Timeline powerpoint

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Saint Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373)

Saint Bridget of Sweden was a patron saint of Europe and she is the most famous Swedish saint. She was known her charity and she was very religious and founded the order Bridgettines. The Bridgettines still exists today and many women were influenced by her life and religious beliefs.She is a role model for many women because she left all her children and everything she had and went to Italy. When she came to Italy and she wanted to talk to the pope but he was not there so she waited for 18 years so that she could make a new order (the Bridgettines.) She also wanted to make a new monastery but she did not have time to do it. But when she died her daughter fulfilled her mission and 1384 the monastery inaugurated in Vadstena.

This is Saint Bridget of Sweden

Johannes Gutenberg (1398-1468)

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. It made it easier for many people to read the books that got written. The people who used to write the books for hand did not have to do that anymore.He made many people start reading and spreading knowledge. If Johannes Gutenberg had not come up with this no one knows when it would have happened.

This is Johannes Gutenberg

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)

Christopher Columbus was an explorer that 'found' America. People where already there and actually there where Vikings in North America before Christopher. But anyway it was very new to go so long away. He encouraged other people to also travel. More people got interested in travel. That made an impact on us because when Christopher came back from America more people went there and they made themselves at home there and more and more people went there. So now are there many white people there. Before where there only Indians there.

This is Christopher Columbus

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

Leonardo da Vinci was a famous painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and a writer. You can say that he was a genius. He changed the world we live in today by inventing so many things that we can use now.If Leonardo da Vinci had not made all these inventions and we had not found the plans we might have been much more after in the development of the world and all the thing around us as we are now.

This is Leonardo da Vinci

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)

The change Nicolaus Copernicus did was to discover that the sun is in the middle of the universe and not the earth as the church thought. He made a rebellion against the church. This discovery Nicolaus did made an impact on science and on us because, when other people looked in the telescope after him they saw that he was right. So know we know how the universe really looks like.

This is Nicolaus Copernicus

Michelangelo (1475-1564)

Michelangelo was a famous painter, sculptor, architect, engineer and poet in the renaissance. He made many beautiful paintings and sculptures. He was a very skilled artist. Michelangelo had a big influence on later artists and painters. We care about it today because many people see his art today and get influenced by his wonderful creatings.

This is a sculpture made by Michelangelo. It is called ‘Pietà’.

Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521)Ferdinand was an explorer. He was the first explorer that went between the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean. He also told about new animal species.That made an impact on the world because they found new places and if he had not went there who knows when anybody would have. It is also important for people to know how the world is looking. If they did not know that it might be hard.

This is Ferdinand Magellan

Martin Luther (1483-1546)Martin Luther did some changes. He was an icon of the protestant reformation. He also translated the bible so that people that could not talk Latin could read the bible to. He made a big impact especially in Sweden where I am from. Sweden got protestantic because of him.

This is Martin Luther

Gustav Vasa (1496-1560)Gustav Vasa was a Swedish king in the renaissance. He was king from 1523 until 1560(when he died). He invented the monarchy by succession. Gustav Vasa was the first monarch of house of Vasa. The Vasa house was the royal house 16th and 17th century. The change he made was to cut the ties to the Catholic church and he seized all the churches around Sweden's stuff, belongings and land and gave it to the state. He united Sweden to a good and strong nation. Some people say that 'Through his effort Sweden got reborn.'He made an impact on Sweden when he 'squished' the Catholic Priests away and took all the church's belongings away and took them to Stockholm. If he had not done this Sweden might be Catholic even now. Sweden got protestantic because of him and some influence from Martin Luther. This is Gustav Vasa

Sofonisba Anguissola 1532-1625

She was the first female painter that was established and well known. The change she did was to encourage other women to paint. Some of the women that were

encouraged to start painting was Irene di Spilimbergo and Laviana Fontana. Both of

these two painters got an established and successful career.

I think that if Sofonisba Anguissola had not lived or started painting other women at that time had not get

encouraged to start painting. I think it is very important with justice and I think it

is not justice if there are only manly painters, as there was at the time.

This is Sofonisba Anguissola

Elizabeth I (1533-1603)

Elizabeth I was a queen in England. When Elizabeth came to the throne England was a poor country which was almost getting concurred by Spain. But when she died England was a rich and powerful land and its navy was among the strongest.We care about it because now England is a strong country and it might not be as strong if Elizabeth had not done these things for England.

This is Elizabeth I

Galileo Galilei (1564-1652)

Galileo was mathematician, physicist and astronomer. He made a change when he supported Nicolaus Copernicus with his theory about the universe. He was very brave because he knew he was going to get people angry at him. He made a lasting impact on the world because he was supporting Nicolaus Copernicus with his belief that the sun was in the middle of the universe and not the earth. He supported him even though Nicolaus had formulated nearly seventy years ago. That made people believe more in what Nicolaus was saying and now they know how it really is. This is Galileo Galilei

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

The change Shakespeare did was to use a new way of writing books and plays. Some of the plays he did were Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. The impact William made on us today was to share his talent with us so that we can use it now. He was very good at what he did and many people talk about him so we remember him. We remember him because he made very good plays. Now we use his ideas and plays and make them different.

This is William Shakespeare

Giordano Bruno was a philosopher, mathematician and astronomer. He is a symbol for the right to express new ideas and knowledge. He thought that that the sun was a star like all other stars in the universe. He also thought that there were other planets just like earth. This made a lasting impact on us because he became a martyr for the right to express ideas that are against the ruling order. I think he was good because he said what he wanted and stood up to other people (the church.)

Giordano Bruno (1548-1600)

This is Giordano Bruno's statue on Piazza Campo de Fiori in Rome. I lived at Piazza Campo de Fiori when I lived in Rome so I saw this statue every day.

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