
Welcome to my Community!By: Jessica Goolsby

3rd Grade Standard 1 - History

• 3.1.5 Chronological Thinking, Historical Comprehension, Analysis and Interpretation, Research: Create simple timelines that identify important events in various regions of the state.

• Taken from:

• Activity taken from: •



• Timeline - a linear representation of important events in the order in which they occurred.

• Event - something that occurs in a certain place during a particular interval of time.

• Community - a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.


• Crayons• Markers• Paper• Community artifacts• Poster board

Read a book

• What is a Community from A to Z? by Bobbie Kalman

• This book explains many things that make up a community

What is special about your community?

• Think about your community. What is special about it? Is there a special place that you like to visit? Was there someone famous born there? Does someone famous live there? Are there beautiful mountains or a river?

• Write these items in your journal

Your Task

• Design a presentation to welcome visitors into your community. You must include things to do, places to visit, people to meet, places to stay and shop. You also need to include some drawings and one artifact from your community.


• Create a timeline that includes many different activities in your community and the months that they are happening.

• Use a table with each of the months and add the activities


• Present your presentation to the class• The teacher will pretend that she is a new

visitor in town and needs a tour of the community

• Pay special attention to your classmates presentations to make sure they are presenting the correct information. Maybe see how things have changed.



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