-time mom of 5 boys, a passionate wife, and a full-time ...€¦ · ’m a full-time mom of 5 boys, a passionate wife, and a full-time entrepreneur who has built a body coaching company

Post on 20-Jun-2020






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’m a full-time mom of 5 boys, a passionate wife, and a full-time entrepreneur who

has built a body coaching company from the ground up. Along the journey I have

authored books, owned businesses, became an IFPA pro Bodybuilder starting at

the age of 35. Life Fitness chose me as their “Top 10 Personal Trainers Watch.” Plus,

I’m also a certified strength and Pilates trainer. How did I do it all? What I’ve learned

about toning up your body, hormones, and metabolism can change your life.

Nothing would make me happier!



Read on as I decipher and uncover the truth and myth about the Ketogenic Diet.

Ketosis, ketogenic, Keto…all words that we’re hearing more and more these days.

It is being talked about by celebrities, personal trainers, and weight loss groups all

over the country. It seems everyone has something to say about the ketogenic diet.

I have even heard keto diet being talked about by my husband’s mom and women

in our fitness studio over the age of 60. From what they tell me, this popular diet has

been around for ages. It is gaining popularity quickly as a means to lose weight, lose

fat and gain muscle and tone in your body.

The truth is, when things get popular it can be both good and bad.

The good is that more and more people are discovering the typical standard

American diet may not be the best for our health.

After years of following the recommended food pyramid and seeing struggles of

people being grossly overweight, watching their loved ones struggle with diseases

from diet such as diabetes, heart disease, and an overall poor quality of life, folks are

ready to look at other alternative avenues for diet and nutrition.

The bad is the low level of understanding people have about what ketosis really is.

There is a lack of knowledge on how to best use it to benefit your health and body.

I want to shed some light on the myths that surround ketosis.


But first, what is a Ketogenic Diet?

The keto (ketogenic) diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet that switches the fuel source

of energy your body uses to function. Instead of using glucose from carbohydrates

(your body’s preferred energy source) for fuel, you burn fat instead— whether it’s

fat from your diet, or your own stored body fat. When you eat a low enough level

of carbohydrates (usually about 20–50 net grams) for several days in a row, you

enter the metabolic state called ketosis, which is what forces your body to break

down fat for fuel.


Eating keto nutrition is eating no carbs and-restricting fruit and vegetables –

it is low carb not zero carb and there are no essential carbohydrates

known. There are essential fatty acids and essential proteins, but there

is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate. We eat fruit, but we

choose nutrient dense fruit such as berries, but stay away from high

sugar tropical fruits such as mango, bananas and pineapple. When you do eat carbs,

it is from nutrient dense lower carb vegetables, nuts, berries and dairy. I actually find

myself eating more vegetables then I was before. I know that I can cups of spinach and

have almost zero carbs. This is great because I can eat more nutrient dense food. I also

feel fuller and have more nutrients.


In keto nutrition you eat far too much meat and protein like Atkins-You eat

moderate protein. Too much protein is turned into glucose in the body

via gluconeogenesis. In keto you are encouraged to eat meat that has

had minimal intervention such as steaks, roasts, drumsticks, organ

meats. There is a huge difference between processed meat such as

hotdogs and burgers to meat such as steak, roasts, chops and ham on the bone.

Protein is required for essential amino acids. I have people asking me this all of the

time. The truth is the big difference for me is that I now find myself choosing healthy fats

instead of protein, like I used to on my previous low carb high protein plan. Atkins and

Keto vary greatly in that effect.

The diet isn’t varied -When you take out the carbs what is left? Everything

else. A high carb diet keeps you from nutrition. A low carb diet keeps you

out of junk. This myth is a huge misnomer. I have discovered so many more

recipes and choices for clients and myself with keto. Variety is abundant with

this nutrition plan. A sandwich truly has little nutrition when compared to a

salad. In fact, when you go low carb, your diet will consist of meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts,

seeds and healthy fats.


You are restricted to what you can eat – In truth you restrict the products that

you eat. If you think about it, every year thousands of new products come

into the marketplace. Most of them have some form of added sugar! In

keto you will eat a huge variety of foods, and very limited processed

products. The problem is that we and our kids are surrounded by over

processed foods and marketed to with the intention of creating a need. Keto will force

you to enjoy the natural state of foods and show your kids and family better options.

My kids have had the luxury of understanding and enjoying all sort of fruits, vegetables,

smoothies, desserts (sugar-free), pure therapeutic ketones, water, and meats that were never

marketed to them. They have learned to love berries, brussel sprouts, grilled zucchini,

guacamole, whipping cream with espresso greens, keto cheesecake, and so much more.

Rather than goldfish crackers that last from now until eternity with preservatives. They are

not stuck in the processed food list as so many others are.

Low carb isn’t sustainable long term-Studies continually show that once

people go low carb and give up sugars and grains, they do it for good.

That is part of the success of such a way of eating as once you learn how

damaging these are to our bodies and appetite, you actually don’t want

to touch them again. I found that after a few weeks of keto I lost my cravings

for processed carbs. My energy is so on point that I forget about them.


Going without carbs makes you tired because you need carbs for energy –

most people report that they have never had so much energy. Fat is a

far more sustaining fuel than carbs. Once we use up all our stored carbs

(glycogen) we switch to fat burning mode. We have an almost unlimited

supply of energy in our fat stores. You will no longer be on the sugar

roller coaster, with afternoon slumps and evening munchies. The day is not

surrounded with food cravings and slumps after I eat mid afternoon. Now my energy

basically stays the same all day until bedtime. I am not at the

whim of my blood sugar. I feel even keeled. When my

hormones are balanced then my body feels balanced. My

body has a longer fuel source my own body fat. This is a long

slow burning fuel that keeps me going. The only time I felt low

in energy is the first 10 days until my body was fat converted.

The only other time is if I were to eat sugars and carbs. When

I stick with this I have limitless energy.

Low carb is another fad diet – people have been eating low carb for

thousands of generations, it is in fact our current high carb food pyramid

that should be seen as a fad diet. People tend to use the term ‘fad diet’ as

a derogatory term when diets don’t work, but low carb works and it

works long term. People have been shown to do very well on low carb.

Ask your grandparents what they did to lose

a little weight – they stopped eating bread and

potatoes. Keto has proven to be a permanent

way for myself and my clients the results they

are looking for.


All that fat will give you heart disease – Studies have repeatedly shown that

it is the carbs in our diet that increases inflammation, creates the

dangerous form of LDL cholesterol carrier, raised triglycerides, raises

our risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes (which is one of the biggest

risk factors of heart disease). Eating low carb and healthy fats actually

reduces every single risk factor. Reducing your carbs will reduce your triglycerides

(best predictor of heart disease), reduce blood pressure, improves HDL and

improves the size and type of LDL. Honestly when I was following a low fat diet my

cholesterol went up and my blood sugars while pregnant were high. Now after eating keto

my cholesterol and blood sugars are in the normal zone.

We don’t eat enough fiber –The myth of losing fiber from breads and

cereals is a persistent myth. Wholegrain bread is quite often processed

then the fiber and grains added back in- and then fortified with vitamins.

I’d rather get my fiber from whole foods like coconut, nuts, and leafy greens.

Tastes 100% better.

Ketosis is dangerous – going low carb does not mean you will be in ketosis

all the time. When babies are nursing their body is in ketosis and it is

very beneficial to brain development and not at all dangerous. Ketosis is

a natural state and fuel source that your body was made to run off of,

your body switches to fat burning after all of its glycogen stores are used

and will run quite happily on fat. Fat is released from your fat cells into your

bloodstream; these fatty acids are turned into ketones, which fuel the body and

brain. I have never felt better.

So is keto dangerous? – No, it is a safe and easy way to lose fat and maintain muscle.

Here are just a few of the stories I have personally witnessed from folks that have

followed a ketosis diet.


Laura was a 59 year old client that was tired, overweight, and

had brain fog. She had been taking care of her ailing mother for

some time until she had passed away that fall. She came to us

desperate for a change. She was ready to invest in herself both

physically and mentally. She started drinking pure therapeutic

ketones. In a few weeks her cravings were gone and her energy

was up. She felt so great that she started exercising more and

following a ketone nutrition plan. A side effect of all of this was

that she lost 31 lbs in 5 months!! She felt great with limitless

energy and zero cravings!!


Karla a 45 year old, busy career women, and mom. She was low

on energy, gaining belly fat, and simply not feeling like her upbeat

self any longer. She was ready for a change. She started drinking

pure therapeutic ketones, working out, and cycling her carbs. She

started feeling more energy in a few weeks. Her midsection

tightened up and she now consistently started looking forward

to workouts. Her true self never shined brighter.


Larry is a 50 year old Dad of 5 boys with a full-time career as an

insurance underwriter. He was an avid exerciser and in his 40’s

discovered he had a thyroid condition “hypothyroidism” this

would leave him feeling sluggish and “hangry” for carbs like fruit

and yogurt. He also suffered from an autoimmune disorder. He

started drinking pure therapeutic ketones and in 90 days had

lost 22 lbs around his midsection and was no longer “hangry”

and tired all of the time. He has since kept off the weight for

over 2 years and his autoimmune symptoms have cleared up

after starting a ketosis nutrition plan recently.


Are you ready for a change?

Do you want to feel the same way as some of the stories you’ve heard?

First join my Facebook group Andreya T. by clicking on the text below:

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Buy my Online Ketogenic 28 Day Nutrition Plan and Workout Plan

by clicking below:

Online Ketogenic Nutrition and Workout Plan

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