
Think Win-Win

In business and in life, we talk a

lot about winning in the context

of competition or contests—of

beating others to show we’re

better at something.

Winning means that someone

else loses. It’s a “zero sum


While a “win-lose” proposition

has its time and place, I’ve found

that most situations require a

different approach.

“Winning takes talent, to repeat

takes character.”-Coach John Wooden

Sure, winning can prove that

we’re good or even the best at

what we do. But to win in a

meaningful and lasting way, we

need to have character.

This means finding “win-win”

opportunities that rely on

cooperation and collaboration,

rather than on competition and


Stephen Covey’s fourth habit

tells us just this — to “think win-

win” by seeking mutual benefit

from our interactions.

While the first three habits are

about mastering the “private

victory” of independence, Habit

4 moves us into the realm of

“public victories” or


It’s about developing effective

interpersonal leadership, which

is fundamental to all successful


Covey, like Coach Wooden,

says that character is the

foundation of winning. People

and organizations with a “win-

win” attitude have three key


Integrity: Sticking with their true feelings,

values and commitments.

Maturity: Expressing their ideas and feelings

with courage and consideration for others’

ideas and feelings.

Abundance Mentality: Believing there’s

plenty for everyone.

By practicing Habit 4, we can be

true winners who work

cooperatively with others to

achieve mutual solutions,

satisfaction and success.

In situations where we can’t

achieve a “win-win,” we must

have the integrity, maturity and

conviction — the character — to

walk away agreeably without

burning bridges.

“Win-win” or no deals, rather

than “win-lose” or “lose-lose”

deals, are the best ways to be

effective in our lives, work and

most valued relationships.

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