Think strategic act decisively - Web and social media

Post on 08-May-2015






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The Business Insights Survey Report for 2014 highlighted that most professional advisers are ready to create a strategic plan and to join the digital world. But where do you start? The slideshare presentation covers some critical areas for your marketing. It is a 101 guide to help advisers to generate a positive ROI with the web and social media. The key take-out messages are - Be strategic, be decisive and be the expert - a true leader in your field of expertise.


  • 1.A 101 guide to generate a positive ROI with web and social media marketing @ColinTWilliams Search for HFS Marketing

2. What the Presentation will address Current trends in web and social media use What is the ROI for social media platforms Great communication more profitable than Good Strategic, tactical and opportunistic marketing Your web and social media plan Be the expert The leader in your field of expertise Tips for your website Tips for social media messaging Tools you can use for efficiency 3. Current Trends Show of hands Hands Up If: You use the web for research You have a Smartphone and/or tablet One or more in your home is on Social Media You (personally) are on Social Media You think your client and prospect database share a similar profile to the results in this room Your business has a website Your business is on Social Media Staff on social media representing your business 4. The Results No Surprises (I hope!) If your hand was up between 90 and 100% of the time, join the club This exercise highlights that the vast majority of people are now online and on a daily occurrence One interesting point When I do this exercise at conferences, the most popular platform for advisers is LinkedIn. Most of their connections are fellow advisers - They dont give you referrals! You should connect with clients and prospects 5. What is ROI Web and Social Media The web and social media are platforms for communicating your messages. Consider these questions: What is the ROI on a piano for you? What is the ROI on a piano for Elton John? What is the ROI on your mobile phone? What is the ROI for communicating with clients? What is the ROI for GREAT communication with clients? 6. Macquarie (See beyond the numbers) Recent Macquarie research highlights that: Satisfied clients (score 6-8) - 19% High likelihood to refer Highly satisfied clients (score 9 10) - 90% High likelihood to refer 7. Macquarie See beyond the numbers The three MOST important adviser attributes that the clients wants: 1. Ability to choose financial solutions that meet my needs 2. Keeps me informed* 3. Proactively manages my affairs Attributes that advisers tend to measure themselves on portfolio performance, financial and investment knowledge and fairness on fees, did not make the top 10 8. Keeping clients informed Two key parts 1. Actively improve the clients financial knowledge 2. Use many touch points including blogs, emails and events The communication style needs to be consistent, jargon free and educational Manage expectations The when, what and why What have you sent and why did you send it 9. To Think About Social Media A marathon not a sprint...but the gun went off 10 years ago! It is no longer an option to be just on social media you have to be effective Traditional Push marketing (one way messaging) is now ineffective Pull marketing is in Engagement and conversation Your website should more visitors than your office Transparency and Authenticity in everything we do If you're not talking to your clients online who is? 10. What some leaders say If you come home from work and ask Whats on TV tonight you are showing your age Mark Scott, ABC TV CEO Google made the mistake of not getting on board with Social Media - Won't be making that mistake again Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman Google We are a nation of Google and Facebook Barack Obama I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been Wayne Gretzky (Brian Solis) 11. Who finds Who in 2014? People search for what they want. Do you come up in the search results? 12. Refresher - Social Media Platforms Facebook Family and Friends, est 90% of households access to Facebook LinkedIn Popular with professionals Twitter Crosses all sectors. The new news platform Google Plus Getting popular with business Instagram Images and link to SM platforms YouTube, Slideshare Used with SM Blogs Shared content/articles on your website 13. Web and SM - Great For Small Biz Pre social media The marketing budget bought reach Reach is FREE How you plan and implement is now critical 14. Strategic Vs Tactical Vs Opportunistic Strategic Long term Vision, mission, your purpose, your why and values Your target market, your offer and why they should do business with you. Tactical Ready to adapt Measure and analyse results, look for improvement, adapt and continue the cycle Opportunistic In the present Taking advantage when opportunity arises, prepared to take a risk 15. Strategy, tactics, opportunistic all matter The speed of change today - Those who dont adapt, die Records, CDs, newspapers etc Big data (information on steroids) We have information to be tactical, but dont regularly change your strategy. Use data to improve efficiencies Opportunities arise - Social media and the web can make it happen e.g. Oreo Dunking in the dark NFL Super bowl 2013. Became the best ad of 2013 off the back of one opportunistic tweet 16. Your Web and Social Media Plan It should be part of your strategic plan not something on the side You need a clear vision (your why/purpose) to communicate Core objectives and duties including: Commitment of time Understanding your target market Measurement of results Prepared to try new things and fail occasionally Be tactical - Things move quickly Be opportunistic Be alert 17. Components of Social Media Battle Plan Website as the Hub Core Content Blogs, video, images SM Platforms Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter Newsletter Data Base Clients and Prospects Measure, adapt and learn Google Analytics Content to be shared only on SM YOU Listen, Learn, Share 18. Why is content so important? 1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) You need to be found: Creating compelling and useful content will likely influence your website more than any of the other factors discussed here Google SEO Book 2. Content to share on Social Media 3. Your website is your reception First impressions 19. Content - Blog Ideas Simple Plan - One new blog post per month Mix them up 2 X Case studies 2 X Testimonials 4 X Newsworthy whats happening in the market place for your target markets (client feedback) 1 X Federal Budget feature 2 X Staff features Achievements, personal insights 1 X Christmas/New Year update 20. Context to every blog post 1. Know your target market 2. Make a stand If you dont stand for something, you stand for nothing 3. Add some personal insights with personality 4. How will the reader benefit from your post? Make it clear, use examples 5. What will be your call to action? Call me now! 6. Market your blog post Spread the story 7. Do another blog post Practice makes perfect 21. Hot Tip - Make yourself the EXPERT What is the one thing (the problem you solve) that you do really well for your clients who sit at the centre of your target market? 22. Focus on the one thing Write a whitepaper Make it valuable Talk about it Get your clients to talk about it Share it Make it your Client Value Proposition Be known as the expert, the leader for fixing this one particular problem 23. Why be the expert, the leader in your field Experts can charge more Experts are in demand Get down to business sooner less questioning Google loves experts They take people to the best content Valued on social media Do business with anyone who wants your expertise, no matter where they live. Geographical boundaries are dead 24. Your website - Must have basics 1. Needs to be Smartphone friendly 2. Linked to social media Otherwise you are saying you dont belong in 2014 3. Easy to navigate (see next slide) 4. All about the client Not about you 5. Quality content Regularly updated blog posts 6. SEO Google friendly Do you visit sites because they look nice or because they have good content? Content always wins over design 25. Your menu - Offer meals or ingredients? 26. Websites should be solution focused A list of services is like a restaurant menu listing ingredients and expecting you to know how to put them together. Highlight how you combine your services to create solutions for people in your target market Be specific as to how you help them Use examples. 27. Headline that one thing on your website Dont forget that one thing you do really well Make sure it is a real pain killer not a vitamin 28. Your Goals on Social Media Social Media = Real Time Communication Tools Opportunity to: Communicate to many Be part of conversations Help be top of mind with your clients/prospects Seek news for your business/industry Find news on your competitors Gather news on your clients/prospects. Direct people to your website - Important 29. Tips for Social Media messaging 1. Know the context of each platform for your target market 2. When new watch and listen first 3. Post 1/3 your work, 1/3 content you like, 1/3 personal insights (Friday to Sunday) Let people get to know, like and trust you 4. Engage in a timely fashion 5. Dont make it a chore have some fun with it 6. Dont give this job to the junior in the office 30. Mistakes on Social Media Looking to seal the deal on the first date! Starting with no plan Unsure of target market shotgun approach Lack of content nothing to say Inability to capture opportunities as they arise Scared of saying the wrong thing Selling what you do 16,000 advisers sell advice Why are you different? (Think that one thing) Not willing to spend a little money and time to learn 31. Individuals shine on Social Media Individuals outscore corporates on social media Its easier to engage with a person What it means for you? Small biz allows individuals to shine You can be the expert, a leader in your field of expertise Become the local expert local searches are popular The spotlight is on you Who in the business should also be on social media? 32. Where to start with Social Media 33. Handy Tools and Tips For writing blogs Ginger (spell and grammar) and Google docs Collaboration Add images is hot right now Try hemingwayapp great tips for your blogs to be read with ease Social Media Hootsuite or Tweet Deck for managing posts Zapier and IFTT for automation Use lists in Twitter Nimble CRM 34. Tools I use for productivity CRM Nimble Everconnect for maintaining contact details Postwire Create a page for clients that can be updated Mailchimp and Flash Issue for newsletters Google Analytics Must have for all websites Last Pass for passwords Google Apps for business Basecamp for projects 35. One final message We can all make a lot of noise on a piano and on social media The challenge is to cut through the noise with great content and a style that hits the right chords for our target market 36. Need Help? Contact: Colin Williams +61 432 485 569 @ColinTWilliams or

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