Thesis... 15th Edition

Post on 16-Oct-2014






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Republic of the Philippines


Queensrow Central, Bacoor Cavite, Philippines




An undergraduate Thesis presented to the faculty of

Cavite State University- Bacoor Campus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree in

Bachelor of Science in Business Management

Major in Marketing

Leajean J. Farparan

January 2012




Consumer is a broad label for any individuals or households that

use goods generated within the economy. It is the most important element of the

business, as a social group, it is universal and has always been a good topic for

investigation of particular interest to some of its implication on social, economic, political

and moral life. The individual consumer has a set of preferences and values whose

determination are upon their culture and tradition, education and individual taste,

whether they reach the level of satisfaction or not.

Consumer is king --the statement carries profound truth in it. Today, the success

of any firm depends upon the satisfaction of consumers. For satisfying the consumers,

the firm should know about the behavior of the consumers. In these circumstances

understanding consumer is a very difficult task because of the changing technology,

innovation, and changes in life style. Researchers conducted much research in different

areas and they give only few suggestions, but there is no final conclusion.

As per the ideas given by the researchers, there are two factors influencing the

consumers such as intrinsic and extrinsic factors. It is difficult to classify consumers by

conventional socio-economic factors and unless their thought process and buying

behavior are fully understood, decisions on product designs and packaging, branding,

and distribution channels are likely to be misplaced. With the inevitability of change

looming large over the horizon, toothpaste companies must learn from other

counterparts; not only to identify the sources, timing, and direction of the changes likely

to affect toothpaste brands, but also the new competencies and perspective that will

enable them to respond to these changes, comprehensively and effectively. This study

mainly focus on understanding the consumer preference in terms of its demographic,

social, cultural price, quality, product attributes, for buying toothpaste. The market share

of any product is highly determined by the purchasing behavior of the consumers.

Consumer preference defined as the subjected, it is also the power or ability to

choose one thing over another with the anticipation that the choice will result in greater

satisfaction greater capability or improved performance. It largely depends on the

convenience in purchasing at the marketplace along with the availability of additional

services, attraction for children and affordability.

Toothpaste is the larger sector when it comes in oral hygiene that worth billions

in 2008 as a mature market, tooth paste is forecast to grow by a compound annual rate

(CAGR) of only 2.2% in the 2008 -13 period, the most dynamic segments of the oral

care market. Oral care is undergoing significant changes with innovative and fresh

products motivating people to alter their oral hygiene habits.

Toothpaste markets comprises of several large and medium international and

domestic players competing fiercely in the highly crowded and fragmented marketplace.

There is a large presence of both branded and private level companies. Major Player

seek to position their products on the basis of value addition, functionality, price

premium and to a certain extent—packaging. Grocery stores, convenience store, sari-

sari store and supermarkets are one of the familiarize place where we can find it.

Located throughout the country and their sizes and range often vary. It usually offers a

product at low prices by reducing their economic margins. Certain products are

occasionally sold as loss leaders that are with negative profit margins. To maintain the

profits, they attempt to make up for the lower margins by a higher overall volume of

sales and with the sale of higher margin items.

There may be many product characteristics that influence consumer choice:

special features, performance, design, brand image, price, availability, etc. However,

some of the talking points that are so highly valued by product makers are often

dismissed by customers as mere table stakes - the qualities needed to simply get in the

game. Many of today's enlightened consumers expect their products to be the best and

safe. For the marketer of products, understanding what product qualities actually

causes a consumer to open his or her wallet requires research and an open mind.

These often-inscrutable qualities that cause someone to pick this over that are 'drivers

of preference'.

Furthermore, it is a model that presents the qualification in motivating the

consumer purchase from grocery stores display. Price, quality of the display space,

point-of-sale merchandising and display allocation are controlled to isolate its effects

upon buying toothpaste brands on selected Barangays of Bacoor Cavite.

At present, many of them are finding a lot of research to appreciate and predict

the possible preferences of consumer in buying a product at a time. Store owners

somehow focus on this matter, on how consumers make decisions, their feedback and

understanding costumer value; these are all reflected to the consumer preferences. This

is a necessity in order to obtain the most efficient and effective marketing tools and

strategies to capture its target market.

The researcher seeks to study the Consumer Preferences on toothpaste brands

in selected Barangays of Bacoor Cavite.

Objectives of the Study

This research was an attempt to find out the consumer preference on toothpaste

brands in selected Barangays of Bacoor Cavite.

Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Determine the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents.

2. Determine the toothpaste according to their brands.

3. Identify the preferences of the respondents on the toothpaste brands.

4. Determine the factors affecting the preferences of the respondents in buying


5. And to identify the problems encountered by the respondents in buying and to

suggest the feasible solution.

Statement of the Problem

This thesis tries to determine the consumer preference on toothpaste brands in

selected Barangays of Bacoor Cavite. On the Market aspect particularly the researcher

seek to answer the following questions.

1. The Socio-economic characteristic of the respondents.






2. What are the brands of toothpaste that most consumers preferred?

3. What are the preferences of the respondents in toothpaste brands?

4. What are the factors affecting the preferences of the respondents in buying


5. What are the problems encountered by the respondents in buying grocery items

in the selected grocery items of Bacoor Cavite?

Significance of the Study

The study of Consumer Preferences on toothpaste brands in the selected

Barangays of Bacoor Cavite gives insight as a learning paradigm to the following


Business Owners/Managers. The researchers find the findings useful as the

effective and efficient information to be use in marketing strategies and promotions, this

study will encourage them to look for further action for their consumers.

Marketing Students. To enhance their knowledge and entrepreneurial skills as

well, this is but a small contribution from the Dakar framework for action. This states

that not only basic education must be learned by today’s students but acquisition of

leaning skills and knowledge for gainful employment and full participation in country’s


Consumers/Individuals. Through this study, they can be more aware of the

process and possible strategies used by the store managers/owners which based to the

studies about them.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will highlight the consumer preference on toothpaste brands on the

selected Barangays of Bacoor Cavite, in order to analyze the management problems

which provide insights and information to the owners of the stores owners as well as

the individual consumers.

However, in this case, the researcher decided to focus on the toiletries category

by selecting the toothpaste products, in order to limit the study for exact and detailed


Through the use of survey questionnaires and some actual interviews the study

covers the month of January to February 2012.

Operational Terms

The researcher will validates that the important key terms must be clearly defined

operationally, on how they are used in the study in order to understand the problem

easily and to avoid ambiguous meaning to the terms which can be otherwise interpreted

in different ways. The key terms must be in the following:

Brand Name. It is a specialized mark used to distinguish products from each

other in a particular study. 

Consumer. They are the one who purchase the selected household items in the


Consumer Preference. It refers to the choices that result in greater satisfaction.

Household Items. It is the particular products choose by the respondents.

Respondents. They are the one who refutes or responds to a thesis or an

argument in question.

Socio-economic characteristic. It pertains to the educational attainment,

income, occupation, and the wealth of the respondents.

Toiletries. This are the items/products used for beautification and in personal

hygiene of the respondents.

Toothpaste. It is the selected products of the researcher to limit the particular

study. It is also a paste or gel used with a toothbrush as an accessory to clean and

maintain the aesthetics and health of teeth.


Review of Related Literature

Related Literature

In nearly all trading areas, population and income are increasing. The food

business, under these conditions will continue to sell more foods in each year. Present

population trends indicate hat in the next ten years there will be a 15% increase in

buyers, or for every 100 customer today, there will be 115 ten years from now.

Population increase is due in part to a lengthened life span, older people and to

the greater extent, to a continuing increase in the birth rate. This means more foods for

senior citizens and babies. The current birth rate is approximately four million per year.

The predictions are for an increase to six million per year. In terms of the food industry,

this means an increase of 50% in the baby food business. To the manufacturer this

means greater share of the increase with new products, better packaging, and another

innovations. To the retailers, this means more products and more shelf space devoted

to baby foods and non-food items.

More families and more children means more pets which in turn forces bigger

food sections. Another factor affecting food buying is the working housewife. About 30%

of the working force is composing of women, married and single. The working

housewife adds two factors: increased family income and a greater demand for built-in

maid service. As family income increases, the demand for better quality and greater

convenience is increased since the cost is no longer a critical factor. (Sassatelli, 2007)

At the same time, consumers have many choices of where and from whom to

buy merchandise. Sometimes they might buy from an individual --- at a garage sale or

flea market, in an online auction, or by responding to a classified ad, for example. Most

of their purchase however will be made from retailers, merchants who are in business to

sell to consumers. Many different retailers can meet your shopping needs, whether they

offer goods in local stores in catalog, on the internet or through some combination of the

tree. Choosing a retailer can be just as important as choosing the product itself.

However, consumer often saves money by comparison shopping, or checking

several alternatives to make sure they are getting the best price on an item. Depending

on what shopping for, their alternatives might include different retailers, different brands

or a style of a product, different size packages, and so on. (Lowe, 2010)

The first step in constructing a consumption aggregate is to simply add up the

values of different types of consumption. However, before this can b done, a common

reference period has to be established for all items, and values have to be imputed in

cases in which they are not available. (1) FOOD CONSUMPTION sub aggregate is

constructed through the aggregation of (i) food purchased in marketplace (ii) Food that

is home produced (iii) food items receives as a gifts or remittances from other

households and (iv) food received as in-kind payment from employers.

Many households, in addition to consuming goods and services procured in the

market, also produced for the market or home consumption. Home production presents

both theoretical and practical challenges that relate to determining the appropriate its

value. (2) NONFOOD CONSUMPTION ---- Most survey collect data only on purchased

nonfood items and do not consider home product. Data generally are collected on a

wide range of items. (Kenkel, 2010)

The different groups of consumers believe that different store attributes are

important. Therefore, store attributes appears to be a promising market segmentation

criterion. In this sense, their work focused on store attributes as a possible criterion to

segment the shoppers. They started by analyzing the importance of consumer

segmentation to the retailers. After reviewing the literature of market segmentation, a

segmentation analysis of clothing and apparel shoppers in India was performed. First, a

hierarchical cluster analysis was carried out, and then k-means cluster analysis

identified three meaningfully differentiated customer groups. Further, a classification

tree analysis was performed to identify the store attributes that differentiated the

clustered groups. Finally, three clusters of Indian shoppers, namely, economic

shoppers, convenient shoppers and elegant shoppers were identified. Management was

pointed out. (Sivakumar, 2009)

For satisfying the consumers the firm should know about the behavior of the

consumers. In these circumstances understanding consumer is a very difficult task

because of the changing technology, innovation, and changes in life style. Researchers

conducted much research in this area, and they give only few suggestions, but there is

no final conclusion. As per the ideas given by the researchers, there are two factors

influencing the consumers such as intrinsic and extrinsic factors. It is difficult to classify

consumers by conventional demographic factors and unless their thought process and

buying behavior are fully understood, decisions on product designs and packaging,

branding, and distribution channels are likely to be misplaced. With the inevitability of

change looming large over the horizon, Indian companies must learn from their Western

counterparts; not only to identify the sources, timing, and direction of the changes likely

to affect India, but also the new competencies and perspective that will enable them to

respond to these changes, comprehensively and effectively. This study mainly focus on

understanding the external factors like demographic, social, cultural price, quality,

product attributes, etc., for buying toothpaste. The market share of any product is highly

determined by the purchasing behavior of the consumers. The following study is

conducted by the researcher to find out the behavior of the consumers, to analyze the

preference of consumers, and consumer awareness. (Panchanatham et. al 2010)

The Poznan University of economics aims to examine the average price of

toothpastes available on Polish cosmetic market in order to asses used pricing

strategies by several large and medium international and domestic toothpastes’

producers. The 8 leading cosmetics market participants include: Procter&Gamble

(Blend-a-med), Colgate-Palmolive (Colgate, Colodent, Flurodent), Unilever (Signal),

Henkel (Vademecum, Denivit), GlaxoSmithKline (Aquafresh, Parodontax, Sensodyne),

GABA International (Elmex, Meridol, Biodent), Church&Dwight (Pearls Drops) and Dr.

Theiss Naturwaren (Lacalut). Polish cosmetics market is a very large, and because of

the ongoing battle to hold on loyal but at the same time wins new clients, a profit table

one. Strong inside competition on domestic market broadens and expands the range

and diversity of cosmetic products. Toothpastes’ producers act in the highly crowded

and fragmented marketplace. There is a large presence of both branded and private

label companies. Major players seek to position their products on the basis of value

addition, functionality, price premium and to a certain extent packaging. Polish

consumers increasingly expect high-quality cosmetics at relatively low prices. That is

the main reason why the examination of used pricing strategies is so important and

taken under deep consideration in this article. The results showed that dominant

strategies are: penetration pricing, loss leader, price leadership, psychological pricing as

well as bundling and quantity discounts strategy.

Moreover, the sales value of toothpaste has been estimated at the level of 698 mln PLN

annually, which is 11 mln litres of toothpastes per year. The leader of value and quantity

sale is Blend-a-med, produced by the Proctor and Gamble (suitably 27% and 28% of

market share), second one is Colgate (20% of the market share in value and quantity

sale), then Colodent (12% and 20% of market share in value and quantity sale). They

comprise 31% quantity and 41% of value sale. The toothpaste market in Poland is

strongly developed, and toothpaste consumption per person is similar to that in Western

Europe. Therefore one should not count on aggressive quantity growth. However its

value can increase, considering wider offer of specialist toothpaste. (Malinowska 2010)

The toothpaste is divided into few basic categories depending on their

application, such as: refreshing, whitening, herbal, desensitizing, anti-caries (caries

prevention-cavity protection) anti-tartar activity (reduction of calculus formation) multi-

care (multi-benefits) gum protecting and intended for children. (Davies 2008)

Purchase of toothpastes is mainly driven by individual habits, inclination towards

particular flavor and familiarity with product. The toothpaste market is generally not price

sensitive and brand loyalty plays an important role for majority of customers. Currently

nearly 97% of the population in developed countries uses at least one variety of

toothpaste. This gives marketers virtually no space to expand their market with the new

users. Consequently, adding or increasing value to the product is the preferred

alternatives. Technological progress made in recent years altered the toothpaste

segment into one that offers additional benefits such as fresher breath, healthier gums

and whitens teeth, besides just fighting cavities.

Going Through the counters where the various toothpaste brands are stocked in

a typical stores, one can notice the considerable price differences that exist between the

various toothpaste varieties. This applies even for similar quantities of toothpaste. Some

of the price differences we see can be very substantial, so that one brand of toothpaste

costs as much as 50% more than another brand of the same quantity of the same

products. (Mahoney 2010)

They conduced to develop a marketing strategy for a modern food/grocery

market based on consumer preferences and behavior. A total of 101 households having

sufficient purchasing power were personally surveyed with a structured questionnaire.

These households are spread across the well - developed Gomtinagar area of Lucknow

city. Simple statistical analysis such as descriptive statistical analysis, frequency

distribution, cross tabulation, analysis of variance, and factor analysis to assess the

consumers' preferences for food and grocery products and market attributes were

carried out. The result shows that the preferences of the consumers clearly indicate

their priority for cleanliness/freshness of food products followed by price, quality, variety,

packaging, and non-seasonal availability. The consumers' preference of marketplace

largely depends on the convenience in purchasing at the marketplace along with the

availability of additional services, attraction for children, basic amenities and

affordability. Results suggest that most of the food and grocery items are purchased in

loose form from the nearby outlets. Fruits and vegetables are mostly purchased daily or

twice a week due to their perishable nature, whereas grocery items are less frequently

purchased. (Moorthy, 2009)

Data monitor’s 2009 consumer survey asked respondents how important they felt

a variety of attributes in oral care products were. Value for money and the product's

promise (i.e. efficacy) were the two claims most valued by consumers globally, with

74% and 63% respectively stating that these were important elements to them. In many

ways, these two claims are closely linked, as consumers will be willing to invest more

money in oral products if they are perceived to be effective; value for money does not

necessarily mean that only low cost products are appealing, merely that the product has

been assessed as being worth its price point. Attributes consumers professed to having

least concern about were product packaging design (18% of respondents stating as

important) and professional endorsements (23%). While the former highlights the

appeal of product formula over packaging, the latter is interesting, as it highlights

consumer skepticism in endorsements, even though many oral care companies use

dentists and hygienists in advertisements to encourage consumers to believe in the

efficiency of their products. The high regard consumers have for product promise,

though, shows that this is important to them; perhaps they would rather find this out for

themselves, or by positive word of mouth, than see a professional endorsement.

When shopping for food, consumer considers the quality as well as price. In

general, avoid purchasing any food that looks damage, they don’t buy dented cans or

torn bags or boxes .Checking the safety seals and intact. Making sure that frozen foods

are solidity frozen and are m not coated with ice crystals. Which could indicate that the

products thawed and was refrozen (Olson, 2008)

As a consumer, you make dozen of decision every day. How you make those

choices affects the quality of your life and whether or not you satisfy your goals.

Examining the way you make decision can help you to be a more effective consumer.

Chances are some of your consumer decisions are made without much thought.

A purchase made on a whim. Without planning is called an Impulse purchase.

Marketers encourage impulses purchase. For instance they design brightly colored

appealing packages, and position eye catching displays near the checkout counter.

Another way of making decisions is on the basis habit. People get a habit of

buying a certain product or shopping at a certain store. Habit is not necessarily a poor

basis for decision making. Used for minor or routine purchases, it cans simply your life.

At times however habit can keep you from considering other possibilities that may be

better. (Annette, 2008)

Often Budgeting is misunderstood. Many people think the following a budget

means depriving yourself of all the things you want. Some believe that budgets are only

for those who have a lot of money ---- or very little money some think that a budget is a

plan that someone creates for you and make the consumer follow.

None of these beliefs are true. Rather than being dictated to the consumer, a

budget is all about making your own choices, it’s simply a plan for saving and spending

the money in ways that best meet their needs and wants. Furthermore, having a budget

is helpful no matter how large or small their income. If it’s created and used effectively,

a budget can help the consumer by the following study results. (1) Avoid running out of

money between paychecks. (2) Evaluate the spending habits and make better choices

(3) Set aside savings for unexpected expenses. (4) Work towards the financial goals.

(Malouf, 2008)

There are few factors, which determine the price of toothpastes. One factor that

plays a major role in determining the price of toothpaste is the place of its production. It

is a noticeable trend that products made in the orient can come at significantly lower

prices than products made in the west. It is connected with the cost of labour (an

important factor in factory production) between the east and west. Next factor that plays

a major role in determining the price of toothpaste is its producer. The big

manufacturers, who have established a name for themselves strong client bodies made

up of people who truly trust their products can afford to sell their products at

substantially higher prices, and still attract people to buy those products. Another factor

that plays a major role in determining the price of toothpaste is the ingredients that go

into the making of the toothpaste. The basic ingredients of toothpaste remain more or

less the same across board, but there are other additives that vary from product to

product, and it is those that can cause the price differences. (Mahoney, 2010)

While toothpaste is essential for oral health, some toothpaste can also cause

problems. Nearly 20% of the population suffers from small painful oral ulcers called

canker sores or aphthous ulcers. Recent research suggests that a detergent found in 99

percent of all toothpastes called SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) may induce canker sores

in twenty percent of the population. While almost all toothpastes contain SLS, a handful

of toothpastes do not. Of these we recommend Enamel Saver Toothpaste. We have

found many people dramatically reduce their canker sore attacks by using this


Another common problem associated with toothpastes is tooth sensitivity.

Sensitive teeth produce pain or discomfort when exposed to hot or cold foods, liquids,

and sweets. Baking soda found in some toothpaste and highly salted foods will also

cause discomfort in people with sensitive teeth. Teeth become sensitive when tooth

enamel is worn away, exposing the underlying permeable tooth layer, known as dentin.

Many types of toothpaste are too abrasive and actually strip away tooth enamel

which never grows back. In fact, the first thing dentists will do for patients suffering from

sensitive teeth is to have them switch to a less abrasive toothpaste. Toothpaste’s

abrasiveness is measured by its Relative Dentin Abrasivity (RDA).


Synthesis of the Study

The researcher is required to gather such data, to strengthen the actual research

being made, based on its literature and latest studies. In part of this research are their

classifications (local and foreign).

Related studies tend to specify the latest and conceptualized studies wherein it is

based upon the observation and ideas in order to construct a different theory.

Related literature tends to analyze its operational, wherein it is based upon their

own experience, typically it was on the books and other literature that was already

published, and furthermore it has a complete thought with other references.

Through this, the researcher will be able to prove that this research ( Consumer

preference on toothpaste brands in selected Barangays of Bacoor Cavite) is good

enough to canalized and understand that the consumer preferences, classified

toothpaste according to their brands and the behavior and decision in buying of the

consumers are manipulated by the socioeconomic factor of the respondents.


Research Methodology

The researcher collects the structured process of conducting a research. 

A system of broad principles or rules from which specific methods or procedures may

be derived to interpret or solve different problems within the scope of a

particular discipline in determining the preferences of the consumer on toothpaste brand

in selected Barangays of Bacoor Cavite.

Research Design

The researcher will use the descriptive research design. It composes of different

procedures that will be used to obtain evidences to answer a particular question under

several conditions and/or situations.

This study aims to describe the consumer preferences toothpaste brands in

selected Barangays of Bacoor Cavite that illustrate the focal point of the study by the

process of fact findings with the sufficient analysis in order to meet the objectives of the

study. In this case, the researchers’ theories and studies will prevail, by measuring

things as they are.

The Researcher will employ the descriptive design for it is concerned with the

condition of relationships that subsist, practices that prevail, beliefs and processes that

are going on, effects that are being felt or trends that are developing.

This study is supplemented by structured questionnaires, interviews and

observations, to gather information that comes from the possible respondents Bacoor


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the 100 consumers of toothpaste products who

are official residents of the selected Barangays of Bacoor Cavite were the study will be

conducted. The researcher decided to choose this Area and respondents for it is

accessible for the subjects for the study.

Sampling and Sampling Techniques

In determining the sample size, the researcher will use the slovin’s formula. The

total number of population is 171,921 who are the official residence of the selected

barangays referred as the respondents of the study. But the researcher considered only

100 respondents out of 171,921 which is equivalent to .00058 of the total population.

The researcher decided to use the area sampling where it is the process of

selecting the respondents randomly by area ; a method in which an area to be sampled

is sub-divided into smaller blocks that are then selected at random and then again sub-

sampled or fully surveyed. This method is typically used when a complete frame of

reference is not available to be used. In terms of the selection of respondents, the

researcher will use the purposive sampling, to select the respondents according to the

researcher’s criteria. Five barangays will be chosen as the place of the study wherein

the majority of the stores who sales the toothpaste brands are located. The population

is composing of top 5 barangays namely: Habay I, Mambog I, Manbog IV, Molino III,

and Panapaan IV.

This is used to ensure that the different groups of the population are adequately

represented to the sample. (Table 1)



Habay I 39,058 23

Mambog I 36,919 21

Mambog IV 28,805 17

Molino III 51,550 30

Panapaan IV 15,594 9

TOTAL 171,921 100

Formula: Sample proportion:

Formula: n/Nx100

Where: Where: 100/ 171,921 x100 = .00058%

n = 171,921

1 + 171,920 (.10)

n = 171,921


n = 99.94 /100


Fr = frequency number of the respondents

.00058% = sample proportion, all frequencies under .00058% are in the sample

total is 100.

The table shows that the respondents are stratified according to the barangays.

The sample of 100 is taken from every stratum based on their barangays.

Research Instrument

Primary data will be obtained through the use of questionnaire method of data

collection to answer properly the necessary information that was needed to complete

the study in determining the preferences of the consumer in buying toothpaste in the

selected Barangays of Bacoor Cavite.

It is both an open ended type, which designed to encourage a full, meaningful

answer using the subject's own knowledge and/or feelings of the respondents. And the

close ended type which encourages a short or single-word answer, essential to answer

the basic information needed by the researchers. These certain types of questions are

selected in order to classify the possible answer of the respondents in Bacoor Cavite.

Secondary data will be gathered from libraries and internet to provide the necessary

information needed by the researcher.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers will conduct a survey, through different types of questionnaires

which includes the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, the toothpaste

products according to their brands, the preference of the respondents in buying

toothpaste, the factors affecting the preference of the respondents in buying and the

problem encountered by the respondents. Aside from that, the researchers will also use

an interviews, and physical observations to determine the consumer preferences, in

order to analyze the situation that will give the right and detailed information to the


Statistical Treatment

The researcher will use descriptive analytical tools such as frequency count,

weighted mean, percentage, and ranking in presenting and analyzing the socio

economic characteristics of the respondents, the toothpaste products according to their

brands, the preference of the respondents in buying toothpaste, the factors affecting the

preference of the respondents in buying and the problem encountered by the


1. Percentage - This is use to set a percentage of the socio-economic profile of the

respondents such as, educational attainment, occupation, income and wealth.



P = ----- x 100



P = percent

F = frequency

N = total number of the respondents

2. Weighted mean - This is use to determine the level of awareness and problem on

buying toothpaste products in selected Barangays of Bacoor Cavite.


∑ w. x X =



w = weight

x= frequency

N = total number of respondents




Name: (optional) ______________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________

Direction: Please check the following question to designate your preferences in buying the toothpaste brands.

1. GenderMale Female

2. Age

Below 15 35 - 45

15 – 25 45 - 55

25- 35 55 and above

3. Educational Attainment

No Formal schooling Elementary

High School Vocational


4. House hold size: Please specify _____________________________

5. Income/ month

Below 1,000.00 8,001.00 – 10,000.00

1,001.00 –2,000.00 10,001.00 – 12,000.00

2,001.00 – 4,000.00 12,001.00 – 14,000.00

4,001.00 – 6,000.00 14,001.00 – 15,000.00

6,001.00 – 8,000.00 15,001.00 – above


1. What particular toothpaste do you prefer to buy? Please check ( ) and choose

only one.

A. Philippine made toothpaste

Lamoiyan Corporation Zest – O Corporation

Happee toothpaste BEAM toothpaste

B. Foreign made toothpaste


Close Up Mentadent Pepsodent Signal

Procter & Gamble Gleem Oral B Rembrandt

Colgate – Palmolive

Colgate Darlie Ultra Brite Tom’s of Maine


Aquafresh Macleans Sensodyne

Church and Dwight AIM toothpaste

Gaba Internatonal Meridol

Novamin Technology

Oravive toothpaste

Others please specify: _________________________


1. What are your preferences on your chosen toothpaste brands?

Reasonable price High Quality

Up-to-date Wide range of choices

Availability Effective endorser

Easily remembered Attentive sales person

Popularity Attractive packaging

Good flavors and scent other please specify: __________



1. Who contributes income to the family for household expenses?

Mother Father Brother Sister Others1. Who budgets and control the money?

Mother Father Brother Sister Others

2. How do you spend for your family? Do you just give them the money and

they are free to buy whatever they want? Yes No

3. In buying toothpaste, do you still ask permission from the member of the

family? Yes No

4. Was there a time that you have made a decision that was complicated?

Yes No

If yes, please specify.____________________________________________.


1. Do you have high regards on products? Or do you follow what the current?

Yes No

2. How often do you buy toothpaste?

Daily Weekly Monthly Annually Never

3. Where do you usually buy the toothpaste products?

Supermarket Grocery stores

Convenient Store Sari – sari Store

Other please specify: _________


1. If you are going to buy toothpaste how much are you willing to pay for it?

Below 5.00 31.00 - 40.00

5.00 – 10.00 41.00 – 50.00

11.00 – 20.00 51 – and above

2. When do you usually purchase grocery items?

First introduced/new arrival

Sale period

When new advertisement are shown

When needed

When recommended by friends/family



1. Are you affected by several advertisements?

Yes No

2. If yes, in what kind of advertising mix familiarized you on toothpaste products?

Outdoor advertisement (Billboards, signs)

Tri-media advertisement (Radio-TV- prints)

Audio visual materials

Merchandising materials (Posters, Mobiles, Banners, Streamers)

Displays (Window displays, shelf display, checkout counters)

Directories (Inserted brochures, Leaflets, Flyers)


1. Are you affected by several public relations?

Yes No

2. If yes, what kinds of public relation do you experience?

Supporting Charitable projects

Disseminating information thru exhibits and tours

Sponsoring an employee

Participating on a particular events


1. Are you affected by several sales promotions?

Yes No

2. If yes, in what kind of sales promotion do you encountered or you want to

encounter on buying toothpaste?

Reward plus Discounts Free goods Raffles


1. Are you affected by personal selling?

Yes No

2. If yes, in what kind of personal selling do you experience?

Telemarketing Door-to-door- sales Catalogs


1. What particular problems do you encountered in buying toothpaste?

Expensive Poor quality

Limited choices Always out of stock

Uncomfortable Ineffective

Unappealing Salespersons are inattentive

Lack of knowledge about the product

Other please specify: ________________________________





Student Researcher

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