
The Hardy Family Chronicles II

A Tale of Several Sims.The Blue Diamond – Part 2

After much badgering from Holly, Jake called Hannah. She came over as soon as her schedule allowed, though she remained sceptical.

After a long chat, and a few tears on both sides, the siblings were friends again. Hannah resolved to meet this Holly, and thanks her personally for bringing them back together.

But life had other ideas. Was it her punishing new schedule that was making Hannah ill, or was there something more serious going on?

Hannah woke one morning knowing, she was pregnant.

Being pregnant meant no more shows. There was no way she was prepared to endanger her children with late nights and hard work.

Her boss wasn’t thrilled, this wasn’t the best timing career-wise. But she agreed to let Hannah take a break, she’d spin it in the magazines to show Hannah as a responsible adult in a celebrity world filled with neer-do-wells.

Her father was thrilled, he couldn’t wait to meet his grandchild, having never met his first one Bjorn, son of Jake and his ex-wife Heidi.

And secretly, he hoped he would still be about for the birth. He knew his mind was going in his more lucid moments, and it scared him.

The day finally came, typically in the middle of the night.

Hannah rushed to the hospital...

And returns home with twin boys, Richard and Andrew Oseguera.

Proud Grandparents greet the new arrivals.

Jake had much to be proud of too. He was really racking up the promotions, and was now a fighter pilot.

And his relationship with Holly Alto was also going very well.

Though he was in for a shock when he went to meet her parents. It turned out that Holly was quite the heiress, and lived at home in her parents mansion.

It didn’t look like Holly had changed her bedroom decor since she was eight, and the way she was treated by her parents was similar. He told her all about his sisters twin sons as she played video games.

He offered to have her move in with him, but she turned him down. Why would she move in with him before they were married? Shouldn't he be with his sister helping out anyway? Jake realised he had a girlfriend with very different values from his own. But he went with it.

That night he decided he may as well move out of his military house, and in with his sister. Once Holly saw what a family man he was, he’d propose and move in somewhere with her.

So he turns up at Hannah’s house, explaining how he wants to be a proper part of her life. Hannah can think of no way to say no.

She’s overwhelmed. When all she wants is to be alone with her new sons and husband, her house is full of family members she has to look after.

Her mum takes action. She moves out into care home accommodation, taking the increasingly erratic Lee with her.

Hannah nods politely as Lee tells her all about his garden, a garden he hasn’t tended in many years...

Hannah hugs her mum goodbye, she has to get back to her sons. Kathy is just glad that she and her daughter can speak freely with each other, having never been very close.

Back at home, the boys grow swiftly. Jesse’s career as a chef advances while Hannah takes a break, but she doesn’t mind. Music is something with no time limit on it. But they both spend plenty of time with the family.