THIMUN 2013: Sponsorship Proposal

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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In January 2013, 22 outstanding young New Zealanders who have been chosen to represent New Zealand at the largest and most prestigious Model United Nations conference in the world will set out with their volunteer directors on a three-week whirlwind educational study tour. This tour will canvas world cultural sites, visiting diplomatic missions and immerse the students in the various different cultures of the places they visit across Asia and Europe. We ask your organisation to stand alongside UN Youth in providing development opportunities for New Zealand’s emerging leaders and encourage them to be passionate, intelligent, well-informed, and confident global citizens.





© Copyright UN Youth New Zealand 2012. This publication is copyright and remains the intellectual property of UN Youth New Zealand. No part of it may be

reproduced by any means without the prior written permission of UN Youth New Zealand.



Who we are

The Hague International Model United Nations (‘THIMUN’)

The delegates

The trip


How you can help

Sponsor benefits

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In January 2013, 22 outstanding young New Zealanders who have been chosen to represent New Zealand at the largest and most prestigious Model UN conference in the world will set out with their volunteer directors on a three-week whirlwind educational study tour. This tour will canvas world cultural sites, visiting diplomatic missions and immerse the students in the various different cultures of the places they visit across Asia and Europe.

UN Youth New Zealand, the organisation behind the trip has

been sending a delegation The Hague International Model United

Nations (“THIMUN”) since 2000. The New Zealand Schools’

Delegation has built an outstanding reputation at the THIMUN

conference as being one of the best delegations out of the 4000

students who attend the conference every year.

Many of the trip’s alumni have gone on to become leaders and

change-makers in New Zealand. Many now work at top law firms,

are active in other non-profit organisations, government institu-

tions, or are current senior officeholders in our organisation. The

alumni include a Rhodes Scholar, a Prime Minister’s Business

Scholar, and a NZ Education and Scholarship Trust Top Scholar.

This is an unprecedented opportunity for your organisation to

contribute towards the development and enrichment of New

Zealand’s future generation of leaders, and to associate your

business and brand with UN Youth New Zealand – one of New

Zealand’s leading civic education organisations.


WHO WE AREWHYUN Youth New Zealand is youth-run charitable organisation that educates young New Zealanders about the United Nations and international affairs.

We believe that by educating young people about global issues and empowering them with skills and knowledge in how they can make a difference, we are inspiring the next generation of New Zealand and the world’s leaders.

WHATWe achieve this by providing internationally-recognised opportunities for youth in New Zealand to express themselves and provide solutions for what is, ultimately their future.

We provide these opportunities by running Model UN conferences across New Zealand and in facilitating top-level New Zealand delegations to overseas conferences such as THIMUN.



The Hague International Model UN is the

largest and most prestigious Model UN

conference in the world. Attended by over

4000 students from all around the world,

the week-long conference simulates the

United Nations institutions including the

General Assembly – students become del-

egates for a member state of the United

Nations, and debate their way through res-

olutions based on the foreign policy and

perspective of that particular state.


At the conference, delegates are given a

taste of what it takes to forge solutions to

global issues at the THIMUN conference,

where they negotiate and debate solu-

tions to world issues with students from

across the globe with wide-ranging back-

grounds and views.


Through visits to diplomatic missions and

world heritage sites, they understand the

values, forces and institutions at play in

their communities, and build the skills to

engage and participate in their local com-

munity to make a difference. Many alumni

go on to become active in civic society

organisations, or become officeholders

in UN Youth, and contribute back to the

organisation as volunteers.

THE HAGUE INTERNATIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS (THIMUN)We believe the THIMUN tour condenses what it means to be a truly global citizen into a three-week trip. The THIMUN tour gives these exemplary young New Zealand leaders an opportunity to experience firsthand the wider world outside their local community.




I am a Year 13 student at Dilworth School in Auckland. I came

to New Zealand from China when I was 1 1/2 years old and I am

currently studying Physics, Chemistry, Calculus, Accounting and

Classics. Next year, I intend to study Science and Law at Auckland

University. At school, I am kept very busy through the wide vari-

ety of activities I participate in, including being a School Prefect,

member of the Arts Council and a Student Trustee in School Aid. I

am also the Captain of Chess and Lawn Bowls, and an enthusias-

tic Debater, Singer and Violinist. In December, I will be travelling to

Queensland to represent Auckland in a Lawn Bowls tournament.

My interest in global issues and public speaking originally spurred

my participation in Model UN events. I believe that THIMUN is a

great opportunity to take my quest for knowledge about diplo-

matic processes to the international stage. I am especially looking

forward to the extensive travel, socialising and networking that

the trip will entail.

22 outstanding young leaders were chosen to be a part of the New Zealand delegation to THIMUN at the New Zealand Model UN conference in July 2012. They were selected through a rigorous application and interview process during the conference, and the calibre of the delegation truly reflects this.


My name is Edward Haslam and I am currently a Year 13 Prefect

at Otago Boys’ High School. International relations, history, eco-

nomics and English frame my interests well; to sate my appetite

for these, I have a goal to participate in as many co-curricular

activities as I can to supplement my learning in the classroom.

While working hard to meet this goal, I stumbled across the

amazing event that is Model United Nations - an event which ties

in all my key interests. I found that it was an experience I had

long been looking for. This year, I was selected to be a part of

the New Zealand THIMUN delegation. THIMUN is a place where

the cultures of the world meet and debate over the future of our

planet, a place where I can be immersed with my key interests

utilised to their fullest extent. It is the ultimate experience for

me, and one I have a strong desire to go to.





My name is Claire McCorkindale and I’m year 13 and deputy head

girl at Columba College. At school I study English, Statistics,

French, Chemistry and Geography and I’m highly interested in

current affairs and world issues. I’m a passionate member and

leader of my school Amnesty International group and I enjoy

public speaking, in particular at UN Youth events. I enjoy playing

soccer, hockey and badminton as well as playing both violin and

piano. THIMUN will not only be an incredible chance to meet and

bond with like-minded students from around the world but will

also provide me with an invaluable insight into how the UN func-

tions as it is one of my aspirations to eventually work there.  


I am Brooke Olliver-Burnside and I am so excited about attend-

ing THIMUN 2013. I attend Christchurch Girls’ High School where

I am involved in a whole host of things I: coach a junior netball

team, am the Editor and leader of our school Newspaper (I

also write the advice column!) and as well as these things I am

a leader of a school run youth group for struggling young stu-

dents.    Attending Model UN events is a real passion of mine, I

love feeling inspired and empowered to make a real change in

my future in ways I never knew possible before attending these

amazing conferences. The thing I’m most excited about when it

comes to THIMUN is meeting and travelling with such a diverse

range of people from all over the world. THIMUN will give me an

opportunity to look at world issues on an international stage and

learn valuable, negotiation, debating and problem solving skills

that I can’t wait to take back to New Zealand and use to imple-

ment change in the best possible way.


I’m Austin O’Brien, and with this year being my last at Christ’s

College in Christchurch, I’m massively excited to go to THIMUN

and see and examine the world in a startlingly diverse light. I’m

an academic and cultural fiend at heart - from the logical mind-

sets of the sciences to the involved matters of the humanities, I’ve

always been interested in developing a deeper understanding.

Beyond my studies, the arts have always interested me – debat-

ing, drama, and dance – all activities that I have loved thoroughly.

More importantly however, THIMUN to me seems to be the cul-

mination of the underlying premise that kept me intrigued and

involved in all these seemingly unrelated pursuits. This ideal of

learning and understanding is embodied in THIMUN – from our

travels through different countries and cultures – to the actual

event at the Hague, and for this, THIMUN is incredibly important

to me.


My name is Hannah Field. I am in sixth form (Year 12) Tararua College,

a rural college in the Tararua District. I am interested in the future.

I am always dreaming of things in the future, what career path I

will take, what opportunities I will be fortunate enough to take

and who I will become. This is why THIMUN is a once in a life-

time opportunity to me. The educational tour will help me to learn

about the UN, the vast cultures will spark more passion, motiva-

tion and fascination; I will be able to learn ways to help those

who cannot help themselves. I can only imagine the way that this

opportunity, travelling places I have dreamed of seeing, will shape

my perception and the person that I will become. I am looking

forward to the friendship, vast cultures, characters and passions

of youth from around the world; the leaders of tomorrow.



My name is Brittany Rea and I am currently in year 13 at Rangi

Ruru Girls’ School in Christchurch. I endeavour to achieve my best

in anything I undertake whether that is on the sports field playing

netball or basketball, or striving for academic excellence in class.

In attempting to make the most of every opportunity I have been

fortunate enough to experience, I have gained skills, like public

speaking and team work, that I’m sure will last me a lifetime. I have

hunger to be able to contribute positively to the world’s financial

and economic state and I know that THIMUN 2013 will only propel

me further in this quest. For someone who is untraveled, as I am, I

cannot wait to join with the like-minded delegation and see what

the world has to offer.


I am a Year 12 student at Rangitoto College, in Auckland. Model

UN asides, I enjoy playing sport, in particular Hockey, and I play

for my school 1st XI as well as the top three men’s teams at North

Shore United. I also love music and when I am not extending my

already eclectic taste in music I play the bass in a band as well

as being a soloist in the Mainly Men,, Rangitoto’s Boys Choir. I

am also fascinated by languages. When I was 7 my family moved

to Freiburg, Germany for four years, and during my time there I

picked up a second language, German, which I still speak with

fluency. In year 11 I was taking year 12 Spanish, which I can speak

passably. I hope that with this trip I will extend my public speak-

ing and debating skills, as well as meeting many new, like-minded

and influential young people, and that I make friendships that will

last for a lifetime. I also wish to keep active within UN Youth NZ,

and maybe the UN itself in the future.


I’m a year 13 Head Student at Albany Senior High School on

Auckland’s North Shore. I began my involvement with UN Youth

NZ at the beginning of 2011 through the encouragement of

fellow students who were part of the organisation and its events.

I spend most of my time sailing and coaching at my local club

Murrays Bay, performing musically in my school productions and

personally with piano, debating in my school team and writing as

editor of my school yearbook and on the publication Education

Today. I’m most looking forward to the experience of THIMUN as

an opportunity to extend my knowledge and passion for global

communities and affairs as well as connecting with other like-

minded youth from around New Zealand and the world. I hope

that the trip will be a fantastic building block and inspiration as

I intend to begin a conjoint degree in Law and Arts next year at

Auckland University and lead onto a future intertwined with inter-

national affairs in some way.


My name is Sharndre Kushor, I am a head student at Albany Senior

High School on Auckland’s North Shore. I am interested in health,

biology and chemistry. In the future I hope to have a career which

involves working with people to better their overall quality of life.

This year I am a UNICEF New Zealand Youth Ambassador, and

my role is to make Kiwi youth more aware of important global

issues facing other young people around the world. I am very

proud and excited to have been selected to attend THIMUN in

2013. I believe that this experience will be one that will help me

make decisions which will impact on the rest of my life. I look

forward to meeting likeminded young people for all around the

world, I think this experience will be hugely eye opening and it

will be interesting to hear different perspectives on global issues

and to share strengths, opportunities and challenges that we face

as young leaders.



My name is Sam Brustad and I have lived in the Christchurch area

for my whole life. I grew up on a farm with my younger sister

(and plenty of pets) near Hanmer Springs but I made the move

into the big city for boarding school 5 years ago. I went to a pri-

mary school of around 40 children and I spent a lot of my time

outside helping with work on the farm. I am a Year 13 student at

Christchurch Boys’ High School where I am also a Prefect, Peer

Support Leader and tutor. I’ve learnt Japanese for 7 years and I

have been lucky enough to go to the country twice, the experi-

ence was amazing and it has only made me want to travel more!

I hope one day to work in Foreign Policy and I can’t wait for a

chance to meet some of the New Zealand Ambassadors in their



I’m a prefect at Scots College and I used to go to Wellesley

College. I captain a football team and I am the Vice-Captain for

my school’s handball team. I  also play the drums, guitar and

the piano and I do debating and Model UN events. I coach a

younger football team, tutor eleven to fourteen year-olds and

am also the coach for a year nine debating team. I really want to

attend THIMUN because it would be an honour to represent New

Zealand overseas, and I have not travelled to Europe since I was

2. The people I have met through UN Youth are already some of

my best friends. Next year I will be studying commerce major-

ing in International Business and Business Management, either

at Victoria or Peking University. 


Hi, my name is Felix Mouttaki, I’m 17 years old and live in

Queenstown. I go to Wakatipu High School and am currently

studying: History, Economics, French, Physics, Biology and Maths

with Statistics all at NCEA Level 3 and Economics, History and

Statistics at Scholarship Level. Next year I am planning to study

Politics, Law and Business at Otago University. In my spare time I

play squash in the winter and am a bowler in the Wakatipu High

1st  XI cricket team in the summer.  I also enjoy playing soccer

socially, film-making and skiing. I’m really looking forward to the

THIMUN trip as I really enjoy travelling and have never in the past

been able to visit Europe. I’m especially looking forward to visiting

Paris, Berlin and the International Court of Justice. The confer-

ence too, promises to be a once in a lifetime event. I’m really look-

ing forward to the debates and the chance to practise my public

speaking skills in such a high pressure environment.


My name is Victoria Rea and I am a Year 13 at Rangi Ruru Girls’

School in Christchurch. Throughout my schooling career I have

been known for the high standards I set for myself whether it is

in culture performing music, drama or public speaking, academ-

ics or sports playing netball, rugby or lifesaving. UN Youth has

offered me the chance to create life-long friendships, learn more

about international relations and continue to develop my public

speaking skills. I believe that THIMUN will offer me the chance to

experience a myriad of cultures whilst continuing to provide the

same stimulating positive experiences and skills. From THIMUN I

aim to learn more about global citizenship and to become more

aware of my position in society as a global citizen. I hope to return

from the trip with the ability to inspire younger generations to

continue to get involved within their communities and to con-

tinue to make connections.



Hi! My name is Nadine Ward and I am in year thirteen at Dunstan

High School, in Alexandra. A lot of my time is spent playing net-

ball, singing or doing photography. I am really excited for THIMUN

and the study-tour, I am sure that it will be an incredible experi-

ence and there will be huge educational benefits. I hope to gain

an insight into the ways in which countries deal with issues of crit-

ical importance, and resolve them in a peaceful and positive way.   

Next year I intend to study towards a BA LLB, majoring in Spanish

and Political Studies. This would potentially lead to work in for-

eign affairs or a Non-Governmental organisation. I would also love

to continue on to complete a journalism course, and become a

foreign correspondent.


My name is Nirusha and I am a year 13 student attending Mount

Roskill Grammar School. I enjoy playing soccer, hockey, getting

out on a kayak or dragon boating. When I am not outside, I am an

avid reader, enjoying everything from Jane Austen to the biogra-

phy of Li Cuxin. At school I love learning about modern and classi-

cal history. I also love getting involved in the community whether

it be helping fundraise, putting on a cultural performance or sup-

porting youth activities. My passion for politics and social issues

stems from the problems that have arisen due to the civil war in

my home country, Sri Lanka. I am looking forward to engaging

with different cultures and meeting different people at THIMUN. I

hope to gain a better understanding in how diplomacy and poli-

tics works in the various level of the United Nations.


I’m a 17 year old from Scots College in Wellington with a keen

interest in public speaking & debating, as well as model United

Nations, and with a strong academic background. My future aspi-

rations are to work as a diplomat in MFAT, and in an ideal world

to work with the UN in some capacity – I would love to be the

person who brings about security council reform one day. I want

to go on THIMUN 2013 because it’s a great chance to enhance

my speaking, debating and lobbying skills, as well as a chance

to network with people from around the world who will likely be

great contacts to have in later life. It’s one of the best opportuni-

ties I’ll ever have to do this, and is something I am definitely going

to make the most of. 


My name is  Keari  Harvey and I’m a year 13 studying at New

Plymouth Girls’ High School. I enjoy involving myself in my com-

munity along with playing sport and attending UN Youth events.

I have participated in and organised many events in my local

community to raise awareness and funds for non-profit organi-

zations such as Amnesty International, Students Against Driving

Drunk and World Vision. I have also worked with the Senior Net

Association where monthly evenings are held to aid elderly

citizens with technology. I enjoy taking part in these activities

because I can give back to the community and help people. In my

spare time I like to ski, cycle, swim and play the piano. Attending

THIMUN is going to be a life changing experience for me. I’m most

definitely looking forward to the opportunity to work with active

global citizens like myself in a UN environment and discuss the

changes that need to be made to our society, and those societies

around us.



I am Jamie Beaton. I am a seventeen year old student in my

final year at King’s College. Being involved with UN Youth has

highlighted just how fundamental a global perspective is in our

world. Through my Cambridge studies in Thinking Skills, Global

Perspectives and Economics, debating and Model United Nations

activities, I have developed a passion for critically analyzing our

world and striving to find innovative ways to create a more sus-

tainable future. Through initiating a school United Nations group,

spearheading Amnesty International, and leading an anti-drug

campaign I have attempted to do this. In the future, I aspire to

work in international diplomacy targeting world issues and

making real change that can improve the lives of fellow humans

around the globe. THIMUN represents a life-changing opportu-

nity to debate world-issues at a whole new level, with like-minded

individuals from across the entire globe. I could not imagine a

more perfect synthesis for my high school years.


Kia Ora, my name is Mattea Mrkusic and I am a Year 13 student at

Takapuna Grammar School. Though I hail from America, I now call

Auckland’s North Shore my home. As Head Girl of my school, I am

actively involved in the North Shore Youth Council and lead my

school’s human rights group. In my spare time, I’m a keen activ-

ist, debater, soccer player and hiker. On a personal level, human

rights are my passion. One day, I hope to work for Human Rights

Watch, advocating for who do not have the ability to do so.  In

2013, I hope to study International Relations and Art History at

an Ivy League school in the States. The month away on THIMUN

embodies many things for me:  international relations, trying my

French out on the locals, challenging myself to new heights and

meeting like-minded, switched on people. In short? Doing what

I’m passionate about.


I am Year 12 student at ACG Parnell College, originally from the

Maldives. I moved to New Zealand five years ago. I am passion-

ate about studying the intricacies of economics, following cur-

rent affairs, analysing modern history and enjoy keeping up to

date with international relations. My interests include playing the

piano, learning languages, playing tennis, creative writing and

reading both analytical and for leisure. In the future, I hope to

study law with a focus on international relations and business at

university. THIMUN presents an invaluable opportunity for me as

I hope to be involved in or working with the UN, especially with

ECOSOC, ECOFIN, the International Law Commission or the Legal

Committee. I am so excited to be travelling with a delegation of

like-minded young individuals and am looking forward to all the

valuable friendships that I will build my fellow delegates, other

delegations as well as our host family.


My name is Richard and I am a year 13 boarding student at King’s

College, Auckland. I enjoy participating in many different activi-

ties, including playing squash, learning the piano, debating, writ-

ing short stories and poetry, and of course going to Model United

Nations events. Academically I have a very wide range of inter-

ests, including both sciences and humanities, with a particular

interest in the philosophical basis of morality and society.

In terms of science, I want to be able to apply scientific advances

to actually improve peoples’ lives. One of the reasons why I want

to go on this trip is because the UN is one of the only organi-

sations which has the influence to change things on a global

level – for example, the WHO’s use of vaccination technology to

eradicate smallpox from the world. On THIMUN I will be able to

learn more about programmes like this, as well as connecting with

future leaders from across the world.



14 January 2013

16 January 2013

18 January 2013

21 January 2013

24 January 2013

27 January 2013

2 February 2013

3 February 2013

Arrive in Singapore from New Zealand

Arrive in Geneva

Arrive in Paris

Arrive in Berlin

Arrive in Brussels

Arrive in The Hague, Netherlands for THIMUN Conference

Arrive Amsterdam

Delegation returns to New Zealand

This is where the delegation will be travelling. Activities and embassy visits are yet to be finalised at the time of writing.


Cost* NZD Quantity Total BudgetedIncomeAssistant Directors 3,750.00$ 3 $11,250.00Delegates 7,500.00$ 22 $165,000.00Extra travel fees -$ 0 $0.00Sponsorship revenue -$ 0 $0.00

Total income $176,250.00

ExpensesFlights and intercity travelInternational flights fixed 2,732.00$ 26 $71,032.00Geneva-Paris (in CHF) estimate 29.95 40.68$ 26 $1,057.59Paris-Berlin (in Euros) estimate 34.99 57.08$ 26 $1,484.15Berlin-Brussels (in Euros) estimate 25.99 42.40$ 26 $1,102.40Brussels-Amsterdam - train (in Euros) estimate 30.00 48.94$ 26 $1,272.49Amsterdam Central-The Hague - train quote EUR10.9 18.86$ 26 $490.36The Hague-Amsterdam - shuttle (in Euros) estimate EUR14 24.22$ 26 $629.72

AccommodationParis - 3nights (in Euros) quote 2,340.00 3,817.48$ 1 $3,817.48Berlin - 2 nights (in Euros) quote 832.00 1,357.33$ 1 $1,357.33Geneva - 2 nights (in CHF) quote 1,690.00 2,295.26$ 1 $2,295.26Brussels - 3 nights quote 255.00$ 26 $6,630.00Singapore - 2 nights quote 149.00$ 26 $3,874.00Amsterdam - 1night (in Euros) quote 1,319.00 2,151.82$ 1 $2,151.82

Conference feesDelegation reg & housing (in Euros) estimate 6,200.00 10,114.69$ 1 $10,114.69Staff Accommodation (in Euros) quote 2,220.00 3,621.71$ 1 $3,621.71

December Planning WeekendWellington Zoo estimate 35.00$ 26 $910.00Ustay quote 945.00$ 2 $1,890.00Catering - 2 lunches estimate 600.00$ 1 $600.00Dinner for Friday night - pizza estimate 250.00$ 1 $250.00Sunday breakfast groceries estimate 100.00$ 1 $100.00Dinner for second night estimate 25.00$ 26 $650.00Miscellaneous costs: taxis, printing etc estimate 500.00$ 1 $500.00

Other costs by city: transport, food etc (will create mini-budgets below with more detail as time goes on)Paris - 3 nights estimate 6,000.00$ 1 $7,000.00Geneva - 2 nights estimate 3,000.00$ 1 $4,000.00Berlin - 2 nights estimate 4,500.00$ 1 $5,500.00Brussels - 3 nights estimate 6,500.00$ 1 $7,500.00Amsterdam - 1 night estimate 1,500.00$ 1 $2,000.00The Hague - week estimate 2,500.00$ 1 $3,500.00Singapore - 2 nights estimate 3,500.00$ 1 $4,000.00

MiscellaneousParent Information Evenings estimate 375.00$ 1 $375.00Delegate clothing (scarves/hoodies) estimate 1,500.00$ 1 $1,500.00First aid kit estimate 25.00$ 1 $25.00Business cards estimate 225.00$ 1 $225.00Notepaper quote 550.00$ 1 $550.00Phone costs: sim and roaming estimate 300.00$ 1 $300.00THIMUN photos estimate 0.00 -$ 26 $0.00NZ Model UN Conference Fee fixed 60.00$ 4 $240.00UN Youth Management Fee fixed 5,000.00$ 1 $5,000.00Travel Insurance fixed 4,368.00$ 1 $4,368.00Pre-application information meeetings fixed 500.00$ 1 $500.00Miscellaneous costs estimate 2,500.00$ 1 $2,500.00

Total expenses $164,913.99

Safety Margin 5% of income $8,812.50TOTAL (Income-Expenses-Safety Margin) $2,523.51

*Where prices are in foreign currencies, the price in $NZD has been calculated based on the exchange rate as of 15 July 2012

THIMUN 2013 Budget


The delegate fee is $7,500. Since the THIMUN trip is entirely organised and staffed by volunteers, this fee is almost entirely comprised of the actual costs incurred on the trip, and the volunteer staff personally contribute towards their portion of the costs.

By providing financial assistance, you will enable us to reduce the financial barriers of the tour to promising young New Zealanders, and making the trip the more enriching experience for the delegates.

We ask your organisation to stand alongside UN Youth in providing development opportunities for New Zealand’s emerging leaders and encourage them to be passionate, intelligent, well-informed, and confident global citizens.




BRONZE SPONSORS: $2,000+Recognition of your support on the THIMUN 2013 blog, with the inclusion of your logo, and a feature article about your organisation.

Your organisation will also be on the UN Youth website on the THIMUN 2013 webpage.

A framed and personalised picture of the delegation thanking your organisation for your support.

SILVER SPONSORS: $5,000+IN ADDITION TO THE BENEFITS BRONZE SPONSORS RECEIVE: Your organisation’s support will be acknowledged on the THIMUN 2013 video, with the delegation holding a poster with your logo at one of the iconic locations we will be visiting (such as the Eiffel tower or the International Court of Justice).

An opportunity to include your promotional material in the delegate packs handed out at our December planning weekend.

GOLD SPONSORS: $10,000+IN ADDITION TO THE BENEFITS SILVER SPONSORS RECEIVE: Inclusion of your logo on the trip’s hoodies at no additional cost.


An opportunity to meet with the delegation at the December Planning Weekend held in Wellington prior to the trip.

If your organisation would like, one of the delegates will come and speak to your organisation about their experiences on the tour and give a presentation.


If your organisation has specific requests in terms of how we can recognise your support for the trip, they can be negotiated with the Director in advance, but full and final discretion lies with the Director as to what is appropriate.



CONTACT USIf you have any questions about the THIMUN tour, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to formally present to your relevant Committee or Board to further elaborate on the proposal as well as THIMUN itself.

I also provide the UN Youth New Zealand and website below for your interest.

Thank you for your consideration of this proposal.

SARAH WILSONDirector New Zealand Delegation to THIMUN 2013

M: 027 462 0546 E:

ANTON SMITHNational President UN Youth New Zealand

M: 021 351 665 E:



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