The trend and/or issue of ' globalisation ' Alec Solomon “Solly” Albany Senior High School.

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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The trend and/or issue of 'globalisation'

Alec Solomon “Solly” Albany Senior High School

‘Critical Evaluation” is the process of making informed and valid judgements or conclusions supported by comprehensive knowledge and evidence. Throughout the process we challenge assumptions and taken for granted points of view through reflecting and examining pros and cons, bias and different perspectives”

2012 Physical Education Scholarship Exam Specs Content/Context Details

Questions will draw on candidates’ knowledge from the following areas;

trends and / or issues impacting on New Zealand society, such as the globalisation of sport, drawing upon knowledge underpinning

achievement standard 90743



what is globalisation'?

The intensification of social relations at the world level, linking distant locations such that local events are structured by events occuring

across the world

Giddens 1990


Choose 1 of your points and discuss if this is:

A societal assumptionPersonal judgement based on your experience/sBased on research etc

What issues may arise from these 3 areas? Things to consider – bias, priveledge, power, and disadvantage


Choose 1 of your points and discuss if this is:

A societal assumptionPersonal judgement based on your experience/sBased on research etc

What issues may arise from these 3 areas? Things to consider – bias, priveledge, power, and disadvantage


Choose 1 of your points and discuss if this is:

A societal assumptionPersonal judgement based on your experience/sBased on research etc

What issues may arise from these 3 areas? Things to consider – bias, priveledge, power, and disadvantage


Choose 1 of your points and discuss if this is:

A societal assumptionPersonal judgement based on your experience/sBased on research etc

What issues may arise from these 3 areas? Things to consider – bias, priveledge, power, and disadvantage

Globalisation of Sport





What, How, Why, So What?

Impact on NZ Society





What, How, Why, So What?


In recent times media have reported the issue of Globalisation of Sport and its potential impact on NZ society

Consider the following extract:

Critically evaluate the issue of Globalisation of Sport at the Olympics and its potential impact on New Zealand Society

Illustrate your evaluation with appropriate examples from your own knowledge and experience.


Think broadly about a range of SPEECH factors


Link back to the impact on NZ society

SPEECHSOCIAL Influences of the community, including how well people are included, supported

and cared for by one another

POLITICAL The legal and policy decisions made by organisations that povide national or regional public services.


Environment (or physical) influences (eg having safe recreational facilities available that are unpolluted, and accessible to people of different abilities).

ECONOMICAL How much money people and communities have access to is a big influence on what opportuntities people have. (Economic influences are usually closely connected with political influences).

CULTURAL Culture comes in many forms, be it ethnic-based, youth culture, sporting culture, national culture, etc. Culture is about the values, beliefs and practices of a group of people that get passesd from one generation to the next. A cultural group will have certain values and practices that identify it as a cultural group.

HISTORICAL What has happened in the past; historic influences are usually closely tied to cultural influences.

Previous Examiners Report

ability to integrate and synthesise knowledge when critically evaluating

depth and breadth of subject knowledge around an issue, trend or event

ability to format relevant arguments and to justify a position on a clear well defined issue, trend or event

ability to sustain critical evaluation throughout the essay regarding the actual impact on New Zealand society.


In recent times media have reported the issue of Globalisation of Sport and its potential impact on NZ society

Consider the following extract:

Critically evaluate the issue of Globalisation of Sport at the Olympics and its potential impact on New Zealand Society

Illustrate your evaluation with appropriate examples from your own knowledge and experience.

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