Tips for College Success

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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Here are some handy tips to help you survive college!


Tips for College Success Be responsible. Always keep up with assignments and their due dates. This will

help to prevent stress and last minute rushing or cramming.

Attend class regularly. Do your best to attend every session of class on time.

This will ensure that you do not miss any important information about

assignments, tests, due dates, projects, etc.

Contact your professor. Make sure that you talk to your professor about any

class that you will need to miss or anything that you do not understand. The

professors are there to help.

Keep up with all class materials. Try to keep all class materials in a designated

area, and keep assignments organized in a binder or accordion folder. This will

help prevent misplacing any items needed for class and make assignments much

easier to find.

Keep up with assignment due dates. Use a calendar, traditional or electronic, to

keep up with important dates such as tests, exams, project due dates, registration

dates, and any other important dates.

Take lots of good notes. You will most certainly need to study for every exam

and test that you take. Taking good notes is a very important task. However, do

not try to write down everything that the professor says. This may cause you to

miss some important details. Also, taking a tape recorder to class and recording

the lecture can be helpful. It will allow you to listen to the lecture again to make

sure you get ALL of the important details.

Never resort to cheating. Cheating is NEVER acceptable. If caught, you will

receive a zero for the assignment at the very least but could be kicked out of

school. This could result in losing your scholarship or grants.

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