
The West Falls

Agenda 4/18/07

Warm Up Fall of Rome Review Sheet…

Warm Up

Answer the following question with the munchkins at your table.

Question: What caused the decline of Rome? Who “fixed” the problem? What did he do?


1. Recognize the reasons that the Roman Empire fell.

Main Idea

The western Empire finally fell when invaders swept through in the A.D. 400’s.

A. The Five W’s and H

The Event - The Fall of the Roman Empire


1. Germanic Tribes – Goths, Visigoths, Franks, Angles, Vandals – heard of them before?

2. Alaric – Visigoth leader

3. Odoacer – German General in the Roman army


1. 455 A.D. – Visigoth burn city of Rome

2. 476 A.D. – Odoacer takes control

3. What might I ask on a test? The exact date?

Ex. Put the following events in chronological order…


1. The Roman Empire

2. The City of Rome – Capital???


1. Invaders swept through the empire

2. Germanic warriors hold high posts in Roman army and government

3. Years of enslavement lead to rebellion


1. Invaded towns, cities, burned everything

2. But really…how?

3. Germanic leaders held high government and army positions – overthrow Romans and take control

B. Importance???

MAIN IDEA – The western empire falls when German invaders swept through the empire in 400 A.D’s.

Wrap Up Activity

To leave the room you must…

Write on a piece of paper the reason the Roman Empire fell. Hand it to Mr. Landis in your way out.


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