
The World in 2015

The Economist

The world economy will grow a bit faster in 2015 led by America.

America will produce 12 millions barrels per day of Oil, more than Saudi Arabia for the first time in history.

The world’s economic center of gravity is now in Iran in 2015, it will somewhere between India and china by 2050.

China’s outward foreign direct investment will exceed inward foreign direct investment, a measure of a global power.

China’s GDP in purchasing power parity terms will overtake US GDP in 2015.

In 2015, tablets and hybrid products will outsell desktop and laptop PCs.

Global mobile phone subscriptions ( sim cards ) will be more than the world population

US advertising revenue on the internet in 2015 will be about 40 billion $, the same as revenue from newspapers, magazines and outdoors.

The most successful companies will focus on connecting the physical and digital worlds

The year’s buzzword will be ‘wearables’

Drones will be a hot topic in 2015 as the FAA decides by September 30 th on a policy to allow drones.

Drones will bring improvements and cost cutting to film making, news collection, search and rescue, forensic photography, firefighting, monitoring of pipelines, volcanoes.

Development is not defined solely on GDP per person. True development includes sustainable growth, inclusion, social cohesion, governability, diversity, transparency and accountability.

China will enter 205 as the world’s largest economy in terms of PPP.

GDP Growths in 2015

Region Growth %

North America 3.2

Latin America 2.8

MENA 4.1

Sub Saharan Africa 4.5

Asia 6.0

Japan 1.6

Australasia 2.7

Change in real wages since 2005 %

Country %

China 150

Vietnam 60

Bangladesh 58

Thailand 30

Japan (2)

Pakistan (8)

India (10)

Asia will account for 45 % of the 73 million car registrations in 2015.

Oil price $/barrel

Year Price

2011 111

2012 112

2013 109

2014 104

2015 98

Entertainment spending

Medium 2011 spend $bn

2015 spend $ bn

Television 218 254

Film 83 91

Video games 59 72

Music 42 42

Global advertising spending

Medium 2015 spend in $ bn % growth

Internet 149 12.2

Television 182 4.7

Outdoor 39 4.6

Radio 36 2.8

Cinema 68 1.9

Magazines 50 0.8

Newspapers 81 (0.6)

Retail sales Increase in 2015 %

Country %

India 17.2

Indonesia 14.8

China 13.7

Russia 9.8

Nigeria 7.4

US 4.9

Brazil 4.8

In 2015 there will be fewer pointless initiatives, fewer meetings. Memos will be shorter. Performance reviews will be less unwieldy. For most things three bullet points will be enough.Productivity which has been flat despite technology inputs will move up in offices.

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