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EDITED TRANSCRIPTCRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote



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Mike Rosenbaum - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Fergus Griffin - SVP - Solutions Marketing

Brigitte Donner Salesforce - Product Marketing Director - Service Cloud

Bryan Wade ExactTarget, Salesforce Company - SVP - Marketing Applications


Lisa Cutler Pew Charitable Trusts - Senior Director - Strategy & Planning

John McGeachie Evernote - VP - Evernote Business

Rosetta Carrington Lue City of Philadelphia - Chief Customer Service Officer



Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Executive Vice President of, Mike Rosenbaum.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Hello, everybody. As they said, as [Pierce] said, my name is Mike Rosenbaum. I run the platform at, and I've worked at the companyfor eight years. Incredibly excited to be here today to get to share this vision, our vision for the future, our vision for IT, our vision around Salesforce1.

This is actually the second stop in our world tour. We launched the Internet of Customers in Salesforce1 at Dreamforce back in November in SanFrancisco. And then we took the show on the road to New York, and it's exciting to be here in Philadelphia, the second stop on this tour. We'regoing all over the world, and you should be proud that we're here in Philadelphia establishing ourselves with an event of this size in Philadelphia.

I think we have over 1,100 people registered, correct? Over 1,100 people registered, and over 1,000 people in the room. Standing room only as welike to set it up to make some of the stragglers suck it up and stand up during the rest of the presentation.

So, let me start the presentation as we like to start all of our presentations at Salesforce by saying thank you. Thank you to each and every one ofyou, all of our customers, all the folks in the room who are here to listen to what we're talking about, listen to our vision. But also help us becomea better company.

Salesforce started 15 years ago, actually, almost today, I think actually on Saturday, with the idea that there was a new way to deliver enterprisesoftware. That there was a better way that we could do this. That you could deliver enterprise software as easy as logging onto andany other website on the internet.

We also started with another innovation, which was that enterprise software would be better delivered as a subscription service, and not changethe relationship that we had with our customers. That created a feedback loop that allowed our customers to show us how they were using theproduct and talk to us about how they were using the product, and allowed us to adapt our products to make it better, and better, and better. So,I want to say thank you. Thank you for helping us become the leading cloud-computing company, the leading CRM company in the world, rankednumber 1 most innovative company in the world for 3 years running, and a lot of this, almost all of this, is thanks to you and your feedback, andour partnership in helping create the best enterprise software company in the world.

My favorite statistic on here is that the latest addition to this slide is we're the number 5 smartest company in the world. I don't know who 4, 3, 2,and 1 are, but next year we'll be back in Philadelphia, hopefully, we'll be number 4.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

So we just delivered probably the best quarter in the history of enterprise software, 37% revenue growth, $1 billion in revenue in Q4. We got it toover $5 billion in revenue, and every single ounce of our success, every single bit of it, is based on the success of every single one of our customers.There is not a day goes by that we don't think about how we are adding value, how you are getting more value out of the software, how we arethinking about upgrading our platform and our services and our products to help ensure that you are getting better, and better, and better. That'swhat the success of this company is based on, and again, I want to thank you.

But Salesforce did not just reinvent how enterprise software works when we founded this company. We also invented a new model for corporatephilanthropy that we call the 1-1-1 model. 1% of our time, 1% of our equity, and 1% of our product were allocated to non-profit mission-drivenorganizations when we founded the company.

This is incredibly core to who we are as employees, and who we are as a company. I can tell you personally that I do not do a single interview without talking to that perspective employee about the importance to the Foundation, the importance for giving back, and takingthe success that we've been able to achieve and applying it to helping these mission-driven organizations who are trying to improve the world.This is incredibly important to us. You see at the bottom there all these other amazing companies that have followed this model, and used thismodel, used this idea to create a better world.

Now, Juan if I could, ask all of the non-profit organizations, any one that's from a non-profit or mission-driven organization with us in the room,could you please stand up and be recognized. Thank you.

Thank you very much. It's the work that you're doing that makes the world a better place, and it's all the other folks in this room that can help you,that can provide time, that can provide your efforts, your expertise. Probably one of the most valuable experiences in my career at Salesforce washaving an opportunity to work with one of the non-profit organizations, one of those 20,000 non-profit organizations who use the SalesforcePlatform, who use the Salesforce services to run their company more effectively.

And one company that I heard about, and I said we need to absolutely bring them here to talk to us when we come to Philadelphia is the PewCharitable Trusts. And what the Pew Charitable Trusts is doing with the Salesforce Platform, and using it to broaden their organization moreeffectively and more efficiently is really amazing. And so, I'd like to welcome Lisa Cutler from the Pew Charitable Trusts. Thank you very much forcoming.

Lisa Cutler - Pew Charitable Trusts - Senior Director - Strategy & Planning

Thank you for having me.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

And sharing your story with us. So, let me start -- so tell us a little bit about Pew and what you do.

Lisa Cutler - Pew Charitable Trusts - Senior Director - Strategy & Planning

So Pew has been -- was founded in Philadelphia nearly 70 years ago. We started as a division of a bank. There are partners right over there. Pewstarted out being an anonymous grant maker to projects in the Philadelphia area that were important to the founders. We've now grown to expandour mission globally. So we have now approaching 800, 900 employees working on everything from improving nutrition in school lunches, topreserving large swaths of ocean from extractive activity. It's an exciting to be at Pew, but Philadelphia is our home and roots. So we're excited thatyou guys came here today.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Well said. Thank you for coming. It's great to be here. So tell me a little bit about your role at Pew and how you're using Salesforce, and how theplatform helps you in your mission.

Lisa Cutler - Pew Charitable Trusts - Senior Director - Strategy & Planning

So, my role at Pew now is I'm in charge of all of our business applications in the IT department. I started out in communications and marketing,and we decided to implement Salesforce for traditional CRM reasons. We have 80% of the company uses it because we do advocacy outreach. Wepartner with other organizations, and we needed a way, now that we're not 100 people anymore, to make sure everybody knew who was talkingto whom about what.

So we started out for a simple kind of air traffic control traditional CRM and realized we can use it to do so much more. We are doing back officeapps with it. We are coordinating all our -- we brought our marketing automation into it. We are using it as our fund raising tool to track, really,every relationship, and we see tremendous opportunities to do more with it in the future.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

So, what's your secret? How do you get so much value from all of this?

Lisa Cutler - Pew Charitable Trusts - Senior Director - Strategy & Planning

We -- with Salesforce and the platform allows us to do is really bring the business into the room, and let them tell us what their challenges are,what they're trying to do, and listen. We can put -- we don't have to worry about the code. I don't have to have a team of developers. We can reallyjust focus on what's the process. Can we standardize it a little bit? Can this project working on school lunch work a little bit more like the environmentfolks, and what can we do to bring folks together?

So it allows us to listen to our customers, and also allows us to give them solutions faster. They no longer think they have to go pull out their creditcard and go buy some unsupported app, but they think we can solve their problems, and that's really rewarding for my team.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

So what's the future look like? What's the next 6 months here look like for you and Salesforce?

Lisa Cutler - Pew Charitable Trusts - Senior Director - Strategy & Planning

The next 6 months in Salesforce is going to be looking at how we can upgrade our grants management. We still do some of that traditional workwe did in the beginning, and give funds to other organizations that are doing great work. We need to do that more efficiently. So that's one initiative.And we're really look at -- can we do to bring -- we've got kind of some our marketing automation, we some brought the social streams in, solooking at Marketing Cloud is kind of our next area to investigate.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Well, thank you very much. I'm sure there's a whole bunch of people in the room that are going to want to pick your brain after the event --



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

Lisa Cutler - Pew Charitable Trusts - Senior Director - Strategy & Planning

Only to start kick theirs.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Congratulations on the success, and thank you very much for sharing your story. Thank you.

So, I like to say that it's suddenly becoming fun to be in IT again, right. We like to say that it's interesting to be in technology because our world isconstantly changing. And we are entering what we think of as the third great wave of computing. We've moved from mainframes to client-servers,and client-servers to cloud applications. But what's going on right now in the technology industry is really unprecedented.

If you think about the combination of social, mobile, cloud, and now this idea that every single product in the world, over 50 billion connectedthings. This is changing technology at a very, very fundamental level, and allowing us, as we say, to create these connected experiences with ourcustomers that in ways -- in ways that we never imagined 5 or 10 years ago.

I'm telling you, when I joined Salesforce I never thought that we would be standing here today talking about how Salesforce is powering an Internetof Things. That's what makes my job fun. That's what makes it fun to be sitting in this room, I think, today. It's thinking about how this incredibleinnovation that is going on in our industry is going to allow us to change our companies.

You look at this slide. Everything from a GE jet engine to a Caterpillar backhoe to a Philips Hue light to a mobile phone that every single person inthe room probably has one or more of in their pocket right now. Everything is now connected. But, we talked about this at Dreamforce. There's avery important insight that I think that is really, really important to understand in Salesforce's perspective on all this. And that is that it's behindevery thing is a customer. Behind every device is a customer. Behind every app is a customer, and behind every tweet is a customer. Behindeverything in the world is a customer.

That this world of connected products, this world of connected -- connected world that we are creating now is not about the technology. It's aboutthe opportunity to use that technology to connect to customers. That's what we mean when we say the internet of customers, and the opportunityto connect to your customers in whole new ways. That it's not about delivering -- it's about thinking about technology as a wrapper around everysingle product, and every single service in the world.

And what I say is that, really, the technology if you think about it, the technology is becoming the differentiator around these services and theseproducts. It's the technology. It's the experience. It's the engagement that a company is able to have with its customers that is proving to be thedifferentiators of these products. When we talk to these companies, GE and Caterpillar and Canon and Coca Cola, what they're telling us, and whatwe're with them to achieve, is a better customer experience so that they can differentiate their products, differentiate their services, and connectto their customers in whole new ways.

We're entering this whole new world, this whole new way, to engage customers. There's 4.5 billion aggregated users in social networks today. Ifyou're not thinking about how you're engaging with your customers in social networks, you are absolutely way behind the curve already, right.There's 5 billion smartphones. Every single person on earth, basically, is going to have a smartphone, and you're going to be able to connect tothat person over that smartphone any time. They're going to expect that connection any time and anywhere you are.

It's all driven by cloud computing. Cloud computing is the driver. It's the thing that's making this happen. And I want to say for a second, I want totalk about that toothbrush in the bottom right-hand corner. Lots of you may have heard us talk about the toothbrush story. Think about this. Philipsis now shipping a wifi-connected toothbrush. It's something that every single person in the room uses two or three times a day, maybe more. Youhave no relationship with your toothbrush vendor today. None of us do, right.

But now that this toothbrush is connected. It has a sensor. It connects to wifi. It allows us to -- the screen is broken -- okay, I can do this whole thingwithout slide. Get ready. Get ready. Okay, focus on me. Philips now has an opportunity to connect with its customers. When you buy a Philips



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

toothbrush, you buy it from Walmart. You buy it from Target. Now there's a reason for you to go to the website, register your toothbrush, make aconnection directly to Philips. That is incredibly valuable to them. That's actually also incredibly valuable to you, because they're going to be ableto provide you more service. They're going to be able to provide you a better experience. They're going to be able to help you keep your teethcleaner, right.

This is the world where we are going to, and it's up to all of us, all the people in this room to think about how can we apply that to our business.How can we apply that to our customer base?

The next slide, which you can't see, has to do with the idea of one-to-one connected customer relationships. Okay. Today in marketing organizationsall over the world, we connect with our customers in a one-to-many fashion, right. We send emails to massive numbers of people. But in the future,we are going to have a one-to-one personalized experience with each and every single one of our customers. This is the opportunity that thistechnology affords us, and we have to take advantage of it.

Now, that applies to every single channel -- email, connected products, push notifications in your mobile-connected device, when you're at thestore, when you're at the e-commerce site, when you're buying something, over a community. And now, and I think some of you can see thisstadium slide up here.

I was in Japan, actually. Let me pause for a second here. I was in Japan last week presenting this slide, and I presented just like I just did. I wentacross and I said -- you have to have one-to-one experiences across every single touch point, every single channel. And the person I was speakingthrough, a translator in Japanese, said -- Wait a minute. Why do you have a stadium on this slide? What does that mean? What is that all about?Why is there a stadium icon on this slide?

And I said -- that is a very good question. So let me explain it to you. Do we have any Philadelphia Eagles season ticket holders in the room. Hopefully,one. Good. Okay, good, a couple. Think about what your relationship is today with the Philadelphia Eagles, right. When you go -- you're a seasonticket holder, you got to that stadium, you sit down in your seat. You pay for your seat, and basically, that's your connection to the PhiladelphiaEagles. It starts and ends right there. You see a good football game, and that's it.

But that is about to very dramatically change, okay. That relationship is going to change, because in the future, in the very not so distant future,every single season ticket holder is going to get an application. And that application is going to allow them to order food when they're sitting attheir seats, and have that food delivered.

It's going to allow them to buy merchandise. It's going to allow the Philadelphia Eagles to start to have a one-to-one relationship, a one-to-oneconnection with each and every one of their customers. Then when you go home, they're going to be able to send you more targeted, morepersonal, better value-added opportunities and offers that are based on your preferences, and based on you, and based on the things that youlike.

And then when you go and open your John Madden Football Game on your PlayStation 4, they're going to know that you're a Philadelphia seasonticket holder. And they're going to be able to unlock new, interesting things inside that game, because you're a Philadelphia Eagles season ticketholder.

And what's that's going to is completely change your relationship with the Philadelphia Eagles, and it's going to completely change your relationshipwith that customer, and it is going to just increase the value of these sports teams by -- I don't know what kind of factor. Probably a lot.

But that's a great, great idea that we can all sort of understand, and it gives you a sort of view into where we see the future, and how we see peopleusing this technology going forward.

And so you have to ask yourself a question. Are your systems, is your company organized around this idea that you can connect your employees,your partners, your products, your devices, and you can put that customer at the center of your IT universe, at the center of your company to helpensure that you're having this connected experience across every single touch point.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

If you ask yourself, are you ready for this, right? Truth is most companies aren't, right. I want you to do something for me. I want you to think aboutyour company from your customer's perspective. Imagine that you are the customer, and you're looking at your company. And you ask yourself --what is the perception of our company? Are we taking advantage of this opportunity? Are we engaging with customers across all of these touchpoints?

Unfortunately, I think the answer too often is no. Most companies, as you can see from this slide, most companies are not ready. Even Salesforceourselves, we are constantly asking ourselves -- how are we engaging with our customers? How are we adding more value? Are we taking advantageof this opportunity? It's really, really important.

You've got to ask yourself -- are you ready to make this change? Are your ready to empower every single employee in your organization with allof the information that they need to do their jobs effectively, to deliver connected customer service, when your customers are everywhere? Whenthey expect to be able to pick up a phone, or press a button on your ultrasound machine and get service immediately, right there, when you needit.

Are you ready to deliver one-to-one sales experiences, and one-to-one marketing experiences? And are you ready to connect to your customersthrough your actual products? This is the opportunity that is sitting right in front of us right now, but the questions is -- how do you do it, right?How do you become a customer company?

And that's why Salesforce and the platform team, and the applications team at Salesforce have been working for the past year to rethink at a very,very fundamental level, how we are architecting our products, and how we are architecting our services. We recognize that the world is changing,and that people are using Salesforce in ways that we never imagined 15 years ago when we started the company. And we needed to rebuild andrelaunch the Salesforce Platform to be API first, and services first, and to recognize the reality that you are going to use Salesforce as a customerplatform, and allow you to build these engaging experiences.

And now, I would like to show you a film that sort of demonstrates our view into how you can executive this from a mobile-first world. Let's playthe video.

(Video playing)

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

And now, to walk us through in a little bit more detail, the Salesforce1 platform, I'd like to welcome SVP of Solutions Marketing, Fergus Griffin. Hey,come up mate.

Fergus Griffin - - SVP - Solutions Marketing

So Salesforce1 is our new customer platform for this internet of customers that Mike talked about. That means that every company here in thisroom, every organization that is now ready to make that leap forward into this cloud, mobile, social connected world. And that means every rolein your company can make that leap. Here is a role, some of the roles that Salesforce1 helps to make that transformation -- developers; our ownSalesforce partners; every one of your employees; your Salesforce admins; even your end customers all benefit from Salesforce1, and we're goingto talk about each of those in turn, and see exactly how.

Let's start with developers. So the great thing about Salesforce1 for developers is this windfall of functionality for them. First of all, they get 10times the API coverage, so they can pretty much build any app they want for this new world, the green light for developers to build apps. Not onlythat, everything you've ever built on Salesforce from before comes forward. And that means custom objects, custom apps you've created, if you'vewritten any Apex triggers, or the Visual Force apps. They automatically come forward onto Salesforce1 Customer Platform. So they're ready to goon your favorite mobile device.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

So that's great for developers. Let's talk about Salesforce partners, and why everyone here should care. Salesforce partners build thousands of appsthat you can all use out-of-the-box right in your Salesforce instance. But better than that with Salesforce1, think about this, you are able to instantlydeliver your apps through the Salesforce1 mobile app, which means if your employees are using the Salesforce1 mobile app, they can get any ofthese partner apps instantly. Really, really powerful. Just take a look at some of the partners up here -- HP, DocuSign, Evernote, Dropbox, an amazingpartner ecosystem.

Now what about your employees. Every one of your employees now get, of course, all of our industry-leading CRM functionality, all those partnerapps, any custom apps you've built. All on a mobile phone, now. And this mobile app that I just mentioned, it's feed first, it looks and feels likeFacebook and Twitter, but it's your own enterprise mobile app for your employees, giving them that same productivity, and of course, it's gotbuilt-in notifications. They can access right from their phone, whether it's Android or an iPhone. And by the way, you can download this app todayon the AppStore or Google Play.

Okay. That's for employees. What about your admins? They're the ones really making Salesforce an even better success for every one of you. Well,admins get this brand new admin app that they can manager their users from instantly from anywhere. They can provide more secure apps throughour new two-factor authentication. And here's the killer part. They can easily manage and administer everything about that mobile app experienceI talked about, so that you can brand it, deliver the right apps to every one of your employees on their favorite mobile device. We're going to seethat in action in a second.

Now last but not least, what can you do for your end customers? Well, every company here, we saw the video. It's time to be able to connect withyour customers in a new way that leverages all this great social, mobile, technology, and the fact that everything is becoming connected. You cannow put communities around every aspect of your business processes with Salesforce1. You can make every mobile app that you build one ofthose connected apps that connects to your products and your employees. And you can build these one-to-one mobile marketing interactionsusing our new ExactTarget marketing cloud platform on Salesforce1.

Now when you put all of this together, just put all of this together, you get the Salesforce1 Customer Platform. What's this comprise of? Let's startat the top. It's our Sales Cloud, our Service Cloud, our Marketing, our AppExchange partners, and any customer apps you might build. And all ofthis functionality can be delivered through the Salesforce1 mobile application that a I mentioned. This mobile app sits on top of all those APIs, andthe APIs plug into the Salesforce1 platform.

What's in the Salesforce1 platform? for employee apps; Heroku for great customer-facing apps; and ExactTarget for one-to-one marketinginteractions on any device. Of course, it's all in the cloud, social, mobile, connected. And that's what really gives you the power to make that leapforward.

Now enough about the slides. Let's bring up the product and take a look at this in action. We're going to start with developers, and we're going torun through some examples of the types of apps that developers can build. Here's one from Caterpillar. They built a mobile app for every one oftheir employees to connect to what's going on with their connected bulldozers, machines, products in the field, all on Salesforce1.

ADP, they use Salesforce1, our customer platform, to transform how all of their salespeople sell, instantly making every one of their reps mobile inthe field on their favorite mobile device.

Virgin America used the Salesforce1 Customer Platform to make a community out of their flight attendants, down to their ground staff, so theycan collaborate to make every passenger's experience fantastic, ways to [borrow] in the airline industry.

And finally, Leviev, the awesome jewelry store out of New York City, running their business end-to-end on Salesforce1, and giving every storeassistant a mobile app that connects them to the Leviev global inventory of every precious stone an diamond that Leviev can offer a client themoment they walk through the store.

Okay, that's great for developers. What about Salesforce partners? They're building fantastic apps, too, on the Salesforce1 platform. And to showthis, we're looking at the Salesforce1 mobile application. Take a look up on the screen. Now the left-hand navigation shows you all the different



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

apps you can access within the Salesforce1 mobile app. And look at this. All those partner apps are available here, Concur, Kenandy, you can readthem on your screen here, Dropbox.

But it's also partners like ServiceMax. ServiceMax delivers awesome field service that connects with our Service Cloud like here on the mobile phone.It's DocuSign for e-signatures on every mobile device. And finally, it's HP, letting anybody print to any connected HP printer anywhere in the world,right from the Salesforce1 mobile app. And this is why we're really excited about the partner ecosystem when it comes together with Salesforce1,because partners are delivering their apps quicker than ever to every employee that needs them.

Okay, that's developers. That's partners. What about your employees? Of course, when I talk about your employees, I'm talking about your salesreps, your service agents, your marketing executive. Pretty much any employee that can access a Salesforce app on the Salesforce Platform. Well,let's take a look on the left at the mobile app. That's the left-hand nav, again, and pretty quickly if you look down the left-hand side, you notice thatall of our industry-leading CRM functionality is automatically now on the phone.

If you're a Salesforce customer, you have this today. You may not know it, but you do. If you go to the AppStore today and download the Salesforce1mobile app, this is what you will see. And you can see, it's got accounts, contacts, opportunities, leads, campaigns. Let's scroll down a bit more,Dave, and see what else is in there. Any custom app you might have built, and of course, all those partner apps that I mentioned a second ago.

For now, let's say I'm in the role of one of those great sales reps. I tap into my accounts to find out what's going on. Let's take a look. Here's all mymost recently active accounts. Let's open up Philips and see what's going on with Philips. It's all here. All my account information, all my CRMinformation is on the phone right now.

Let's swipe to the right and see what else is in here, Dave. Visualforce cards. Any Visualforce customizations or edits I've made to an app. They'reall here. Here I'm tracking how much Philips uses its Salesforce service, and what type of packets, whether they're using mobile or desktop. All thisis Visualforce. It's automatically fitting the form factor of my mobile phone running in the Salesforce1 mobile app.

Now, we're not done. Let's scroll down a bit more and see what else is in here. Of course, all of the related information about Philips is in here, too-- the contacts; the activity history; all the opportunities; maybe customer service issues they're tracking. There are contacts and contracts. Butthat's not all.

What about all the other backend systems that Philips needs to access from a mobile phone? What about that backend ERP system? There's probablymany of you here have -- you can think of your favorite backend system that you're trying to make more accessible on mobile device. We've gotan ERP system up here that we'd like to access the purchase orders from on the mobile phone. Let's tap into it. Take a look at the purchase orders.

Now this is great. It would be really helpful if I could actually do something with these purchase orders right now. What if I wanted to actuallyapprove one of them. Well, I can tap into it. Find out what's going on with this purchase order. When it loads up here, you can see I can just editthe status, approve it, right from my phone. I want everyone to take a moment here and think about what you would like to put in this mobile appfor your employees to get access to. The sky is the limit with Salesforce1 and this mobile application.

Okay, now we've talked about the CRM functionality within this mobile app. Let's take a pause for a moment. I want to look in the bottom right-handcorner. Everyone take a look at that blue plus button. We call that the Publisher. We're pretty excited about this thing. It just looks like a blue plusbutton. But it lets take any business action right from your phone. Let's tap on it, Dave, and open it up.

Now first of all, you can do things like share files, photos, recognize people on your team. Share a link, create a poll. You can do all these thingsfrom the Publisher. But let's fly our to the right and see what else you can do. You can take any CRM action right from this blue plus button. Createa new opportunity, create a contract, create a customer service issue, log a call for the customer you're talking to. And it's not just all these standardCRM actions. Let's go to the right again. It's all those partners that can put actions right in this tray, as well. You could even create one of thosepurchase orders we looked at a second ago, right from the mobile phone.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

And not by accident, we left the last tile empty for you guys to all imagine what you would put there. Think of something that you would wantevery one of your employees to access. With custom actions in this Publisher, you can put any action right at the fingertips of all your employeestoday. That's what the Salesforce1 Customer Platform lets you do.

Okay. That's a lot about what the Publisher can do. I want to talk about some of the customer apps that you can actually roll out through this mobileapplication also. We have built several customer apps just for the show today that you can, and many of these we use actually today at Salesforce.We use our time-off manager -- everyone, that's a pretty popular one, as you can imagine. We also have the volunteering app, which we'll be usinga lot coming up this Friday for our 15th-year anniversary.

And you can also see that we've built a really interesting one here that we call the Around Me App. Let's tap on that. This is a great example ofbringing together the latest in connected technology with CRM. Here looking at in the Philadelphia area as a sales rep, all the nearby accounts,and exactly where they are. And say I've got some extra time on my hands as I finish up a meeting early, I can see who is nearby.

Not only that, you might say -- well, accounts are one thing. I'm working some leads. Where are they? You can add a layer. Let's add a layer rightnow. This is the kind of custom app you can deliver with Salesforce1. Let's see where my nearby leads are. Maybe I should spend time with those,and move those forward in the sales process. This is what it looks like when you start to bring together the connected technology of geo-locationwith CRM on a mobile device in the cloud. Then you start to see, oh yes, this could really look like not just looking for a restaurant, where's my nextopportunity.

Okay, custom apps all through the Salesforce1mobile app, pretty exciting. Now, we're going to switch gears, and we're going to talk about admins.How many admins in the room today? Is there any admins? Welcome. Thank you for being here. Admins are the heart and soul of Salesforcecustomer success, so thank you for all your efforts.

One of the first things the Salesforce1 Customer Platform gives admins is the new Salesforce admin app. Let's them manage users from anywhere.In the example where someone forgets their password. You don't have to run to your desktop to reset the password. You can do it from the adminapp. In this case, Mike Rosenbaum, my good friend here has forgotten his password again. No problem, Mike, we're going to hook you up fromthe Salesforce1 admin app.

Now it's not just that. We looked at the Salesforce1 mobile app a second ago for all your employees. You can now all customize that for yourcompany. I want to show you what that looks like. We heard about the Philadelphia Eagles. One of the great customers of Salesforce customerhere. We thought what would it look like for the Philadelphia Eagles if they customized the Salesforce1 mobile app. So, I've now stepped into theshoes of an employee at the Philadelphia Eagles. Let's tap on the Salesforce1 mobile app.

First thing it brings up their splash screen. Now you notice the color scheme matches the Philadelphia Eagles. And I look in, you can see the feed.It's everything that pertains to what the Philadelphia Eagles care about as a business. Look in the bottom right. There's our friend the Publisher.Except it's not a plus anymore. It's the Philadelphia Eagles logo, customized for them. Let's tap on it. Bring it up.

And there's some of the standard actions you might expect to see, because they ship out of the box. Let's swipe to the right and take a look whatelse is in here. The Philadelphia Eagles, like you'd expect, customized the Publisher for exactly what they need their employees to be able to access.Now, you can see, it's reserve a suite for a special customer, or add a new sponsor, or order more concessions for the stores at the stadium.

There's even actually -- look at the very top left-hand corner, there's a start kickdown button. I don't know if this is actually even connected. David,tap on that and see what that one does. Just tap -- oh, hold on a second here. I'd better get out of the way for this one. Okay. This is actually livehere into our room today, the KidsCam, and actually zooming in on some fortunate -- it's Mike Rosenbaum and Amy Parker Agar. I'm not really surewhat to say about this one here. This is kind of a difficult decision to be made here. But I think the safest thing here, we've got [Safi] among theaudience. Okay, I see, okay, the proper thing is, well done guys.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

But you can see the sky is the limit with the Publisher. Philadelphia Eagles can do amazing things. So can your company. Just think of what it is thatyou would want to put at the fingertips of your employees. You can do it with the Salesforce1 mobile applications. Thanks for being a good sport,guys.

Now, that's admins. One more to go. What about your customers? And your customers are all used to using the latest mobile apps in the phone.You can't even count how many mobile apps you have on your phone any more, right? But you know they're all going to be great.

Now every company here wants to be able to deliver apps that are just are good as that to your customers. And that's what we're seeing here withthe Salesforce1 Customer Platform. LevelUp, a super-disruptive company, they are turning every Android and iPhone into a mobile payment devicethat can be used at millions of points-of-sale all across the world, and they're doing it from the Salesforce1 Customer Platform.

Amp Energy Drinks, completely gamifying the customer experience in the mobile phone, so they can incentivize fans and followers of Amp toactually go and try out their new products when they hit the stores, and gamified in the process with rewards to the people who do that.

And finally, one of my favorites here, Lift, Lift ride sharing service. This is becoming more and more prevalent all across the United States, and acrossthe world. It brings together people who have a car that are willing to offer it as a ride sharing service with people who need a ride, okay. It's basicallya community that lets people become a taxi, and let's anybody call a taxi. What's really powerful, it's a trusted community, because at the end ofevery ride, the driver rates the passenger, and the passenger rates the driver. And that means the experience is optimized. And it's all done in thecloud on a mobile phone with the social community, from a mobile device all on a Salesforce1 Customer Platform.

And there are just some examples of the types of apps that every company here can now deliver to take that next level up for every one of yourcustomer experiences.

So that's what the Salesforce1 Customer Platform is all about. It gives everyone of you here today the opportunity to make that leap forward intothe cloud, mobile, social, and connected world. Thanks a lot, Mike. Back to you.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Fergus, thanks a lot. That was great. I like how they fixed the system right in time for Fergus to do his section. That was nice.

So one of the fun things about coming an doing these events is that we get to talk about what's new. And I don't know, probably, you guys don'tfollow the Salesforce slides quite as closely as Fergus and I do, but one of the things that's new on this slide is that upper right-hand corner, andcustomer applications. And so, of course, customers have been building customer-facing applications on our platform for a long, long time.

But what we want to introduce today, and we want to talk to you about today, is a new offering that Salesforce will be putting together to map toexactly how we're seeing these use cases evolve in our customer base. What we're seeing is customers combining the best of and thebest of Heroku to build these new connected app experiences, and putting them together with various different options and things that we sellfrom Salesforce.

But we said -- why can't we put together a new package that would allow customers to build these connected complete scalable applications and Heroku. And so, we're excited to introduce this today. If there's anyone interested in talking more about this, especially internet ofthings ideas and connected products, we'd be more than happy to talk to you. I personally would be more than happy to talk to you after the show.

So, changing gears for a second, I want to talk a little bit about the AppExchange. The AppExchange is kind of like my baby at Salesforce. For alarge part of my career at Salesforce, I managed the AppExchange, and worked to build this ecosystem of partners, and ecosystem of applicationsthat we can deliver to our customers through our enterprise app store. And one of the things that I would consistently, constantly sort of trying todo was convince a company, named Evernote, to build an application for the Salesforce ecosystem in the AppExchange.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

And honestly, most of those conversations didn't go so well. They said -- we're busy. We're successful. We're selling our application directly toconsumers and professionals all over the world. But everything changed in the run up to Dreamforce last year when we were talking with Evernoteabout the Salesforce1 platform, and about the things that we were doing with our mobile platform that we're going to enable them to build anddeliver an application to our customer base in such a short amount of time that it really changed the conversation. And so to talk a little bit moreabout that, and give you that -- tell you that story directly, we've invited John McGeachie from Evernote here with us today to share that story. Hi,John, thank you.

John McGeachie - Evernote - VP - Evernote Business

You're welcome.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

So, tell us a little bit about Evernote for business, and what you're doing with Salesforce, and with the product.

John McGeachie - Evernote - VP - Evernote Business

So, Evernote Business is a new level of service. We launched it about a year-and-a-half ago. And it is something that's really tailored for professionals.So, we have for years had about two-thirds of our users actually use Evernote at work already. So, we said -- let's make this an even better experience.So we looked at -- we weren't trying to play hard to get with you, honest, it was just -- priorities.

Well, we don't like to build things that we don't use ourselves. So, we actually became a Salesforce customer about a year-and-a-half ago when welaunched Evernote Business. Your welcome. We actually knew now, okay, this is something that we could build. This is something that makes sense,and we looked at what a great user experience would be from sort of desktop all the way through to mobile, and said -- we can do something thatmakes sense for people. So, we're real excited.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Tell me about the experience of building on the platform, and how did that process evolve, and what kinds of -- what are you seeing from initialcustomers that are using the product? I know it launched at Dreamforce.

John McGeachie - Evernote - VP - Evernote Business

Yes. The developing strength is what you'd -- it's very typical, right. So, we spent lots and lots of time on the user experience. What is this going todo? How is it going to perform? How is it going to sort of show through and sort of sort into the workflow? But getting into mobile was an amazinglyeasy experience for us with Salesforce1.

So we basically took the app that we'd integrated, turned on a few things, and within a couple of weeks, we're on iOS. We're working on Androidnow. Early customer reaction has been great. I talked to somebody at Optimizely this week, and what they're able to do is sort of marry this, theunstructured data of Evernote, with the structured data that's in Salesforce. So managing the lifetime of a customer through Salesforce, but doingall of the project interaction work, the deployment work, the meetings, that all goes into Evernote, and is automatically linked into that Salesforcerecord.

It makes it sort of a very company, the record of what they want to know forever about this customer. It can include everything.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

That's great. So, where are you headed. What's next?

John McGeachie - Evernote - VP - Evernote Business

So, you guys sort of pioneered the critical business infrastructure in the cloud 10 years ago. So that's aspirational for us. I mean Evernote businessis fairly young. We have lots of teams inside very large companies. We have customers up to sort of 1,000 person range. So we're really looking athow do we take it to the next level. How do we really piggyback on what you guys have done, and all of the great leads that we actually get fromthe AppExchange marketplace, and say -- what does this service look like for a 5,000-person company, a 10,000-person company. So, we're hardat work on that.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Well, thank you very much for coming, and sharing your story. I'm sure you have lots of advice for prospective partners and customers thinkingabout mobile application development, so hopefully they can grab you after the show --

John McGeachie - Evernote - VP - Evernote Business


Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Pick your brain. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.

So, next, I would like to share with you a story of probably one of the most exciting things that I saw last year. This is a customer of Salesforce whois really taking advantage of almost everything that we offer in terms of thinking about how they can reinvent how they connect to their customers.And that's Stanley Black & Decker. So, we've got a video to show you. Why don't we play the video now. Thank you.

(Video playing)

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

I really want that who borrowed my tool app. That would kind -- that's important. So, you saw this incredible story about how they're using theSales Cloud, and the Service Cloud, and the platform to reinvent how they're connected to their customers. And so next, I would like to welcomeBrigitte Donner from our product marketing organization to walk us through these product offerings from Salesforce. Brigitte, take it away.

Brigitte Donner - Salesforce - Product Marketing Director - Service Cloud

Thank you, Mike. Here at Salesforce, we are delighted to be continually recognized for our market leadership, and our product innovation. But whatwe're most proud of is the success of you. All of you in the room are customers, because you're seeing tremendous results across all lines of yourbusiness. If you look at this chart, your sales teams are not only selling better, but they're selling faster, and that's leading to a 28% increase in sales.

Your customer service teams are able to answer your customers' questions the right way the first time. And that's leading to a 37% gain in customersatisfaction. And of course, all of you have unique business needs. And with Salesforce you're building and deploying apps faster, nearly 60% fasterthan ever before, all while reducing costs. I mean, these results are phenomenal.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

But as we heard about from Mike, you need to be able to constantly innovate and transform your business for this new internet of customers. Andthat's why at Dreamforce we announced the Salesforce1 Customer Platform, so that you can connect with your customers in entirely new ways.

For service, that means answering your customers' questions wherever they are by embedding support right into your product and your apps, likewe saw in the Stanley video.

Your sales reps need to be able to collaborate more effectively with each other, and with your entire company, so that you can supercharge theway you sell. And of course, all of this is made even better by those over 2,000 pre-innovated AppExchange apps that Mike just talked about.

All right Philadelphia, who is ready to see this in action? No one? Who is ready to see this in action? Alright, Dave, let's bring up our live demo. Herewe're looking at Nicole's iPhone. Nicole is a sales rep at Stanley Black & Decker, and she uses the Salesforce1 App to supercharge the way she sells.Every morning when she starts her day, she grabs her phone and jumps into her Salesforce1 App. Here in the feed, she's being pushed real-timebusiness updates.

When she slides right, she can access all of that CRM data right on her phone, no matter where she is on the road. She has her leads, her contacts,her opportunities. She can also access custom apps, apps like Today. Today takes Nicole's calendar and pulls it into the Salesforce1 App. This is ahuge boost to productivity for your sales reps, because now they can access their customer data in context with their meetings as they movethroughout their day.

So Nicole sees her next meeting is with Pit Stop Service Centers. This is a big deal, one she needs to close if she is going to hit her quarterly quota.So what does she do? She dives into that meeting record right here from the app. She sees she's meeting with her contact, Chris, and she thinksto herself -- well, Chris is a mechanic, a lot of times things come up throughout the day, let me give him a call and make sure that we're still on forthis meeting. Because this is integrated, she can dial Chris directly from the app. She doesn't need to leave it.

So when she finishes her call with Chris, Salesforce1 automatically prompts her to log her meeting notes. No more missed logged calls. You knowhow that works. She can log it right here, add some notes, and in fact, Chris is ready to meet, and he's looking forward to learning more about someof the new diagnostic tools that Stanley Black & Decker is offering.

So she heads off to Pit Stop, but before she does that, she wants to get up-to-date on everything that's been going on with this opportunity. Soshe dives a little deeper into that opportunity record. And here is all that data from her CRM system. She can see the total dollar amount. The stagethe opportunity is at. When it's set to close. She can even see custom objects, like all of the products that Chris is interested in buying.

So Nicole heads on to Pit Stop, and no matter how much you prepare for your customer meetings, and you try to anticipate every question thatmight come up, what usually happens? You usually get asked a question that you don't quite know the answer to. But that's okay. Nicole is notworried at all, because she has the power of the Salesforce1 App in her hand. She can flip over here and see third-party applications, like Xactly forinstance, of compensation, service maps that we just heard about for field service.

But companies like Stanley Black & Decker have also built custom apps, and Stanley Black & Decker has built their entire product catalog right hereonto the platform. So Nicole can tap into that product catalog. She's taken in the full suite of Stanley's products. She goes into Mac Tools, and startslooking for the diagnostic products. As she flips through, she's looking for that Mentor Touch device. Chris has some pretty technical questions,and now she can see all the detailed information about the Mentor Touch. And she can answer Chris' question without ever leaving the meeting.

So Chris likes it. He loves these products. He's sold. He want to buy these for Pit Stop. So Nicole can now add the Mentor Touch to the opportunityrecord, right from her phone. And when puts stock over to the opportunity, she can show Chris an entire view of all the products that he'd like tobuy. And when Chris is ready to close the deal, Nicole doesn't miss a beat. Using the power of the Publisher that Fergus just talked about, Nicolecan close this deal right here in the meeting.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

And with that, she's closed another deal. She's closer to her quota, and as she heads out to her car, heading off to her next meeting, she checksback in her feed to see if she's got any important updates. And right there at the top of her feed, she can see that her dashboard has already beenupdated in real time to reflect that Pit Stop deal. So she can see exactly how she is doing against her quarterly quota.

Now, that is powerful selling. Imagine if you could enable all your sales reps with this kind of power on their mobile devices.

But we all know that your relationship with your customer doesn't end here. In fact, this is just the beginning, isn't it. Why don't we flip over, andsee how the Salesforce1 platform enables unparalleled customer service. So now we're going to start in the role of Mike. He's a mechanic at PitStop using some of those tools that Chris just purchased. And he's noticing that his new impact wrench is cutting out under the power a little bit.Something's not quite right. So what does he do? Well, he doesn't have a manual in his back pocket. Who keeps manuals lying around anymore?Nobody.

He grabs his phone like any of us would, and he goes to his DeWalt app. Here, because DeWalt can build connected products, he's taken to hisvirtual toolbox. And right at the top, there are his impact wrenches. He opens that up, and this diagnostic tool is sending real-time informationabout his monthly usage and his battery charge back to his app. But thanks to the power of the Service Cloud, companies like DeWalt can embedsupport into their apps.

So up in the top right-hand corner, there's a help button. Mike can tap that help button, and he is immediately taken to the DeWalt CustomerCommunity. Here he is connected with all sorts of other customers of DeWalt products. He can see the trending knowledge articles that customersfind helpful. Right in the middle he sees an article about lithium iron batteries. That seems like that might help him with his situation. So he opensit up. And what's better than reading about your solution? Why not watch a video, right here on your phone without leaving the garage.

So Mike watches the video, helpful, but maybe not quite specific enough for what he needs to do. So what does Mike do next? He decides to posta question out to the community, and see if there's any of these other DeWalt tool lovers that could help him out. So he posts his question, andbecause a picture is worth a thousand words, he uploads a photo. Imagine, if your customers could show you exactly what their problem is. Howmuch faster could you fix their issues? So he posts that out to the community, and when he clicks back over, he notices that another DeWalt toollover, Joanna, has already chimed in with a few tips and tricks of her own.

But what's happening back at DeWalt Customer Service Center, back at headquarters. Why don't we change gears for a minute, and see what theysee. Here we're logged in as Sam. He's a customer support rep at DeWalt, and he's using the Service Cloud's Agent Console to manage his casesand his workload. On the left-hand side of the screen, we can see the priority levels and the status. On the right-hand side of the screen, we cansee the different channels his cases are coming in on -- email, social channels, and right there at the top, there's that post from Mike from the mobilecommunity.

Well, Sam opens up that case and jumps into action. Right at the top of his screen he can see all the detailed information about his customer Mike.Just below that, this is where Sam does his work. And as he's reviewing this case history, he's thinking to himself -- I haven't solved a problem likethis before. I'm not quite sure what to do. But thanks to the Service Cloud's new predictive feature, Mike is being pushed relevant knowledge articlesalong the right-hand side of his screen, and just below that, he's also being offered up similar cases that other agents have solved in the past.

So he opens up that case on battery performance issues, and he can scroll through the entire history of this case. He can see all the actions thatthe other agent took to solve this problem. He can also see the knowledge articles that this agent used. So he opens up that diagram there, andas he reads through he realizes that Mike's issue might just be that there's a little bit of sawdust built up in the barrel of the wrench.

So what does Sam do next? Well, he could email this article back out to Mike, the mechanic. He could post the article back to the community. Butbecause customer satisfaction is Sam's number one priority, he does one better. He decides to offer Mike the opportunity to co-browse. This is anopportunity for Mike and Sam to share their screens, so that Mike, our mechanic, exactly what he needs to do to fix his problem.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

So over on the right-hand side of our screen, we have Mike, our mechanic's iPhone. On the left-hand side of the screen, we have Sam's Agentdesktop. Now Sam can draw on that diagram. It shows up on Mike's phone, and Sam can walk Mike through all of the steps that he needs to taketo fix his wrench and get back to business. Isn't that incredible?

That is the power of the Salesforce1 Platform in action. Thanks so much. Back to you, Mike.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Thanks a lot, Brigitte. That's great. Really, really, great demo. Thank you. When I heard we were coming to Philadelphia, I said there's one story fromthe city of Philadelphia that we absolutely have to bring to the event. I had the opportunity to speak with our next guest about a year-and-a-halfago when we did an event, actually, locally here on the East Coast, an internal event.

And I was absolutely blown away with what the city of Philadelphia is doing with Salesforce. To take this technology and allow the city of Philadelphiato better engage with all the cities -- with all the citizens of the city of Philadelphia, and so I'm really excited to welcome Rosetta Carrington Lue,Chief Customer Service Officer, city of Philadelphia. Let's give her a hand.

Rosetta Carrington Lue - City of Philadelphia - Chief Customer Service Officer

Thank you.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Thanks for coming.

Rosetta Carrington Lue - City of Philadelphia - Chief Customer Service Officer

Yes, well I want to say on behalf of Mayor Nutter, we want to welcome Salesforce to the City of Brotherly Love.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Thank you.

Rosetta Carrington Lue - City of Philadelphia - Chief Customer Service Officer

With silly affection.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

I never heard that before. That's great. I love it. So, we've talk a lot about cloud and social and mobile and all of these new technology things, butI've heard your story before. Why don't you tell everybody about what you guys are doing, and how you're putting that into action to really justimprove the customer experience for the citizens of Philadelphia.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

Rosetta Carrington Lue - City of Philadelphia - Chief Customer Service Officer

Yes, I mean. What we've done, and we've been doing this now for a few years. Going into our communities, actually, speaking to our customers.And what we tend to see, and studies also prove this, that there's a huge [disability bias] in the urban communities. Between, any given day, there'sa study comes out between 20% to 30% of our residents do not have internet in their households. But when we go into these communities, guesswhat we see. Guess what they all have. A smartphone.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit


Rosetta Carrington Lue - City of Philadelphia - Chief Customer Service Officer

Smartphones. That's they way that they're connecting and living that mobile lifestyle, being able to connect to government, being able to connectto using the apps to really help the constituents connect to government. So, with the app, and with that mobile lifestyle, we have really begun tosee a trend in us using social media, as well, and also when it comes to snow storms and things of that nature, people aren't waiting for the newspaperor go on TV, they are using the social media platform to get instant information.

So that's how we're using our mobile technology, and that's how we're catering to that growth in mobile lifestyle.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Talk to us about how long have you been using Salesforce and how is the partnership gone. I don't know if you mentioned it, but that always sortof rings a bell in my ear when I hear 311. Like that's the new way to engage with city government. I'm interested, tell us a little bit more about howyou're using Salesforce in driving that initiative here.

Rosetta Carrington Lue - City of Philadelphia - Chief Customer Service Officer

Yes, well we started to use Salesforce to really improve the internal operations of government, and also meet the needs of our customers. The 311operation is really -- there's only two numbers we want residents, visitors, and businesses to remember. That's 911 for emergencies, and 311 forall non-emergencies. So, through the use of technology, we've been able to centralize information, improve processes where they're calling inabout a pothole meeting to be repaired. There's an abandoned car. We're using the 311 operations to get that information out.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

So, what's next? What's the future hold for you? Where are you going to push this technology next?

Rosetta Carrington Lue - City of Philadelphia - Chief Customer Service Officer

Well, I'm pretty excited. In the city of Philadelphia, it's really a city of neighborhoods. Every neighborhood is unique. Every neighborhood is different.But one of the things that has been happening traditionally, there'll be a broad brush, and everybody gets a park. This is not your grandfather'sgovernment any more, and public sector is moving into that area, where we have to meet those unique needs of our constituents.

We go into the communities and people wake up every day. They're not dreaming, saying -- hey, I want to keep my neighborhood with all thesehigh crimes. What they're dreaming of having a community that is safe, green, and secure. And that's what they're looking for. And that's whatwe're here to offer by having that information captured in Salesforce, we can then go out and uniquely offer a product or service that that communityneeds, rather than just everybody gets the same thing.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

That's an absolutely amazing story. Right in line with some of the things we were talking about today.

Rosetta Carrington Lue - City of Philadelphia - Chief Customer Service Officer


Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

So, thank you so much for coming and sharing your story. We really appreciate you as a customer, and hoping everybody understands what's goingon here in Philadelphia. So, thank you very much.

Rosetta Carrington Lue - City of Philadelphia - Chief Customer Service Officer

Oh, thank you so much, Mike.

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

So, probably one of the most exciting things that happened at Salesforce last year was we did the largest acquisition in the history of the company.We acquired a great marketing automation company named ExactTarget. And what ExactTarget has done for Salesforce is really opened our eyesas to the opportunities that this technology affords to places like the city of Philadelphia, or companies like Stanley Black & Decker, to have thesesort of one-to-one customers interactions across every single channel.

And one of the more interesting stories customers of ExactTarget is actually Sony, and the Sony PlayStation 4, who are using this technology tobetter engage, and better walk their initial customers through the process associated with getting the most value that they can out of theirinvestment, out of their purchase of a PlayStation 4. And to best tell that story, there's a Salesforce group, we created a video, which really tells thisstory, and I want to share it with you now. Let's go ahead and play the video.

(Video playing)

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

And now, to give you a demo of this amazing new technology, I'd like to welcome Bryan Wade, SVP Marketing, the ExactTarget Marketing Cloud.Welcome.

Bryan Wade - ExactTarget, Salesforce Company - SVP - Marketing Applications

Excellent. Thanks, Mike. Good morning, Philadelphia. Wasn't that cool to see how Sony is transforming the way they connect with their customers.In the next ten minutes, I'm going to walk you through the most exciting changes to take place at Salesforce, and they're taking place in theMarketing Cloud.

At Salesforce, we have made substantial investments in marketing. And the reason why is because we believe that it's the marketer who is leadingthe internet of customers. We live in a connected world. We see it today -- connected apps, connected devices, connected products. It's the marketerwho is leading this business transformation. It's the marketer who is leading this change, to connect with customers in entirely new ways.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

Marketing has changed. No longer is it acceptable in marketing to send fragmented, one-to-many untargeted campaigns. The de facto standardin marketing is to create seamless and one-to-one experiences that are personalized for your customers. And it's our customers who are drivingthis transformation. The reason why? Because in everyone of our customer's pocket is a smartphone.

Our customers can move effortlessly across all of the digital channels they use most, checking email, texting, connecting to social networks,downloading apps, browsing the web, all from this one device.

The ExactTarget Marketing Cloud brings together the world's most powerful digital marketing technologies. It combines ExactTarget with theworld's leading social marketing applications, Radian6, Buddy Media, and And brought together, we have created the world's mostpowerful, one-to-one digital marketing platform. We're helping our customers become customers companies.

And with our customers we're really creating the future of one-to-one marketing. So what is the ExactTarget Marketing Cloud? It is marketingautomation that's unrivaled scale. Every day we power billions of transactions for our customers, sending emails, tweets, post notifications, SMSmessages, managing Facebook posts, and all the web impressions. We're managing the most sophisticated digital campaigns in the world.

So, who are our customers? They range from small b-to-b organizations all the way up to the world's largest brands. Brands like Unilever, The Gap,Nike, and Bank of America. And in my role at ExactTarget as a Senior Vice President of Products, I have the distinct pleasure every day of workingwith the world leading marketers. And in my conversations with these marketers there are three things that are crystal clear that stand above therest.

Every marketer has three goals they're trying to achieve. First, marketers are striving to build a single view of their customer. There is simply noother way to have a seamless and one-to-one experience than to know something about that customer.

Second, marketers are looking for technology to manage their customers' journeys. To take their customers through lifecycle stages, from onelifecycle stage to the next.

And third, marketers are striving to deliver personalized and optimized content across all the digital channels on any device.

We have created the world's most powerful digital marketing platform. Is everyone ready to see the Marketing Cloud in action? I've got a demo ofthe Marketing Cloud. Alright, let's check out a demo.

So we want to take the Marketing Cloud in the context of Sony. So Sony uses the Marketing Cloud, and you can see here Salesforce1. All of theapps that are important to a marketer are right here in Salesforce1. If we take a look at an app called, ExactTarget Pulse, what you'll see is a dashboardof all the campaigns that are running at Sony. So the Sony marketers can see how their campaigns are performing across email, mobile, social, andon their website.

Not only that, the marketers at Sony can see how they're performing against their goals. You can see here their percent achievement against theirgoals. Everything looks green. Things are going great at Sony.

But at Sony they always like to take things to the next level. You can see here in Chatter. There's a mention of Alan, and you see this whiteboardscreen shot. This screen shot was an idea of a brainstorming session that took place this morning. And this idea is to engage racing gamers, loyalgamers who are racing in games and they win a trophy. And when they win this trophy, let's enter them into a special journey, just for them, toengage them, and give them a special personalized offer.

First, take a look at what it would be like to bring this idea to life inside the Marketing Cloud. This is the ExactTarget Marketing Cloud, the world'sbest-in-class email, mobile, social, and web products, all connected with common data analytics, marketing automation, and content managementtools. So while our customers can build a single view of their customer to manage their customers' journeys, and to optimize content across anychannel on any device.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

Across the top, you see things like common calendaring, campaign management, and real-time reporting, Pulse. We took a look at Pulse onSalesforce1. Here's what it looks like inside the Marketing Cloud. And marketing is a collaborative process. So, of course, we've integrated Chatterinto the Marketing Cloud. And you can see that in the screen shot, you have the picture there of the whiteboard inside of Chatter that brainstormingsession that took place this morning.

Let's bring that idea to life inside of the product called Journey Builder. Journey Builder is made up of three parts -- Journey Maps, Interactions, andAnalytics. What we see here on the screen is what we call Journey Maps. It allows a marketer to see how their customers are moving through theirlifecycle stages. But that idea we had, we're going to create a new set of journeys, a new set of interactions, and bring that to life for racing gamers,who are racing on connected devices.

So, Alan here is creating this logic here. What's beautiful about Journey Builder is it sits on top of the single view of the customer. So we know ifthat customer has the app on their phone, or if they don't. So now we're jumping into the interactions, and we have to figure out, what's going totrigger this journey. What's going to trigger this interaction?

Well, what Alan's doing now is creating the logic. So when the gamer wins a trophy, they're going to be entered into the special journey just forthem. And what we're going to do is take this idea, this picture, and bring it to life right here inside the software. And you can see how easy it is todecide -- hey, does the customer have their phone -- the app on their phone. And if they do, let's send them a push notification to that customer.You can see Alan is configuring the push notification, so it will send a message right to the device. Or if they don't, we'll follow up with this beautifullydesigned email.

And then three days later, if that customer doesn't take advantage of the offer to download the new version of Drive Club, which is the new gamecoming from PlayStation 4, we'll send then a follow up email.

So it's that easy to take that whiteboard idea, and bring it to life right here inside of Journey Builder. So let's activate this journey and see whathappens. So now we're turning this on. This is live. We've got a connected device from Sony, and the gamer is driving.

Her name is [Amy], and Amy just won a trophy. So this connected device is reaching out to the ExactTarget Marketing Cloud, looking at thatcustomer record, and saying -- let's send an email to Amy. Here's what the email looks like inside of her inbox. Beautifully designed email, clearcalls to action. But what's so powerful about the email products from ExactTarget Marketing Cloud is that they're mobile responsive. So they lookgreat on any device. They respond to the form factor, be it a mobile device, or a tablet. So the emails look great across any device on any channel.

So let's fast forward 30 days, and let's take a look at what this campaign has done for Sony. So it's live. It's running. What was our dashboard -- whatwas our canvas for building this journey has become our dashboard for analytics and reporting. So you can see how this journey is performing,how customers are moving through the lifecycle. We can see hear that we're 61% to plan, which is really, really good.

But we're here in Philadelphia. So let's bring the Marketing Cloud here to Philly. Let's create something special. So everyone who has a phone intheir pocket, have you ever downloaded an app, and it's asked you, can I ask user location? And you said okay. If you said okay, that phone knowswhere you are, because the app let's it access that information.

So what we're going to do, is we're going to geo-fence all of the shopping malls in Philadelphia. So you see Liberty Shops, all these differentshopping malls here in the city. We just geo-fence that. So when the racing gamer, Amy, walks into the mall, she is going to receive a push notification.Push notifications are an amazing technology. No only can you send text, but you can send rich content, coupons, offers, badges. So what we'regoing to do is we're going to attach a QR code to this push notification, so when any racing gamers who have the app on their phone walk intothe mall, their going to receive a push notification.

Let's turn this on, and activate it. And at Salesforce we're not just going to geo-fence the mall. We're going to bring the mall right here to theconvention center, so we have Amy, the racing gamer -- hey, Amy how are you?



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

Unidentified Participant

Hi, Bryan.

Bryan Wade - ExactTarget, Salesforce Company - SVP - Marketing Applications

How's it going? So did you get the push notification on you phone, Amy?

Unidentified Participant

Yes, I got this notification, and it tells me that I can interact with this kiosk with this QR code. That's really cool. I didn't know you could do that.

Bryan Wade - ExactTarget, Salesforce Company - SVP - Marketing Applications

Awesome. So you're going to use that QR code, and now what?

Unidentified Participant

Oh, not that photo. That's embarrassing. Oh, I can complete the puzzle and earn another trophy. Give me a second.

Bryan Wade - ExactTarget, Salesforce Company - SVP - Marketing Applications

So, let me walk you through what's happening right now. So, we have the single view of the customer, including Amy's picture. And while Amy isinteracting with this puzzle, we see we've updated their customer record right there in the Marketing Cloud. We've taken that geo-fence interaction,and we've updated her record, and as she solves this puzzle, and hopefully wins a trophy, we're going to update her record with that informationas well.

Oh, it looks like she won the trophy, which is awesome. So, we're going to use all this data to create targeted and relevant communication for Amyin the future. And she's taken this picture of herself with the trophy, and she's going to use the social marketing technology from the MarketingCloud, and take this experience that she just had in the mall, and take it viral. So all of her friends can see the success that she just had.

So, awesome. So, Amy, congratulations.

Unidentified Participant

Thanks so much. I feel like a winner. I'm going to celebrate with a cheese steak at Pat's -- no Gino's -- wait, where should I go. Does anybody haveany suggestions?

Bryan Wade - ExactTarget, Salesforce Company - SVP - Marketing Applications

Amy, Amy, I'm going to let you decide that. I'm not going to make a comment. That is marketing to the internet of customers, and that's theExactTarget Marketing Cloud. Back to you, Mike.



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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

Mike Rosenbaum - - EVP, Head - Salesforce Platform Business Unit

Thank you, Bryan. It was great. So we have shown you a lot of things today. And hopefully what we've done is inspired you, motivated you, openedyour eyes, and sort of educate you about where we see the world going, and what we think that this new platform, and this new technology affordsyou, and gives you the opportunity to create for your customers.

I want to say thank you very much for spending time with us today. I want to encourage you to take advantage of all the opportunities to learnfrom partners out in the Expo floor, and also all of the breakout sessions that we have going on today. This is just the, as I said, the second in ourSalesforce One World Tour. Feel free to join us in Osaka or Paris or San Jose, if you want to.

But no matter what, I want all of you to pencil it in to come back and join us at Dreamforce next year to hear more about what's going on withSalesforce.

So, again, thank you very much for coming and we really appreciate your time today.


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MARCH 06, 2014 / 3:00PM, CRM - Salesforce1 World Tour - Philadelphia: Keynote

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