There Is Still Hope’

Post on 24-May-2015






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Why are you cast down? hope for the depressed and those in despair



A Studio 18 Production 09 (C)

‘Why are you cast down Oh my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope you in God; for I will yet praise him for the help of his countenance’ Psalm 42:5

This was spoken by David the apple of Gods eye in the depths of depression, weeping day and night, when he was feeling as though the Lord had abandoned him v.3

He was hungry and thirsting for Gods voice v.1-2 at the end of his own strength not knowing where else to turn.

Sound Familiar?

So what did David do in his distress?

He gave himself a good talking too, he spoke to his own soul, his emotions and said,

Hold on, enough, I am not going down this road, for I will yet hope in the God who forgave me all my sins and healed me of all my diseases (Psalm 103)

He was saying; ‘I will yet hope in spite of all I

feel that the god of my salvation still rescues the perishing, that My God still rules the raging storms of life and stills the waves that threaten me’

Listen; even though the going is tough, even though you feel a though you have lost the friend you once leaned on, remember God still' turns mourning into dancing' Psalm 30:11 he still is still 'the health of your countenance' Psalm 42:11.

You may be feeling down but you are not down and out, the Lord he is still God, he is still' the glory and lifter of your head' Psalm 3:3

He is still' your refuge and your strength' Psalm 46:1 he is still' your deliverer' Psalm 18:2 and' your exceeding joy' Psalm 43:4

Come on, your a winner because of Christ, be lifted up today in the knowledge that' he that is born of God overcomes the world and the devil’1 John 5:5

Let praise erupt from your heart this morning, arise on the inside and praise the Lord and then be still and give thanks for' all things really do work together for good because you love Christ. Romans 8:28

Your enemy will not triumph over you nor over your family for it God who upholds you and he will raise you up’ Psalm 41:10-12

Your God is' an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries' Exodus 23:22 so rejoice, be glad and be free!

In his despair and depression David cried out to the Lord…

'From the end of the earth I will cry unto you, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I' (Psalm 61:2)

When you come to the end of your own resources, when you have tried everything that money and time and others can do, when you have travelled across the earth to find help and no help comes…

When your heart is overwhelmed at the thought of another day another restless night, head for the rock Christ Jesus.

• He is your anchor in the storm, the safe haven of rest for your soul, the shelter from the storm and a strong tower from your enemy.

His power is greater than yours, his ability to keep you beyond your greatest, his love beyond question and reproach…

Christ is the rock of your salvation, the rock that is higher than you.

• Psalm 61 verse 8.‘So will I sing praise unto your name forever, that I may daily perform my vows’

Praise is not only the right thing to do it is the best way of guilt, fear, torment and sickness for praise is saying' thank you Lord for what you have done and are doing in my life'

• Praise is saying ' its Finished' the work is done for the Lord is on my side.

• So lift up your hands in surrender, raise your voice to heaven and give thanks with a grateful heart, the bottom of the pit is now a firm foundation on which to grow to greatness and freedom.

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