Think and Grow Rich Power Affirmations - Chapter 06 Imagination

Post on 11-Apr-2017



Self Improvement



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Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 6: Imagination – The Workshop of the Mind

This slideshow published by William Marshall is Copyright © 2016 by William H. Marshall.

All Rights Reserved.

My imagination is literally the workshop wherein I fashion the plans I need to

achieve my goals.

My imagination is the workshop wherein I give shape, form, and ACTION through the

imaginative faculty of my mind.

I can create anything that I vividly imagine.

I am rapidly developing my imagination.

Through my imagination, I am discovering and harnessing the resources available in

my environment.

My brain is both a broadcasting and receiving station for the vibration of


Because I am developing my imagination, I am breaking through my limitations.

Through my synthetic imagination, I am arranging old concepts, ideas and plans

into new combinations.

Through my creative imagination, my finite mind has direct connection with Infinite


I am now receiving hunches and inspired ideas from Infinite Intelligence.

I am now receiving the thought vibrations from the minds of others.

I am able to tune into the subconscious minds of other people.

I stimulate my conscious mind through the emotion of a strong desire.

I am increasing the vibration of my conscious mind to an increasingly rapid


I am developing the faculty of my creative imagination.

The synthetic and creative faculties of my imagination are becoming more alert

because I am using them on a daily basis.

I am using my imagination to transform my desires into their physical counterpart.

I am using my imagination to transform the impulse of desire into money.

I am using my imagination to create plans for the transformation of my desire into


I create my plans in writing.

By creating my plans in writing, I am giving concrete form to my intangible desires.

I always reduce the statements of my desire and plans for their realization into writing.

I am converting my thoughts into their physical counterpart through the application of known principles.

I am transforming my thought energy into its material equivalent.

I am building my fortune according to universal law.

I am converting my energetic desire into its physical equivalent.

I am learning and applying the universal laws of wealth and abundance.

I am now assimilating and using the Think and Grow Rich philosophy.

I am diligently studying, assimilating, and applying the Think and Grow Rich philosophy to every area of my life.

My ideas are the starting point of my fortune.

I now have a clear understanding of the method by which I can use my imagination

to create my fortune.

I mix my ideas with my imagination in order to create the results that I desire.

My ideas are pouring forth a continuous stream of wealth for myself and for others.

I create ideas of value and then use my imagination to execute plans to transform

my ideas into reality.

Using my imagination, I am transforming my thoughts into things.

Using my will, I am making a way to achieve my goals.

I have made up my mind that I WILL achieve my goals. I have decided. It is

already done in my imagination.

I am now saturating my mind with my BURNING desire to achieve my goals.

I am now eliminating the limitations which I have set up in my own mind.

I start the achievement of all of my goals with Definiteness of Purpose.

I back my definite major purpose with a BURNING DESIRE to translate that

purpose into its physical equivalent.

I am taking concrete action on my ideas.

I make definite decisions to achieve my goals within a specified time.

I now imagine myself in possession of the money I desire.

Through prayer and meditation, I am developing the feeling of assurance and certainty that I am achieving my goals.

My own subconscious mind is yielding the thought energy and ideas I need to achieve

my goals.

When I express my ideas to others with confidence, I am putting myself in the way

of opportunity.

The money I desire is coming to me as a result of my outstanding ideas.

I am creating DEFINITE plans for receiving the money I desire.

My strong, burning desires are attaining strong, measurable results.

I know exactly what I want and I am determined to get it.

What others have done, I can do also.

Through the power of Definiteness of Purpose plus definite plans, I am transforming my ideas into cash.

I am making definite demands on riches based on the application of definite

principles. I create my own luck.

I create thoughts that impel action by an appeal to my imagination.

I am using my imagination to create the reality that I desire.

I know that every sale is the sale of ideas. I sell ideas, not just merchandise.

I have the imagination to recognize sound ideas when I see them.

I am idea conscious.

I use my imagination to provide real value to my customers.

I provide measurable, tangible proof of the value I add to others.

I have the ability to create, produce, and recognize sound ideas.

I am only one sound idea away from achieving the success I desire.

I am making my business yield a fortune for myself and for others.

I surround myself with people who are able to do what I cannot do.

Through focused, determined, and persistent effort, I create my own luck.

I plant sound ideas into the minds of others and then help those ideas grow.

Through Definiteness of Purpose and decision, I transform my ordinary desires

into BURNING desires.

I chose my ideas and give them life, action, and guidance. My ideas grow and sweep

away all opposition.

1. Save this PowerPoint to a new file.

2. Copy the Power Affirmations that you want to focus on to that file.

3. Review those slides at least 2-3 times per day—preferably once in the morning when you get up and once in the evening when you go to sleep.

4. For the affirmations that are the most meaningful to you, I recommend you memorizethem. While that can happen automatically as the result of reviewing them regularly, you will accelerate the process with a little extra effort.

The result of memorizing an affirmation, quote, or passage is to pass the information on to your subconscious mind. This is why we are instructed to memorize definitions, multiplication tables, etc., in school.

Review and listen to the affirmations regularly for at least 30 days. The purpose of these slides and other tools is to help you concisely articulate your self-talk for the purpose of conditioning your subconscious mind for taking positive action.

Only action completes the success cycle. Affirmations, visualization, goal setting, by themselves create nothing. To achieve success, you must add efficient and effective action. Faith without deeds is dead.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at any time at

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