The Villas VoiceThe Villas Voice · -If you have forgotten it, you can request a new one from the login screen. If you have not yet created a profile on, follow the website

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The Villas VoiceThe Villas Voice S A D D L E B R O O K E V I L L A S U N I T S 3 5 & 3 5 A

April 2016 Our winter season with all our part-time residents is coming to an end. Many have already headed for other locales and more are preparing to go in the coming two weeks. We wish you safe travels and will look forward to seeing you on your return. If you missed our annual meeting held on April 11th, your new board members are Vicki Eller, President; Maureen Spence, Vice President; John Ryan, Secretary; Fran Weinberg, Treasurer; and Julie Johnson, Member at Large. Committee chairs for the coming year are: Gary Nuss, Finance; Tom Kontos, Paint & Exteriors; Kathleen Murphy, Landscape; Shirley Schoof, Communications; Ray Doane, Pest Control; Mary Wolff & Laura Malkin, co-chairs for Nominating and Elections; Ted Johnson, Permit Coordinator. Please give our chairmen and committees your support, and volunteer if you are able. These folks and their committee members are the engine that keeps our community going. Meetings for the coming year will be held on October 17 & December 19, 2016; January

16, February 20, March 20 & April 17, 2017. These are all on third Mondays of the


Meetings will be in the Mountain View West Ballroom at 3:00 p.m. unless otherwise



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March 31, 2016 Ending Balances

Operating Balance - Alliance Bank $ 30,929.01 Operating Balance—Mutual of Omaha Bank $ 32,267.66 Gateway 6M CD (Op) 0.4% 02/15/16 $ 70,794.47 Utility Deposits $ 2,750.00 Reserve Balance - Compass Bank MM $ 24,026.42 Alliance Bank 12M CD (Res) 0.65% 11/18/16 $ 199,870.41 Metro Phoenix 12M CD (Res) 0.65% 05/19/2016 $ 181,220.98 Gateway 12M CD (Res) 0.50% 02/15/16 $ 152,494.98 National Cooperative Bank 12M CD (Res) 1.05% 3/17/17 $ 165,025.21 Delinquent Assessments: $ 16,357.22 Assessments $ 8,367.47 Late Fee $ 780.00 Interest $ 2,329.36 Attorney Fees $ 4,680.39 CCM Collect. $ 200.00 Prepaid Assessments $ 28,866.57 Unpaid Bills $ 0.00

Social Committee Report

Our annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration ‘in the street’ was a huge success, attended by over 90 residents and friends. Special thanks to our team of cooks and servers. The raffle was highly successful also with Jim Tatter, Bob McLoughlin, Mary Solberg and Jerry Hollingsworth our winners. Additionally, our Black and Red Tax Day event was successful with attendees wearing either black (no additional monies to the feds) or red (paying more money into the federal cof-fers). There were nearly 60 attendees, on a very windy day, but the stout hearted enjoyed the pretzel or focaccia sandwiches, along with Phoebe’s delicious cole slaw, and the cake wasn’t bad either. There were 2 winners of the raffle. Upcoming events include a ladies luncheon on 4/25 at Tohono Chul, Cinco de Mayo celebration, 5/5 and of course, our annual 4th of July feast with KFC. Our residents continue to meet for happy hour at the Bistro on Wednesdays and for breakfast on Saturday mornings. C U in the neighborhood Arlene Housmyer, Publicity, Villa Social Committee

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If You Have a Pest Problem…

If you have a pest problem (Bees, Pack Rats, etc)please contact Northwest Exterminating directly at: (520) 547-9065 or 888-5779.

Going through Cadden Community Management will only slow the response to your request. Thank You !

Villas Landscape Report

The exodus has begun as our winter residents start to return to other beautiful regions across the country. Safe travels to our friends; we look forward to your return next season. I for one am looking forward to consistent hot, blue-sky days interrupted by the occasional monsoon. The spring replacement planting is complete. Northwest Landscaping will monitor tem-peratures and increase irrigation frequency as warranted. When we have rain, we turn the water off as appropriate. The next event for the Landscape Committee is the annual tree maintenance/trimming. Arborists from a professional tree service will survey the entire Villas and submit prioritized recommendations of work needed. Approved work will be done in June, prior to Monsoon. After which, the committee will schedule rock replenishment focusing on raising rock levels with walks and driveways in front yards to remedy hazards. The Landscape Committee is seeking new members. Please contact me if you have interest. (See pullout for contact info.) I will be away April 30-May 7. To report an irrigation leak during that time please call Cadden Management, who will then contact NW. Alternatively, if our NW crew is within your sight, you can alert them. I will be offline, lounging on a beach with a Margarita in hand!

Kathleen Murphy

Landscape Committee, Chairperson

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SaddleBrooke Villas HOA Website Access Information

WEBSITE: <> VIEW ROSTER (updated regularly so check back often). To view roster by name and address: Click on box "villas rosters" Password is sbvillas2015 TO MAKE CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO LIST: Click on "Submit your information" Jenny Rink, Villas Web Master

UNIT REPS REPORT We have only met with one new homeowner couple during this time period, but still have calls out for two other new homeowners we are anxious to visit. This couple we just met has lived in SaddleBrooke in Unit 36 for 12 years, but have recently downsized and are now living year around in their beautifully furnished villa.


39013 S. Casual

Gary & Donna 520-825-8380 Gary Donna Gary and Donna moved from San Jose, California to SaddleBrooke in 2004 and lived on Amberwood until early this year when they purchased and moved in to their villa. Gary owned an advertising agency, was able to work the past several years out of his SaddleBrooke home and retired 4 years ago. Donna worked as an administrator with Lockheed Martin for a number of years. Gary is especially interested in cooking and entertaining. Donna plays golf, goes to the fitness center regularly and loves to walk. They are both extremely friendly and anxious to get involved in many of the villas social functions. Shirley Schoof and Lois Angus Villas Unit Representatives

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Villas Contact Information BOARD MEMBERS: Vicki Eller - Board President 309 235-2668 Maureen Spence - Vice President 314 803-3225 John Ryan - Secretary 825-2648 709 917-3579 Fran Weinberg - Treasurer 209 640-2260 Julie Johnson - Member at Large 825-5746 520 820-1353 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Ray Doane - Pest Control - John Ryan, Julie Johnson, liaisons 818-1458 / Bill Todd - Summer contact 829-1221 / Ted Johnson - Permits Coordinator 825-5746 /

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COMMITTEE MEMBERS (cont.) Tom Kontos - Paint and Exterior , Maureen Spence, liaison 802 807-6125 / Tom Moffat – Summer contact Walt Tomaszek - Summer contact 818-6728 / 818-7917 / Laura Malkin – Nominating Committee, Julie Johnson, liaison 8251657 / Mary Wolff – Nominating Committee 818-1359 / Kathleen Murphy – Landscape , John Ryan, Vicki Eller, liaisons 818-1145 / Gary Nuss – Finance , Fran Weinberg, liaison 825-0160 / Shirley Schoof – Communications / Unit Rep Julie Johnson, liaison 825-7704 / Lois Angus- Unit Rep 399-7246 /

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SaddleBrooke Villas Association Nos. 35 & 35A Villas Annual Meeting

April 11, 2016 TIME: 3:00 PM LOCATION: Mountain View, Ballroom West


Vicki Eller, President, called the annual meeting to order at 3:00 PM, welcomed the as-sembly, and began with introductions of Board Members, Gary Barker, Maureen Spence, and Pat McManus. Bob Petrou was unable to attend. Barbara Messner, Cadden Management Representative was also in attendance. QUORUM: A quorum was present to conduct an official meeting. A total of 149 Lots were represented and submitted their ballots by the deadline. There were 55 owners present at the annual meeting. NEC COMMITTEE Vicki introduced Kathleen Kontos, Chair of the Nominating and Election Committee (NEC). Kathleen announced that 149 ballots were submitted but three were not valid. Kathleen reported that 135 of the ballots voted yes to approve the minutes of the March 30, 2015 Annual meeting. The minutes have been approved. Kathleen reported on the results of the voting for the three vacant Board positions; Fran Weinberg, John Ryan, and Julie Johnson were elected to the Board. The Board of Directors for 2016/2017 will be Vicki Eller, Maureen Spence, Julie Johnson, Fran Weinberg, and John Ryan. Kathleen thanked all the candidates for running. Kathleen thanked the fourteen owners and committee members who assisted with the annual election. BOARD PRESENTATION Vicki Eller and Maureen Spence thanked retiring Board members Bob Petrou, Gary Barker, and Pat McManus for their years of service to the community. Maureen and Vicki presented both Gary and Pat with crystal paperweights (with the SaddleBrooke logo imbedded). A gavel with Bob Petrou’s years as president noted on the gavel will be delivered to Bob. Vicki welcomed the new Board members and invited them to join the rest of the Board.

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ELECTION OF OFFICERS Motion: A motion was made and seconded to appoint the officers as follows: Vicki Eller, President; Maureen Spence, Vice President; John Ryan, Secretary; Fran Weinberg, Treasurer; and Julie Johnson, Member at Large. The motion passed unanimously APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA

Motion: A motion was made and seconded to accept the Agenda as presented. The motion passed unanimously APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2016 Board meeting as written. The motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Landscape Committee: Kathleen Murphy

Kathleen thanked her committee members for all their work this past year. A snow storm hit the villas the first of the year and 14 trees were damaged; 4 trees

were lost and have been replaced. More of the rosemary and pyrocantha bushes have been removed. Kathleen reported that the 2nd section of irrigation lines and valves has been replaced. The new spring planting has been completed. The committee handled 167 work orders this year, of which 30 were related to irrigation issues. Annual tree trimming was done with some additional trimming done this spring. 18 trees were removed on the recommendation of the Exteriors and Landscape committees working with the HOA’s landscape company. The trees were damaging

sidewalks and driveways. Kathleen reported that she is looking for a few new committee members, especially

someone who is willing to take on chairmanship of the landscape committee in January, as Kathleen is retiring from the committee effective December 31, 2016.

Paint & Exterior Committee: Tom Kontos

Tom Kontos thanked all his committee members for their help in the annual inspections and follow-up work. The last of the flat roofs have been replaced; cost was about $40,000.00 and was in

the budget. Roof inspections were completed. Tom reported that in 2015 one-third of the exterior walls were painted. Another one-third will be painted this year and the final third will be painted in 2017. The exterior building painting will begin again in 2018. There are no large projects planned for 2016/2017

Finance Committee: Gary Nuss

Gary reported on the financial position of the HOA as of March 31, 2016.

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Income and expenses for the first three months of the year were reviewed. Gary reported that most of the HOA’s expenses occur in the first three months of the

year. The CD’s have been set up with laddered maturities; some CD’s will mature each

quarter. Gary reviewed the variances on a number of budget categories with the owners. A

copy of the financial summary page was provided to owners for ease of discussion/review.

2015 Audit: It was read into the minutes that the Board has unanimously approved the 2015 annual audit of the association’s financial records. The audit was completed by Scott R. Meyer, CPA. Pest Control: Ray Doane

Ray reported on the work the committee completed the past year. The annual inspections and treatment for termites were completed the last week in

January. There were 32 units that did not provide access for the interior inspection. Letters

have been sent to everyone and to date the HOA has not received direct responses from these owners. A number of inspections have been scheduled with

NW Exterminating, so the number of uninspected units will be reduced. Evidence of termites was found on the exterior of 6 units and there were 2 patio extensions that had to be treated for termites. Ray noted that this is an active time of year for bees. Questions from the owners were taken and information provided on pack rat activity,

cost of treatment and laying traps was provided. Communications Committee: Julie Johnson

Julie reported that the revised ARLRG document was completed and has been distributed to owners. Julie thanked all the committee members who worked on the

project. The Unit Reps are a part of the communications committee now. They have developed a New Owner Handbook, which includes much pertinent information

needed by owners. Shirley Schoof and Lois Angus try to meet with the new owners to welcome them to the community.

A Realtor workshop was held. The goal was to get as much information on the villas as possible out to Realtors so they can help inform their buyers of the villas

requirements, guidelines, what is covered by the monthly assessment, etc. Phil Hafvenstein is chairing the Owner Directory sub-committee. He and a number of

owners are working on developing a directory villa owners can refer to for information on committees, social groups, etc.

Unit Reps: Shirley Schoof & Lois Angus

Lois reported on the information from the S.T.P.O. meeting; A new P.O.S. system is being installed at SaddleBrooke; the STPO helped pay for a reserve study.

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More information should be available this fall on the date for the transition of SaddleBrooke 2 (master). They are being told it will be January 2017. A new HOA 2

board will be elected following the transition. Shirley reported that they have met with 15 new owners and provided information to another 6 or seven who didn’t want to meet. Shirley also noted that there may be an

additional 6 or 7 new owners closing on their units in the next couple of months.

General questions and answers followed on related topics. MANAGEMENT REPORT: Barbara Messner Management report was included in the board package and read to the members by Barbara Messner, Association Manager. The Open Work Order Report was provided to Board members, and the Landscape and Exterior Committees for review. OLD BUSINESS

Bylaws Amendment: It was read into the minutes that the Board has approved an amendment of the Bylaws; section V Elections, to change record retention on ballots from 30-days to 3-years to be in compliance with State Law. The Election Committee was changed from an Ad-Hoc Committee to a standing committee. A copy of the amendment will be included in the newsletter.

NEW BUSINESS Meeting Dates: Vicki announced that the Board has decided to increase the number of

meetings for fiscal 2016/2017. Meetings will be held in October 2016, December 2016, January, March, April, October, and December 2017. Dates will be confirmed and then published in the newsletter.

Committee Liaisons: Vicki announced the committee liaisons for 2016 will be; Fran Weinberg, Finance; John Ryan & Vicki Eller, Landscape; Maureen Spence, Exteri-ors; John Ryan, Pest Control; and Communications & Election, Julie Johnson..


There were a number of questions/comments from the owners, which were answered. General discussion on a number of topics ensued.

Next Edition of The Villas Voice

The Villas Voice deadline for submittal of articles is Monday, April 18, 2016. Next Meeting

Next Villas Meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 17, 2016 in the MVCC, Ballroom West.

ADJOURNMENT Motion: Was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 4:28 p.m.

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Saddlebrooke Villas Units 35 & 35A PEST TREATMENT Schedule

Effective January Saddlebrooke Villas Units 35 & 35A PEST TREATMENT


Effective January 1, 2016

PEST TREATMENT: All treatments will occur on Wednesdays:

Starting at 7:00 AM during March, April, May, June, July, August, September, & October

Starting at 8:00 AM during November, December, January, and February.


1ST, 2ND, 3RD, & 4TH Wednesdays of the month.

ODD MONTHS: (JAN. MAR. MAY, JULY, SEPT. NOV) 1ST, 2ND, 3RD, & 4TH Wednesdays of the month.

*Holidays will not affect this year’s schedule.

1st Wednesday cycle for the year starting: May 4, 2016 Unit 35 Lots 1 thru 26

2nd Wednesday cycle for the year starting:

May 11, 2016

Unit 35 Lots 27 thru 52

3rd Wednesday cycle for the year starting:

May 18, 2016

Unit 35 Lots 53 thru 80

4th Wednesday cycle for the year starting:

May 25, 2016

Unit 35 Lots 81 thru 106

1st Wednesday cycle for the year starting: April 6, 2016 Unit 35 Lots 107 thru 133

2nd Wednesday cycle for the year starting: April 13, 2016 Unit 35 Lots 134 thru 141 & Unit 35A Lots 1 thru 19

3rd Wednesday cycle for the year starting: April 20, 2016 Unit 35A Lots 20 thru 43

4th Wednesday cycle for the year starting: April 27, 2016 Unit 35A Lots 44 thru 72

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2016 Villas Meeting Schedule

Unless otherwise posted, all meetings will begin at 3:00 p.m.

2016 October 17 Villas Meeting, Ballroom West

December 19 Villas Meeting, Ballroom West


January 16, 2017 Villas Meeting, Ballroom West

February 20, 2016 Villas Meeting, Ballroom West

March 20, 2017 Annual Villas Meeting, Ballroom West

April 17, 2017 Villas Meeting, Sonoran Room

October 16, 2017 Villas Meeting, Ballroom West

Special Project Information

Are you planning a project that requires ALC approval ? Patio extensions, driveway and garage floor coatings, screened patio and entry enclosures and a number of other im-provements require an ALC permit. It is also necessary to obtain signed and stamped approval from the Villas Landscape Committee prior to going to the ALC. Please contact Ted Johnson at 825-5746 for Villas authorization of this type of project.

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Board of Directors

Vicki Eller, President 309-235-2668

Maureen Spence, Vice President 314-803-3225

Fran Weinberg, Treasurer 209-640-2260

John Ryan, Secretary 406-6617

Julie Johnson Member at Large 825-5746


c/o Cadden Community Management

1870 W. Prince Rd., Suite 47

Tucson, AZ 85705

Next Villas Meeting

Monday, October 17, 2016

Mountain View – Ballroom West

All Meetings at Mountain View Country Club ;

*unless noted

All Meetings are Open to the Membership

Community Association Manager

Barbara Messner

Telephone: 297-0797 Fax: 742-2618



For all the great events throughout the year!


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