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  • 8/9/2019 the_pearl-john_steinbeck-ans.toguide.doc


    our relationship to nature, the hu#an need for spiritual connection, and the costs

    of resistin! inustice%

    Steinbecks #ost contro$ersial work, The Grapes of Wrath, raises si#ilar

    uestions% =urin! the dust bowl era, three !enerations of the Joad fa#il' set out

    on the road, seekin! a decent life in fertile >alifornia and oinin! thousands ofothers bound b' an e*perience that transfor#s the# fro# "-" to "We" .p% 1/20%

    >ooperation sprin!s up a#on! the# spontaneousl', in sharp contrast with the

    ruthlessness of bi! business and the sad choices #ade b' its $icti#s, for who#

    "a fella !ot to eat" .p% 3550 is a continual refrain% >as', the preacher turned strike

    leader, wonders about the "one bi! soul e$erbod's a part of" .p% 250%

    ?n their ourne' to the pro#ised land, the characters in The Grapes of Wrath

    confront eni!#atic natural forces and dehu#anizin! social institutions% >as' is

    #art'red as he takes a stand for far#ers who ha$e lost their land to drou!ht and

    are brutall' e*ploited as #i!rant laborers% (is disciple o# Joad, who ser$ed

    ti#e for killin! a #an in a bar fi!ht, ulti#atel' kills another #an he belie$es

    responsible for >as's death% o#s passionate con$iction@e*pressed in his

    assertion that "where$er the's a fi!ht so hun!r' people can eat, -ll be there" .p%

    5190@stirs our s'#path'A but his dile##a, like 8inos, reuires us to ask whether

    takin! a hu#an life can e$er be ustified%

    The Grapes of Wrathand The Pearlare also linked b' their fe#ale characters

    and the uestions the' raise about !ender roles and fa#il' identit'% -n The Pearl,

    Juanas "ualit' of wo#an, the reason, the caution, the sense of preser$ation,

    could cut throu!h 8inos #anness and sa$e the# all" .p% /90% -s this ualit' #ost

    responsible for the return of the pearl to sea at the end of the no$el< Like Juana,+a Joad is the "citadel of the fa#il'" .p% 450% 7s the re#nants of the Joad fa#il'

    seek refu!e in a barn at the close of The Grapes of Wrath,+as dau!hter Bose

    of Sharon nurses a star$in! stran!er with #ilk #eant for her dead bab'% his final

    scene of fe#ale nurturin! offers a resolution while also disturbin! our lon!)held

    ideas about fa#il'%

    Steinbeck departs fro# this depiction of wo#en in Of Mice and Men% >onfined to

    her husbands ho#e, and ne$er !i$en a na#e in the no$el, >urle's wife

    functions al#ost as a force of nature, precipitatin! the e$ents that wreck the

    #ens "best)laid sche#es," as poet Bobert urns wrote% Whereas the wo#en in

    The Grapes of Wrath and The Pearl su!!est hope e$en in the bleakest of

    circu#stances, >urle's wife lea$es onl' shattered drea#s in her wake%

    Of Mice and Men tells a ti!htl' co#pressed stor' set durin! the reat

    =epression% eor!e and Lennie, drifters and friends in a landscape of loners,

    scrape b' with odd obs while drea#in! of the ti#e the'll "li$e on the fatta the

    lan" .p% 1C10% Lennie has a #assi$e bod' and li#ited intelli!ence, and his

    unpredictable beha$ior casts eor!e as his protector% he no$el is peopled with

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    1% =id 8ino do the ri!ht thin! in de#andin! a fair price for the pearl, e$en if it #eant lea$in! his

    co##unit'alifornia, Steinbeck spent #uch of his life in

    surroundin! +ontere' >ount', the settin! for so#e of his books% (is e*perience

    as a 'oun! #an workin! #enial obs, includin! as a far# laborer, ranch hand,

    and factor' worker, was transfor#ed into descriptions of the li$es of his workin!)

    class characters% 7fter attendin! Stanford Ini$ersit' inter#ittentl' for si* 'ears,Steinbeck tra$eled b' frei!hter to New ork% here he worked briefl' as a

    ournalist before returnin! to >alifornia%

    (is first no$el, Cup of Gold,appeared in 1929, but it was Tortilla Flat .193/0, his

    picaresue tale of +ontere's paisanos, that first brou!ht Steinbeck serious

    reco!nition% Of Mice and Menwas also well recei$ed% The Grapes of Wrath

    .19390, a book #an' clai# is his #asterpiece, was both criticall' acclai#ed and

    denounced for its stron! lan!ua!e and apparent leftist politics% 7lwa's shunnin!

    publicit', Steinbeck headed for +e*ico in 195C, where he #ade The Forgotten

    Village,a docu#entar' fil# about conditions in rural +e*ico% (e spent the war

    'ears as a correspondent for the New York erald Tri!une,for which he later

    toured the So$iet Inion in 1954A he also wrote the no$el The Moon "s #own

    .19520, about Norwe!ian resistance to the Nazis%

    Steinbecks other notable works of fiction include The Pearl.19540, $ast of $den

    .19/20, and The Winter of Our #iscontent.19610% (e also wrote a #e#oir of a

    cross)countr' trip with his poodle, Tra%els with Charle& in 'earch of ()erica

    .19620% (e died in New ork in 196G% (is work stands as testa#ent to his

    co##it#ent to "celebrate #ans pro$en capacit' for !reatness of heart and


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    Study Guide

    o be used as a dail' re$iew, i#pro#ptu uiz, pre)readin! strate!' orclass discussion%

    Chapter 1

    1. Where does the story open?

    he stor' opens in 8inoKs hut, located on the beach% he beach is on theulf of +e*ico, but this infor#ation is not re$ealed until >hapter 2%

    2. Who are the main characters introduced at the beginning of thischapter?

    8ino, his wife, Juana, and his infant son, >o'otito

    3. Where does Coyotito sleep?

    -n a han!in! bo*

    4. What did ino!s "people# do?

    he' were #akers of !reat son!s% E$er'thin! the' saw, thou!ht, did, heardor e*perienced beca#e a son!%

    $. What is the Song of the %amily?

    he sounds of the fa#il' wakin! Juana talkin! to >o'otito, Juana fannin!the fire into fla#es, and the rh'th# of the !rindin! stone that Juana used towork the corn for #ornin! cakes%

    &. What 'ind of morning did ino thin' it (as?

    M-t was a #ornin! like other #ornin!s and 'et perfect a#on! #ornin!s%

    ). What is the Whole?

    -t is the safet' and war#th pro$ided b' the fa#iliar routines of 8inoKs fa#il'%

    *. +o( is ino described?

    M8ino was 'oun! and stron! and his black hair hun! o$er his brownforehead% (is e'es were war# and fierce and bri!ht and his #ustache wasthin and coarse%

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    ,. What dra(s ino!s attention to Coyotito!s hanging bo-?

    7 tin' #o$e#ent a scorpion was cli#bin! down the rope that suspendedthe bo*%

    1. What is the Song of /0il? What brings the Song of /0il?

    Mhe Son! of E$il is the #usic of the ene#', of an' foe of the fa#il', asa$a!e, secret dan!erous #elod'O% he scorpion brin!s the Son! of E$il%

    11. What contradiction does uana display (hen the scorpion appears?

    She repeats an ancient #a!ic to !uard a!ainst e$il, while #utterin! a (ail+ar' between clenched teeth% -t is the contradiction between pa!an and>hristian reli!ious rituals%

    12. What harm comes to Coyotito? Why is ino unable to stop it?

    8ino reaches for the scorpion and when it poses to stin!, >o'otito shakesthe rope to the bo*, and the scorpion falls on the bab' and stin!s hi#%

    13. What does ino do to the scorpion?

    (e beats and sta#ps it until it is onl' a #oist place in the dirt%

    14. +o( does uana react to Coyotito!s inury?

    She i##ediatel' be!ins to suck the poison fro# the puncture wound%

    1$. What is the danger of the scorpion!s sting?

    he poison fro# the stin! #a' #ake an adult !ra$el' ill, but it could causedeath in a bab'%

    1&. What surprising thing did uana reuest after Coyotito (as stung?Why (as it surprising?

    She asked 8ino to !o !et the doctor% -t was surprisin! because Mo !et hi#

    would be a re#arkable thin!% he doctor ne$er ca#e to the cluster of brushhouses%

    1). What does ino do about uana!s reuest? +o( does uana respond?

    8ino tells Juana, Mhe doctor would not co#e% Juana tells 8ino the' will !oto the doctor%

    1*. What "s'ill# did the beggars ha0e?

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    Chapter 2

    1. What do people of the Gulf trust?

    MOthin!s of the spirit and thin!s of the i#a!ination, but the' do not trust theire'es to show the# distance or clear outline or an' optical e*actness%

    2. What is the one thing of 0alue ino o(ns? Why is it so 0aluable?

    (is canoeA Mit is the bulwark a!ainst star$ation% -t is his #eans of inco#eand keepin! his fa#il' fed and sheltered%

    3. +o( does uana treat Coyotito!s scorpion sting?

    She #akes a poultice out of brown seaweed and presses it to the bab'Ksswollen shoulder%

    4. 5oes her remedy (or'?

    he re#ed' is Mas !ood a re#ed' as an' and probabl' better than the doctorcould ha$e done% ut the re#ed' lacked his authorit' because it was si#pleand didnKt cost an'thin!% he re#ed' #i!ht work, but Juana is skepticalbecause a doctor didnKt appl' it% 7s 'et, >o'otito hadnKt e*perienced thesto#ach cra#ps t'pical for scorpion poisonin!, so her re#ed' #i!ht beworkin!%

    $. %or (hat does uana pray?

    She didnKt pra' directl' for >o'otitoKs reco$er'% She pra's for 8ino to find apearl lar!e enou!h to pa' the doctor for his ser$ices to cure the bab'%

    &. What is the "accident# that happens to oysters?

    7 s#all !rain of sand !ets in the folds of #uscle and irritates the flesh until inself)protection the flesh coats the !rain of sand% he coated !rain of sandbeco#es a pearl%

    ). 6bout (hat had ino!s people made songs?

    E$er'thin! that happened or e*istedA the' #ade son!s to the fishes, to thesea in an!er or in cal#, to the li!ht and dark, to the sun and #oon%

    *. What song (as in ino as he held his breath under(ater?

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    he Son! of the Pearl hat +i!ht e, part of the Son! of the Indersea

    ,. +o( long can ino hold his breath under(ater?

    ?$er two #inutes

    1. What attracts ino!s attention to the ancient oyster that lying by itself?

    7 !hostl' !lea#

    11. Why is ino reluctant to open "the# oyster until he!s opened all theother oysters?

    (e doesnKt dare to hope that the o'ster contains a pearl% he !hostl' !lea#

    he saw could ha$e been an illusion, or a reflection of the shell% (is people,the people of the ulf are used to disappoint#ent, and this pearl offers hope%

    12. What does uana tell ino to do (ith "the# oyster?

    She tells hi# to open it%

    13. What has ino found in the oyster?

    (e has found Mthe !reatest pearl in the world%

    14. What do ino and uana disco0er right after they disco0er the pearl?

    he' find that the seaweed poultice has taken the swellin! out of >o'otitoKsshoulder, and the poison was recedin! fro# his bod'%

    Chapter 3

    1. 7hroughout the no0el there are 0arious types of animal imagery. Whatis characteri8ed as an animal at the beginning of this chapter? When is

    this imagery first used in the no0el?

    Mhe town is a thin! like a colonial ani#al% he i#a!e the author !i$esde#onstrates how the townspeople Mdi!est the news of 8inoKs disco$er'%he ani#al i#a!er' is first used when 8inoKs people are characterized asani#als b' the doctor in >hapter 1%

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    2. 6s the ne(s of ino!s pri8e tra0els through the 0illage (ho learns ofthe "Pearl of the World#?

    he priest, the shopkeepers, the doctor, and the be!!ars in front of thechurch

    3. What is the doctor!s reaction to the ne(s of ino!s pearl?

    (e sa's that 8ino is a client of his, and he is treatin! >o'otito for a scorpionstin!%

    4. What does the doctor!s reaction to ino!s good fortune re0eal about hischaracter?

    -t e#phasizes his !reediness% (e wouldnKt ha$e an'thin! to do with 8ino orhis fa#il' when the' ca#e to hi# for help when >o'otito was inured,

    because he knew the' couldnKt pa' for his ser$ices% Now that he knowsabout 8inoKs pearl, heKs willin! to treat >o'otito%

    $. +o( do people react to the ne(s of ino!s pearl? What does the ne(sof the pearl stir up in the to(n?

    ME$er' #an suddenl' beca#e related to 8inoKs pearl, and 8inoKs pearl wentinto the drea#s, the speculations, the sche#es, the plans, the futures, thewishes, the needs, the lusts, the hun!ers, of e$er'one, and onl' one personstood in the wa' and that was 8ino, so that he beca#e curiousl' e$er' #anKsene#'% he pearl stirs up so#ethin! black and e$il in the town the poison

    sacs of the town be!an to fill with $eno#% People beca#e i##ediatel'en$ious of 8inoKs !ood fortune, and tried to fi!ure out a wa' to !et the pearlfor the#sel$es%

    &. What comment on human nature does the author ma'e (ith the0illagers! response?

    People are basicall' !reed'% E$en people who are used to ha$in! nothin!and are happ' can be chan!ed b' the possibilit' of wealth%

    ). What do ino and uana assume about the 0illager!s response to

    ino!s pri8e?

    he' assu#e that e$er'one would be happ' for their !ood fortune%

    *. What music does ino e-perience after finding the pearl?

    Mhe #usic of the pearl had #er!ed with the #usic of the fa#il' so that onebeautified the other% he pearl is so#ethin! !ood for the fa#il'%

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    ,. What does uan 7omas as' ino about his disco0ery? What is ino!sresponse?

    Juan o#as asks, MWhat will 'ou do now that 'ou ha$e beco#e a rich #ano'otito will !o to school%

    1. Why does the idea of ino!s son attending school cause such a stiramong the 0illagers?

    8ino sa's, MOthese thin!s will #ake us free because he will know andthrou!h hi# we will know% 8inoKs people had been oppressed for hundredsof 'ears, and one reason that this oppression continued is because the' areilliterate and uneducated% he possibilit' of >o'otito beco#in! educatedcreates hope%

    11. What happens to time as a result of the pearl?

    i#e will be #easured based on the pearl% E$er'thin! will be in ter#s ofhappenin! before or since the disco$er' of the pearl%

    12. Who comes to 0isit ino? Why?

    he priest co#es to $isit 8ino% (e re#inds hi# to be !enerous to the churchwith his newfound fortune%

    13. +o( is the priest li'e the rest of the 0illage in his reuest?

    (e wants to benefit fro# 8inoKs disco$er' of the pearl%

    14. What faint song does ino hear (hen the priest 0isits? What does thismean?

    8ino be!ins to hear the son! of e$il, of the ene#'% 8ino knows, perhaps onl'on a subconscious le$el, that people want to !et the pearl awa' fro# hi#%

    1$. What animal imagery is used for the Song of the %amily in this chapter?Why do you thin' the author uses this image?

    he Son! of the &a#il' is characterized as like the purrin! of a kitten% hisi#a!e con$e's the war#th and securit' 8ino feels within his fa#il'% 7 kittenonl' purrs when it feels safe and is content or happ'%

    1&. Shortly after the priest and the neighbors lea0e ino senses danger.Who appears at this time?

    he doctor appears with two assistants%

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    1). What lie does the doctor tell ino and uana?

    M- was not in when 'ou ca#e this #ornin!% ut now, at the first chance, -ha$e co#e to see the bab'% ?f course, he was ho#e when the' $isited that#ornin!, and he has onl' co#e after hearin! about 8inoKs pearl%

    1*. /0en though Coyotito appears to be reco0ering from the scorpion!ssting ho( does the doctor ma'e ino and uana belie0e his ser0icesare still necessary?

    (e tells the# that a scorpionKs poison can la' dor#ant, and then causeserious da#a!e such as a blind e'e or withered le!% (e tells 8ino, M- knowthe stin! of a scorpion, #' friend, and - can cure it% (e tells 8ino that thepoison has M!one inward and it will strike >o'otito soon% ?ne si!n of this is>o'otito blue e'elid%

    1,. What remedy does the doctor gi0e the baby? What suspicion doesino ha0e about this remedy?

    he doctor !i$es >o'otito a !elatin capsule of white powder, and sa's that ifthe poison is !oin! to strike, it will do so within the hour% =urin! that hour,>o'otito be!ins to con$ulse and $o#it% he doctor returns and treats hi#with a few drops of a##onia diluted in water% he bab'Ks spas#s subsideand it appears the doctor has cured hi# fro# the poison% 8ino belie$es thatthe capsules contained so#ethin! that caused >o'otitoKs con$ulsions, andthe doctor was onl' tr'in! to !et so#e of 8inoKs #one' fro# the pearl%

    2. What uestion does the doctor as' (hen he is done treating Coyotito?What offer does he ma'e to ino?

    (e asks when pa'#ent will be #ade for his ser$ices% 8ino tells hi# aboutthe pearl .about which the doctor alread' knew, of course0, and pro#ises topa' the doctor after he has sold it% he doctor offers to keep 8inoKs pearl inhis safe% 8ino refuses the offer and sa's the pearl is safe%

    21. What did the doctor hope to re0eal (ith his offer? 9s this informationre0ealed?

    M(e knew the pearl would be buried in the house, and he thou!ht 8ino #i!htlook toward the place where it was buried% es, the infor#ation is re$ealedwhen M8inoKs e'es flick in$oluntaril' to the floor near the side post of thebrush hut%

    22. 6fter e0eryone has left the hut uana as's ino "Who do you fear?#What is his response?

    8ino sa's he fears e$er'one%

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    Chapter 4

    1. What is the name of the to(n that "'eeps trac' of itself and of all itsunits#? What does this mean?

    La Paz% -t #eans that e$er'one in this s#all town knows e$er'one elseKsbusiness%

    2. What did the pearl buyers 'no(?

    he' alread' knew that 8ino was co#in! to sell his pearl that da'%

    3. What supposition is made about the pearl buyers? What is actually thecase? When are the pearl buyers happy?

    -t is supposed that the pearl bu'ers act alone and co#pete a!ainst one

    another for business% -n actualit', one #aor bu'er e#plo's the# all% heMbest and happiest pearl bu'er was he who bou!ht for the lowest price%

    4. What do the neighbors hope for ino?

    he' hope that the pearl does not destro' hi# and his fa#il'% he' donKtwant wealth to chan!e 8ino, the' hoped that wealth would not !raft onto hi#the e$il li#bs of !reed and hatred and coldness%

    $. What (as e-pected of the neighbors (hen ino goes to to(n to sell hispearl?

    -t was e*pected that the' would oin hi# Mit was an historic #o#ent, the'would be craz' if the' didnKt !o% -t would be al#ost a si!n of unfriendship%

    &. What does uan 7omas (arn ino against as he lea0es to sell thepearl? Why is his (arning ironic?

    Juan o#as tells 8ino, Mou #ust be careful to see the' do not cheat 'ou%his is ironic because, in the ne*t line Juan o#as ad#its, MWe do not knowwhat prices are paid in other places% Since the' do not know what thepearlKs #arket $alue is, the' cannot know if the' are bein! cheated%

    ). Why did ino!s ancestors gi0e up trying to get better prices for theirpearls in the capital?

    ecause when the' sent their pearls #en to sell the# on their behalf, the#en would disappear with their pearls and the' would end up with nothin!%

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    *. Why does ino belie0e that selling the pearl at the capital is againstreligion? What is really true about this belief?

    ecause the priest has said so the priest !i$es a 'earl' ser#on about howeach #an or wo#an is a soldier sent b' od to !uard his own part of the

    uni$erse% Each person is supposed to re#ain faithful and not !o runnin!about% he #en who tried to sell their pearls at the capital were Mrunnin!about and not !uardin! their post, and that is wh' the' lost their pearls% hebelief is based in blind faith% 8ino belie$es the priest because he was raisedto do so, but in realit', the priest is contributin! to the oppression of 8inoKspeople b' perpetuatin! this belief%

    ,. What sign does the pearl buyer gi0e of his astonishment at ino!spearl?

    (e !i$es no $isual si!n or facial e*pression that 8ino can distin!uish, but

    under the desk, the pearl bu'er drops a coin he has been turnin! betweenhis knuckles%

    1. What is the pearl buyer!s initial appraisal of the pearl? What offer doeshe ma'e?

    he pearl bu'er tells 8ino that the pearl is too lar!e to sell, because there isno #arket for such thin!s% (e tells 8ino it is like foolKs !old, and it is onl' acuriosit'% he pearl bu'er offers 8ino 1,CCC pesos for the pearl%

    11. 5oes ino accept the offer? What does ino belie0e the pearl is


    No% 8ino accuses the bu'er of tr'in! to cheat hi#% 8ino thinks the pearl isworth /C,CCC pesos%

    12. +o( does the author characteri8e the feelings ino has (hile dealing(ith the pearl buyer?

    he ani#al i#a!er' is used a!ain% 8ino Mfelt the creepin! of fate, the circlin!of wol$es, the ho$er of $ultures% (e felt the e$il coa!ulatin! about hi#, andhe was helpless to protect hi#self%

    13. +o( does the pearl buyer "pro0e# his original offer (as fair? +o( doyou 'no( he (as really trying to cheat ino?

    he other pearl bu'ers support the idea that the pearl is $alueless, but the'probabl' arran!ed this ahead of 8inoKs arri$al, so that the' could !et the!reat pearl for the least a#ount of #one'% he pearl bu'er re$eals hi#selfwhen he is reluctant to let 8ino lea$e with his Mworthless pearl, and he#akes another offer of 1,/CC pesos%

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    She asks hi#, a!ain, to destro' the pearl or throw it back in the sea before itdestro's the#%

    Chapter $

    1. What is uana doing at the beginning of the chapter? What is sheplanning to do?

    7t the be!innin! the chapter, Juana is #o$in! around the hut and she #o$esthe fireplace stone .where the pearl is hidden0% She is plannin! to throw thepearl back into the sea%

    2. Who stops uana from thro(ing the pearl? +o(?

    8ino stops her b' wrenchin! her ar#, and strikin! her in the face% 7fter shefalls, he kicks her in the side%

    3. What do ino!s actions demonstrate about (hat the pearl has done tohim?

    he pearl has beco#e e$er'thin! to 8ino he would #urder his wife ratherthan lose the pearl%

    4. What animal imagery is used (hen ino attac's uana?

    8ino bares his teeth and, Mhissed at her like a snake% Juana stares back athi#, Mlike a sheep before the butcher%

    $. What happens to ino after he attac's uana? Why?

    When he is walkin! up the beach, he is tackled and searched b' attackers%he' are tr'in! to find the pearl%

    &. When ino told uana "9 am a man# (hat did that mean to her?

    -t #eant that he was half insane and half !od%

    ). When uana (al's bac' in the dar'ness after ino attac's her (hatthings does she find?

    &irst, she finds the pearl that was knocked fro# 8inoKs hand when he wasattacked% hen she sees two dark fi!ures l'in! in the path% ?ne fi!ure is8inoA the other is an attacker who# 8ino has killed%

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    *. What does uana 'no( after she sees that ino has 'illed a man?

    She knows that their old life is !one fore$er%

    ,. When ino starts to regain his senses after the attac' (hat is his first

    concern? What idea does this emphasi8e :see ;3

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    Mhe dark ones% 8ino and Juana donKt know who is a!ainst the# theintruders and attackers could be an'one, but the one thin! 8ino and Juanaknow about the# is that the' are e$il or Mdark%

    1&. 7o (hat does uan 7omas attribute ino and uana!s misfortune?

    (e bla#es the pearl% (e sa's, Mthere is a de$il in this pearl% ou shouldha$e sold it and passed on the de$il% Perhaps 'ou can still sell it and bu'peace for 'ourself%

    1). What reuest does ino ma'e of his brother? 5oes uan 7omasagree?

    8ino asks Juan o#as to hide his fa#il', and Juan o#as a!rees to do so%

    1*. What promise does ino ma'e to his brother?

    8ino sa's, M- will !o toni!ht and then 'ou will be safe% 8ino doesnKt want tobe a dan!er to his brother or his brotherKs fa#il'%

    1,. +o( does uan 7omas account for the disappearance of ino and hisfamily?

    (e tells people different thin!s% o so#e he sa's 8ino and Juana ha$e !onesouth alon! the shore to escape e$il% o others he sa's 8ino #ust ha$e!one b' sea% o the nei!hbors he sa's that if 8ino went to the sea, he #ustha$e drowned% (e tells people his wife is ill with !rief o$er the loss of 8ino

    and his fa#il'%

    2. What does ino tell uan 7omas about the pearl?

    8ino tells hi# he still has it, and he will keep it% (e sa's, M- #i!ht ha$e !i$enit as a !ift, but now it is #' #isfortune and #' life and - will keep it%

    21. Why can!t ino gi0e up the pearl?

    8inoKs ori!inal plan when he found the pearl was to pro$ide #ore for his wifeand son% (e was unselfish in this plan, and possibl' heKs still not willin! to

    !i$e that up% 7t this point, howe$er, heKs lost so #uch because of the pearl,he isnKt willin! to !i$e it up% (e feels that it #ust be worth all that heKs lost%(e sa's, Mhis pearl has beco#e #' soul% -f - !i$e it up - shall lose #' soul%

    Chapter &

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    he' tr' to lose the trackers in the #ountains% he author uses the ani#ali#a!er' 'et a!ain when he writes, M7nd 8ino ran for the hi!h place, as nearl'all ani#als do when the' are pursued%

    1. What do ino and uana argue about during their escape?

    8ino tries to !et Juana to take the bab' and !o in a different direction than8ino% Juana is deter#ined and refuses to lea$e her husband%

    11. Where do ino and uana go in the mountain range?

    he' tra$el toward a dark and shadow' cleft% he cleft would pro$ide asource of water, and if there were an' passa!e throu!h the #ountains, itwould be throu!h the cleft%

    12. 5o the trac'ers lose ino and uana!s trail in the mountains?

    No, the' are far behind, but the' are still on their trail%

    13. Since the trac'ers (ill follo( them into the mountain range inodecides his family (ill climb to the lo(lands again. What concern doeshe ha0e about doing this?

    (e is afraid that the bab' #a' cr'%

    14. 6s the trac'ers camp for the night (hat does ino decide? Whenmust he carry out his plan?

    8ino decides to attack the trackers durin! the ni!ht% -f he can !et to the onewith the rifle first, he will kill hi# and use his rifle to kill the other two trackers%(e #ust carr' out his plan before the #oon rises, or the trackers will spothi#%

    1$. What form of protection does ino use to ambush the trac'ers duringthe night?

    (e re#o$es his white clothin! because it will show up in the #oonli!ht% (isown brown skin is better protection for hi# in the darkness%

    1&. What dri0es ino do(n to(ard his enemy?

    he Son! of the &a#il' beco#es Mas fierce and sharp and feline as the snarlof a fe#ale pu#a% 7!ain, the author uses the ani#al i#a!er' to describe8inoKs feelin!s%

    1). Why can!t ino carry out his plan?

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    he #oon rises%

    1*. What do the trac'ers hear? What do they thin' they hear?

    he trackers hear >o'otito cr'in!% he' think it is a co'ote and her litter%

    1,. What does the trac'er do about the sound? +o( does ino react?

    he tracker decides to shoot in the direction of the sound% 8ino leaps at thetracker and stabs hi# in the neck, killin! hi#% (e uses the butt of the rifle tos#ash the head of a seated tracker, and shoots the third tracker while heKstr'in! to escape%

    2. What does ino hear after he 'ills the trac'ers?

    MOthe keenin!, #oanin!, risin! h'sterical cr' fro# the little ca$eOthe cr' of


    21. What e0ent happened to e0eryone in =a Pa8?

    he return of 8inoKs fa#il' to the $illa!e

    22. What is uana carrying (hen she and ino (al' into the 0illage?

    She carries her shawl like a sack o$er her shoulder% -n it was a s#all, li#phea$' bundle, and the shawl is crusted with dried blood% he specificcontents of the shawl are not re$ealed for another pa!e and a half, but the

    bundle is the dead bod' of >o'otito%

    23. 7o (here do ino and uana (al'?

    he' walk to the shore, to the ed!e of the ulf%

    24. What does ino see in the surface of the pearl (hen he remo0es it fromhis clothing?

    (e sees e$il faces, the frantic e'es of the #an he killed, and he sees hisinfant son l'in! in a ca$e wit the top of his head shot awa'%

    2$. What happens to the pearl?

    8ino throws it into the ocean with all his #i!ht and it disappears%

    2&. Why do you suppose the author uses so much animal imagerythroughout this no0el?

    Perhaps it is to show how #en act like ani#als when the' beco#e !reed'%

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    2). What e0ents foreshado(ed the no0el!s conclusion?

    Juana repeatedl' told 8ino that the pearl was e$il and the pearl Mwoulddestro' us% E$en our son% Juan o#as told 8ino that the pearl had the de$ilin it and he should !et rid of it% 8ino ne$er reall' had a chance to han! on to

    the pearl% here were other co##ents #ade throu!hout the no$el about thepo$ert' that 8inoKs people li$ed in and would alwa's li$e in losin! the pearlwas ine$itable because those in power would ne$er !i$e up their power toone of 8inoKs race%

    2*. What does the pearl represent in this no0el?

    he pearl could represent #an' thin!s% &irst, it represents hope, because it allows 8ino theopportunit' to pro$ide thin!s for his fa#il' he could ne$er ha$e pro$ided before findin! thepearl% Second, it represents !reed% he pearl chan!es the personalities of e$er'one whoco#es in contact with it, and the' can onl' think about how to benefit fro# the pearl%>haracters like the doctor and the priest beha$e differentl' toward 8inoKs fa#il' because of

    their a$arice for the pearl% ?f course, 8ino is the !reediest of all, when he ulti#atel'forsakes his fa#il' in order to protect his precious pearl% hird, the pearl represents e$il%When it causes 8ino to #urder four #en, it causes the loss of #oralit' in 8ino%

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    Character =ist :by chapter= 7/S7

    Part 1 Character 5escriptions

    =irectionsD +atch the characters to their descriptions% So#e characters #a' be used #orethan once, and so#e are not used at all%

    7% 8ino % he priest% Juan o#as (% 7polonia>% Juana -% racker.s0=% >o'otito J% he be!!arsE% he doctor 8% -ntruders&% he pearl bu'er.s0

    TTTTT1% 7 poor -ndian, head of his household

    TTTTT2% SheKs a new#other

    TTTTT3% 8inoKs brother

    TTTTT5% 7n infant who is stun! b' a scorpion

    TTTTT/% She pra's for 8ino to find the pearl

    TTTTT6% (e refuses to treat a bab'Ks inur'

    TTTTT4% (e can hold his breath for o$er two #inutes

    TTTTTG% he' ransack 8inoKs hut lookin! for the pearl

    TTTTT9% She is 8inoKs sister)in)law

    TTTTT1C% he' hope to share the offerin!s people !i$e at church

    TTTTT11% ries to throw the pearl into the sea, but is cau!ht

    TTTTT12% r' to cheat 8ino b' offerin! hi# little for the pearl

    TTTTT13% (e tries to con$ince 8ino to !et rid of the pearl

    TTTTT15% he' follow 8ino and Juana into the #ountains

    TTTTT1/% (e a!rees to hide 8ino and Juana before the' escape

    TTTTT16% (e re#inds 8ino that he is na#ed after a !reat son of the church

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    TTTTT14% he doctor poisons hi#

    TTTTT1G% (e offers his ser$ices onl' after he hears of 8inoKs pearl

    TTTTT19% he' know the doctor will not treat >o'otito

    Part 2 - True/FalseDirections: Mark "T" if the stateent is true or correct! ark "F" if the stateent isfalse or incorrect #se capital letters

    TTTTT 2C% 8ino is wron!l' accused of #urder in the stor'%

    TTTTT 21% 7t the be!innin! of the stor', 8ino is a $er' unhapp' #an%

    TTTTT 22% >o'otito died as a result of a scorpion stin!%

    TTTTT 23% Juana ne$er wanted 8ino to find the pearl%

    TTTTT 25% he pearl bu'ers disco$ered that the pearl was reall' a fake%

    TTTTT 2/% he doctor was ea!er to help >o'otito as soon as he heard about the scorpionstin!%

    TTTTT 26% he stor' takes place in +e*ico >it'%

    TTTTT 24% he first si!n of e$il is the scorpion%

    TTTTT 2G% 8ino and Juana take the bab' back to the doctor a second ti#e after the' arereected the first ti#e%

    TTTTT 29% 8ino sells the pearl in the capital for #uch less than its worth in order to pa' thedoctor%

    TTTTT 3C% he trackers are followin! 8ino in order to !et the pearl awa' fro# hi#%

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    TTTTT 31% 8ino sin!s the Son! of the &a#il' freuentl' throu!hout the stor'%

    TTTTT 32% he doctor sent the first intruder%

    TTTTT 33% 8ino and Juana decide to throw the pearl back into the ocean%

    TTTTT 35% 8ino is able to send his son to school%

    TTTTT 3/% 8ino sells the pearl to the fat pearl dealer for 1/CC pesos%

    TTTTT 36% he pearl creates feelin!s of o' and happiness throu!hout 8inoKs $illa!e%

    TTTTT 34% Juana pra's for a cure for >o'otitoKs scorpion stin!

    TTTTT 3G% he pearl bu'ers offer 8ino a fair and reasonable price for the pearl%

    TTTTT 39% he priest causes 8ino to hear the Son! of E$il%

    TTTTT 5C% he doctor treats >o'otito with an antidote for the scorpionKs poison%

    Part 3 @ultiple Choice

    5irectionsA >hoose the best answer to co#plete the state#ent or to answer the uestion%Ise capital letters onl'%

    TTTTT51% Who wrote The Pearlharles =ickensb% John Steinbeckc% (%(% +unrod% ?% (enr'e% none of the abo$e

    TTTTT52% What har# co#es to >o'otitoo'otito

    d% a weddin! for 8ino and Juanae% all of the abo$e

    TTTTT/4% (ow do the $illa!ers respond to 8inoKs disco$er' of the pearlo'otitos !raduation da'd% the intruder he killede% none of the abo$e

    TTTTT6/% With what son! does the #usic of the pearl finall' co#bine