
Welcome back to my legacy!

Last chapter, Francis and Diana started university. While he met and fell in love with Miss Kari Gregory, Diana met two men she really liked, Nathaniel Eastsider and Professor Damion Fuchs. Francis and Miss Gregory got engaged and the Wards moved into a house on campus, allowing Diana to practice magic without anyone noticing. When Abiona visited her daughter, she could feel she was going towards a dangerous path…

Francis had been thinking quite a bit about what Damion had told him. He was starting to believe his friend had real, strong feelings for Diana. But he was not sure they were reciprocated. After all, Diana had been spending time with Mr. Eastsider, too.

As he always did when he was troubled by something, Francis decided to talk about it with Kari.


“I just don’t know what to tell either of them.”

“Well, Francis, do you really have to get in the middle of this?”

“I don’t want to, but I don’t think I have a choice. I don’t like how things are going at all.”


“What bothers you so much? Isn’t it nice that your sister is considered such a nice young lady that two men are trying to win her over?”

“That’s one way to look at it,” Francis sighed. “But Professor Fuchs is my teacher!”

“I know he is somewhat older than us, but just by a few years, really. And he really seems fond of Diana.”


“He does, doesn’t he?”

Kari nodded. “He’s constantly calling on her, talking to her, making her laugh.”

“I just don’t like my sister having two suitors at once. It’s not proper,” Francis said as he shook his head. “She can’t keep seeing both Mr. Eastsider and the professor. What will people say?”


Kari could understand Francis’ point of view. To him, appearances were important. It had always been that way. And although she was happy for Diana, she too thought that her soon-to-be sister-in-law should decide which man she felt more for.

“Well, why don’t you talk to her about it?”

“I don’t think she’ll listen to me.”

“Try, at least. But Francis, be gentle.”


A few days later, Francis asked Diana to join him for a game of chess. When she agreed, he knew this was the perfect opportunity to mention how he felt about her love life.

“So, Professor Fuchs visited again this afternoon?”


“Yes, he did.”

“He comes by very often, doesn’t he?”

“Almost every day, yes,” Diana smiled.

“How nice of him,” Francis replied. “I think he really fancies you, you know.”


Diana blushed as she said, “Well, I don’t know…”

“No, Diana,” Francis interrupted her, “he does. It’s perfectly clear.”

Diana didn’t know how to react. She had been hoping that the professor’s attention meant he liked her because she really liked him. Not only was he always stopping by to keep her company, he was always complimenting her and he made her laugh.


“How do you fell about him?” Francis asked.

“I… I think I’m becoming quite fond of him, Francis,” Diana answered, looking down.

“Oh. And how about Mr. Eastsider? Are you still seeing him?”

“You know I am.”


“And what are your feelings towards him?” Francis wondered a bit sharply.

“Oh, he is so nice to me and so handsome, too. I do enjoy his company.”

“Well, that’s just great,” Francis sneered, forgetting his promise to be gentle in the heat of the moment. “Wonderful.”


“What is the matter?” Diana asked, looking at her brother, confused.

“Don’t pretend you don’t understand.”

“I’m not pretending, Francis! I don’t really know where this conversation is going.”


“Well, for one thing, have you stopped to think about what people will say about you?” he said, raising his voice slightly.

Diana was speechless for a moment. Then, she retorted, “Will say about what, exactly?”

“You are parading around the campus with two men! That is not proper, Diana, and you know it! You are ruining your reputation.”



“What are you insinuating? Both Mr. Eastsider and Professor Fuchs have been very respectful of me. And you and Miss Gregory often chaperone us!”

“That’s not the problem! You cannot see two men at once! It’s distasteful. And it’s cruel to them, you leading them on like that!”

“Well, it’s really none of your business, Francis,” she replied as she started to get up, furious.


During the next week, Diana could not stop thinking about what her brother had said.

She knew that Francis was right in some ways, even if he could have told her what was on his mind differently. But she understood that he was mostly worried about her. It all came from a good place, when you thought about it.


Personally she was not worried about her reputation, but she did realized that she needed to make a choice between Damion and Nathaniel. It was not fair to any of them to keep them in the dark.

She sighed, thinking to herself how hard that choice would be to make.


Tired of trying to figure things out on her own and wanting some advice, she asked Miss Gregory to join her on campus.

Kari could see that her friend was troubled.

“So, Diana, I’m guessing you wanted to talk to me about your brother?”


“Yes… No… Well, yes and no.”

“Francis told me about your conversation. I think he was ashamed, actually. And I have to apologize because he came to me with his concerns and I’m the one who told him to talk to you. I really thought he would be nicer about it.”


“Don’t worry about it. I know how to deal with my brother’s temper by now. I know he didn’t mean it that way.”

“He’s concerned.”

“Yes, I see that. But I do think he’s exaggerating. I’m hardly the town’s trollop,” Diana rolled her eyes.


“I know, I know. But you’re familiar with his need to keep up good appearances.”

“Yes, well, you’re the one who will have to live with him, right?”

“I’ll reform him, you’ll see,” Kari winked.


“I can’t wait to see that. But really, I wanted to see you because I need help, I truly do. I harldy care about what people think but I do care about the professor and Mr. Eastsider. I know I should break up with one of them.”

“Well, it would be nicer to them. At least, the one you dismiss would have the chance to find another young woman to court.”


“You’re right, absolutely. But the problem is I don’t know which one to choose.”

“I can’t tell you what to do, Diana…”

“I understand that, but could you give me some advice?”


“This is difficult because it was so obvious that Francis was the one for me, but I can try. Let me think,” Kari began. “You need to think about how you feel when you are with them. Which one makes you feel better?”

“They are both such gentlemen to me, it’s hard.”

“What are their qualities?”


“Mr. Eastsider is so good looking,” Diana giggled.

“He is!” Kari laughed. “But do you have a lot to talk about?”

“We mostly talk about our classes. He’s extremely polite and charming. He’s much calmer than me, too. He comes from a wealthy family, but he’s open-minded.”


“And how about Professor Fuchs?” Miss Gregory asked.

“Oh, he is so much fun to be around! He’s always up for a game of chess and he makes the funniest jokes. I feel like I can talk to him about anything and he’s so smart. And I know that Francis likes him…”


“But he is older,” Kari added

Diana sighed. “Yes, he is. But not that much. Of course, Mr. Eastsider is my age. But, I have to admit it to you, please don’t repeat it… He bores me sometimes. He’s so appropriate, all the time.”


“I see,” Kari smiled. “But that is not necessarily a bad thing. Professor Fuchs might be more fun and playful, but is he the kind of person you’d want to spend the rest of your life with?”


“I don’t know,” Diana replied, shaking her head. “I guess I can’t reach a decision.”

“You can think about it some more, I’m sure they will understand.”

“I hope so. The last thing I want is for anyone to start resenting me.”


As soon as the spring weather permitted it, Diana decided to go visit her mother. She knew that although they were disagreeing about magic, Abiona would still be the best person to guide her concerning her suitors.

She explained the situation briefly, repeated what Francis and Miss Gregory had said and told her mother how confused she felt by it all.


“Sweetheart, it’s perfectly normal to hesitate.”

“You think so?”

“Of course. Those are two interesting gentlemen who think highly of you and who you seem to get along well.”


“That’s exactly it, Mama. And that’s the problem. I like them both.”

“Yes, but what is your heart telling you?”



“Diana,” Abiona interrupted, “you need to think about yourself, not about Francis or his fiancée or anyone else. When I met your father, I felt my life would be incomplete without him. He made me feel stronger. Who makes you feel like a better you?”

Diana was silent. She was taking in all in.


“Deep down, sweetheart, I’m sure you know who you love and who loves you like you want to be loved. And I am sure that who ever you choose will be the right one. I trust you.”

The young girl looked up and smiled. She knew her mother would find the right words.


“Thank you, Mama. It means so much to hear that from you. You’re always so helpful.”

“I want you to be happy, Diana.”

“I know. And I’m sorry about our argument. I recognize you’re not happy with some of the things I’m learning about magic, but I want to reassure you. I know what I’m doing and I hope you can trust me with this, too.”


Abby sighed. She was not sure her daughter really realized what she was getting herself into. But it was true that she trusted her about everything else, so she would have to do so about witchcraft as well.

“Just be vigilant, my dear. I don’t want anything happening to you that you will regret.”

“I’ll be careful, Mama, I promise.” 

While Diana was in Shelterwoods, Damion was still trying to convince Francis that his intentions towards his sister were honest.

“Okay, okay, Damion, I get it!”

“Do you? You still seem to see me as a flirt. I just want to point out that since I met your sister at the beginning of last semester, I have not looked at another woman.”


“Really?” Francis asked.

“Yes! I love her and I’m ready to do whatever it takes to win her heart.”

“Well, she’s still hesitant. And frankly, I’m not sure you’re the best match for her.”

“Why not? Because I’m older?”


“That and also because you were my teacher. It’s kind of inappropriate.”

“Oh, Francis, when will you stop worrying about what everyone else thinks? You know I could make Diana happy.”

“Would you? She’s very independent, you know.”


“I do know that, and I admire her for it. I want my wife to be smart and to challenge me. That Eastsider would not understand her like I do.”

“All right, all right,” Francis laughed. “I’m not the one you have to convince, Damion,” he said, raising his eyebrows.


The professor nodded. “When is your sister coming back?”

“She only went home for a few days. She’ll be here soon, don’t worry.”


And so, on one of those warmer spring days, Damion asked Diana to accompany him for a walk. Having not seen him in a while, she gladly accepted.

“How was your trip home?”

“It was lovely, thank you.” 

“I’m pleased that you are back. I’ve missed you,” the professor said quietly.

“You have?”

“Miss Ward, I think that you know how I feel about you by now.”

Diana felt her heart racing. “I think I do, professor.”


“Would it be presumptuous to ask if my feelings are reciprocated?”

Diana blushed. “Professor Fuchs, I enjoy spending time with you…”

“But you prefer Mr. Eastsider,” he finished for in a whisper.

“What? Why would you…” she started, her hands shaking.


“I understand, Miss Ward. He’s younger and richer... But I really do believe that I could make you the happiest woman on Earth. I will take care of you, I will cherish you and I will always be there when you need to confide in me. I think I’ve gained your trust and I swear that I will never do anything to lose it,” Damion said passionately.

“But…” the young woman tried to reply.


“No, Miss Ward, please let me finish. I love you. I have been in love with you for some time now. You are not only beautiful, but smart and driven and nothing would make me prouder than to be with you,” he concluded with a breath, feeling helpless now that she knew exactly how strong his feelings were.


“Professor, what I wanted to say is that I’m extremely happy you feel this strongly about me, because I feel the same way,” she smiled brightly as they both stood up.

“You do?” Damion exclaimed.

“Yes. I’ve had a lot of time to think over the last few months and I’ve realized than nobody makes me feel better than you. I’m always looking forward to our next meeting and I cannot imagine not having you in my life,” she explained somewhat shyly.


“What about Mr. Eastsider?”

“He’s definitely a nice young man, but I don’t think we are made for each other like you and I are,” she added, her face reddening. “I will let him know that I’ve chosen you as soon as I can.”


“Oh, Miss Ward! You are making me the most delighted man! I cannot believe this!”

“Then, maybe you can believe this,” she said, closing in and putting her lips on his.

They both had butterflies in their stomachs as they shared that first kiss. 

The very next day, after class, Diana managed to find Nathaniel Eastsider at the campus café.

She was nervous about the conversation they were about to have, but she knew she was making the right decision. Her feelings for Damion were much stronger than those she could have had for Nathaniel.


“Miss Ward, what a pleasure to see you!”

“The pleasure is mine, Mr. Eastsider.”

“Can I offer you a cup of coffee?”

“No, thank you. Could I talk to you, for a minute?” she asked, a bit anxiously.


“Of course. What about?”

“Mr. Eastsider, you are a perfect gentleman and I take pleasure in you company. But as you may know, Professor Fuchs has also been courting me and, well, there is no easy way to say it, but my feelings for him have evolved into love. Therefore, I don’t think it would be appropriate for us to see each other,” she let out in one breath.


“I see.”

“’I’m really sorry about everything, the last thing I wanted was to hurt you.”

“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed, Miss Ward. I really thought our relationship was developing nicely.”


“It was, Mr. Eastsider…”

“But you fell in love with someone else. I understand,” he nodded. “I guess there is nothing else for me to say, is there?”

“I’m sure you will meet another young lady who will suit you more than I ever could,” Diana added.


“Well, I wish you the best of luck, Miss Ward. I hope Professor Fuchs takes good care of you, you deserve it.”

“Good luck to you, Mr. Eastsider,” she said as they hugged. “And thank you for being so understanding.”


The rest of the year flew by really fast. Both couples spent as much time together as they could and Francis and Diana kept studying hard.


As Francis was approaching his last year at the Academy, Kari and him talked a lot about their upcoming wedding.

“Darling,” she asked him, “would you want to hold the ceremony at your parents’ house?”


“Um, I don’t know…” he hesitated. He really wanted to please his fiancée, since her parents were no longer alive and he knew she longed for a real family life. Yet, he was not comfortable using the Ward house for their wedding, as they would not be living there.

“Would you ask your parents about it, please?”


“Well, actually, Kari, I was thinking about something else. Maybe we could have the ceremony at our house?”

“But we don’t have a house, Francis.”


“Not yet, but we could start looking for one and marry there. If would make lovely memories to tell our children about.”

“That’s true,” Kari said pensively. “Yes, I like your idea.”



“But Francis, I still want your whole family to be present. It’s important to me.” She was starting to worry he would never make amends with his parents.

“I know, sweetheart,” Francis nodded, knowing that he would have to reconcile with Jake and Abiona soon if he didn’t want to disappoint her.


Miss Gregory took the first chance she got to discuss the situation with her future sister-in-law.

“He still does not seem ready to put everything behind him. It really worries me, Diana.”

“Oh, I don’t think you should be worried. He will come around.”


“But it has been three years! I’m afraid he will never get past his pride.”

“I thought you were going to change him?” Diana winked.

“His resentment runs deeper than I thought, I have to admit it. I don’t even know if your parents will be at our wedding.”


“That is still a year away, Francis has time.”

“I fear that if we don’t push him a little, he will not budge,” Miss Gregory sighed.


“All right, I will try to help you and talk to him. I will ask Damion to do the same. Maybe if we all say the same thing, Francis will start listening.”

“Oh, that would be so helpful. I hope it works.”


Diana told the professor about their plan and he made sure to talk to Francis about the importance of family whenever they got together.

“But don’t you want your parents to witness your happiness?”


“I suppose, so,” the young man answered.

“They could see how successful you’ve become, how happy you are,” Damion added, trying to play on Francis’ pride.


Francis layed on his bed, later on, thinking about what everybody around him had been saying to him, lately.

“It’s as if they all teamed up,” he tought. “I guess they do have good points, though.”


Francis knew it was time to let his parents back into his life. If it had only been him, he would not have done it, but he truly loved Kari and he knew it was important to her. She wanted their future children to know their grand-parents.

“Let's do this,” Francis sighed.


A few days later, as he was painting and Diana was reading the Old Shelterton Herald, he took a deep breath before announcing to his sister that he wished to invite their mother over. After all, he was now in his final year at the Academy, he was truly becoming a man.

“Really? Oh, Francis, that’s wonderful! I’m so glad you are finally ready!”


“Yes, well, I’m not ready to see Papa, yet.”

“Sure, I understand. I will write to Mama this afternoon and I’m certain she will be extremely pleased to come over,” Diana smiled from behind the paper.


As Diana had thought, Abiona was more than happy to finally see her son again. She made the trip to the Academy before winter came.

While they women waited for Francis to come back from his class, Abiona admitted to Diana how the last few years had affected her.

“Well, at least, it’s going to be over soon,” Diana said.


“Yes, you’re right. Your father cannot wait to see Francis again, too.”

“I’m pretty sure once the ice is broken, Francis will be happy to see Papa again. I think it’s because Papa was the one to tell him he wouldn’t be heir that he was not ready to see him.”


As soon as Francis came back, the three of them sat down to eat. Francis was a bit nervous but he was very glad to see his mother. He hadn’t realized how much he had missed her until now.


Both he and Abiona were silent, not knowing what to say. Diana was trying to makes jokes in order to lift the atmosphere, but she was not really succeeding. Her mother decided she would plunge.

“Francis, I just want you to know that I’ve missed you so, so much these past years.”


It seemed that it was all it took.

“Oh, Mama! I missed you, too!” he exclaimed. “The truth is, I’ve been a brat and I should’ve gotten passed this issue a long time ago! I’m a proud fool, that’s what I am,” he added, shaking his head.


“Oh, sweetheart, don’t be too hard on yourself. It was a big shock to you.”

“But still, I acted like a spoiled idiot.”

“The important thing is that we are together, now. We have so much to look forward to.”


“You’re right, Mama. I cannot wait for you to meet Miss Gregory. You’ll see, she’s the nicest girl in the world”

“Nicer than me?” Diana asked, with a coy smile.


Abiona looked happily at her children as they started to banter. It brought back so many memories from their childhood. She couldn’t believe they were so grown up now, that Francis was graduating in a few months and that he was getting married right after.


Miss Gregory was relieved that Francis had finally made peace with his mother and she told him so.

“I am looking forward to meeting her, you know. From what Diana told me, she seems to be a nice woman.”


“She is,” Francis nodded. “She started with literally nothing. She’s strong.”

“Just like you,” Kari added, smiling.

“I just hope Diana will take her position as heir seriously.”

“Oh, I’m sure she will, darling. And she will have Damion by her side to help her.”


“Yes. They do seem happy together, don’t they. Who would have thought? I was really expecting her to choose Mr. Eastsider.”

“The heart as reasons that reason does not understand.”

“Well, they can never be as happy as us,” Francis winked, looking at his fiancée who laughed in agreement.


Kari and Francis were right about Diana and Damion’s happiness. The two of them always had fun when they were together, but they could also have meaningful conversations.

Diana was more in love than ever and near the end of the spring semester, she asked the professor to join her in the courtyard where he had first showed her his true feelings.

“Hello, beautiful,” he greeted her.


Diana smiled and asked him if he remembered when they first were here.

“Of course, how could I forget? It was the first time I got close to you.”

“Yes, you can say you caught me by surprise with your dance!” she giggled.


“It caught your attention, didn’t it?”

“It did. I’m glad you helped me realize how perfect you are for me. And I want you to know that I love you.”

“I love you, too, Diana. I have since the first time I saw you.”


“Damion, would you spend your life with me?” she asked, as she took a ring out.

“Oh, Diana! I should be asking you! I have no greater wish in the world than for us to get married!”


They jumped into each other arms, their hearts filled with joy and excitement.

“I’m going to make you the happiest woman in the world, I promise you that.”

“You will always love me?”



At last, it was time for Francis to graduate. He had completed his last semester with excellent grades and received a Suma Cum Laude mention on his diploma.

Miss Gregory was also graduating and was eager to start her new life with Francis.


“This is it, Kari,” Francis said. “In a few weeks, you will be Mrs. Ward!”

“I know and I cannot wait. Francis, I’m so glad we got through those years together.”

“Me, too. And we will have the rest of our lives together, too,” he added as they hugged.


Many of Francis’ friend came over to take part in the celebration, as well as his parents. It would be the first time he saw his father since he had left home, four years ago.

As soon as she set foot in the house, Abiona congratulated her son.

“Sweetheart, I am so proud of you!” she beamed.


“Thank you, Mama. I worked hard and it paid off.”

“You were always a hard worker and I’m sure you will work just as hard in the career you chose.”

“I will try, Mama.”


Francis could see Jake had entered, but he didn’t know what to do. Abiona could see that her son was hesitant.

“Go ahead, talk to him! He’s been missing you even more than I have!”


Francis took a deep breath and went to greet his father.

“Hello, Papa. I’m glad you came.”

“I’m the one who is glad to be invited, son.”


They looked at each other and suddenly, Jake pulled Francis into a big hug.

“You’re a man, now, son. And a mighty fine one at that.”



“No, no. Let’s not talk about the past. I just want you to know that I love you and that I’m proud of you.”

“I love you, too, Papa.”


Francis and Jake spent a long time catching up. As the young man was introducing his fiancée to his father, Diana was telling her mother about her engagement.

“Sweetheart, that is excellent news!”

“Yes, I think so, too. We will be very happy together.”


“He doesn’t mind taking the Ward name and living with us?”

“Not in the least. In fact, I want you to meet Professor Fuchs. I’m sure you will like him.”


Damion was pleased to finally get to know his future in-laws.

“Mrs. Ward, I’ve heard so many great things about you,” he smiled.


“And I about you,” Abiona answered. She could see that he was truly in love with her daughter. “I’m looking forward to have you in our family.”

“That is so nice. I have to say I’m counting the days!”

“Just one more year,” Diana sighed.


The party was a success and Francis appreciated every minute of it. But soon, it was time for him to leave and Diana was finally all alone in the house.

As she settled on her bed, she thought about the year to come.


Damion and her would have to start planning their wedding and she would have to study hard, but she wanted to spend more time practicing magic.

“Now that I have the house to myself, I don’t have to worry about getting caught,” she thought. “I really need to work harder.”


She kept to her word, read her grimoire thoroughly and learned to make more reagents. She was starting to feel more and more powerful. She even managed to create fire out of nothing.

Diana always had in mind what she could possibly be able to do with her powers.


Meanwhile, back in Shelterwoods, Francis had finally moved into the perfect house. It had taken some time for him and Kari to find it, but they were both excited and eager to start their life together.


They celebrated their wedding in their new garden, as soon as they could.

Miss Gregory looked gorgeous in her gown and as they exchanged their vows in front of their guests, Francis felt as if he was going to explode with joy.


“Kari, I promise to love you and cherish you all the days of our lives.”

The bride smiled as she repeated the same words.


As the newlyweds kissed, the crowd clapped. Jake, looking at his son, was beaming with pride.


The toasts were numerous and everyone thought Francis and Kari were glowing as they cut their cake.


As they laid on their bed, after all the guests had gone home, Francis sighed with contentment.

“So, how was your day, Mrs. Ward?”

“It was perfect, Mr. Ward!”


“I think I know how to make it even more perfect…”

“Oh, really?” Kari asked as Francis pulled her in to kiss her.


Kari and Francis fell into married life quite easily. They truly enjoyed their new found intimacy.

“Darling, I’ve heard Doctor Curtis, in Woodvale, is looking for an assistant. I was thinking I could go introduce myself, tomorrow," Francis said as he was finishing his breakfast.


“That is a good idea,” Kari nodded, coming back to sit with him.

“I would be a really good opportunity for me,” Francis continued.

“Do you know a lot about him?”


“Not really, but from what I’ve gathered, he’s one of the best doctors in the county. I’m sure I could learn a lot with him. And then, in a few years, I could maybe have my own practice.”

“That would be wonderful, Francis.”


“If I can convince Doctor Curtis to hire me, maybe we could start a family of our own.”

Kari smiled. “Now, you really have to charm him.” She was eager to have children.


“We will be the perfect family,” Francis added. He was glad that they would be giving a more traditional image than his parents had. He really thought that it was the man’s job to work and bring in money.


Kari knew how her husband saw things. She truly wanted a family, but she also wished to be able to work, later on, once the children would be grown.

She would have to talk to Francis about it, at some point. But since it would not be for many years, she preferred to keep quiet, for the time being.

“There’s no need to fight right now,” she thought, still smiling at her husband.


The next day, Francis went to meet Dr. Curtis and had no problem persuading him that he would be the perfect assistant.

Soon, Kari had great news to tell her husband. She was expecting their first child.

Francis was delighted.


“You have to take good care of yourself, now,” he said as he rubbed his wife’s belly. “I wouldn’t want anything happening to my son.”

Kari laughed. “What if it’s a girl?”

“I’m sure it’s a boy, but I still think you need to rest as much as you can.”

“Don’t worry about me,” she smiled.


Back at Shelter Academy, Diana was staying true to her word.

She was keeping her grades up by studying hard and she was spending as much time as possible learning new spells all the while enjoying Professor Fuchs’s company very often.


But her exploration of the dark arts was not unnoticed. Linda Wilson could feel Diana’s powers changing and with what Abiona had told her, she felt it was her duty to go warn the young lady.

Mrs. Wilson sought Diana out and managed to find her in Woodvale, one day that she was there to see her brother.


“Hello, Miss Ward,” Linda said as she joined her on the bench.

“Oh, hello… Mrs. Wilson, is it?”

“That’s right. It’s nice to see you again, I’m glad you remember me.”


Diana did not tell her what she really thought; as she remembered perfectly well how the woman had refused to answer her questions, years earlier.

“Yes, it’s nice to see you, too.”

“I hear you are in your last year at Shelter Academy.”

“I am.”


“Wonderful,” Linda nodded. “And I also hear that you’ve continued your research about those spells you were wondering about.”

“How…” Diana started to ask, startled.


“Miss Ward, I’m the most powerful witch in the county. I can sense every variation in the magic flow that surrounds us. And I can feel what you are doing,” she interrupted her, her voice becoming colder.

“What I do does not concern anyone but me!”


“You’re wrong! It affects all of us!” Linda exclaimed, as she got up, imitating Diana. “I told you to stay away from that path and I believe that your mother asked you the same thing. Why are you ignoring our warnings?”

“I want to know more! Why can’t you understand that? My mother, as much as I love her, is not a great witch. I will be!”


“You are travelling towards a dangerous road, Miss Ward.”

“Why? What is so wrong about stronger spells? We are witches,” she hissed, trying to lower her tone, in case anyone was listening. “I want to make the most of it.”

“Miss Ward…”


“No! I’ve had enough. I don’t need your input on my life and on my practice!” Diana said as she started to walk away.

“You’ll regret what you’re doing, one day!” Linda Wilson shouted, as she watched the young woman leave.


“That’s what you think,” Diana said under her breath. She was furious! “How dare she? That old woman!” She could not believe what had just happened. “This is none of her business. I’ll do what I want with my powers.”


That is it for now, folks!

Will Francis and Kari have a son, as Francis wishes? Will Diana finally listen to Mrs. Wilson's warnings? How will her last semester at Shelter Academy go?

Thanks a million for reading and please don't hesitate to comment on boolprop!



Jake Ward: Jake Gyllenhal by UfontKnow on modthesims

Nathaniel Eastsider: Nate Archibald from the Gossip Girl cast by enriquemt0 on modthesims

“No wands” mod: Created by Wojtek on modthesims

“Country roads” mod: Created by Stew84 on modthesims

Francis' house: Sleeping Beauty's Cottage by RuthlessKKO on the exchange

As always, I thank the wonderful CC creators on allaboutstyle and modthesims! 

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