THE USE OF WORD SEARCH GAME TO DEVELOP MASTERY OF Fitria Astutik... · ABSTRACT Astutik, Ika Fitria. 2015. “The Use of Word Search

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    ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2013/2014


    Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of

    the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

    English Education Department of Teacher Training and Eduation Faculty

    State Institute for Islamic studies (IAIN) Salatiga


    113 10 124






    “Although there’s an abundance of gold and corals, knowledge is more precious”.

    “If you can imagine, you can realize

    If you can dream, you can achieve”

    (Irvina M CH Katili)

    “There is Nothing Impossible”.


    I dedicate this graduating paper to:

    1. My God, Allah SWT who always besides me, listens to me, takes care of me, and gives

    me the best thing ever.

    2. My beloved parents, my mother and father, thanks for everything. You are my everything

    3. My aunt thanks a lot for the life experiences and guidance for me.

    4. My lovely sisters (Novi and Dian), thank you so much. Your smiles give me power to

    always stand up.

    5. My lover (Indra) thanks for your support and being by my side.

    6. My friends all members of TBI 2010 Good Luck for you guys.

    7. My friends all members of TBI E 2010 IAIN Salatiga.

    8. My best friends (Dewanti, Iin, Awan, Ifa, Inul, Aisah, Majid, Agus, Safar, Hermia,

    Wahida), thanks for being by my side.

    9. All of my beloved people who cannot be mentioned one by one.


    All praise due to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful because of His

    wonderful blessing and His mercy, the writer can finish this graduating paper successfully. The

    incredible blessings make realize that nothing is impossible in the eyes. Thanks for Your will and

    endless blessing in my life.

    Peace and salutation always be given to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW that we

    hope his blessing in the Judgment day.

    However, this success would not be achieved without the support, guidance, advice, help

    and encouragement from individuals and institutions. Therefore, the writer would like to express

    the deepest gratitude to:

    1. Drs. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., as the rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies of


    2. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd., as the head of English Department.

    3. Drs. Zakiyuddin Baidhawy, M.Ag., as my Academic Counselor thanks for your support

    and guidance.

    4. My Counselor Faizal Risdianto, M.Hum and Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd thanks

    for suggestion and guidance for this graduating paper from beginning until the end.

    5. All lecturers of IAIN Salatiga, thanks for teaching me.

    6. All official staffs of IAIN Salatiga.

    7. My teacher counselor of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah Bu Ninik Arifah, S.Pd.I and Drs. KH.

    Hamdan AS, thank you for your kindness, help, guidance and advice.


    Astutik, Ika Fitria. 2015. “The Use of Word Search Game to Develop Students’ Mastery of

    Vocabulary of the Seventh Year Students of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah in the Academic

    year of 2013/2014”. A Graduating Paper. English and Education Department of

    Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN)

    Salatiga. Consultant: Rr. Dewi Wahyu M, S.S, M. Pd.

    Key words: Word Search Game, Develop Students’ Mastery of Vocabulary

    This study was focused on implementation of Word Search Game to develop students’

    mastery of vocabulary of the seventh year students of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah in the academic

    year of 2013/2014. The objectives of this research were to find out the difference of lecturing

    and Word Search Game of the seventh year students of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah in the academic

    year of 2013/2014. This research applied truth experimental research. The objects of the

    research were two classes in the seventh year of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah. The first class was 7A

    as the control group and the second class was 7B as the experimental group. The data was

    collected from the score of pre-test and post-test after the treatment. The data was tested using t-

    test formula by comparing the mean score of pre-test and post-test from both classes. The level

    of significance was set equal or less than 5%. The result of this study showed that t-value 5, 011

    was higher than t-table 2, 063 with the degree of freedom (df) of 25. Therefore, it can be

    concluded that there was significant difference after teaching vocabulary using Word Search

    Game. Thus, it can be said that Word Search Game could to improve students’ vocabulary

    mastery of the seventh year students of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah in the academic year of



    TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................................. i

    DECLARATION ....................................................................................................... ii

    ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ...................................................................... iii

    STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ...................................................................... iv

    MOTTO ...................................................................................................................... v

    DEDICATION ............................................................................................................ vi

    ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................................. vii

    ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ ix

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. x

    LIST OF TABLE ......................................................................................................... xiv


    A. Background of the Research……………………………….……. 1

    B. Statement of the Problems ………………………………………. 4

    C. Limitation of the Research…..…………………………………... 4

    D. Objectives of the Research ……………………………………… 5

    E. Benefits of the Research ………………………………................ 5

    F. Definition of Key Terms …………………………...................... 6

    G. Research Method.........………………………………………….. 9

    H. Review of the Related Literature…………………………….…. 10

    I. Hypothesis……………………………………………………..… 12

    J. The Graduating Paper Outline ....................................................... 13


    A. Definition of Vocabulary …………………………………..…. … 14

    B. Vocabulary Mastery………………………………………………. 15

    C. Teaching Vocabulary.…..………………………………………..... 16

    D. Testing Vocabulary ……………………...……………………….. 16

    E. Characteristic of Young Learners……………………………........ 17

    F. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Word Search Game……............... 19

    1. Definition of Word Search Game………………...…………… 19

    2. Word Search Game……………………………………...……. 19

    3. Instruction to Play the Game………………………………..... 20

    4. The Form of Word Search Game……………………............... 21

    G. Procedure to Do Vocabulary by Using Word Search Game……….. 23


    A. Research Setting………………......................................................... 25

    1. Description of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah..................................... 25

    2. Vision of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah………………………..…... 25

    3. Mission of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah…………………....……... 26

    4. Curriculum of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah………………………. 26

    5. Profil of Students, Teacher and Administrator………….…….. 27

    6. Accommodation……………………………………………..... 28

    B. Subject of the Research…………………………………………… 29

    1. Population…………………………………………………….. 29

    2. Sample……………………………………...………………… 29

  • C. Method of Research…………………………………………… 31

    D. Evaluation Criteria…………………………………………….. 32

    E. Research Design……………………………………………….. 33

    F. Technique of Collecting the Data……………………………… 34

    a. Test…………………………………………………….. 34

    b. Documentation………………………………..……….. 34

    G. Technique of Analysis Data…………………………………… 35

    a. Scoring the Students’ Test…………………………….. 35

    c. Calculate the Result of the Test……………………….. 35


    1. Difference of Lecturing and Word Search Game of the Seventh Year

    Students of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah in the Academic Year of

    2013/2014…………………………………………….……… . 37

    a. Pre-Test …………………………………………… . 37

    b. Treatment…………………………………………. . 41

    c. Post-Test…………………………………………… . 42

    2. Significant difference of Lecturing and Word Search Game of the

    Seventh Year Students of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah in the Academic Year

    of 2013/2014…………………………………………………. 51

    1. Experiment Class…………………………………………. 52

    a. SD (Standard Deviation)………………………………… 53

    b. T-Test (Calculate to)…………………………………… 53

    c. Giving Interpretation to……………………………....... 54

  • 2. Control Class……………………………………………… 55

    a. SD (Standard Deviation)……………………………… 55

    b. T-Test (Calculate to)…………………………………… 57

    c. Giving Interpretation to………………………………. 57


    A. Conclusion ........................................................................ 64

    B. Sugesstions ...................................................................... .......... 65



  • Lists of Figure and Tables

    Figure 2 Word Search Game……………………………………………………... 22

    Table 3 Profile of Students of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah in the Academic Year of

    2013/2014………………………………………………..…………………...…... 27

    Table 3.1Teacher and Administrator of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah in the Academic Year

    2013/2014 ……………................................................................................ .......... 27

    Table 3.2 Accomodation…………………………………….………………….... 28

    Table 3.3 Name of the Research Subject…………….……………………...…… 30

    Table 4 Result of Pre-Test of Control Class………………..…………..….......... 38

    Table 4.1 Result of Pre-Test of Experiment Class……………………...…..…… 40

    Table 4.2 Result of Post-Test of Control Class…………………………............. 43

    Table 4.3 Result of Post-Test of Experiment Class...…….……………….......... 44

    Table 4.4 Interpretation of Test Score…….……………………………............. 45

    Table 4.5 Interpretation of Pre-Test Score of Control Class……………………. 45

    Table 4.6 Interpretation of Pre-Test Score of Experiment Class…………......... 46

    Table 4.7 Interpretation of Post-Test Score of Control Class…………………... 46

    Table 4.8 Interpretation of Post-Test Score of Experiment Class……...…. …… 47

    Table 4.9 Comparison Score Pre-Test and Post-Test Between Experiment and Control

    Class…………………………………………………………………………....... 47

    Table 4.10 Distribution of Pre-Test Score of Control Class………………….…. 49

    Table 4.11 Distribution of Pre-Test Score of Experiment Class ……...………... 49

  • Table 4.12 Distribution of Post-Test Score of Control Class………………..….. 50

    Table 4.13 Distribution of Post-Test Score of Experiment Class…………....…. 51

    Table 4.14 Data for T-Test Calculating Pre-Test-Post-Test of Experiment

    Class………………………………………………………………………..…..... 52

    Table 4.15 Data for T-Test Calculating Pre-Test-Post-Test of Control

    Class…………………………………………………………………………...…. 55

    Table 4.16 Score of Students’ Achievement of Experiment Class..................... 58

    Table 4.17 Score of Students’ Improvement of Experiment Class…................. 59

    Table 4.18 Score of Students’ Achievement of Control Class………................ 59

    Table 4.19 Score of Students’ Improvement of Control Class………............... 61



    A. Background of the Research

    Vocabulary is one aspects of the language that is very important in English study.

    By mastering vocabulary, students will easy to accept explanation from their teacher.

    Students who are rich in vocabulary will be successful to study English language. This is

    the opposite with the students who are poor in vocabulary, surely they will get the

    difficulties to study English language. In a class, most of the students are passive because

    they do not know about vocabulary and what is the meaning of it.

    Considers about phenomenon it is undeniable that vocabulary mastery is really

    needed to improve four language skills, those are speaking, listening, reading and writing.

    It means that the vocabulary has important role in the language study. The students who

    are poor in vocabulary will be difficult to understant a text, disable to speak English, and

    difficult to write their idea. Vocabulary mastery is very important because it will carry

    the learner in learning process.

    “The mastery of vocabulary is very important because it will consider the students

    in the teaching learning. River’s argues that the acquisition of an adequate

    vocabulary is essential for successful second language use because, without an

    extension, we will be unable to use structures and function. We may have learned

    for comprehensible communication.” (Nunan, 1991: 117)

    Many students get score less than averages score. It is clear that they have many

    problems in their vocabulary mastery. Most of the students in junior high school often

    face some problems in learning and mastering English lesson especially in vocabulary

    mastery. First, students are very difficult to remember new vocabulary since they never

  • used the language before. We can observe it when the students did not know what is the

    meaning of the question while they do the test. Next problems, the students didn’t have

    any interest to learn English.

    Remembering some new vocabularies are still difficult for students who never got

    the English lesson in elementary school before, except the basic material. Even though

    there are some students who have learned English before, however it is still difficult for

    students to speak English.

    The teacher often finds that their students do not have interest to learn a subject

    matter at school. It also happens in learning English, because they did not have

    knowledge about the correlation between themselves and the subject matter. Teacher

    must know about the student’s condition and give them motivation by designing the

    situation, so that the student can feel that there is correlation between their life and

    subject matter.

    There are many methods can be used in teaching and learning process. One kind

    of method is word search. It is hoped that the students will be able to get new vocabulary

    and increase their vocabulary by using word search. Word search is collection of word

    which the structure are still ambiguously arranged and we asked to search it. The word

    can be arranged from the top to down or from the other way from the front to backside or

    opposite of it. The word search is designed to be an interactive tool for students or the

    other to use. It contains an array of words that can be used to increase their vocabulary


  • The researcher analyzes that many teachers still use the old method in teaching

    and learning process it will not increase the students in vocabulary mastery. Because of

    that the writer tries to apply new method which help the learners to increase their

    vocabulary and make a group in learning activities.

    By applying a new method, the students will enjoy and get interested in learning

    English. They also will be able to remember English word easily. So the researcher wants

    to apply word search to solve the problems in MTs TARQIYATUL HIMMAH that can

    improve the students interest in learning English.

    Based on the explanation above, the writer wants to conducts a research entitled:

    “The Use of Word Search Game to Develop Students’ Mastery of Vocabulary of the

    Seventh Year Students of MTs TARQIYATUL HIMMAH in the Academic Year


    B. Statement of the Problems

    Based on the research background of the study above, the writer has some

    problem that can be identified as follows:

    1. How are the differences of lecturing and word search for the learners of the

    seventh year students of MTs TARQIYATUL HIMMAH in the academic

    year 2013/2014?

    2. How are the significant differences of lecturing and word search of the

    seventh year students of MTs TARQIYATUL HIMMAH in the academic

    year 2013/2014?

  • C. Limitation of the Research

    To avoid any misinterpretation of the problem, the researcher would like to

    restrict the field of the study. The researcher wants to know whether word search can

    increase the learners in vocabulary mastery. The material was limited that is taught at

    first of junior high school in second semester.

    D. Objectives of the Research

    Based on the problem and limitation of the study above, the researcher can

    conclude that the objectives of this research are as follows:

    1. To find out the difference of lecturing and word search for the learners of the seventh

    year students of MTs TARQIYATUL HIMMAH in the academic year 2013/2014.

    2. To find out the significant difference of lecturing and word search of the seventh year

    students of MTs TARQIYATUL HIMMAH in the academic year 2013/2014.

    E. Benefits of the Research

    The researcher hopes that the result of this research can give information about

    the level of students vocabulary mastery. Then the researcher hopes too that this research

    of using word search in teaching and learning vocabulary will be useful for all, for the

    teachers, the students and the researchers.

    1. For the teachers

  • As a positive result of this research can support the teacher especially

    English teacher to use this method in teaching learning vocabulary, and the

    teacher can change the traditional method with this new method in teaching

    vocabulary which is very interesting. They also can apply this new method for

    make student feel enjoy without bored in teaching and learning process.

    2. For the students

    The positive result of this research can support the learner to increase their

    vocabulary mastery. Teaching vocabulary through word search will make the

    students have fun and enjoy in their teaching learning process, beside that they

    can increase their vocabulary mastery without any difficultiess.

    3. For the researchers

    This result can support the writer to enrich the method of vocabulary

    mastery and word search. The otherhand, the researcher has new experience how

    to increase vocabulary mastery with this method.

    F. Definition of Key Terms

    There are some key terms in this paper. The writer wants to clarify and explain

    the meaning briefly to avoid misunderstanding or the ambiguity in perception of some

    terms used in this study.The definition are below:

    1. Use

    Use is do something with a machine, a method, an object, etc for a

    particular purpose (Oxford, 2011: 488).

    2. Word search

  • Is a word game that is letter of a word in a gird that usually has a

    rectangular or square shape. The objective of this puzzle is to find and

    mark all the words hidden inside the box. The word may be horizontally,

    vertically, or diagonally (Yulianto, 2011: 36). From the explanation above

    the writer concludes that word search game is a word game that is letter of

    a word and the form may be horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

    3. Game

    Game is one of activities which can help to create dynamic,

    motivating classes. The reason is that real learning takes place when the

    students in a relaxed atmosphere, participate in activities that require them

    to use what they have been drilled on. Games are not only suitable for

    children but also for adults (Fauziati, 2005: 130). Game is form of play or

    sport with rules as competitions, single part of match and children’s

    activity when they play with toys, pretend to be somebody else, etc.

    (Oxford, 2011: 181)

    3. Develop

    Become or make something larger, more advanced, stronger (Oxford,

    2008: 122)

    4. Students

    Students is a person attending an educational institution, for example

    high school or college, one studying anything, one develop and systematic

  • study. In other definition, a student is a person whom gives the influence from

    someone or group that carry out the educational activity (Djamarah, 2005:


    5. Vocabulary mastery

    Vocabulary is list of words used in a book with definition or

    translation (Hornby, 1963: 1120). Mastery is great skill or knowledge

    (Oxford, 2009: 271). Vocabulary mastery is the knowledge in

    understanding the words. Mastering English vocabulary means know the

    meaning and understand the words being used in communication (ELTS,

    retrified 08-03-2014 at: 8:37).

    G. Research Method

    To analyze the vocabulary mastery of the seventh year students of MTs

    TARQIYATUL HIMMAH in academic year 2013/2014. The researcher used descriptive

    quantitative research, which is defined as a research procedure which produces

    descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of the person. In this study the

    research subject are population and sample. Population is all members of the research

    subject (Suharsimi, 2006: 130). In this research the writer will takes two class there are

    class 7A and class 7B of the sample on the first students of MTs TARQIYATUL

    HIMMAH. An approach that will be done by the writer as primary approach is

  • quantitative approach to calculate score of students. The secondary approach is

    descriptive approach. Descriptive is describing how a technique of learning is applied and

    how the result can be reached. Technique of data collection will be used by the researcher

    to analyze the vocabulary mastery are using test, and documentation.

    After the researcher has accomplished analyzing the observation and analysis have

    been done, so the teacher will know the weakness and strength of using word search in

    teaching learning process.

    H. Review of the Related Literature

    Vocabulary is the most important component of a language. Student will easy to

    accept explanation from their teacher. By mastering vocabulary, students who are rich in

    vocabulary will be successful to study English language. The students will get the

    difficulties to study English language if they are poor in vocabulary. In a class, most of

    the students are passive and bored because they do not know about vocabulary and most

    of them did not have any interest to learn English.

    As teachers we must be a creative person when we teach our students. For

    example teach them by using game in teaching learning process. This method can help

    the learner feel enjoy without feel bored when they learn. There are many methods can be

    used in teaching and learning process. One kind of method is word search. It is hoped that

  • the students will be able to get new vocabulary and increase their vocabulary. The word

    search game technique is developed by Dean Yulianto.

    Word search game is a word game that is letter of a word in a gird that

    usually has a rectangular or square shape. The objective of this puzzle is to find and mark

    all the words hidden inside the box. The word may be horizontally, vertically, or

    diagonally. There are many people including, teachers, educators linguists and

    academicians have been conducting several researches related to teaching vocabulary

    such as the way to improve students’ vocabulary mastery, the various strategies,

    techniques and methods used to increase students’ mastery of vocabulary, and many

    others. Those previous researches have their own characteristic and specification on the

    object of the research, the research methodology that used and the research variables. In

    order to help the writer conduct this research, the writer read some previous researches as

    the literary review.

    The writer uses the other graduating paper, with the title is “Improving Student’s

    Vocabulary Mastery Using Flip Word Game at the Fourth Year students of MI Maarif

    Dukuh Salatiga in the Academic Year 2010/2011)” which has been researched by Laela

    Kurniawati the student of State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga.

    In this graduating paper the teacher uses “Flip Words Game” as one attractive

    ways to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery. According to her, Flip words game

    can improve student’s vocabulary mastery at the Fourt Year students of MI Maarif

    Dukuh Salatiga, she tries to find out the use of Flip words game in learning vocabulary.

  • The other research was writed by Dewi Nurhamida in 2012; the student of State

    Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga with the title is Improving Students’

    Vocabulary Mastery Through Word Wall (A Classroom Action Research on the First

    Grade Students of SMP N 2 Tuntang in Academic Year 2012/2013). In this graduating

    paper, she analyzed about Word Wall. According to her, Word Wall can improve

    students’ vocabulary mastery. She wants to know how is the process of teaching and

    learning vocabulary by using Word Wall. Actually the result of her research shows that

    teaching and learning vocabulary by using Word Wall it can improve students’

    vocabulary mastery.

    Meanwhile this research is conducting in order to know the effectiveness of the

    implementation of Word Search Game toward students’ vocabulary mastery of the

    seventh year students of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah.

    I. Hypothesis

    A hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction. It describes in concrete (rather

    than theoretical) terms what you expect will happen in your study.

    In this research, the researcher puts a hypothesis that “Word Search Game and

    lecturing have similarities to develop students’ vocabulary mastery of the seventh year

    students of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah in the academic year of 2013/2014.

    J. Outline of the Graduating Paper

  • This Graduating paper will consist of five chapters. Each chapter will be

    discussed as follow:

    Chapter one is an introduction. It is explains of the background of the study,

    statement of the problems, limitation of the study, objectives of the research, benefit of

    the study, definition of key terms, research methodology, review of the related literature,

    hypothesis and the last is the outline of graduating paper. Chapter two is review of related

    literature. This chapter describes theoretical review of teaching vocabulary. Firstly,

    theory about vocabulary, it is explains the theory about vocabulary includes the definition

    of vocabulary, the importance of vocabulary mastery, teaching vocabulary, testing

    vocabulary and the characteristics of young learner. Secondly, theory about word search.

    It is explain the definition of word search, instruction to play the game and the form of

    word search game. Chapter three is research methodology. It discusses setting of

    research, subject of the study, the method of research, Procedure of research technique of

    collecting data and technique of analysis data, deals with research methodology, research

    object, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis. Chapter four is the

    data analysis which is consists of analysis between pre-test and post-test. Chapter five as

    the last part of this outline consists of closure which will be devided into two parts, it

    contains of conclusion and suggestion. For the attachment there bibliography and




    A. The Definition of Vocabulary

    Fauziati (2005: 155) says that vocabulary is central to language and of critical

    importance to typical language learner .Vocabulary is list of words used in a book with

    definition or translation (Hornby, 1963: 1120). As has been mentioned in the discussion

    of acquiring language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), vocabulary

    learning is one of the sets of enabling knowledge and a critical aspect of developing the

    ability to use your foreign language in useful ways (Leaver et al, 2005:20).

    Vocabulary has been called the building blocks of language learning. There are

    even some teaching approaches (e.g. the Natural Approach) in which the proponents

    suggest that the most important thing in acquiring a language is vocabulary. Whether you

    agree with that point of view or not, there is no one who will say that vocabulary is

    unimportant. The more vocabulary you know, the more things you will be able to talk

    about, read about, write about, and listen to well. The more vocabulary you know, the

    more options you have in selecting the kinds of grammar to use in speaking and writing.

    More important, sometimes just knowing the word will get you past a difficult point in

    grammar, even if you do not understand the grammar of something that is being said or

    that you are reading, you may be able to get the gist of it if you know all the words.

    B. Vocabulary Mastery

  • Learning vocabulary is important thing in language learning. We cannot speak,

    write, and understand what we read or listen without vocabulary. Mastering vocabulary is

    a basic matter in learning a foreign language. Thornbury (2002: 3) argues: if you spend

    most of your time studying grammar, your English will not improve very much. You will

    see most improvement if you learn more words and expressions. You can say very little

    with grammar but you can say almost anything with words. Based on the statement

    above, we can say that without sufficient vocabulary, we cannot communicate effectively

    or express our idea. Mastering English vocabulary means know the meaning and

    understand the words being used in communication. Palmberg in Sukmawati (2006: 10)

    points out: mastering of a foreign language words, the learner knows and recognizes it

    both in spoken and written form. This means, the learner not only able to spell or

    pronounce it, but also she/he should be able to differentiate its category and meaning

    when applying it into grammatically right sentence. In addition to this, the learner is able

    to express it orally as well.

    C. Teaching Vocabulary

    Teaching vocabulary is the studying second language because vocabulary is the

    basic material to master the four language skills those are speaking, reading, writing, and

    listening. Without understanding the new word, the students will get difficulties to study

    English language.

    Fauziati (2002: 155) says that vocabulary is central to language and of critical

    importance to typical language learner. Without a sufficient vocabulary, someone cannot

  • communicate effectively or express the ideas in both oral and written form. A teacher

    should devise various relevant activities for promoting vocabulary learning to the

    students in order that they will learn new vocabulary with useful and interesting.

    Vocabulary system seems to be most effective and practical way of memorization to

    accomplish new vocabulary.

    D. Testing Vocabulary

    Test is first conducted before getting data. A procedure for critical evaluation; a

    means of determining the presence, quality or truth of something, a trial: a test of one

    eyesight, subjecting, a hypothesis to a test, a test of an athlete’s endurance.

    Once of the ways to knowing the student’s development or student understands

    about material is through test. In any consideration of educational testing a distinction

    must be drown between the rather informal, teacher made test of the classroom and those

    formal. Classroom test are generally prepared, administered, and scored by one teacher.

    There are many published exercise on vocabulary. These include:

    1. Matching pictures to words.

    2. Matching words to the meaning.

    3. Multiple choices complete, is a test in which a sentence with one word in presented;

    students choose one of four vocabulary items given to complete the sentence.

    4. Memory game (Scrivener, 1994: 83)

    Several tasks seem to be designed for students working on their own, but can easily be

    used in class. For the better, teacher should give some test to students appropriate with

  • their situation and their skill in order to get good result in the teaching and learning

    English language.

    E. The Characteristics of Young Learners

    Fauziati (2002: 171-172) explains that the characteristics of young learners as


    1. Children like playing

    One characteristic of children is that they like playing, children like playing and

    learn thing while playing, and the implication to language teaching is that games are

    very effective ways for teaching language. By definition, a game is an activity with

    rules, a goal and an element of fun.

    The use of word search game in increasing students’ vocabulary mastery can

    make their learning and playing happily. This game is one of the ways to increase

    their vocabulary.

    2. The children talk about here and now

    Adult both observe and impose the cooperative principle when they talk to young

    children. They make what they say relevant, talk about here and now of the child’s

    world. The phenomena imply that the children’s word involves around here and now.

    Therefore, they should not be asked to discuss abstract things or life and situation in

    the past or in the future. In other words, children’s interest is narrow, restricted

    primarily to themselves, their immediate surroundings, their families and their


    3. Association and memory

  • Children understand and retain the meaning better when they have seen some

    objects association it. For this reason the teacher should expose the student to real

    life situation, when this is not impossible. The visual aid can serve as a useful

    substitute, as pictures and their images are more vivid than words. Thus, in teaching

    and learning process pictures should be an integral part of every teacher’s

    professional equipment.

    F. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Word Search Game

    1. Definition of Word Search

    Is a word game that is letter of a word in a gird that usually has a rectangular

    or square shape. The objective of this puzzle is to find and mark all the words

    hidden inside the box. The word may be horizontally, vertically, or diagonally

    (Yulianto, 2011: 36). From the explanation above the writer concludes that word

    search game is a word game that is letter of a word and the form may be

    horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

    2. Word Search Game

    Game is form of play or sport with rules as competitions, single part of match

    and children’s activity when they play with toys, pretend to be somebody else,

    etc. (Oxford 2011: 181). Fauziati, (2005: 130) says that game is one of activities

    which can help to create dynamic, motivating classes. The reason is that real

  • learning takes place when the students in a relaxed atmosphere, participate in

    activities that require them to use what they have been drilled on. Games are not

    only suitable for children but also for adults.

    Word search is a challenging word game that develops spelling skills as well as

    critical thinking of abilities. Word search is like a puzzle that plays to looking for a

    word in random words to solve. Figure out the phrase how many words and letters

    there are. Overall, word search is a fun game that deserves a chance. The essence and

    core of the game are fun and exciting.

    By searching and analyzing some words, word search game can increase

    vocabulary mastery for students in seventh class of many random words. They

    analyze and form the words in certain category to memorize new vocabulary by it.

    Based on the definition above, the writer concludes that word search game is an

    activity in English teaching learning process by using words game. The form of word

    search game is like puzzle. There are some words which are arranged randomly.

    3. Instruction to play the game:

    a. Word is usually placed horizontally, vertically and diagonally. And then

    backwards in any of those directions.

    b. The best way is to scan the grid row by row, from left to right. This will help you

    pick up all the words that are written as words on a page.

  • c. Then do the same for vertical lines from the left to right scanning top to bottom.

    This will leave words that placed backwards and diagonally which sometimes can

    be harder ones to be spotted.

    4. The Form of Word Search Game

    Word search game is a game which is used to increase English Vocabulary. Word

    search game is a term with random words to get a word from it. It is a puzzle with

    random letters in order to create some new words. As one of media in English

    teaching learning, word search game used to make the students interesting in

    teaching and learning process. This game can help the students to know and

    understand about new vocabulary. The student can get a word from that letters by

    searching and forming based on certain category, and then analyzes the words from

    the table. For example, the students are asked to search and analyze vocabulary in

    categories of vegetables.

  • P E A C E L E R Y E

    E S C A R R O T G G

    T P O B S A E I A G

    T O D B P U R S R P

    N H C A N I P S L L

    A E L G R Y A E I A

    E S R E T K E U C N

    B C I G U K P O L T

    S I X O T A T O P O

    P B R O C C O L I R

    A K T O M A T O O Y

    P O R I N K A L D E

    R N E C H I L I A R

    I F G U I N O Z Y T

    K Z P L A U J N K I

    A W E M O S O Q I U






    G. Procedure To Do Vocabulary by Using Word Search Game

    Game activities can be useful medium for teaching foreign language to children.

    Word search game that can be used in situational language practice is hence an essential

    part of the teacher’s equipment. Munawaroh (2013: 1) exclaimed in her journal that there

    are suitable procedures to do vocabulary games as follow:

    1. The teacher gives clear instruction to explain the games rules. Games have

    many rules, as a game word search has rules too. Before the game is played

    surely the teacher must show the rules for the students. So, the students

    understand and they can play the game.

  • 2. The teacher giving an example of playing the games. After the teacher has

    showed the rules, she/he must gives an example to play the game. Of course

    after the teacher gives the example of the games surely they can play it.

    3. The students focus on the teacher instruction. Beside the teacher explains

    about the game then gives some instruction, the students must focus. So, they

    will know about the game.

    4. Teacher giving the word search games and ask the students to arrange the

    words. After the students clear enough with the explanation and the

    instruction from the teacher then they play the game.

    5. Teacher gives 20 minutes to finish their work, then the students discuss




    A. Research Setting

    1. The description of MTS Tarqiyatul Himmah

    Based on the writer’s research general description of MTS Tarqiyatul

    Himmah as follows:

    Name : MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah

    NSS : 212332205019

    Address : Desa Kauman Lor, Kec. Pabelan, Semarang

    The Land Wide : 1.034 m2

    Build : 1978

    Telp : -

    2. The Vision of Mts Tarqiyatul Himmah

    The vision of Mts Tarqiyatul Himmah was school focuses on belief and

    righteousness to the God Allah SWT, establishing intellectualism, and creating

    cadres of human leader and excellent in achievement.

    3. The Mission of MTS Tarqiyatul Himmah

  • The mission of MTS Tarqiyatul Himmah was implementing the process of

    learning to integrate and aspects of teaching experience practice and created

    conducive situation.

    4. The Curriculum of MTS Tarqiyatul Himmah

    a. The Core Program

    The school applied curriculums KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan

    Pendidikan) as recommended by the ministry of National Education.

    b. The Specific Program

    The specific program of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah was Mastery some

    language such as English, Arabic, and Javanese.

    c. Extensive Program

    Extensive program of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah consisted on

    extracurricular and personality, which covers of sports, art, and music.

    d. The Profile of Students, Teacher and Administrator

    This school had 155 students. There were 49 students in seventh grade, 52

    students in eight grade and 54 students in ninth grade. The list of students’

    profile of MTS Tarqiyatul Himmah as follow:

    Table 3

    The profile of Students of Mts Tarqiyatul Himmah





    1. 7 2 25 25 49

    2. 8 2 24 28 52

  • 3. 9 2 18 36 54

    TOTAL 6 67 89 155

    Table 3.1

    Teacher and Administrator of Mts Tarqiyatul Himmah


    1. Drs. KH.Hamdan As Head Master S3

    2. M. Musyafa’, S.Ag Teacher S1

    3. Habib Sholih, S.Ag Teacher S1

    4. Untung Kisworo, ST Teacher S1

    5. M. Tunggul Wahyono, SH Teacher S1

    6. Neneng Antik Masruroh, SS Teacher S1

    7. Ninik Arifah, S.Pd.I Teacher S1

    8. Umi Khasanah, S.Pd Teacher S1

    9. Nur Imayati, S.Pd Teacher S1

    10. Muhammad Al Khafid, S.Pd Teacher S1

    11. Muslimin, Administrator D3

    12. Purnamasari Administrator D1

    13. Rofi’i Administrator MI

    14. Amrina Rosyada, S.Pd.I Teacher S1

  • In table 3.2, there were 14 staffs members of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah consist

    of 3 administrators, 10 teachers and 1 head master.

    e. Facilities

    Mts Tarqiyatul Himmah had some facilities. There were 6 classrooms, 1

    teacher room & head master room, 1 consultant room, 1 library, 1 UKS room,

    cooperation room, 1 multimedia room, 2 teacher toilets, 6 students’ toilets and

    1 warehouse. The table of facilities of Mts Tarqiyatul Himmah as followed:

    Table 3.2

    Facilities of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah

    No Facilities Total

    1 Classroom 6

    2 Teacher room & Head master room 1

    3 Consultant room 1

    4 Library 1

    5 UKS room 1

    6 Cooperation room 1

    7 Multimedia room 1

    8 Teacher toilet 2

    9 Students toilet 6

    10 Warehouse 1

    B. Subject of the Research

    1. Population

    Population is all members of the research subject (Arikunto, 2006: 130).

    Population is all individuals from whom the data are collected. The population of

  • the study was the first grade students of MTS Tarqiyatul Himmah in the academic

    year of 2013/2014.

    2. Sample

    Sample is a part of representative populations which is investigated (Arikunto,

    2006: 131). In this research the writer used class 7A and 7B as a sample. The table

    of research subject as followed:

    Table 3.3

    The Name of the Research Subjects

    No Experimental Class No Control Class

    1 Ahmad Bustanul Izzan 1 Abdul Manaf

    2 Ahmad Defri Aristiyan 2 Agustina Dwi Astuti

    3 Aristiyanto Alfi N.H. 3 AgustinaWahyu U.

    4 Anik Nanda A.A. 4 Ahmad Arif Khoirudin

    5 Aninda Rahayuningsih 5 Ari Setiawan

    6 Annisa Fauziyah 6 Azzy Prasetyo

    7 Dwi Apit Listiana 7 Bagas Puji Pangestu

    8 Farhan Al-Godzy 8 Devi Setiyani

    9 Iftitahul W. 9 Farida Azka

    10 Indana Taqiyatul 10 Faza Noviana

    11 Kurnia Dian Fajari 11 Iqbal Ari Setiawan

    12 Muhammad Syarifudin 12 Isna Retnawati

    13 Meida Cahyani 13 M.Sholikhul Hidayat

    14 Muhammad Afrizal 14 M. Ulil Albab

  • 15 Muhammad Fajar 15 Muhammad Nasikhin

    16 Ahmad Musta’in 16 Muhammad Samsul


    17 Nur Syarifah 17 Nailul Khasanatul M.

    18 Nur Rohman Dai Irgianto 18 Nesa Rustanti

    19 Rosyidah Anggraini 19 Siti Wardah Lia

    20 Salamatul Alfa Syarifah 20 Silviana Melasari

    21 Wahyu Iqbal Saputra 21 Soleh Budi Mustofa

    22 Wahyu Tri Mulyani 22 Ulul Azmi

    23 Yunia Prihati 23 Wafiq Al Fahri

    24 YunitaR 24 Wanda Yunisa

    25 Zahroul Ma’wa 25 Widyatno Bagus W.

    C. Method of Research

    The research method used in this study was descriptive quantitative approach. The

    descriptive research is a research which is purposed to give the facts. Indications, and

    phenomenon systematically and accurately about the characteristic of the population in

    certain area, thus the purpose of this research is to describe systematically the facts and

    the characteristics of a given population or area of interest, factually and accurately.

    Descriptive method is not only limited to collect and arrange the data, but also to analyze

    and interpret the meaning of the data.

    Quantitative research is a process to get knowledge that applies the nominal data

    as a tool to analyze the information what we want to know (Kasiram, 2010: 172).

    Similarly, in this research, the writer will describe the phenomenon that arises from the

    object of the research factually and accurately by statistical method.

  • The type of the research was experimental research. There were two groups that

    would be compared, they were experiment and control group. The experiment group was

    taught by Word Search Game and the control group was taught without Word Search

    Game. This research was aimed at identifying the effectiveness of using Word Search

    Game to increase the students’ mastery of vocabulary.

    The two groups received the different treatment that might relate to performance

    of the dependent variable. After the group had been exposed to the treatment for some

    periods of time, the researcher administered a test of the dependent variable and then

    determined whether or not there was a significant difference between the groups.

    D. Evaluation Criteria

    The evaluation criteria of Vocabulary mastery was presented as follow:

    Table 3.4

    Evaluation Criteria

    Classification Score Rating Category

    Excellent 80-100 4 If the students can answer almost


    Good 60-79 3 If the students can answer fewer of

    the question errors

    Fair 50-59 2 If the students can answer good

    enough of the question

    Poor >49 1 If the students can't answer almost

    of the question

    E. Research Design

  • To get some data, the research had three steps. Firstly, students were given pre-

    test to know the mastery of their vocabulary mastery and given some topics of

    vocabulary. Secondly, students were given the material for group A used Word Search

    Game as a teaching media and without Word Search Game for group B. At the end, the

    students were given post-test to know the vocabulary mastery how well they understand

    the material by using Word Search Game or without Word Search Game.

    The writer used experimental research to find out the effectiveness of Word

    Search Game. In this experimental design, the researcher evaluated the experimental

    class before and after given a treatment. Meanwhile, the other class was as control class

    and isolated from the treatment. In other word, control class was not given any treatment.

    Finally, the researcher compared the influence of the treatment toward an experimental

    class. The research design in this research can be seen as follows:

    O1 : Pre-test before given treatment for experimental class

    O2 : Post-test after given treatment for experimental class

    O3 : Pre-test for control class

    O4 : Post-test for control class

    X : Treatment for experimental class

    F. Technique of Collecting the Data

    1. Test

    O1 X O2

    O3 -- O4

  • Test is a set of stimulus that is given to people that aims at getting answer as

    the basic of scoring (Arikunto, 1992: 115). To get the data, the writer used T-test

    which consist of pre test and post test. The purpose of pre test was to know how far

    the students’ mastery of vocabulary before using Word Search Game, whereas the

    purpose of post test was to know the students’ mastery of vocabulary after using word

    search game.

    2. Documentation

    The writer also used documentation as the method of collecting the data in

    this research. According to Arikunto (2010:274) documentation is a method used to

    find the data related, by using book, transcript, newspaper, magazine, ancient

    inscription, notes of a meeting, agenda, etc. The documentation was done by taking

    the picture while the writer taught the control and experimental class.

    G. Techniques of Analysis Data

    To analyze the result of the data from pre-test and post-test, the writer used the

    following steps:

    1. Scoring the students’ test

    In this step, the writer scored the result from the pre-test and post-test from

    experimental group and control group. The writer used 4 point scale to measure the

    students’ answer.

    2. Calculate the Result of the test

    After scoring the students’ test, the writer calculated the data using t-test to

    determine whether there was significant difference before and after the treatment

  • both from experimental and control groups. If the mean improved, it was suggested

    that students’ vocabulary mastery also improved. The steps to calculate the data

    according to Arikunto (1990: 507) described as follows:

    a. Calculate the mean (M) from each group using the following formula:

    b. Calculate the standard deviation from difference (SD)

    SDD =

    SDD = Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

    D = Difference between pre-test and post-test

    N = Total of Respondents

    c. Calculating the T-test using this formula:

    to =

    to = T-test for the differences of pre-test and post-test

    SD = Deviation standard for one sample t-test

    D = Difference between pre-test and post-test

    N = Total of Respondents

    Criteria of hypothesis accepted describes as follows:

    ≥ = Reject Null hypothesis

    < = Receive Null Hypothesis

    Mean =



    1. The difference of lecturing and Word Search Game of the seventh year students

    of MTs. Tarqiyatul Himmah in the academic year of 2013/2014.

    The writer collected the data from seventh grade students of MTs Tarqiyatul

    Himmah in the academic year of 2013/2014. They were consist of 25 students of

    experimental group who were taught using Word Search Game and 25 students of

    control group who were not taught using Word Search Game. The researcher applied

    pre-test, treatment, and post-test. This process as below:

    1. Pre-test

    A series of questions or other instrument which were used to measure

    in individual or group skill, Intelligence, capability, knowledge or talent was

    called a test. Pre-test was a test which is done before giving treatment. The

    researcher used multiple choices consist of 25 items in pre-test. The

    procedures of pre-test as follow:

    a. The teacher gave the question sheets consist of 25 items multiple

    choices test to the students.

    b. The teacher gave the students the rules of doing the test.

    c. Collected the answer sheet to the teacher who had finished answer the


  • d. Scoring. Each correct answer is scored 4; everyone who could answer

    all questions correctly will get 100, so that the researcher used this


    Where: S: the score of each student

    C: the number of correct answer

    Having done the test, the writer found the result of pre-test. The

    highest score was 92 of both class, the lowest was 48 for control class and

    40 for experiment class. The mean score was 62, 4 for control class then

    68, 48 for experiment class.

    Table 4

    The result of pre-test of Control class

    No Respondent Score

    1 Abdul Manaf 56

    2 Agustina Dwi Astuti 52

    3 Agustina Wahyu Utami 52

    4 Ahmad Arif Khoirudin 56

    5 Ari Setiawan 48

    6 Azzy Prasetyo 60

    7 Bagas Puji Pangestu 68

    8 Devi Setiyani 80

    9 Farida Azka 92

    10 Faza Noviana 64

    S = C X 4

  • 11 Iqbal Ari Setiawan 52

    12 Isna Retnawati 72

    13 M. Sholikhul Hidayat 72

    14 M. Ulil Albab 60

    15 Muhammad Nasikhin 48

    16 Muhamad Samsul Khoidar 52

    17 Nailul Khasanatul M. 52

    18 Nesa Rustanti 84

    19 Siti Wardah Lia 72

    20 Siviana Melasari 60

    21 Soleh Budi Mustofa 60

    22 Ulul Azmi 52

    23 Wafiq Al Fahri 64

    24 Wanda Yunisa 64

    25 Widyatno Bagus W. 60

    Based on the table below, there are 25 respondents have done the

    test. The highest score was 92 the lowest score was 40 and the mean

    score was 68, 48.

    Table 4.1

    The Result of Pre-test of Experimental Class

    No Name Score

    1 Ahmad Bustanul Izzan 76

    2 Ahmad Defri Aristiyan 60

  • 3 Aristiyanto Alvi Nur H. 92

    4 Anik Nanda Anita Agusti 56

    5 Aninda Rahayuningsih 72

    6 Annisa Fauziyah 76

    7 Dwi Apit Listiana 72

    8 Farhan Al-Godzy 92

    9 Iftitahul W. 72

    10 Indana Taqiyatul 84

    11 Kurnia Dian Fajari 88

    12 Muhammad syarifudin 76

    13 Meida Cahyani 80

    14 Muhammad Afrizal 64

    15 Muhammad Fajar 40

    16 Ahmad Musta’in 80

    17 Nur Syarifah 64

    18 Nur Rohman Dai Irgianto 76

    19 Rosyidah Anggraini 76

    20 Salamatul Alfa Syarifah 60

    21 Wahyu Iqbal Saputra 76

    22 Wahyu Tri Mulyani 84

    23 Yunia Prihati 40

    24 Yunita R. 60

    25 Zahrotul Ma’wa 60

    2. Treatment

  • Treatment was activities from the researcher to the students by giving

    teaching learning in the class with Word Search Game. This method was kind

    of way that can increase students’ vocabulary mastery. The researcher did

    teaching learning process by giving explanation about Word Search Game and

    how to do assignment well. The teacher explained about procedure text. The

    teacher asked the students to read the material together. In process of learning,

    teacher found most of the students were able to mention and pronounce the

    material well. Although, there were some students that could not mention it

    well. The teacher explained until 2 times so the students can understand the

    material well.

    After the students knew the name and the meaning all of the word, the

    teacher gave a puzzle by word search game in random words about procedure

    text “how to make ice juice” and asked them to analyze what word there were

    in random words. The teacher asked them to mention it one by one and wrote

    the meaning of it in their paper.

    The students were very enthusiastic to analyze the word. It could be

    seen that many students were active to respond the teacher’s question.

    However, the teacher also noticed there were some of them who were still


    3. Post-test

    After all of treatment process had been done, researcher did post-test.

    Post-test was test which was done after giving treatment to measures how

    significant of the influence of giving those assignments. In post-test the

  • highest score was 92 for control class 88 for experiment class and the lowest

    score was 60 for control class 40 for experimental class, then the mean score

    was 72, 48 for control class and 73, 28 for experiment class.

    Based result above, the writer concluded that the students ability in

    vocabulary mastery was very well, because in fact the use of Word Search

    Game in teaching vocabulary was interesting for them.

    In post-test the highest score was 92 and the lowest score was 60, then

    the mean of pre-test was 72, 48.

    Table 4.2

    The Result of Post Test of Control Class

    No Respondent Score

    1 Abdul Manaf 76

    2 Agustina Dwi Astuti 60

    3 Agustina Wahyu Utami 64

    4 Ahmad Arif Khoirudin 68

    5 Ari Setiawan 68

    6 Azzy Prasetyo 72

    7 Bagas Puji Pangestu 84

    8 Devi Setiyani 92

    9 Farida Azka 92

    10 Faza Noviana 80

    11 Iqbal Ari Setiawan 68

    12 Isna Retnawati 72

    13 M. Sholikhul Hidayat 60

  • 14 M. Ulil Albab 84

    15 Muhammad Nasikhin 84

    16 Muhamad Samsul Khoidar 72

    17 Nailul Khasanatul M. 84

    18 Nesa Rustanti 84

    19 Siti Wardah Lia 72

    20 Siviana Melasari 60

    21 Soleh Budi Mustofa 60

    22 Ulul Azmi 60

    23 Wafiq Al Fahri 76

    24 Wanda Yunisa 64

    25 Widyatno Bagus W. 60

    For experiment class the highest score was 88, the lowest score was

    40 and the mean score was 73, 28. The complete score as followed.

    Table 4.3

    The Result of Post Test of Experimental Class

    No Name Score

    1 Ahmad Bustanul Izzan 80

    2 Ahmad Defri Aristiyan 76

    3 Aristiyanto Alvi Nur H. 68

    4 Anik Nanda Anita Agusti 80

    5 Aninda Rahayuningsih 72

    6 Annisa Fauziyah 68

    7 Dwi Apit Listiana 88

    8 Farhan Al-Godzy 76

    9 Iftitahul W. 80

  • 10 Indana Taqiyatul 84

    11 Kurnia Dian Fajari 80

    12 Muhammad syarifudin 80

    13 Meida Cahyani 80

    14 Muhammad Afrizal 76

    15 Muhammad Fajar 88

    16 Ahmad Musta’in 76

    17 Nur Syarifah 80

    18 Nur Rohman Dai Irgianto 80

    19 Rosyidah Anggraini 76

    20 Salamatul Alfa Syarifah 60

    21 Wahyu Iqbal Saputra 80

    22 Wahyu Tri Mulyani 40

    23 Yunia Prihati 72

    24 Yunita R. 52

    25 Zahrotul Ma’wa 40

    Based on the table above, the result of student’s pretest and posttest


    Table 4.4

    The Interpretation of Pre Test Score of Control class

    The Number of


    Probable Performance







    Good Enough


    25 -

  • Table 4. 4 showed that there were 3 respondents got excellent, 12

    respondents got good, 8 respondents got good enough and 2 respondents got poor.

    Table 4.5

    The Interpretation of Pre Test Score of Experimental class

    The Number of


    Probable Performance







    Good Enough


    25 -

    Table 4.5 showed that there were 5 respondents got excellent, 14

    respondents got good, 1 respondent got good enough and 5 respondents got poor.

    Table 4.6

    The Interpretation of Post Test Score of Control class

    The Number of


    Probable Performance





    Good to Excellent

    Average to Good

    Poor to Average


    25 -

    Table 4.6 showed that there were 4 respondents got excellent, 17

    respondents got good and 4 respondents got good enough.

    Table 4.7

    The Interpretation of Post Test Score of Experimental class

    The Number of


    Probable Performance

  • 12 10



    Excellent Good

    Good Enough


    25 -

    Table 4.7 showed that there were 12 respondents got excellent, 10

    respondents got good, 1 respondent got good enough and 2 respondents got poor.

    The table below showed that teaching vocabulary using Word Search Game can

    improve the students’ vocabulary mastery or not. The writer compared the result of pre-

    test and post-test score as follows:

    Table 4.8

    The Score Pre-Test and Post-Test



    Control Class Experimental Class

    Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

    1 56 60 76 80

    2 52 56 64 76

    3 52 60 92 68

    4 56 60 56 80

    5 48 56 72 72

    6 60 60 76 68

    7 68 84 72 88

    8 80 92 92 76

    9 92 92 72 80

    10 64 68 84 84

    11 52 60 88 80

    12 72 76 76 80

    13 72 60 76 80

  • 14 60 64 64 76

    15 48 52 40 88

    16 52 56 76 76

    17 52 60 64 80

    18 84 84 76 80

    19 72 72 76 76

    20 60 64 40 60

    21 60 68 76 80

    22 52 60 84 40

    23 64 64 40 72

    24 64 60 40 52

    25 60 60 40 40

    Table 4.9

    Distribution of Pre-Test Score of Control Class

    No Interval X f Fx

    1 91-95 92 1 92

    2 86-90 - - -

    3 81-85 84 1 84

    4 76-80 80 1 80

    5 71-75 72 3 216

  • 6 66-70 68 1 68

    7 61-65 64 3 192

    8 56-60 60 7 420

    9 51-55 52 6 312

    10 46-50 48 2 96

    N=25 Σ=1560

    Table 4.10

    Distribution of Pre-Test Score of Experimental Class

    No Interval X f Fx

    1 91-95 92 2 184

    2 86-90 88 1 88

    3 81-85 84 2 168

    4 76-80 76 8 608

    5 71-75 72 3 216

    6 66-70 - - -

    7 61-65 64 3 182

    8 56-60 56 1 56

    9 51-55 - - -

    10 46-50 - - -

    11 41-45 - - -

    12 36-40 40 5 200

    N=25 Σ=1702

    Table 4.11

    Distribution of Post-Test Score of Control Class

  • No Interval X f Fx

    1 91-95 92 2 184

    2 86-90 - - -

    3 81-85 84 2 168

    4 76-80 76 1 76

    5 71-75 72 1 72

    6 66-70 68 3 204

    7 61-65 64 3 192

    8 56-60 60 13 780

    N=25 Σ=1676

    Table 4.12

    Distribution of Post-Test Score of Experimental Class

    No Interval X f Fx

    1 91-95 - - -

    2 86-90 88 2 176

    3 81-85 84 1 84

    4 76-80 80 14 1100

    5 71-75 72 2 144

    6 66-70 68 2 136

    7 61-65 - - -

    8 56-60 60 1 60

  • 9 51-55 52 1 52

    10 46-50 - - -

    11 41-45 - - -

    12 36-40 40 2 80

    N=25 Σ=1832

    2. The significant difference of lecturing and Word Search Game of the seventh year

    students of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah in the academic year of 2013/2014.

    In this research, the writer uses t-test to analyze, calculate and compare the result

    of score using word search game in teaching learning process. The writer use formula as


    1. Experiment Class

    a. SD (Standard Deviation)

    The formula is:

    Table 4.13

    The Comparison Score of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Class

    No. R Pre-Test Post-Test D=(X-Y) D2=(X-Y)2

    1 R1 76 80 -4 16

    2 R2 64 76 -12 256

    3 R3 92 68 -24 576

    4 R4 56 80 -24 576

    5 R5 72 72 0 0

    6 R6 76 68 -8 64

    7 R7 72 88 -16 256

  • 8 R8 92 76 -16 256

    9 R9 72 80 -8 64

    10 R10 84 84 0 0

    11 R11 88 80 -8 64

    12 R12 76 80 -4 16

    13 R13 76 80 0 0

    14 R14 64 76 -12 144

    15 R15 40 88 -48 2304

    16 R16 76 76 0 16

    17 R17 64 80 -16 256

    18 R18 76 80 -4 16

    19 R19 76 76 0 0

    20 R20 40 60 -20 X

    21 R21 76 80 -4 16

    22 R22 84 40 -24 576

    23 R23 40 72 -32 1024

    24 R24 40 52 -12 144

    25 R25 40 40 0 0

    N= 25


    332 ∑D


    Calculate standard deviation of difference between pre-test and post-test.

    1) Standard Deviation


    =12, 984

  • 2) T-test (calculate to)

    to =


    =5, 011

    3) Giving interpretation to

    a) Calculate of df

    df = n-1=25-1=24

    b) Consult with t-table value

    With df =24, the value of tt with level of signification 5% is 2,


    c) Comparing to with tt

    to = 5, 011, therefore to is greater than tt with level of

    signification 5%

    d) Conclusion

  • If to was greater than tt, null hypothesis (ho) was

    rejected. T-table with n= 25 is 2, 063. The result is 5,011>

    2,063. Therefore, t-test calculating Based on the above

    calculation, research of experimental group showed that tt was

    2, 0639 and to was 5, 011, significant difference of this research

    was 2, 9471 It meant that to was greater than tt. The writer

    could conclude that Word Search Game improved students’

    vocabulary mastery from significant level 5% to tt. Ho was

    rejected, therefore; there was a significant difference between

    pre-test and post test mean.

    2. Control Class

    a. SD (Standard Deviation)

    The formula was:

    Table 4.14

    The Comparison Score of Pre-test and Post-test

    Control Class

    No. R Pre-Test Post-Test D=(X-Y) D2=(X-Y)2

    1 R1 56 60 -4 16

    2 R2 52 56 -4 16

    3 R3 52 60 -8 64

    4 R4 56 60 -4 16

    5 R5 48 56 -8 64

    6 R6 60 60 0 0

    7 R7 68 84 -16 256

  • 8 R8 80 92 -12 144

    9 R9 92 92 0 0

    10 R10 64 68 -4 16

    11 R11 52 60 -8 64

    12 R12 72 76 -4 16

    13 R13 72 60 -8 64

    14 R14 60 64 -4 16

    15 R15 48 52 -4 16

    16 R16 52 56 -4 16

    17 R17 52 60 -8 64

    18 R18 84 84 0 0

    19 R19 72 72 0 0

    20 R20 60 64 -4 16

    21 R21 60 68 -8 64

    22 R22 52 60 -8 64

    23 R23 64 64 0 0

    24 R24 64 60 -4 16

    25 R25 60 60 0 0

    N= 25


    128 ∑D


    Calculate standard deviation of difference between pre-test and post-



    = 4, 160

    b. T-test (Calculate to)

  • to =


    = 0, 023

    c. Giving interpretation to

    1) Calculate of df

    df= n-1=25-1=24

    2) Consult with t-table value

    With df=24, the value of tt with level of signification 5% is 2, 063

    3) Comparing to with tt

    to=0, 023, therefore to is smaller than tt with level of signification 5%

    4) Conclusion

    If to is smaller than tt so null hypothesis (ho) is accepted. T-table

    with n=25 is 2, 0639. The result is 0, 023< 2, 0639. Therefore, t-test

    calculating is smaller than t-table. Research of control group showed

    that tt was 2, 0639 and to was 0, 023. The significant difference of

    research was 2, 0409. It mean that tt was greater than to, and it did not

  • improve students vocabulary mastery from significant level 5% to tt.

    Ho is accepted, there is no significant difference between pre-test and

    post-test mean.

    The writer can see that the mean of pre-test and post-test score between experiment

    class and control class have a significant difference.

    1. In experiment class, the mean of pre-test was 68, 48 and the mean of post-test 73, 28.

    Table 4.15

    The score of the students

    No. R Pre-Test Post-Test Student


    1 R1 76 80 increase

    2 R2 64 76 increase

    3 R3 92 68 decrease

    4 R4 56 80 increase

    5 R5 72 72 No change

    6 R6 76 68 decrease

    7 R7 72 88 increase

    8 R8 92 76 decrease

    9 R9 72 80 increase

    10 R10 84 84 No change

    11 R11 88 80 decrease

    12 R12 76 80 increase

    13 R13 76 80 increase

    14 R14 64 76 increase

    15 R15 40 88 increase

    16 R16 76 76 No change

    17 R17 64 80 increase

    18 R18 76 80 increase

    19 R19 76 76 No change

    20 R20 40 60 increase

    21 R21 76 80 increase

    22 R22 84 40 decrease

    23 R23 40 72 increase

    24 R24 40 52 increase

    25 R25 40 40 No change

  • Highest score 92 92

    Lowest score 40 40

    Total score 1712 1832

    Table 4.16

    The students’ improvement

    No Students Improvement Total Students Percentage

    1 Increase 14 56%

    2 Decrease 5 20%

    3 No Change 6 24%

    2. In control class the mean of pre-test was 62, 08 and the mean of post-test was 65, 92

    Table 4.17

    The Score of the Students

    No. R Pre-Test Post-Test Students


    1 R1 56 60 increase

    2 R2 52 56 increase

    3 R3 52 60 increase

    4 R4 56 60 increase

    5 R5 48 56 increase

    6 R6 60 60 No change

    7 R7 68 84 increase

    8 R8 80 92 increase

    9 R9 92 92 No change

    10 R10 64 68 increase

    11 R11 52 60 increase

    12 R12 72 76 increase

    13 R13 72 60 decrease

    14 R14 60 64 increase

  • 15 R15 48 52 increase

    16 R16 52 56 increase

    17 R17 52 60 increase

    18 R18 84 84 No change

    19 R19 72 72 No change

    20 R20 60 64 increase

    21 R21 60 68 increase

    22 R22 52 60 increase

    23 R23 64 64 No change

    24 R24 64 60 decrease

    25 R25 60 60 No change

    Highest Score 92 92

    Lowest Score 48 52

    Total score 1552 1648

    Table 4.18

    The Students’ Improvement

    No Students Improvement Total Students Percentage

    1 Increase 17 68%

    2 Decrease 2 8%

    3 No Change 6 24%

    The calculation of mean between Pre-test and post-test of control group

    that was taught by lecturing of the seventh year students of MTs. Tarqiyatul

    Himmah in the academic year of 2013/2014. The mean of pre-test of students was

    62, 08. It was smaller than the mean of post-test. The mean of post-test of the

    students was 73, 28. The mean of post-test of the students was higher than the

    mean of pre-test of the students that were taught by lecturing. The difference of

  • mean between pre-test and post-test of students that were taught by Word Search

    Game was 4, 8.

    The calculation above also showed the calculation of mean between pre-

    test and post-test of students that were taught by Word Search Game of the

    seventh year students of MTs. Tarqiyatul Himmah in the academic year of

    2013/2014. The mean of pre-test of students was 62, 08. It was smaller than the

    mean of post-test. The mean of post-test of the students was 65, 92. The mean of

    post-test of the students was higher than the mean of pre-test of the students that

    were taught by word search game. The difference of mean between pre-test and

    post-test of students that were taught by word search game was 3, 84. Word

    search game and lecturing were difference because mean of word search game is

    higher than mean of lecturing.

    The hypothesis is tested by using t-test formula by comparing the scores of

    pre-test and post-test between experimental and control group. The result of the

    calculation of t-test for experimental group shows 5, 011. Meanwhile, the critical

    value for rejecting the null hypothesis at level of significance 5% with degree of

    freedom (df) 25 is 2, 063. It means that t-value is higher than critical value (5,

    011 ≥ 2,063). Significant difference of this research was 2, 9471 It mean that to

    was greater than tt.

    The writer could conclude that there was a significant difference between

    pre-test and post-test of experiment class. Word Search Game improved students’

    vocabulary mastery from significant level 5% to tt.

  • After carrying out the research, the writer found that by using word search

    game the students’ vocabulary mastery was improved. Whit the level of

    significance is 5%. If the t-table 5%, it means that null hypothesis (Ho) is

    rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) accepted. T-table for standard of

    significance with df 25 shows 2, 063. The result shows that the t-value was 5, 011

    and significant difference of this research was 2, 9471 It can be seen that t-value

    is higher than t-table of 5% with the degree of freedom (df) of Since the result of

    t-value is higher than t-table, it can be concluded and It is assumed that null

    hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.

    Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference of

    post-test between the experimental (the students who were taught using Word

    Search Game) and the control group (the students who were not taught using

    Word Search Game). Thus, it can be said that Word Search Game is effective to

    improve students’ Vocabulary Mastery of the Seventh Year Students of MTs

    Tarqiyatul Himmah in the academic year of 2013/2014.



    In this chapter, the writer would like to conclude the result of this research based on the data

    analysis that has explained in chapter four. There are two problems that the writer states, those

    are to find out how are the difference of lecturing and word search for the learners of the seventh

    year students of MTs TARQIYATUL HIMMAH in the academic year 2013/2014 and to find out

    how are the significant difference of lecturing and word search of the seventh year students of

    MTs TARQIYATUL HIMMAH in academic year 2013/2014.

    A. Conclusion

    Based on the data analysis in chapter four, it comes to the following conclusion:

    1. The difference of lecturing and Word Search Game of the seventh year

    students of MTs. Tarqiyatul Himmah in the academic year of 2013/2014.

    The calculation of mean between Pre-test and post-test of control group

    and experiment group of the seventh year students of MTs. Tarqiyatul Himmah in

    the academic year of 2013/2014. The mean of post-test of the students was higher

    than the mean of pre-test of the students that were taught by word search game.

    Word search game and lecturing were difference because mean of word search

    game is higher than mean of lecturing.

    2. The significant difference of lecturing and Word Search Game of the seventh

    year students of MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah in the academic year of 2013/2014.

  • The hypothesis is tested by using t-test formula by comparing the scores of

    pre-test and post-test between experimental and control group. The result shows

    that there is a significant difference between the students who are taught using

    Word Search Game (experimental group) and those who are not taught using

    Word Search Game (control group) of the seventh year students of MTs

    Tarqiyatul Himmah in the academic year of 2013/2014.

    B. Suggestions

    In this chapter, the writer would like to propose some suggestions that hopefully

    would be useful for the English teacher, researcher, student and parents.

    1. The Teachers

    a. The teacher must be creative in teaching learning vocabulary. So that the students

    don’t get bored and they always enjoy in learning and easy remembering the

    word, learn and memorize new vocabularies.

    b. The teacher should know the students’ improvement in vocabulary mastery.

    2. The Researchers

    a. The researcher should apply the appropriate method in teaching and learning,

    most important in choosing the method is should make students get new

    vocabulary and new concept.

    b. The researcher can develop this research using different perspective and different

    method. They can use this research as the reference in their research paper.

    3. The Students

    a. The students should more seriously study and memorize English vocabulary.

  • b. The students should be familiar with English vocabulary and develop their

    motivation because it is important in English learning.

    c. Students should be active person and always practice their vocabulary by


    4. The Parents

    a. The parents are able to create educative condition at home, so that students can

    study optimally.

    b. The parents are able to control their children’s study.


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    Personal data

    Name : Ika Fitria Astutik

    Student Number : 113 10 124

    DoB : Kab. Semarang, June, 04th


    E-mail :

    Telp : +6285 740 377 073

    Education :

    1996-2001 : Program Primary School (SD N Kadirejo 03), Pabelan,


    2001-2004 : Program Junior High School (SMP N 2 Pabelan) Pabelan,


    2007-2010 : Program Islamic Senior High School (MA Attarmasi), Arjosari, Pacitan.

  • 2010-2015 : English Educational Faculty of State Institute for Islamic

    Studies (STAIN) Salatiga.


    Photos during the Research

  • X-7 as Control Group X-6 as Experimental Group

    The Researcher explain the material and give

    instruction to the students

    The students are asked to search many word in

    jumble words

    The students do the test by their self The student share their opinion

  • The students share their idea The students are given material

    The researcher explain the students’ role in

    Word Search Game

    The students ask and give their opinion in pre-

    test of Experimental group

    The students do the test in control group The Researcher monitors the students while

    doing the test

  • Appendixes

    Photos during the Research

    X-7 as Control Group X-6 as Experimental Group

    The Researcher explain the material and give

    instruction to the students

    The students are asked to search many words in

    jumble words

  • The students do the test by their self The student share their opinion

    The students share their idea The students are given material

    The researcher explain the students’ role in

    Word Search Game

    The students ask and give their opinion in pre-

    test of Experimental group

  • The students do the test in control group The Researcher monitors the students while

    doing the test



    Nama Sekolah : MTs Tarqiyatul Himmah

    Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

    Kelas/ Semester : VII / 2

    Standar Kompetensi : 12.Mengungkapkan makna dalam text tulis fungsional dan esay pendek

    sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive untuk berinteraksi dengan

    lingkungan terdekat.

    Kompetensi Dasar : 12.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam text tulis fungsional pendek sangat

    sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar,

    berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

    12.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esay pendek

    sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,

    lancer, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat dalam

    text berbentuk descriptive.

    Indikator : - Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta dan membuat sesuatu

  • - Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta dan memberi pendapat

    dalam membuat sesuatu

    Jenis teks : Transaksional dan interpersonal

    Aspek/ skill : Menulis

    Alokasi waktu : 1X 45 menit

    Karakter yang dicapai : a. Religius

    b. Bersahabat / berkomunikasi

    c. Gemar membaca

    d. Jujur

    e. Rasa ingin tahu

    f. Tanggung jawab

    e. Demokratis.

    A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

    Pada akhir pertemuan siswa diharapkan dapat:

    1. Memahami bentuk dan fungsi procedure text 2. Menggunakan ungkapan tersebut untuk berinteraksi dengan temannya 3. Bertanya dan menjawab tentang meminta dan memberi pendapat membuat sesuatu

    B. Materi Pembelajaran

    Procedure text

    C. Metode/ Teknik Pembelajaran 1. Ceramah 2. Tanya jawab 3. Pemodelan

  • 4. Latihan

    D. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

    1. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 menit) a) Berdoa (Religius) b) Perkenalan( bersahabat / berkomunikasi ) c) Mengecek kehadiran siswa d) Mengarahkan siswa kepada topik pembahasan yang akan di pelajari

    2. Kegiatan Inti (5 menit) Eksplorasi

    a) Melibatkan peserta didik mencari informasi yang luas dan dalam tentang topik/tema materi yang akan dipelajari. (Gemar membaca)

    b) Menanyakan kepada siswa sejauh mana pengetahuan sis

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