
For breakfast Ialways have a bowl of cereals with milk.

My mom also has cereals, but her

taste is a little different from


At school I eat soup, a tuna sandwich and some Compal brand fruit nectar.

The rest of my family eat Frango à Brás, which takes chicken, eggs,

cilantro, french fries and olives.

Both me and my mom had an yogurt this day, but don’t be

fooled… most time I have two and not just one.

Our dinner was soup, some fish patties, bread and ice tea.

On weekends I never get up on time to have breakfast, but my mom decided to eat this wonderful yogurt.

On Saturday we had leftover soup for lunch.

So this day my mom decided to eat an apple (that thing that struck Newton on the head)

and I had a lovely bowl of heavenly cereals… again.

My parents had this kind of stew that had pork ribs, carrots, chick peas and pasta.

Instead, I had pasta with tuna, cheese, onion,

sesame seeds, olive oil, lemon and pepper.

For breakfast, my mom had a yogurt again, and I had a

steamed lobster… while I was sleeping.

Pasta!!! But this time we all ate it. It had onions, tuna, sesame seeds, tomato sauce, 3 types of cheese, olive oil, lemon juice and hot sauce.

On Sundays its rare for me to remember getting out of the room and eat something, but once again my mom and I had a bowl of cereals.

This one was a total fiasco. I tried making some falafel, which has chick peas, garlic, onion, cumin, salt, pepper, cilantro, paprika and flour. Most fell apart the second I put them in the frying pan… we ate the good ones with pita bread.

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