The VOICEThe VOICE - St. Mark Lutheran Church, … · The VOICEThe VOICE OF ST. ... Highway 134, Ingleside, IL 847-662-1230. They are open Mon 1-5pm; ... Gilead" that cleanses hearts.

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For Christ and His Kingdom

The VOICE of St. Mark October 2013 Page 1


O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3

A real Christian is an odd individual.

He feels supreme love for one whom he has never seen;

talks familiarly every day to someone he cannot see;

expects to go to heaven on the virtue of another;

empties himself in order to be full;

admits he is wrong so he can be declared right;

goes down in order to get up; is strongest when he is weakest,

richest when he is poorest and happiest when he feels the worst.

He dies so he can live;

forsakes in order to have; gives away so he can keep;

sees the invisible, hears the inaudible,

and knows that which passes knowledge.

The man who has met God is not looking for anything; he has found it.

He is not searching for light, for upon him the light has already shined...

He is not a copy, not a facsimile.

He is an original from the hand of the Holy Spirit.

—A.W. Tozer

A True Original

For Christ and His Kingdom

The VOICE of St. Mark October 2013 Page 2


Pastor Terry Breum

Pastor Bill Shields

Sharon Schranz Office Administrator

Nancy Noffke

Office Assistant

Cacie Willhoft

Organist /

Music Coordinator

Greg Urbanik

Facility Manager

Michael White


October 15th for the


If you would like to

request prayer please


Amy Paxton at

Ink Cartridge


Items can be brought in

and placed in the boxes

outside the church office! If you have

any questions, please call the church

office at 847-356-8140.

Please note: We are no longer able to

recycle the large laser/toner size

cartridges—please just the small ink jet

cartridges Thanks!

We are on Facebook! Search:

St. Mark Lutheran Church

Being Hospitalized? Please be sure to tell them

you are from St. Mark in Lindenhurst!

We are frequently being mixed up with members of St. Mark’s in Wadsworth!

Thank you!

Are you moving?

Changed your phone


Gotten married?

Had a Baby?

Moved out of your parents house?

We try to keep our records current, so please let the church office know!

Simply fill out a change of address form found

on the FYI Bulletin Board in the Narthex, or email your information to Thanks!

Make everyone

happy and

sign up to be the

host/hostess of the

Fellowship hour!

Sign up sheets are on

the wall outside of

the kitchen door


For Christ and His Kingdom

The VOICE of St. Mark October 2013 Page 3

Sacrament Of


Baptized into the family of God

at St Mark:

May the guiding presence of God be with Maya, Mikayla, Joseph & Lucca

as they grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

09-15-13 Maya Gabriela

& Mikayla Jamie Daughters of

Michael & Marlena Salerno (Private)


Joseph Daniel Kirschbaum

Son of Daniel & Elizabeth


09-22-13 Lucca Martin Urso

Son of Dean & Rachel Urso

Life experiences can be difficult and often overwhelming. God never intended us to go through tough experiences alone. That is why God has brought us together in a congregation - a church family. The Stephen Ministers at St. Mark have gone through several months of intense formal training. They are there to serve those who have suffered. If you are facing the death or loss (separation, etc.) of a loved one, facing your own death, illness of yourself or a loved one, financial problems, guilt, loneliness, unworthiness, problems with relationships, temptations, fear, adjusting to disabilities, aging, anxiety and worry, stress, unemployment or having any other crisis, we are there for you. The cost of the program is free. We meet regularly with care receivers to listen and pray. We are not there to solve problems but support and encourage and pray with fellow Christians. Everything is strictly confidential. To be connected with a Stephen Minister from St Mark please contact: Judy Kless John Florip or the Church office via the website

Reformation Day is an important liturgical festival that is celebrated by Lutherans and Christians of many Protestant

denominations. It commemorates Dr. Martin Luther's posting of his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in

Wittenberg, Germany on October 31, 1517. This act triggered the movement in world history known as the

Reformation. While the historical date for the observance of Reformation is October 31st, most churches celebrate it on

the last Sunday in October.

Celebrate Reformation Day: October 27, 2013

For Christ and His Kingdom

The VOICE of St. Mark October 2013 Page 4

Thank you so much for the very warm welcome you've all extended to me. I am delighted that the Lord provided the opportunity to be your organist and music director so quickly after our family moved to the Chicago area a couple of months ago, and have been especially thrilled to find so many talented musicians in this congregation. Please continue to introduce yourselves as I become familiar with you and your talents, and please don't hesitate to contact me with ways you'd like to be involved with music at St. Mark. -Cacie

“Just a Note”

from Cacie Willhoft Organist / Music Coordinator

When St. Mark received our organ,

promises were made to upgrade it in the future.

In order to finance this upgrade, the

St Mark church council has authorized a special organ upgrade

fund in order to receive donations for

this upgrade.

The total amount needed is approximately $27,000, but the

upgrade can be performed in sections as the funds are available.

Please prayerfully consider

contributing to this fund.

If you have any questions about this upgrade, please contact the Worship

and Music committee of Kevin Korom and Jim Schranz.

The Senior Choir rehearses on Thursday nights at

7:30 pm in the Sanctuary.

New voices are always welcome!

Please contact Wendy Weidner

with questions

Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest

treasure in the world. - Martin Luther

For Christ and His Kingdom

The VOICE of St. Mark October 2013 Page 5

Please keep all food and

beverages be confined to

the fellowship hall.

Let’s all pitch in to keep

our church clean!

-Property Management

C.O.O.L. Food



Breakfast Items

The need for food is greater than ever.

If you are able, please

consider donating a few extra items.

The pantry can always use non-perishable food items -

canned fruit and vegetables, soup,

dessert mixes, boxed potatoes, etc.

Please place food

donations in the yellow bins found by either entrance.

Food donations are taken

to the Cool Food Pantry West,

located at Trinity Lutheran Church at 25519 W.

Highway 134, Ingleside, IL 847-662-1230.

They are open Mon 1-5pm; Wed 10am-2pm;

4th Sat 11am-1pm.

Thank you for your ongoing support!


2013 CROP Hunger Walk

Sunday October 20

Ending Hunger

One Step at a Time

Many people in all parts of the

world walk miles each day for food

& fresh water. We walk in

partnership with them.

Registration 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Start and Finish at St. Anastasia

Roman Catholic Church

Glen Flora & Poplar Avenues—

Waukegan, IL

Stop by our table in the main

hallway to sign up to walk or to

sponsor a walker!

2014 Calendars are in!

Please pick up your

copy outside of the church office or at the Welcome Center.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Meant to be a tangible

ministry of love and care,

Prayer Shawls are meant to

offer comfort to those in need

and to remind them that their

church family is surrounding

them with love and prayers

and peace. A prayer shawl is

made with prayer. The maker

of the shawl prays before,

during, and after they work on

the shawl.

If you know someone who

could use a prayer shawl

please stop by the church

office and pick one up!

If you would like more

information about making the

shawls please contact

Mary Jane Niles

For Christ and His Kingdom

The VOICE of St. Mark October 2013 Page 6

The St. Mark Nominating Committee is pleased to submit the following slate of church members

for election to Council positions at our November congregational meeting. We have decided this

year to present only one church member per vacancy. Everyone who has been nominated by

anyone at St. Mark has been asked to stand for election. We feel that we have a very strong slate of

nominees this year. As always, members may vote for write-in candidates at the congregational


Many thanks to these brothers and sisters in Christ for agreeing to serve our church.

Please feel free to direct any questions or concerns about the process to Doug Sweeney, Roger

Zuchowski, or Jerry Doran.

For Church Council President: David Barnes

For Church Council Secretary: Jill Mellender

For Church Council Treasurer: Phil Noffke

For Elder: Jerry Doran

For Trustee: Robin Korom

For privacy reasons, copies of the bios for candidates running for council position

have been removed from the online version of the OCTOBER VOICE


For Christ and His Kingdom

The VOICE of St. Mark October 2013 Page 7

For privacy reasons, copies of the bios for candidates running for council position

have been removed from the online version of the OCTOBER VOICE

The Annual Congregational meeting will be Sunday, November 10, 2013

in the Sanctuary immediately following the 8:00am service

Copies of the Annual Report will be available

on the table outside the church office

for your review.

For Christ and His Kingdom

The VOICE of St. Mark October 2013 Page 8

Sunday School News Sunday School Superintendents

Kim Higgins, Tricia Cholewinski & Rhonda Doran

The 7th grade Sunday School class is collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House charity. Pop tabs my be put in the container in the kitchen marked "7th grade pop

tabs" or they can be given to any 7th grade student, Wendy Rohlwing or Sheri Kwiatkowski as well. This will be a project that the students will be doing through the entire Sunday school year.

Sunday School is in need of a second

teacher in 3rd grade and in 6th grade!!

Please contact Tricia Cholewinski

Kim Higgins or Rhonda Doran

as soon as possible if interested.

A Special Thank You Note

2nd Grade Bible Sunday is

October 27, 2013 The 2nd grade

Sunday School students

will be receiving their Bibles

during 8am & 11am worship

services that weekend.

We pray for our Sunday school program

and especially for these students as the

word of God is placed in their hands. God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone,

but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars.

- Martin Luther

For Christ and His Kingdom

The VOICE of St. Mark October 2013 Page 9

Missouri Musings:

Balm to the Nations, Not Bombs by Bob Yarbrough

Turmoil in Syria apparently resulted in the use of nerve gas. Debate raged: how should the West respond? Many suggested punitive missile strikes or bombings. By the time you read this, perhaps attacks have been launched. We can debate the merits of military actions involving other nations. But Christians cannot debate Jesus' command to "go ... and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matt. 28:19). Pastor Bill Shields and I will be doing that on your behalf, God willing, in mid-October. We have been invited by churches in Juba, South Sudan, to teach for 5-6 days. We will be training and encouraging pastors and other church workers. This is a ministry strongly supported by St. Mark. It is a ministry with potential for great good. You see, in South Sudan as across much of the world, there are seething tensions. Tribes clash due to ancient rivalries and land disputes. Islamic forces in Sudan to the north, seeking oil fields and other resources, bomb and harass the inhabitants of the newly-formed nation of South Sudan. The Bible speaks of a "balm in Gilead" (Jer. 8:22). This "balm" was God's saving and healing word. It brings forgiveness of sin and hope to individuals as God reconciles people to himself. This same "balm" of the gospel creates compassion and harmony between people groups. You could call it social reconciliation. While some want to rain bombs on other nations, St. Mark is choosing to send out the balm of biblical teaching. It is already at work bringing healing and hope to churches across South Sudan.

Pastor Shields will give lectures on "the mission of the church." I will lecture on the Book of Jeremiah. Thank you for your support and prayers as we go forth in the name of Christ. He is the only one who can bring "the balm in Gilead" that cleanses hearts. Only he possesses the goodness, power, and wisdom to sustain a social order--the church--that may help steer South Sudan toward a righteousness, compassion, and lasting peace that will honor God and bless all nations.

Mark your calendars now for the annual

St. Mark Christmas Potluck Dinner!

This year the dinner, fellowship, and fun will be

on Sunday, December 8th at 5 p.m.

Our theme is

"Christmas Around the World".

Pull out that favorite recipe from the land of

your ancestors or perhaps one you have

visited. (Canadian Bacon, anyone?) We are also

looking for individuals or small groups that

would like to create a centerpiece to decorate a

table to represent their favorite country. Think

of an Eiffel Tower for France, a pinata for

Mexico, a tiny Christmas tree with ornaments

from your country, etc. The possibilities are

endless! Contact Karen Barnes or Jen Kumpula

if you are interested or have questions.

For Christ and His Kingdom

The VOICE of St. Mark October 2013 Page 10

After about a month of being around

corn fields, humid weather, and lots of

people, it's nice to finally be back home.

Alaska, that is. I flew into Anchorage,

took the train up to Healy, then drove

back down to Homer. My friends in

Healy are out moose hunting for the

month of September, so I decided to

take a trip to Homer to work and help

out around the YWAM base. It was nice

to see some of my old friends and

family from my DTS. The base actually

just started another school, so there's

a new group of students here which is

always nice to see some new faces

from the lower 48. Each year, YWAM Homer hosts a hockey camp

for a bunch of the youth here in town. I'm not much of an ice

skater but they have something called dry land training, which is

what I'll be leading. It's a series of drills and exercises that gets

the kids more in shape and prepare them before they go out on the

ice. I'm looking forward to helping out with this because it's

something new, and a new group of people we get to reach out to.

Towards the end of September, I'll be heading back up to Healy to

continue working with Last Frontier Ministries. We have a group

that's coming up in October for 10 days for a mission trip to the

villages of Minto and Rampart. I'm looking forward to going back to

these villages to pick up where I left off back in July. I've created a

website/blog to better update people with posts and pictures. It's

a great way to kinda see what all goes on in the life of Evan Hahn

and also ways to get involved with The Lord's work up here in

Alaska. The URL for my website is, Be on the lookout for new posts,

as well as pictures in the next upcoming weeks.

- Evan

PS On Sept 28th I’ll be leaving Homer for the winter and serving

full time with Last Frontier Ministries in Healy, Alaska. I ‘d love

to hear from you!

Evan Hahn

c/o Sam Kimmel

P O Box 373

Healy Alaska 99743

Cold Hands— Warm

Evan Hahn’s Alaska Adven-

God’s greatest desire is to be your

dwelling place—

the home for your heart. He doesn’t

want to be merely a weekend

getaway. He has no interest in being

a Sunday bungalow or even a summer

cottage. He wants to be your mailing

address, your point of reference, your

home…always. He wants you to live

in the Great House of God, the literal

promise of His Son: “If my people

love me, they will obey my teaching.

My father will love them and we will

come to them and make our home

with them.” (John 14:23). In his book

The Great House of God, Max

Lucado takes you on a tour of the

home God intended for you. Warm

your heart by the fire in the living

room. Nourish your spirit in the

kitchen. Seek fellowship in the family

room. Step into the hallway and find

forgiveness. It’s the perfect home for

you. After all, it was created with you

in mind. There’s only one home built

just for your heart.

No house more complete, no structure

more solid: the roof never leaks, the

walls never crack and the foundation

never trembles. In God’s house,

you’re home. So come into the house

built just for you.

Your Father is waiting.

You can find this book under

call number

226 LUC.

St. Mark Library

Book Corner

For Christ and His Kingdom

The VOICE of St. Mark October 2013 Page 11

Be a blessing to a Confirmation

Student by being a Confirmation

Prayer Pal

We are looking for a few more adults

who are willing to pray for

confirmation students and secretly

encourage them with notes or cards during their

two year journey of faith. You will remain a

secret to your student prayer pal until they finish

the two year Confirmation program.

You will be revealed to your Confirmation student

at the Confirmation Reception

on the night of their Confirmation Rehearsal.

Sign up sheets are available on the FYI Board in

the narthex.

Please fill out the form and place it in the offering

plate or in the “Confirmation”

mailbox in the church office. Then we will contact

you with information and a

picture of your confirmation student.

If you have questions, please contact Marilyn


Care Packages for our military and college people

St. Mark Church wants to stay close to those away in the service and in college. We want them to know they are still a part of our church family and they are in our thoughts and prayers.

During the entire month of September we will be collecting names and addresses of those away. If you have a college student going away or attending a local college or if you have a family member in the military (and if they have their photo on our bulletin board) please submit their name. Please fill in the address information and drop it off in the office or contact our College Care Coordinator Terry Hansen at 847-265-0318.

Name (military or college student) __________________________________________

College or University: ____________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________




Submitted by : ____________________________________

Your Phone No. ______________________________ (if information needed about the address)

Daylight Saving Time Ends

on November 3, 2013 with clocks moving

one hour back.

"A Mighty Fortress is Our God" by Dr. Martin Luther, 1483-1546 (LBW#229)

A mighty Fortress is our God, A trusty Shield and Weapon;

He helps us free from every need That hath us now o'ertaken.

The old evil Foe Now means deadly woe;

Deep guile and great might Are his dread arms in fight;

On Earth is not his equal.

For Christ and His Kingdom

The VOICE of St. Mark October 2013 Page 12

St. Mark Lutheran Church Phone: (847) 356-8140 Fax: (847) 265-0150

Worship Services: Saturday: 5:30 pm Sunday: Sept - May 8:00 & 11:00 am June - Aug 8:00 & 10:00 am Sunday School (Sept - May): 9:30 am

Terry Breum, Pastor Bill Shields, Pastor

Sharon Schranz, Office Admin Nancy Noffke, Office Assistant

Cacie Willhoft, Organist Greg Urbanik, Facility Manager

Stephen Ministry




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a monthly publication of St. Mark Lutheran Church

Visitors Welcome!

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