Third comeback report 4.8,2011

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

Tohoku, East Kanto Earthquake, Tsunami Nuclear Reactor

I. Minutes of Tsunami casualties

II. Nippon Come back Report ( Recovery News)

III. Fukushima Nuclear Reactor and its secondary damage

Earthquake of Magnitude 9 and Tsunami of highest 16 m hit Tohoku 6 prefecture

( Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Yamagata Miyagi, Fukushima) and north of Kanto district

(Ibaragi and Tochigi) on 11th. of March. On April 6th. at 11:00 pm., magnitude 7.1

earthquake hit Tohoku again, seismic center is located 40km off shore Miyagi Ojika

peninsula, which is associated minor earthquake triggered by March 11th major

earthquake . Tsunami destroyed many coastal towns in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima

prefecture, which took away thousands of lives in 10 minutes. This is the third update

progress report after Tsunami.


I. Minutes of TSUNAMI Casualties

On this earthquake on March 6th. there are no major casualties reported except for two.

However, it gave huge psychological damage on Tsunami survivors in Tohoku, they are

currently fighting against fear for the future in addition to trauma from Tsunami. SDF reacted

quickly by dispatching P3C to inspect the situation from the air, also Toden confirmed

cooling nuclear reactors are in process. Earthquake on March 6th. certainly delay

recovery schedule of infrastructure damaged by Tsunami for days. According to National

Police Agency report, on April 7th. Total figure of death is 12,690, and l 47,36 still missing,

total 27,426 casualties but numbers are rising every single day. Although we have made

huge progress in identification of bodies and missing people, we still do not know how many

people are really missing, partly because difficulties to recover the bodies near nuclear

reactors in Fukushima but mainly, major coastal area just disappeared and covered by mud

and debris. Currently 157,600 survivors of Tsunami living in 2299 shelters in 18


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

prefectures (down from 240,000 in 23rd. of March). From April 1st. to 3rd, 7000 US

armed forces conducted joint search operation of missing bodies of 600 km coast line of

Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima with 18,000 Self Defense Forces, Japanese Coastal guard,

and Fire Department, collected 348 bodies but we still have approximately 15,237 missing

and Self Defense Forces will continue the search.

Updated Figure of Casualties

Iwate and Fukushima from National Police Agency on 2011/04/07

Prefecture Death Missing Total


% Coast








Iwate 3709 4544 7893 2.55 12 309,466 1,330,530 710km

Miyagi 7743 6927 13886 0.81 15 1,708,963

2,347,975 842km

Fukushima 1177 4798 5847 0.11 10 529,867

2,028,752 167km

Figure April 7th. from National Police report

Number of Shelters in Tohoku area: 2299 Shelters

( ↑Up from 2052 on March 31st.)

Population living in shelter: 157,600 (April 7) down ↓from 163,712

(April4) ↓down from 172,415 on March 31st. ↓ from 240,000 in March 23rd.


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

Number of people living in shelters are going down every single day since people living in

the shleters are leaving towns either being transferred by town or moving to their friends

and family outside of town.

Minami Sanriku Town,( Miyagi Prefecture) which used to have population of 17,666

in Feb. 2011, had devastating damage by Tsunami. According to police report on April

3rd. 395 confirmed dead but still not sure about how many people are missing, Nearly

1400 people out of 9400 survivors who are living in shelter decided to move to other

towns. On 3rd. of April, 500 people started to move to three towns in Miyagi prefecture

as they wish to. Mayor Sato told the press that he is looking forward the day to

welcome evacuated people back to the town.

Picture from:, before earthquake

After Tsunami, new electric pole built


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

Picture (Minami sanriku town after March 11)

Picture of people rushing to ride a bus to leave the town..


Every single Japanese are grateful for US support. President Obama has sent nearly

20,000 armed forces, 113 airplanes, 19 naval vessels including Ronald Reagan, Essex

in humanitarian relief activities called Operation Tomodachi to rescue JAPAN from crisis.

CBIRF Marine forces for special nuclear war were dispatched to control Fukushima

nuclear reactor. We must thank US, since their armed forces was single only help at

the time of emergency. Ruling Demorcrats are now having justification of converting

its manifest to support close security tie between Japan US relationship.


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

II. Nippon Come back Report

Japanese recovery is in progress in 24 hours non-stop day and night by engineers and

workers, from day one of historic disaster. US forces made special contribution to

recovery, it is truly beyond all of our expectation. Operation Tomodachi in Sendai

airport recovery is truly noteworthy to introduce at the front page of Nippon come back.

Sendai Airpot Comebak(Picture March 13th).

Sendai airport was completely devastated and covered by sea water, debris and mud

on March 11th .by Tsunami. When we looked at TV Screen on 11th. of March, what we

saw was just the ocean, covered by mud, piled up debries, cars littered the runaway.

MLIT announced in the press conference on March 7th. after earth quake on March 6th.

that they are ready to open Sendai airport for commercial flight. on March 13th as

scheduled. JAL and ANA started to fly from Haneda and Itami,Osaka.,This will be a

day of Tohoku come back...

`Picture of Sendai Airport from the air on 13th. of March



Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

March 16th. it was symbolic to see the recovery of Sendai Airport. When Japanese

almost gave up the recovery of Sendai Airport after 5 days of Tsunami, US

government decided to dispatch Air force 320 the Special Tactics Air force flying from

Kadena air base in Okinawa which landed at abandoned Sendai airport by parachute

with machinery of armed car hambi from the air. They completely cleared the airport in

3 hours recovered Tsunami destroyed airport and demonstrated US real capacity of

securing the airport and teach us “CAN DO SPIRIT” at the time of crisis.

320th. Special Tacitcs

After they removed debris from the airport in joint efforts with SDF ,, 3 hours later,

1500m runaway was secured and made the landing of C130 possible for relief activity

to ship foods and emergency relief goods . On 20th. C17 with 40 t humanitarian aids

were transferred from Alaska which is 3 times bigger than C130. On 28th. complete

airstrips were recovered.



Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

US NAVY Essex US Ronald Reagan

. March 29th Sendai Airport


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato (below)


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

In Kesenuma, they almost conclude OPERATION TOMODACHI humanitarian rescue

operation.. Japan will be 100% behind US as a result of this emergency help no matter

who comes to power.

II. 2. Infrastructure Come back Report

Japan lived with natural disaster, typhoon, earthquake, Tsunami in its own history and

all the municipalities have been well prepared for evacuation for natural disaster. No

matter how we were prepared for earthquake, we were so powerless in front of

tsunami on March 11th. It is soo easy to lose the function of civilization but not easy

to regain. At the time of emergency, most efficient and most reliable government

organization is Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLITT).

They are leading recovery efforts of road, port, airport and public transportation at the

time of emergency. I am sure March 6th. earthquake will affect and delay the speed of

recovery for few days but earthquake damage can be handled and recovery is in


Railway Come back

Shinkansen, Japanese High Speed Railway


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

Morioka-Shinaomori March 22

Ichinoseki-Morioka April 7

Fukushima-ichinoseki End of April

Nasushiobara-Fukushima April 121

Ohmiya-Nasushiobara March 15

Tokyo-Ohmiya March 12

It is remarkable to see, Tohoku Shinkansen high speed rail from Tokyo to Aomori

running through Tohoku will come back and resume the operation in the end of April.

On March 11th. there were 1200 damages need to be fixed in rail, electric pole,

electricity power plants, bridges, tunnel and ceiling between Tokyo and Aomori.

Currently, Tohoku shinkansen line is average 75% back and will be waiting to be full

open in the end of April.: However, earthquake on April 6th. have an impact on Japan

Railway’s recovery effort, which we have not confirmed yet.

March 12 March 19nd.

After the earthquake March 26


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

SANRIKU railway

While, Shinkansen is running inland and designed for earthquake proof in high

technology, Sanriku coastal train runs by the coast was heavily damaged by earthquake

and Tsunami.

Sanriku railway line is divided in two area North Lias line (Kuji Miyako 71km) and South

Lias line (Kamaishi Mori 36 km) carry 890,000 passengers per year run by the company

supported by local municipalities.

Sanriku Railroad,

Before and After the earthquake and Tsunami


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

(Right: March 13)

According to Sanrikku railway company, Kuji-Rikuchunoda was recovered in March 16,

Miyako-Taro was recovered in March 20th. and Taro-Kohonma was recovered in March

29th. All the engineers and construction maintainance workers worked without sleep to

recover the railway line. However, Sanriku railway company can only recover one third

of the line and one tenth of transportation capacity. It is impossible for them to make full

recovery without huge support from Japanese government to dedicate huge amount of

construction budget and takes long long time.


Japan is island nation.. Therefore sea shipment and recovery of harbor functions are

vital for economic recovery of Japan. Port recovery is the hardest amongst all due to

direct damage from Tsunami. When Port function is fully back, Heavy industry is back

to business and Tohoku economy will come back. Capacity of Air cargo or land

transportation, are not good enough to transport manufactured products in factories to

ship out both domestic and overseas market. What we saw on the site was total

devastation of almost all the coast line on1719km of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima

on March 11th.,particularly their port facilities were gone. But recovery is in progress at

full speed. We have 31 commercial and industrial ports in Tsunami area under

supervision of Port and Harbour Bureau in MLIT, and 189 small Fishery ports under

supervision of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fishery. Under strong leadership

of Port Authority( MLIT) on March 24th. already 14 ports from Aomori to Ibaragi out of

31 industrial and commercial port are in function after 11 days., March 31st. first Cargo

entered in Kashima Port. On April 4th , fifteen strategically important ports out of

31st industrial ports come back as distribution hub despite the devastating damage..


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

Currently, 129 berth, 35% of total 367 berth are recovered. We do not get the

figure of Fishery ports from MAFF yet but will be reported on my next update. Since we

lost a lot of boat and fishermen. It will be more difficult to come back compared to

industrial and commercial port. Please see Ibaragi Hitachi Naka port North wharf

area, sea wall which was down 12 m and backyard soil was becoming liquid.on March

11th. after Tsunami and Earthquake.

13th.of March April 1st. at 10:00a.m.:

We have to dredge, the muds furst and pull out the sunken ship, cars, containers,

every body from the sea in order to secure the safety of sea shipping company’s voyage

to land.

Kashima port, ibaragi prefecture.

First Cargo entered in Kashima Port in March 31st.


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

One of the most strategically important port is Shiogama Port in Sendai.

Please see the following picture on March 11th right after Tsunami.

Shiogama Port, Sendai Port District, Takasago Container Terminal on March 11th

., (left),

This Shiogama Port is secrured and functional for the entry of sea shipping

companies on April 1st. at 15:00..

Sendai Shiogama Port on March 11th.


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

BACK TO BUSINESS!! After 8 days.

Sendai Shiogama Port, SDF Naval vessel Ohsumi entered in to the port

with relief goods on March 19th.

d=7478 March 25, Sendai Port, the first ferry owned by Pacific Ferry

company(location, Nagoya) arrived from Hokkaido Tomakomai. Now

Sendai port is dredged and cleared for 3t Ferry to enter.


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

Hitachi Port, April 3rd. ( Ibaragi pref.

After the earthquake of 11th. of March, this picture above showed the ,first Cargo

vessel in Hitachi port , corporate town of Hitachi just shipping gas turbin. Already road

access to the wharf was fixed by port authority and it is ready to function as distribution

hub for public.. By April 30th

., Shiogama port and Ishinomaki Ports is open in the

daytime as distribution hub after 2 weeks. When Port comes back, life of towns and

community will come back. Below picture Kamaishi Bay after 11st.



Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

(left above) photo by Kato

(right above) Relif goods arrived from hakata port (

Road Recovery

Most efficient and powerful team for recovery from any natural disaster is Road

department of MLITT. 814km out of 870 km of damaged road were recovered by

March 24th. On April 1st. all road network will be recovered except for the area of

nuclear reactor in Fukushima.

Housing Come back

What we need now is temporary prefabricated houses for 163,712 people living in

the shelter right away!!!.

.MLIT has urged Japan PreFab Housing association to increase the production of

prefab housing on March 13th. Wherever we go in Tohoku area, we see huge

shortage of prefabricated housing. Typically, there are unit type and assemble

type of prefab housing but it is legally controlled by ,prefectural governors in quite

strict manners as for standards of housing ( not centralized). .Each prefectures are

responsible to provide housings for people living in shelters upon request from


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

each municipalities. Japan is law abiding nation but it requires the faster and

procedure and flexibility in emergency management.

There is a shortage of productions among prefabricated housing manufactures to

meet the huge demands of municipalities. Most importantly, it is very hard to find

the sites for temporary housing for municipalities due to the heavy damage of

Tsunami all along 1719km coastal lines devastated like the pictures below and

soils are covered by debris, muds and sea water. They lost infrastructure including

water, gas, and electricity in one time. It surely takes time to clean the area for

housing to build. Currently SDF and Fire people are cleaning the area but it is

pains taking jobs. In addition, many survivors of Tsunami currently living in the

shelter confessed that they have nightmare of Tsunami in the night. It is unlikely

that they would come back to those area on coastline even though they clean the

area and build the house unless stronger and higher breakwater is built.. Pls. see

below photos of various coastal towns on11th. of March. This similar devasted

landscape will continute 1719km of coastal line. Please see the picture below for

many coastal communities right on 12th. of March.

Sendai Wakabayashi District, Miyagi pref. from

Rikuzentakada, Iwate Pref., picture from


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi pref. picture from

Ohtsuchicho, Iwate pref. picture from


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

Yamadacho Iwate, photo from

Ohfunato-cho, Iwate,

Kamaishi City

Iwate prefecture placed an order of 18,000 housing, Miyagi 30,000 housing

Fukushima 14,000 housing, Tochigi 20housing, Chiba 230 housing and Nagano 40

ousing Total 62,290 to meet the demand from municipalities .

MLIT Minister urged Pre Hub housing association to increase the production of

housing to 30,000 housing in 2 months. And in March 15th. in 2 months and another

30,000 housing in after 3 months. MLIT has dispatched housing specialist to help

locate the temporary housing sites for prefecture in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima

on March 12th. and 25 staffs were sent from Tokyo, Osaka, Hyogo, City Renewal

organization right away to locate the sites selection for prefab housing. In order to

meet strong demand from people who lost houses, Iwate prefecture started

construction of 1378 housing in 9 district, Miyagi prefecture 1382 housing in 13

district, 769 housing in Fukushima pref., , total 38 area 3759 housing under

construction and 1401 housing in 18 district will be constructed shortly.


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

Yamada-city, Iwate prefecture. (Kyodo press)

Still 10 % of total target under construction.

To be honest, I wonder whether we can supply houses for people living in shelter

more speedy. Japan is law abiding nation even at the time of emergency but from

the humanitarian point of view, I hope central government can override prefectural

rights by skipping the bureaucratic procedure to meet humanitarian needs first.

I am sure people who are living in shelter does not mind flexibility of government

standard at the time of crisis. They want their home right away Now!!

Business Come Back

Private sector runs our nation. Japanese manufactures are quire resilient and

strongly fighting back to the damage of earthquake and resumed the operation.

There are several manufactures located in Tohoku area but we introduce following

household names such as Nippon Steel, Nittetsu Mining, Nissan and Hitachi.

Nittetu MiningCo. Ltd. Kamaichi mining factory:

Mineral water factory came back in full production using their own mining

electricity and water in Kamaishi city on 4th. of April. The Kamaishi town was

receiving fatal damage from earthquake and T.sunami with more than 1200 people

missing or dead. Some employees lost, family, relatives and home but their morale


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

is very high for recovery. and they told us that Japan was modernized from their

iron making technology.


Nippon Steel

Nippon Steel, will resume its shipment in April 10th. Although Nippon Steel

Kamaishi account for small percentage of total production of Nippon Steel,

Kamaishi is Nippon Steel’s birthplace . And comeback of Nippon steel is comeback

of community, and comeback of TOHOKU. Their first sign of recovery is the

shipment from the plant through land and shared public berth of Kamaishi port

just recovered . However, in order for the company to recover their production in

full scale, they need to recover their private berth and its adjacent port facility

damaged by Tsunami. It will take minimum in 2 to 3 months of construction

work. Nippon Steel is anchor of the town and showing the commitment to the

community by doing utomost efforts to rehabilitate their damaged port fascility.



Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato


Lebanese- French businessman who is currently the Chairman and CEO of

Nissan Automobile manufacturing Co. Ltd. visited Iwaki Factory in Fukushima

on March 29th. and publicly announced his decision to resume the operation in mid

April and will be in full operation in June. On March 29th.he told the press that

Nissan is not willing to pull out from Iwaki city, Fukushima which is located 50km

distance from Nuclear reactor.

Hitachi, located( Hitachi city, Ibaragi)

After March 11th earthquake Hitachi organized the Earthquake and Tsunami

disaster control unit under President Nakanishi. They decided to provide 79

Oku JPY relief support to the area and organized 1000 employees to support the

relief activity particularly on Fukushima nuclear power plant in close

communication with GE which designed nuclear plant in Fukushima. Hitachi

has sent 300 engineers to Fukushima nuclear reactor right away to assist the

recovery of electric power, nuclear reactor pressure and cooling the used fuel pool.

In order to recover the electric shortage, president Nakanishi of Hitachi decided

to open the operation of Hitachi factory in March 29th.which was badly damaged

by earthquake on March 11th. but started the operation of 90% in full production

and resume 100% operation by April to be able to supply steam turbin and electric

turbin to power plant to cover the shortage of power in JAPAN.

III Fukushima Can be controlled?


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

Prime Minister Kan told confidently to the press after CEO of Alva’ visit to

Tokyo on 31st. of March that government of Japan will win the war of nuclear

reactor in Fukushima although it will take long time to be settled. He is criticized

to be naïve by press about how to handle Fukushima but he is scientist and knows

business of nuclear reactor and trying his best. Unless he is not fully convinced with

scientific proof, he would not make those comment on public. More than three

hundreds of people are currently working on site to support Fukushima nuclear

reactor with all the World help and wisdom. It is GE designed nuclear reactor and

GE staffs are hundred percent behind TODEN with Hitachi, Toshiba, US marine

CBIRF and French company ALVA. We have done everything we can.

It is quite unfortunate to see media’s obsession with nuclear issue. However reality

of all the victims in Tsunami who truly need the help are overreacted by the fear of

health hazard by nuclear radiation. Public tend to overreact to “nuclear” out of the

fear in scientific fiction movie. Many expatriates and embassies left Tokyo right

after Tsunami on March 11th. due to their fear of nuclear power plant. 32 countries

closed their embassies and out of 32 countries still 7 countries have not opened

their embassy yet although we are safe in Tokyo. It was quite symbolic to see

French President Nicolas Sarkozy visit Japan as the first foreign head of the

state who made formal visit to our country after crisis, on the contrary , French

expatriate in Japan like CHANEL closed its shop on 15th , TV broadcasted their

news of French chartered plane to evacuate French citizens from japan right away

on 13th by encouraged by embassy. It was truly sad to see Narita airport packed

with 2000 Chinese people rushing to get out of the country on 23rd. All the

foreigners disappeared in cosmopolitan town in Tokyo and become very empty due

to the fear of nuclear crisis between 11th. to 30th .of March.

Switzerland, Senegal, Coat Zibore, Benan, Togo, Mari, Mauritania, Finland,

Equadur, Guatemala, Bahren, Oman, Iraq, Keniya, Mozanbiqe, Nigeria, Tanzania,

Malawi, Riberia, Lethoto. Embassies still not open: Germany, Ghana, Angola,

Namibia, Botsuwana, Libiya, Berkinafaso, Croatia, Kosobo, Nepal, Dominican

republic, and Panama.

It is not fair to say after we receive so much help from the world which beyond our

expectation and not polite to claim who did what to help us. After all, it is partly


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

our fault including myself for not doing our best to provide proper information to

overseas at timely manner, we cannot blame for those who made over reacted to

Fukushima. Today, we are suffering from the secondary damage of Fukushima,

more or less due to the lack of information or rumor based on negative conjecture

out of fear of contamination. Tokyo is safe and all the people who are killed in

March 11th. are killed by Tsunami or earthquake but no one was killed in nuclear

reactor radiation,. Powerful visual of victims on the beach seemed to overlap and

accelerate their fear of nuclear. Two corporate workers of TODEN at nuclear power

plant were dead not because of nuclear radiation but because by TSUNAMI.

On 16th.of March at Tairen Airport in China, ANA, Japanese cargo plane was

rejected due to their fear of contamination. Mitsui Sea shipment company Cargo

MOL presence carrying iron was rejected in Amoi port in China on 29th. despite the

Xray check meet the safety standard level. As Japanese cargo vessel was turned

away by the inspection of quarantine bureau in the Chinese city of Xiamen, in the

southeastern province of Fujian, after the authority said it had detected a

“radioactive anomaly” on the vessel. What is the anomaly level judged by the

quarantine bureau of government? Is it rational, fair and scientifically proved

judgement? Today, Chinese government announced another ban of vegetable

import from 12 prefecture without scientific screening. Japanese government

regulation of radiation level control is much stricter than EU. Emotional reaction

out of fear cloud the fairness. Rumor can bankrupt the company in panic psycology,

which is not helping victim of Tsunami nor our country’s economy which are already

suffered by terrible disaster.


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato


Japan is tiny island in world map and outside views Tokyo as quite risky area

to live. First of all Tokyo is 230km (144 miles) far from Fukushima nuclear

power plant DAIICHI, which had Level 5 Accident with Wider Consequences,

same as Three mile island accident in US. Just for your information, this is

the distance we found in the map to compare.

Distance from Nuclear Power Plant

Tokyo - Fukushima NPP : 230 km ( about 144 miles )

Washington DC - Three Mile Island : 142 km(about 89 miles )

NY - Three Mile Island : 238 km(about 149 miles )

Harrisburg - Three Mile Island : 19 km (about 12 miles)

Philadelphia - Three Mile Island : 135 km (about 84 miles)

Is Tokyo safe? According to MEXT ( Ministry of Education, Science and

Technology) on April 4th, , Tokyo radiation level today is as measured as high as

0.090 mSV/hour, which shows Tokyo’s radiation level almost same as NY average of

0.095 mSV and lower than 0.14 mSV in Hongkong. I am still not convinced to see

why Tokyo is considered to be risky area while Frequent flyer did not mind to fly to

NY to be exposed to 200 mSV per round trip. CT scan test for medical checkup

will give exposure of 6.9 mSV. I am not nuclear scientist but I hope somebody

give me the answer to this contradictory statistics. .I

appreciate my friend’s anxiety about nuclear radiation exposure by sending me the

information about nuclear detox tablet or healer information, even invitation to fly

to oversea. Thank you for your kind offer and friendship but Tokyo is safe.

Then next question, is Fukushima safe? Not hundred percent sure and it is

unpredictable until they completely settle plant but I am fairly sure Fukushima can

be managed. Currently government ordered residents within 30 km distance of

Fukushima Daiichi reactor to evacuate for another towns for safety reason.


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

Fukushima is not the level of Chernobyl incident in Ukraine. Japanese

government, engineers, scientists, US marines, US government, GE engineers,

Alva, Hitachi, all the parties concerned are in full efforts behind nuclear reactors,

why not possible? Situation is improving.

Update of Fukushima

Daiichi nuclear Power plant in Fukushima, the electricity is resumed and function

now. It was not disturbed by the second earthquake on 6th. of April, the injection

of fresh water into the reactor pressure vessels of Units 1,2,3 are not interrupted.

Cooling nuclear reactor is in process and the temperature of reactor goes down

slowly but steadily after electricity was back, except for Unit 1. We are watching

the Unit 1’s prospect very carefully. Currently, in order to prevent hydrogen

explosion in Unit 1, nitrogen was injected to control reactor pressure. Cooling

speed is also being adjusted in Fukushima in order to prevent contaminated

water going out to sea. We found the way to stop the leakage of highly Polluted

water from the crack in pit on reactor 2, Toden tried everything to stop the leak

including injection of absorbent polymer, sawdust, concrete or newspaper to fill the

crack on the pit and finally water glass worked. We are learning every single day at

this worst tragedy in Japan .

You will get update picture of Fukushima Nuclear reactor from the sky shortly by

T-Hawk made by Honeywell. (

Until Fukushima reactor accident, we do not realize the value of electric power.

Clean Air, Clean water, wealthy life in great metropolitan city. Fukushima nuclear

power plant provide one third of electricity in TOKYO. We expect Japanese

economy will slow down due to shortage of the power and ready for hot summer. .

I still cannot believe whole towns of more than 1700 km. coast ,wealth, land, lives of

thousands people disappear in 10 minutes. Sanriku was famous for its beautiful


Damage Report, Nippon Come back report and Fukushima 2011, 4.9

By Koko Kato

ocean, good food, and skilled man power. When we encounter uncontrollable scale

of tragedy all we can do is to put it behind, not do give up and just move forward.

We are optimists in the end. We will come back. Although Tohoku statics and

data in demography, nature, economy are not so promising, but, they have best

manpower, famous for resilient, patient and gutsy. They are survivors of worst

tragedy. We are behind Tohoku people 100%..

I am not the government spokesman, but I have confidence in our government for

tough safety standard, so as Japanese corporations are, they are accountable for

whatever called for safe to eat, drink, and morale obligation for others in even at

the time of difficulties. In Japan, there are too many rules for perfect safety.

However, I still do not know what we can do with Fukushima people. I feel special

sympathy toward them, not only people living in 30 km from nuclear reactors

but also people living far from reactor. Many farmers and fishermen have to give

up their lives at very late in their life. I hope Fukushima people or products

won’t be discriminated based on groundless and scientifically unproven gossip.

We learn a lesson from Fukushima but have to move on and still I believe that we

can develop the new technology to control nuclear reactors perfectly or being

innovative to develop alternative energy source in the future. Fight in Fukushima

should not be wasted for future generation. Technology is our culture.

Also, we are very grateful for your friendship and kindness at the time of our crisis.

You will be my friend for ever. I hope we come back one more time after this

hardship and would like to be the one who help you in your crisis.

Never Give Up!

Thank you very much for your support and message from the

world. I am looking forward to seeing you and welcoming you in

Japan before too long!!

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