the global witness of

    Christ's peace. Mid councils retain an additional 25% for ministries of peace and

    reconciliation. The remaining 50% is used by the Presbyterian Mission Agency to advocate

    for peace and justice in cultures of violence, including our own, through collaborative

    projects of education and Christian witness.

  • Pastor’s Pondering

    My friends, October’s sermons in worship will focus on the book of Hebrews. Hebrews is not a letter or a gospel. It has no opening greeting, no recipients noted, no letter-like thanksgiving, no identified author, no letter qualities (except its ending), though it does have some good news. Hebrews calls itself “a word of exhortation,” not unlike what a sermon seeks to do. Some have even called the book “a sermon” and the writer “the preacher.” Dr. William Barclay, the great Scottish scholar, commented on “Hebrews”: “The basic idea of this letter is that Jesus alone brings (humanity) the full revelation of God and that he alone enables them to enter into (God’s) very presence.” (Barclay’s Commentary on Hebrews, p. 12) Dr. Tom Long, renowned preacher and scholar, wrote about the recipient Christian community in a time of persecution and rejection by the government and society: “They were disheartened members of a Christian community who had begun to lose their grip on their own beliefs and commitments.” (Interpretation Commentary Series, p. 12) His comments on the Christian community’s situation at the time sounds eerily familiar:

    “The Preacher … is addressing a real and urgent pastoral problem,

    one that seems astonishingly contemporary. His congregation is exhausted. They are tired – tired of serving the world, tired of worship,

    tired of Christian education, tired of being peculiar and whispered about in society, tired of the spiritual struggle, tired of trying to keep their prayer life going,

    tired even of Jesus. Their hands droop and their knees are weak (12:12), attendance is down at church (10:25), and they are losing confidence.” (Ibid, 3)

    The congregation has no energy. Have you ever felt that way? Do ever feel like the church as a body of believers is tired? Or that the preachers are worn out? The Preacher is talking to us. The Preacher is talking to me. So, what are we going to do? The answer is, believe it or not, Christology, which is good theology about who Jesus is. Dr. Long reminds us that the Preacher does not work wonders with the latest family systems theory for the church family, conflict management theory, or contemporary worship with the best rock band. What the church needs is a deeper understanding of the nature and meaning of Jesus Christ. (Ibid, 3) So, in October we will begin some serious theological thinking about who Jesus is through the eyes of the book of Hebrews. Come to worship and let us think together. Peace and joy,

    Pastor Jim

  • Seekers—(Sanctuary Room C) This fall we will be using studies from "The Presbyterian Outlook" magazine. Each week

    has a Scripture and explanation of its history as well as a related discussion topic. Seekers

    is led by Phyllis Powers and Marie Hoffman and meets in Meeting Room C (at the SW

    corner of the Sanctuary).

    Thoughtful Christians—(Fellowship Hall) A discussion group which uses a variety of resources for discussion of and exploration into

    our Christian response to current events and popular culture. Thoughtful Christians is led by

    Meg Hoffman and meets in the Fellowship Hall.

    Literature & Scripture—(Church Office) A lecture and discussion class which takes works of classical and contemporary fiction and

    interweaves the themes, characters, and plots with the Old and New Testaments, Christian

    doctrine & theology, and our confessions and creeds for application to living in today’s

    culture. This class is currently studying The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.

    Literature & Scripture is led by Denise Moran and meets in the Church Office.

    Adult Christian Education classes meet

    each Sunday at 9:45 a.m.

    Upward and Onward—(Sanctuary Room A) A lecture & discussion class which studies the Bible verse

    by verse. Upward & Onward is led by Pat Zinn and meets

    in Meeting Room A (on the left side of the narthex). This

    fall we will study the Old Testament books of Ezra, Hag-

    gai, and Zechariah. Ezra was a priest and the book carry-

    ing his name is classified as history; Haggai and Zechariah

    are two of the twelve minor prophets. (“Minor” does not

    mean unimportant, but that these books are shorter and

    more tightly focused than those of the major prophets.)

    Why this combination of books for our study? They are

    tied together by the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem

    following the return from the Babylonian exile (around 538

    BC), the revitalization of the spiritual life of the nation of

    Israel, and the hope of the coming Messiah.

  • Cuba Partnership Update

    Pat Zinn will be in Cuba from November 12th-20th. The first 3 days are the annual business meeting with representatives from El Centro, Central Florida, Baltimore, and Mission (TX) presbyteries. El Centro leaders will update the partner presbyteries on activities during 2018, how they used the funds sent by the U.S. presbyteries, El Centro’s plans for 2019, and the 2019 budget.

    After the meeting, Pat will spend 2 ½ days with each of our sister churches in Meneses and Iguará. One planned activity is a Bible lesson for the children and a related craft activity. Mercy, the lay leader of the Meneses church, chose the story of Noah’s Ark.

    Since Pat is the only person going to Meneses and Iguará this trip, she can’t take a lot of supplies with her, but here is a partial list of the most-often requested items. A more detailed list will be published later this fall, because Pastor Jim and Pat are going to Cuba in January, 2019 with others from our Presbytery. Please place items in the “Cuba Mission Donations” bin in the Fellowship Hall.

    OTC Medicines Craft Supplies Desitin diaper cream Embroidery needles Triple Antibiotic ointment Sewing machine needles Ibuprofen Cotton yarn for knitting and crocheting Vitamin B6 Crochet thread, especially colors Benadryl 4 glue guns Children’s Tylenol Glue sticks for the glue guns

    Brief postcards or notes of friendship, encouragement and prayers from members of Pineda (in English or Spanish) are even more important to the Cuban churches than the medical and craft supplies. Please take a few minutes to jot a note (or one for each church), and put them in the plaid clothespin holder on the Mission Team bulletin board by the kitchen, or in the bin with the other supplies.

    Thank you for continuing to build our relationship with our Cuban brothers and sisters!


    Bring your “hearts and hands” to share in a new missions initiative right on the campus of Pineda P.C.! The Missions Team is partnering with Sunshine Learning Center to bring enhanced programs to the children and demonstrate loving kindness to the teachers, who give so much to the “little ones”!

    Sunshine Learning Center (SLC) and the Director and teachers have been involved and are excited about our new relationship. Denise Moran is coordinating the process and will liaison with SLC as a member of the Missions Team.

    You can serve by signing up to be a guest reader OR storyteller, share a talent (percussion, guitar, crafts), share an interest (butterflies, gardening), or participate in a seasonal activity. We also have spots for host/hostess to greet parents/students during their special events. Everyone has a place to work with the little ones!

    Members of the Mission Team are already signing up, and Denise Moran and Mary Inkpen are committed to bring music & bells to the children.

    Here is how our process works!

    Sign up: Indicate your interest and willingness to be a part of this this new

    missions initiative by signing up…several of you have already communicated your interest!

    Sign-Up Sheet: Look for the sign-up sheets in the Fellowship Hall! Commitment: Sign-up for one or more activities! Once/Twice/More Activities: Guest reader; guest storyteller; teach a craft around a curriculum theme;

    share a hobby (gardening, Butterfly Day); be a guest musician; be a host/hostess; or participate in a seasonal activity sponsored by PPC (e.g. Trunk or Treat, Parent Night out for December shopping); or serve as a Teacher’s Secret Pal (we need 5…for prayer, notes of encouragement, small gifts of school supplies).

    Next: Denise Moran will communicate back with you and get you linked to Kelly Callahan, the SLC Director, or call you directly for the bigger project events.

    Questions: Talk with Denise…she’s excited and can answer questions and link you up!

    We hope that you will open your hearts & hands to share Christian love with the little ones!

  • October 7th

    Job 1:1; 2:1-10 Psalm 26

    Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12 Mark 10:2-16

    October 14th

    Job 23:1-9, 16-17 Psalm 22:1-15

    Hebrews 4:12-16 Mark 10:17-31

    October 21st

    Job 38:1-7, 34-41 Psalm 104:1-9, 24, 35c

    Hebrews 5:1-10 Mark 10:35-45

    October 28th

    Job 42:1-6, 10-17 Psalm 34:1-8, 19-22

    Hebrews 7:23-28 Mark 10:46-52


    Session Sound Bites (September 17th Meeting)

    Opened with prayer and devotion led by Elder Haskell Walker Learned that Al Giddings will represent the deacons on the

    Endowment Committee Heard report of September 11th Stated Presbytery meeting from

    Elder Commissioner Paul Pratt Received reports of Senior Pastor and Associate Pastor and

    approved mileage expenses Noted that Bill Purtill was commissioned as a Stephen Leader at

    the September 9th combined worship service. Learned that the Christmas Dinner will be held Tuesday,

    December 11th Heard that Christian Education teachers were commissioned at

    both services on September 16th Learned that visitor packets have been updated and are in the

    pews Heard updated status on new parking lot lights, installation of

    capping on roof, and handicap cut for sidewalk in front of Fellowship Hall

    Received the Treasurer’s report Learned that 2019 budget requests are due at the October 15th

    session meeting Heard that the Mission Team is supporting the local Gifts of the

    Heart program, sponsored by Family Promise of Brevard and other organizations, to operate a shop where parents can purchase Christmas gifts for their children at affordable prices

    Thanked Paul Pratt for volunteering to serve as Stewardship chair, and learned that 2018 Consecration Sunday program is ready to go

    Reminded all teams to review their chapters of the Policies and Procedures Manual and submit electronic versions of updates for session approval at the October 15th session meeting

    Called a session meeting for Sunday, September 30th at 9:30 a.m. to receive new members and to examine Karen Smith for the office of deacon

    Adjourned with prayer

    Pineda Presbyterian Church 5650 N. Wickham Road, Melbourne, FL 32940

    pinedapc.office@gmail.com 321-259-1330 www.pinedapres.org

  • Pineda Presbyterian Church 5650 N. Wickham Road, Melbourne, FL 32940

    pinedapc.office@gmail.com 321-259-1330 www.pinedapres.org

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