The tgs amazon adventure 25 sept meeting

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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The Final Meeting for the 2012 Amazon trip. Info for parents and Travellers


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The Itinerary

Sunday 30th September

Meet at the airport at 1:45pm at the LAN Chile Check in area – Daylight savings has started.

4:10pm Depart Auckland on Lan Chile flight LA800

1:10pm Arrive Santiago Airport for 1hr Stop over

6:20pm Arrive Rio De Janiero

Transfer to Accommodation Lancaster Othon Travel

Monday 1st October

Full Day tour of Rio De Janiero including Christ the redeemer and Sugarloaf mountain, the beaches and historical sights of rio.

Dinner in Copacabana area (US$20)

Tuesday 2nd October

12:02pm Depart Rio for Manaus on Tam Airlines flight JJ3766

Arrive Manaus at 4:03pm

Transfer to Malocas Jungle lodge for the Amazon Experience including one night sleeping in the jungle in hammocks and one night overnight on the River

Malocas Jungle Lodge

Day 1

On arrival at the Lodge you will be received by the local staff who will show you your accommodations (double room). Lunch, delicious regional cuisine made of Amazonian fishes and fruits.After lunch, you'll go trek in the jungle with your guide to visit the Cabocloswho still live in similar conditions to their Indian ancestors. Once back, we will have dinner.

Day 2

Early in the morning, we’ll paddle through the Igapos in canoes for bird watching. After breakfast we will go on a jungle trek and the guide will explain the various uses of the plants including those with medicinal properties. On the way you will visit one of the waterfalls where you can swim.

Late in the afternoon, you will learn how to fish for piranhas according to the Indians techniques. After supper, sitting around the campfire, you can appreciate the tranquillity of the night.

Day 3

After breakfast you will go for a longer jungle trek where the guide will explain more precisely the uses of the plants and fruits, of the woods, leaves... Maybe you'll meet some animals.

Paddling with canoes through the forest. Swimming in the river. After dinner, we'll go hunting alligators during the night.

Day 4

After breakfast we will go walking in the jungle ( in a different eco system ) to another waterfall .

Return to the lodge. Then it's the departure for the survival night : you will learn to live like the Indians using natural products such as roots and medicinal plants. Trek into the jungle where you - and your guide - will construct improvised shelters and cook on a campfire, sleeping in hammocks slung between the trees, lulled to sleep by the jungle atmosphere.

Day 5

After breakfast we trek back to the lodge for Lunch. And later today its time to leave the lodge to paddle down or take motorized canoes the Rio preto da Eva to the Amazon river where a regional boat will be waiting for you; Dinner and sleeping on board in hammocks

Day 6

Bird watching, looking for pink dolphins, lunch on a beach and go down the Amazon river to Manaus.

Day 7

Enjoy the meeting of the waters for breakfast, visit January national park and disembark at Manaus market, you'll be brought to your hostel by bus

Monday 8th October

Transfer to Manaus for One night stay in Hostel Manaus

Tuesday 9th October

6:50am Depart Manaus for Sao Paulo on TAM flight JJ3747 arrive 11:35am – exploring in Sao Paulo (dinner us$20)

6:40pm Depart Sao Paulo for Santiago on LAN Chile flight LA753 arrive 11pm

Transfer to accommodation at the RQ central suites.

Wednesday 10th October

Day in Santiago.

Full Day tour of Santiago Including the Cable car and historic sites.

Dinner near to accommodation (US$20)

Thursday 11th October

Day spent exploring Santiago

Dinner in local area (US$20)

9pm check in for flight home

11:25 pm Depart Santiago for Auckland on LAN Chile flight LA801

Saturday 13th October

Arrive Auckland International Airport on LA801 at 4:35am

Bus from Airport to TGS

Arrive TGS around 6am.

Home for present time with the family !


US dollars are the easiest as you can change them at the airports for the local currency.

Get reais so you can buy drinks etc at the lodge. Buy some snacks in Rio that you can take with you.

If you want to take your cash card you can get money out at the airport – charges incurred so get money out in one chunk.


Mr Mouldey is in charge of communication whilst we are away.

He will post to the blog

He may email.

Phones – brazil works on the same band as us so phones will work there. Chile works on GSM 850/1900 ( same as USA) so if you want know if your phone will work in Chile , google the model and check the Band of your phone. Check you can roam to those countries – big charges though !


Keep your wits about you !

Always go out in a group – no less than 3 at a time, always tell a teacher where you are going.

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