Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020 ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC …

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Third Sunday of Lent

Eucharist Schedule: Weekend: Saturday 6:00 pm;

Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am in Spanish Weekday: 9:00 am (Except Monday)

Holy Day: 5:30 p.m., 9:00 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Spanish

Sacraments Baptism: Call par ish office or go to or website

Reconciliation: Saturday 3:00-5:00 pm and by appointment Marriage: Please contact Fr . Car l at least six months in



March 15, 2020

Adoration: Tues & Thu 9:30 AM—8:00 PM Prayer Groups/ Grupos de Oracion English: Holy Face Devotion, Tues, 1 pm, Church Spanish: Estudio Biblico, Lunes, 6 pm, Salon Parroquial Spanish: Rosario de La Sangre Preciosa de Cristo, Saturday, 1 pm, Education Center English: Family Rosary, 1st Wednesday, 6 pm, Church Prayer Line: (307) 514-5271— (307) 421-0855

Please pray for the following: Jenny, Arellano, Leon Arias, Levi Arias, Pearl Casarez, Margaret Chavez, Zachariah Chavez, Annette Cortinez, Michael Dowling, Anna Edwards, Trey Edwards, Carmen Ebell, Juanita Espinoza, Shad Field, Daniel Fisher, Paul Frankhouser, Teresa Franco Trejo, Joyce Gallegos, Sara Gallegos, Damian Garcia, Joanne Gardner, Jim Hart, Diego Hernandez, Roberta Igard, Yolanda Jacoby, Dick James, Steve Knight, Lovato Family, Paul Ludi, Jerome Manzanares, Adriana Martinez, Alice Martinez, Angela Martinez, Gavin J. Martinez, Robert Martinez, Brianna Medina, Dina Merrill, Idine Merrill, Val Merrill, Christian Miller, Nate Matters, Connie Monjares, Kael Oliver, Jaime Orozco, Maria I. Ortega, Catherine Pacheco, Tara Pilkington, Jeff Regensberg, Berna Reyes, Xavier Romero, Teresa Romero-De la Cruz, Holly Russell, Christian D. Sanchez, Valerie Sanders, Virginia Sandoval, Amara G. Tammen, Stella Valdez, Shannon Vineyard

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Financial Offering For March 8: $ 5,759.83

Noticias de Formacion de Fe: Ahora hasta el 22 de marzo: ¡la devolución de la despensa prestada continúa! Estamos recolectando artículos no perecederos para la despensa de San José. ¡Estaremos recolectando hasta el 22 de marzo! Objetivo: ¡1100 artículos! ¡Nunca podemos dar a Dios! 15 de marzo: Sesión par roquial de confirmación, en Holy Trinity de 3 a 7 pm. (Esto no está en nuestro Programa, pero se agregó al calendario). 22 de marzo: ¡Último día de sesiones para el año de la formación de la fe! ¡Los premios Boletín y el 1er, 2do y 3er lugar se otorgarán hoy por Pantry Giveback! Café y Donuts Muchas gracias a Carolyn por asumir la responsabilidad de preparar café y donas el tercer domingo de cada mes. Llame a la oficina si está dispuesto a sustituir de vez en cuando. Electos y Candidatos Lupita, Trinity, Stephanie, Teddy y Ezekiel son ahora nuestros elegidos, elegidos para los Sacramentos de Pascua. Jennifer, Arianna y Linda son candidatos que se preparan para hacer su Profesión de Fe. Además, Ingrid, Ariana, Annie y Ezekiel se están preparando para completar su iniciación en la Iglesia Católica. ¡Por favor oren por todos ellos! Viernes de cuaresma Los viernes de Cuaresma siempre han sido importantes como días de penitencia y oración. Las estaciones de la Cruz se rezarán todos los viernes por la noche: 6:00 pm en español y 7:00 pm en inglés. Viernes Cuaresma Cena y pelicula Los miembros del Consejo de Mujeres Católicas organizarán cenas sencillas los viernes de Cuaresma. El servicio será de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m. ¡Únase a los feligreses para disfrutar de buena comida y compañerismo! Preparación matrimonial en español No es demasiado tarde para unírsenos. Llame a la oficina para detalles. Reunión del Consejo de Decanato de Mujeres Católicas Todas las mujeres están invitadas a asistir, "Herida y curación" presentada por el Padre. Agosto 21 de marzo de 8:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m. El costo es de solo $ 20.00. Para más información llame a Martie: 640-1757 o Liz: 630-5450.

Faith Formation: Now until March 22nd: Lent Pantry Giveback Con-tinues!! We are collecting non-perishable items for St Joseph’s Pantry. We will be collecting until March 22nd! Goal: 1100 items! We can never out give God! March 15th: Confirmation Tr i-Parish Session, at Ho-ly Trinity from 3-7 pm. (This is not on our Schedule but was added to the calendar.) March 22nd: Last Day of Sessions for the Year of Faith Formation! Bulletin Awards and 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place will be awarded for Pantry Giveback today! Coffee & Donuts Many thanks to Carolyn for taking on the responsibility of the preparing coffee and donuts on the third Sunday of each month. Please call the office if you are willing to substitute from time to time.

Elect and Candidates Lupita, Trinity, Stephanie, Teddy and Ezekiel are now our elect, chosen for Easter Sacraments. Jennifer, Ari-anna, and Linda are candidates preparing to make their Profession of Faith. Also, Ingrid, Ariana, Annie and Ezekiel are preparing to complete their initiation in the Catholic Church. Please pray for them all!

Fridays of Lent Fridays of Lent have always been important as days of penance and prayer. Stations of the Cross will be prayed each Friday evening: 6:00 pm in Spanish and 7:00 pm in English.

Friday Lent Dinner & Movie The members of the Council of Catholic Women will be hosting simple dinners on the Fridays of Lent. Ser-vice will be from 6:00—7:30 PM. A movie will follow at 7:45 PM. Join fellow parishioners for some good food and fellowship!

Marriage Preparation in Spanish It is not too late to join us. Call the office for details. Council of Catholic Women Deanery Meeting All women are invited to attend, “Woundedness and Healing” presented by Fr. August March 21st from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The cost is only $20.00. For more in-formation call Martie: 640-1757 or Liz: 630-5450.

2 St. Joseph Catholic Church

Retiro de hombres La parroquia de St. Margaret en Riverton organizará un retiro para hombres a partir de las 6 p.m. Viernes 20 de marzo y finaliza a las 5:30 p.m. Misa el sábado 21 de marzo. El orador destacado Greg Schlueter desafiará a los hombres de todas las edades (padre, hijos, abuelos) a convertirse en los hombres que Dios, la Iglesia, nuestras familias y nuestras comunidades necesitan que sean. El costo del retiro es de $40, que incluye el almuerzo y los refrigerios los sábados durante todo el fin de semana. Para obtener más información y para registrarse, visite Camino de la cruz cantado Los participantes de RICA lo invitan a unirse para rezar y cantar el Vía Crucis. Erlinda y el Diácono Tom ayudarán con la música. Haremos esto en el Salón Parroquial el miércoles 25 de marzo a partir de las 6:30 pm. Ven y reza con nosotros mientras hacemos nuestros preparativos finales para recibir los Sacramentos de Pascua. Caminando con mamás necesitadas En honor al 25 aniversario del Evangelio de la vida de Juan Pablo II, comienza una iniciativa nacional dedicada a servir a las mujeres embarazadas que lo necesitan. Por favor ore por este esfuerzo. Donaciones a los Servicios Católicos de Socorro La próxima semana tendremos la oportunidad de contribuir al trabajo bueno e importante realizado en todo el mundo a través de esta organización. Visite su sitio web en para más información. Rosario Público Una reunión pública de rosario en oración en apoyo de los no nacidos está prevista para el sábado 21 de marzo al mediodía hasta la 1 p.m. en la esquina sureste de Lions Park. Feria de salud de las minorías de Wyoming El ejercicio y la alimentación saludable pueden ayudar a reducir el aumento de peso y prevenir el riesgo de diabetes, asma y otras enfermedades. Obtenga más información en la Feria de Salud de las Minorías WY el domingo 5 de abril, después de cada misa en el Salón Parroquial de San José. Habrá formas divertidas de hacer ejercicio y ganar premios en la puerta. Únase a nosotros para café y refrescos gratis Preparación de confirmación para adultos ¿Eres un adulto no confirmado en la Iglesia Católica? Ahora es el momento de completar tus sacramentos de iniciación. Seis sesiones de preparación comenzarán el 14 de abril a las 7:00 PM en el Centro de Educación. La confirmación se celebrará el 31 de mayo a las 9:00 a.m. con el obispo Steven. Se puede recoger un horario y un formulario de inscripción en la Oficina Parroquial.

Men’s Retreat St. Margaret Parish in Riverton will host a men’s retreat beginning at 6 p.m. Friday, March 20, and ending with 5:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday, March 21. Featured speaker Greg Schlueter of will challenge men of all ages – father, sons, grandfathers – to become the men God, the Church, our families, and our communities need them to be. Cost of the retreat is $40, which includes Saturday lunch and snacks throughout the weekend. For more information and to register, visit Sung Way of the Cross The RCIA participants invite you to join in praying and singing the Way of the Cross. Erlinda and Deacon Tom will help with the music. We will be doing this in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, March 25th starting at 6:30 pm. Come and pray with us as we make our final preparations to receive Easter Sacraments. Walking with Moms in Need In honor of the 25th anniversary of John Paul II’s, Gospel of Life, a nationwide initiative begins dedicated to serving pregnant women in need. Please pray for this effort. Catholic Relief Services Donations Next week we will have the opportunity to contribute to the good and important work accomplished around the world through this organization. Visit their website at for more information. Public Rosary A public prayer rosary rally in support of the unborn is planned for Saturday March 21st at noon till 1 p.m. in the south east corner of Lions Park. Wyoming Minority Health Fair Exercise and healthy eating can help reduce weight gain and prevent risk of diabetes, asthma, & other diseases. Learn more at the WY Minority Health Fair on Sunday, April 5th, after each mass at the St Joseph's Parish Hall. There will be fun ways to exercise and win door prizes. Join us for free coffee and refreshments. Adult Confirmation Preparation Are you a non-Confirmed adult in the Catholic Church? Now is the time to complete your Sacraments of Initiation. Six preparation sessions will begin April 14 at 7:00 PM at the Education Center. Confirmation will be celebrated May 31st at 9:00 AM with Bishop Steven. A schedule and registration form can be picked up at the Parish Office.

3 Cheyenne, WY

Minister Schedule For the Week Saturday, March 14: 6:00 PM Mass L: ? CM: Barbara Jacques, Deacon Tom,?,?,? S: ? Sunday, March 15: 7:30 AM Mass L: Carolyn Eggleston CM: Deacon Tom,?,?,? S: Bob 9:00 AM Mass L: Fred Madrid CM: Carmen Torres, Deacon Tom,?,?,? S: ? 11:00 AM Mass L: Eva Estorga, Sonia Rodriguez CM: Lety Enr iquez, Cr istina Fernandez, Selene Lozano, Nora Chavez S: Jasiel Chavez Monday, March 16: NO MASS Tuesday, March 17: 9:00 AM Mass L: ? CM: ? Wednesday, March 18: 9:00 AM Mass L: Betty CM: ? Thursday, March 19: 9:00 AM Mass L: ? CM: ? Friday, March 20: 9:00 AM Mass L: Erlinda CM: ? Saturday, March 21: 6:00 PM Mass L: ? CM: ,?,?,?,? S: ? Sunday, March 22: 7:30 AM Mass L: CM: ,?,?,? S: Bob 9:00 AM Mass L: CM: ?,?,?,? S: ? 11:00 AM Mass L: Luis Morillon Jr, Luis Morillon CM: Jaime Olague, Juanita Olague, Rosa Lujan, Yolanda Loya S: Natalia Caballero

4a March 15 2020 4b Sunday

Saturday March 14 6:00pm † Elijah Martinez “Camargo” Sunday March 15 7:30 am St. Josephs Community 9:00 am † James Valdez 11:00 am † Herb Drees Monday March 16 NO MASS Tuesday March 17 9:00 am † Della Lopez Baker Wednesday March 18 9:00 am Special Intentions Thursday March 19 9:00 am † Christopher Martinez Friday March 20 9:00 am Special Intentions

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday March 15 Third Sunday of Lent Ex 17:3–7 Rom 5:1–2, 5–8 Jn 4:5–42 9 Monday March 16 Lenten Weekday 2 Kgs 5:1–15b Lk 4:24–30 Tuesday March 17 Lenten Weekday Dn 3:25, 34–43 Mt 18:21–35 Wednesday March 18 Lenten Weekday Dt 4:1, 5–9 Mt 5:17–19 Thursday March 19 2 Sm 7:4–5a, 12–14a, 16 Rom 4:13, 16–18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18–21, 24a Friday March 20 Lenten Weekday Hos 14:2–10 Mk 12:28–34 Saturday March 21 Lenten Weekday Hos 6:1–6 Lk 18:9–14 Sunday March 22 Fourth Sunday of Lent 1 Sm 16:1b, 6–7, 10–13a Eph 5:8–14 Jn 9:1–41

Thinking about Separation or Divorce? – Is your marriage or that of a relative or friend head-ing for divorce? Do you feel helpless? Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) is designed to help troubled marriages regain their health. It helps spouses re-awaken the love, trust and com-mitment that originally brought them together. For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on March 27-29, 2020, call (303) 317-5111 or email:

Mailing: P.O. Box 1141 Cheyenne, WY 82003 Office Location: 314 East 6th St. Office Phone: 634-4625 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM –4:00 PM Food Pantry Location: 206 Van Lennen Ave Pastor: Father Car l Gallinger Deacon: Rev. Mr . Tom Niemann Hispanic Ministry: OPEN Food Pantry: Renee Gamino Youth Faith Formation Director: Amber Gregorio Secretary: Marisleysi Chavez Maintenance: Patr ick Hernandez CCW President: Teresa Olivas Prayer Line: 421-2272/514-5271

Minister Schedule For the Week Saturday, March 14: 6:00 PM Mass L: ? CM: Barbara Jacques, Deacon Tom,?,?,? S: ? Sunday, March 15: 7:30 AM Mass L: Carolyn Eggleston CM: Deacon Tom,?,?,? S: Bob 9:00 AM Mass L: Fred Madrid CM: Carmen Torres, Deacon Tom,?,?,? S: ? 11:00 AM Mass L: Eva Estorga, Sonia Rodriguez CM: Lety Enr iquez, Cr istina Fernandez, Selene Lozano, Nora Chavez S: Jasiel Chavez Monday, March 16: NO MASS Tuesday, March 17: 9:00 AM Mass L: ? CM: ? Wednesday, March 18: 9:00 AM Mass L: Betty CM: ? Thursday, March 19: 9:00 AM Mass L: ? CM: ? Friday, March 20: 9:00 AM Mass L: Erlinda CM: ? Saturday, March 21: 6:00 PM Mass L: ? CM: ,?,?,?,? S: ? Sunday, March 22: 7:30 AM Mass L: CM: ,?,?,? S: Bob 9:00 AM Mass L: CM: ?,?,?,? S: ? 11:00 AM Mass L: Luis Morillon Jr, Luis Morillon CM: Jaime Olague, Juanita Olague, Rosa Lujan, Yolanda Loya S: Natalia Caballero

4a March 15 2020 4b Sunday

Saturday March 14 6:00pm † Elijah Martinez “Camargo” Sunday March 15 7:30 am St. Josephs Community 9:00 am † James Valdez 11:00 am † Herb Drees Monday March 16 NO MASS Tuesday March 17 9:00 am † Della Lopez Baker Wednesday March 18 9:00 am Special Intentions Thursday March 19 9:00 am † Christopher Martinez Friday March 20 9:00 am Special Intentions

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday March 15 Third Sunday of Lent Ex 17:3–7 Rom 5:1–2, 5–8 Jn 4:5–42 9 Monday March 16 Lenten Weekday 2 Kgs 5:1–15b Lk 4:24–30 Tuesday March 17 Lenten Weekday Dn 3:25, 34–43 Mt 18:21–35 Wednesday March 18 Lenten Weekday Dt 4:1, 5–9 Mt 5:17–19 Thursday March 19 2 Sm 7:4–5a, 12–14a, 16 Rom 4:13, 16–18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18–21, 24a Friday March 20 Lenten Weekday Hos 14:2–10 Mk 12:28–34 Saturday March 21 Lenten Weekday Hos 6:1–6 Lk 18:9–14 Sunday March 22 Fourth Sunday of Lent 1 Sm 16:1b, 6–7, 10–13a Eph 5:8–14 Jn 9:1–41

Thinking about Separation or Divorce? – Is your marriage or that of a relative or friend head-ing for divorce? Do you feel helpless? Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) is designed to help troubled marriages regain their health. It helps spouses re-awaken the love, trust and com-mitment that originally brought them together. For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on March 27-29, 2020, call (303) 317-5111 or email:

Mailing: P.O. Box 1141 Cheyenne, WY 82003 Office Location: 314 East 6th St. Office Phone: 634-4625 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM –4:00 PM Food Pantry Location: 206 Van Lennen Ave Pastor: Father Car l Gallinger Deacon: Rev. Mr . Tom Niemann Hispanic Ministry: OPEN Food Pantry: Renee Gamino Youth Faith Formation Director: Amber Gregorio Secretary: Marisleysi Chavez Maintenance: Patr ick Hernandez CCW President: Teresa Olivas Prayer Line: 421-2272/514-5271

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