The Wonder Of It All

Post on 17-Jan-2015






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The wonder that forgiveness would forgive my bitterness and that meekness would forgive such an arrogant me… The wonder that sinlessness would take on my sin and willingly die for me …that righteousness would redeem my unrighteousness


The wonder of it all…

The wonder that sinlessness would take on my sin and willingly die for me …that righteousness would redeem my unrighteousness

The wonder that forgiveness would forgive my bitterness and that meekness would forgive such an arrogant me…

The wonder that beauty could love such ugliness and love me to death…

The wonder that purity would touch uncleanness, that Holiness would embrace an unholy and ungodly, me…

The wonder that strength would take all my infirmities and carry all my weaknesses…

The wonder that divine health would carry my sicknesses and cause my health to spring forth speedily…

The wonder that the Master of all would take upon himself the form of a servant and willingly wash my dirty feet…

The wonder that divine cleanliness would reach out and touch me when I was unclean and cleanse me…

The wonder that God would fight for this one time looser, the greater for the least, the rich for the poor…Amazing

The wonder that divine Love would touch the unlovable, how gentleness could touch my pride and how mercy is still new to me every morning…

The wonder that grace would touch unworthiness, of how Holiness could be in the same room as uncleanness …

The wonder that heaven will gladly receive one of hell’s champions and embrace me as a child of its own…

The wonder that wisdom could enjoy the company of the foolish, how divine light could mix with darkness and still remain light?

The wonder that the King of Kings would share his throne with this one time sinful beggar… awesome.

How could holiness walk with sin? how Lord how could faithfulness walk with the faithless?

How Lord, how could the ‘Wonderful Counsellor ‘ help the hard in heart? How could you remain ‘faithful and true when I remain unbelieving and deceitful?

How could the Lily of the Valley, the Rose of Sharon grow among the thorns that I allow to flourish in my life…

How could you keep on loving those who reject you Lord? And yet thank God you do….

Amazing God, you took on flesh in all its weaknesses, you were tempted with every temptation a human being could face and yet remained sinless..

You faced the world, the self righteous and the devil himself and defeated them all in the power of the Holy Ghost

You took upon yourself our sicknesses, our diseases, grief's, sorrows and pains and destroyed their power when you rose again from the dead.

The wonder of love, unchanging, undeniable and true… the wonder of God in Christ… the wonder of Calvary’s love to me…

A Studio 18 Production David Robinson © 09

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