
Frank M. Wanderer - Ervin K. Kery

The Surprising Truth Yourself as You've Never Seen it Before




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Publisher/Editor: Ervin K. Kery ( ,

Author: Frank M. Wanderer, Ervin K. Kery

(c) Ervin K. Kery (Ervin Keresztes-Kato),

Frank M. Wanderer (dr. Ferenc Margitics), 2014

e-book edition

Excerpts from “Awakening of the Consciousness” and “The

Miracle of Consciousness””

The Mystery of Daily Consciousness

Authored by Frank M. Wanderer

The “pressing” issues and events of our daily life

occupy our attention so much that very often we

forget about the miracle of our human essence, about

the Miracle of Consciousness.

Our culture concentrates our attention almost

exclusively on the forms and shapes, so wherever we

look, we only see objects: a table and chairs in the

room, then our attention sweeps across all the other

items of furniture. At the same time we disregard the

”emptiness”, the space that makes it possible to forms

and shapes to exist at all. Similarly, if we examine our

mind, we only take notice of its contents–forms and

shapes: bodily sensations, emotions and thoughts, but

not the conscious space in which the forms and

shapes appear.

In our usual state of consciousness we stay

submerged in the multitude of forms and shapes. In

this state of consciousness we play the scenario of the

film of our life. We look around and see objects that

are desirable to us, we wish to possess them, and we

also see objects that scare us and we want to stay

away from those. We are carried away by the

colourful, noisy and scented whirling of life, and we

fully abandon ourselves in this whirlpool. In this

”troubled,” mind-dominated state our identity is

determined by the beliefs, thoughts, emotions and

feelings whirling in us, everything we have learnt in

the course of our life. That is how the Miracle of

Consciousness has sunk into oblivion, and it is now

covered with the grey veil of ordinariness.

The Miracle of Consciousness remains there, shining

in the background of the identities that are lost in the

daily dreams of forms and shapes, in our vanished


The Levels of Daily Consciousness

In an ordinary sense, being conscious means the

simultaneous presence of three levels in our


The first level is that of the present. It means that at

the present moment we are awake, capable of reacting

to stimuli from the external world. We sense our

external and internal environments at the same time.

When we feel hungry, we find some food in the

fridge. If it starts raining, we open our umbrellas. The

second level is that of the past. We are able to

remember who we are, what our personal life story is,

we can recall a smaller or larger part of the

information we have learnt at school or read at books

in our life. The third level of daily consciousness

takes us to the future, as there are the objectives we

intend to achieve in the rest of our life. The second

two levels constitute the level of psychological time,

in which the film of our life is playing.

These three levels are present in every person who is

conscious in the ordinary sense. If any one of the

three is missing, we believe that there is something

wrong with the person concerned, and (s)he should

seek medical assistance.

Some people live largely in the past, dealing a lot

with the memories of the past, whereas others are

preoccupied by the future, they keep thinking about

their future plans, phantasies, or fears of the future.

These people rarely visit the level of the present, they

only use it when they satisfy their physical needs or

perform activities that they are only able to do in the

present. Most people in Earth live either in the past or

the future, they mostly stay in the psychological

levels of time, and not so much in the present.

In our days, however, more and more people are able

to detach themselves from the psychological levels of

time, they no longer deal so much with the future and

the past, but discover present, and find peace of mind

in the tranquility of the here and now. They have

realized that past and future only exist in their mind,

as psychological time, and the cornerstone of their

life is found in the ”here and now.”

Our Distorted Image of Reality

Whichever level of the ordinary consciousness,

turned away from the Miracle of Consciousness,

dominates one’s life, we are all convinced that our

ordinary consciousness faithfully reflects the reality

that surrounds us and in which we live.

Well, psychologists tend to disagree with that wide-

spread belief. The findings of psychological research

suggest that ordinary consciousness only represent the

tip of the iceberg, because people are aware of 5-10%

of the functions of their personality.

When, for instance during the weekly shopping you

notice a new technical gadget in the shopping centre,

the desire to possess it arises in you, and you pass by

the shelves with flour on them, because you forget

that you have actually left home in order to buy flour.

At such an occassion what you see is not the reality,

you are lost in the products of your mind. Human life

is largely governed by desires and actions the person

is unaware of, that belong to the unconscious

functions of the personality.

As a consequence, the reality appearing in the

background of Consciousness is distorted at almost

any human being, everybody lives their life as a

captive of this distorted image of reality. It is the

same regardless of which level of ordinary

consciousness we live our life on. The image is the

clearest with those who live on the level of the

present, but not even the attention focused on the

present is fully able to eliminate all the distorting


How is that possible?

The explanation is that the distortion is in connection

with the functions of the mind, the Ego. It does not

mean that the Ego is bad, it is evil and intentionally

distorts reality. The Ego is working hard to help our

personality in adapting to the constantly changing

circumstances of life, to enable us to do that without

any serious injuries. One of the most important

responsibilities of ego is to curb the desires and

emotions that keep the mind under constant siege.

These desires and emotions demand immediate

satisfaction, to gain as much pleasure and joy as

possible and to avoid unpleasant situations. Another

task of the Ego is to meet the continuous social

expectations that oblige the individual to observe the

rules of the community and to lead a decent and

ethical life. The individual is supposed to make the

ethics of the society as the foundation of their life,

and not the continual pursue of pleasure and joy. The

third major function of the Ego is to adapt to the

conditions of the moment in which exists in any given


The Ego is therefore making efforts to somehow

manage the present moment, the present reality in the

eternal crossfire of desires, emotions and ethical

warnings. In this way, reality is a menacing problem

towering in front of the Ego. It is not surprising that

poor Ego is in the state of constant anxiety. The

lasting anxiety would prevent it from effectively

fulfilling its mission. In order to reduce the anxiety

and in the defence of the personality, the Ego distorts

reality and creates an image of the reality in which

anxiety either drops to a tolerable level or is

completely eliminated.

The Mechanisms of Distortion

The scientists of the soul, psychologists point out that

the Ego-dominated mind, formerly identified with

ordinary consciousness, works on a much broader

range than we previously supposed. It works both in

the spheres of conscious and unconscious.

The Ego therefore attempts to protect its conscious

part against the anxiety radiating from the

unconscious part. How does the Ego accomplish

that? It uses mechanisms referred to as self-protecting

mechanisms. These are functions that fend off anxiety

and work outside the Self, in the realm of the


Everybody has heard of hypnosis. When a person is

hypnotized by a psychologist, because for instance

the individual wishes to give up smoking, the

psychologist may issue a so-called post-hypnotic

instruction to the hypnotized person. After the

hypnosis the instruction sinks into the subconscious

of the person. E. g. the psychologist instructs the

person that when the psychologist removes his

glasses, the hypnotized person should stand up and

open the window. The following day, when they have

a chat about the weather before the treatment, the

psychologist suddenly takes off his glasses. In the

patient an inner urge, a desire arises that he must open

the window. If the patient fails to satisfy this inner

desire, he will be overcome by anxiety. So he asks the

psychologist, ”It is so stuffy in here, isn’t it?” Not

even waiting for an answer, he walks up to the

window and opens it.

This is one of the most common self-protecting

mechanism, termed in psychology as rationalization.

It means that people do most of the things they do not

because what they believe is the reason of their

actions, but there may be something entirely different

in the background. There may an unconscious desire,

an unconscious emotion or an unconscious program

(a post-hypnotic instruction installed into the

subconscious part of the Ego by their parents or

teachers). With the help of rationalization, the person

will seek an acceptable reason for his behaviour

which is satisfactory for both themselves and society.

Another common self-protecting mechanism is

suppression. It means that the individual forces

unpleasant experience and memories that are the

source of anxienty into subconscious, that is, forgets

about them. This is, however, not the natural

forgetting that is part of human life. This process is

selective, which means that we tend to ignore things

which are subject to suppression. It can be so

powerful that it may even influence us in detecting

the physical objects of our environment. E. g.

somebody may not find an object for days, though it

is there openly in from of the person, but it invokes

negative memories in the individual.

A person may believe that nobody in the whole wide

world loves him/her, everybody is against him/her,

everybody wants to hurt him/her. If such thoughts do

not only appear occassionally, but permanently

preoccupy the person, may be signs of a self-

protecting mechanism. It is called projection. The

individual projects unacceptable emotions and

thoughts to those in their environment and these

emotions and thoughts appear as external threats.

External threats are easier to handle and overcome for

the person than to deal with their own internal

emotions. For an individual the idea that their

environment is hostile and hateful is a more

acceptable than supposing the same about themselves.

There is a wide range of other self-protecting,

anxiety-diverting mechanisms as well, which are

present in everybody to a smaller or larger extent, so

nobody is able to escape the reality distorting effects

of these mechanisms, not even those who place the

focus of their existence in the Present.

Beyond Ordinary Consciousness

We must therefore profoundly understand that

everything we perceive of the outside world is just an

inner image distorted by the Ego-dominated mind.

This image of reality only contains a fragment of the

potential ”totality;” it comprises what our conscious

attention selects and separates from it for us, and the

unconscious operation of the Ego distorts this image.

With our ordinary consciousness we are identical

with our life story, career and convinctions. These

are, however, only contents we identify with

ourselves, while these contents are projected out into

the realm of the Consciousness, of the Miracle. We

are aware of what we think and know about our


All this would not be possible without a knower of all

the contents. When we shift the emphasis from our life

story, from the forms and shapes to a quest for this

knower, the Consciousness, formerly hidden from us,

we have reached beyond ordinary consciousness.

This quest will take us to the recognition of the

Miracle of Consciousness, which means that our

image of the world is just content inside the space of

the Consciousness. We ourselves are the space of the

pure Consciousness, and the concepts, emotions and

ideas that we formerly erroneously identified our

entire Self, are in fact inside us. We wake up to the

fact that we are ourselves the Miracle!

It is possible to directly experience this Miracle, this

pure space of Consciousness. It is a new dimension

which escaped our attention before. The truth is that

it is the only existing dimension, into which the forms

and shapes of the external world are projected, and

here we experience our bodily sensations, emotions

and ideas which are not more than the phenomena of

this dimension.




We therefore discover ourselves a new dimension,

and this new dimension, this Miracle is an ancient,

undescribable but sensible, living and infinite space,

emptiness in which bodily sensations, emotions, ideas

and physical forms emerge and vanish, like waves on

the surface of the ocean. We know that this Miracle

exists; It is the only existing Life.

It exists, as an ancient, living empty space, a

Consciousness conscious of itself, comprising

everything. There is nothing outside it, everything

that exists is born inside it, within its space, as its

manifestations. This state is characterized by

tranqulity, deep silence, peace and eternal love.

We experience that this Miracle, this mysterious

”something” is beyond time, it has no beginning and

end, it was never born and will never die. If no forms

and shapes appear inside, then it will not be conscious

of itself, it just exists ”passively,” sleeping without

dreams. Once forms and shapes are created, it awakes

to the existence of those forms and shapes, and

recognizes itself as the creator of the forms, it awakes

to its own existence.

If a person does not only experience the more

conscious Self emerging in the present moment as an

assumed role, but is able to fully submit to the

Miracle unfolding in the ”Here and Now,” this space

in the Consciousness, the person will live in that

space to an increasing extent.

If the cornerstone of our life is in the Present, in the

”Here and Now,” our attention will gradually turn

away from the whirlpool of forms and shapes, and we

discover the Miracle of Consciousness. We find the

source of our existence in that Miracle, and no longer

in the world of forms and shapes.

Drowning in the Sea of Expectations

Authored by Frank M. Wanderer

It must have occured a number of times in our life

that we were supposed to meet so many expectations

at a time that we almost drowned in the sea of

expectations. At our job our boss wants us to be good

employees, good workforce, our colleagues want us

to be good colleagues and our subordinates want us to

be a good boss. In addition to all this, there are the

expectations of the family members, who want us to

be a good husband, a good wife, a good child. And

we have not yet talked about our own expectations in

connection with ourselves. It is not surprising that we

find it virtually impossible to meet all the


Put all the expectations in the light of Consciousness,

and examine where they come from and why they

have such a powerful compelling force in our life.

The Power of the Situation

All the expectations mentioned above emerge from

the immense social space which surrounds us, and is

commonly referred to as society. It is thus fully

justified to call our expectations social expectations,

irrespective of whether they are in connection with a

specific situation or a person.

The more complex a society is, the more space a

specific member of it is supposed to occupy in the

complicated system of human relationship. These

spaces are called social statuses. Such a status can be

of gender (man or woman), family (husband, wife,

child, sibling, relative etc.), occupation (teacher,

policeman etc.) and of occassion (customer, patient


Every such occupied status involves a set of rules, the

system of expectations that dictate how the individual

occupying the status is supposed to behave in a

specific situation, how to behave as a man, a father, a

doctor etc.

These expectations tell us how we must and how we

must not behave in a specific situation and in

connection with a specific person.

In the majority of cases, these expectations work

unconsciously, almost like automatic programs

running in our life. These deep programs have

become a part of our mind in the course of our

upbringing, and they are activated by a specific

situation in which we are or a person we get into

contact with. Then we put on the appropriate mask,

tailored to the specific situation or person.

We occupy several statuses at the same time, so it

seems that we drown in the sea of expectations. It is

also common that the various expectations attached

to various statuses collide with each other, generating

further anxiety and stress for us.

The Programs of Internal Expectations

As our personality develops, some of the external

social expectations become internal ones, and merge

into our personality and appear as expectations

towards ourselves in our daily life.

Our scruples are derived from these social

expectations turned inner ones. Scruples start working

when we infringe a rule acquired from our parents or

teachers, we do not behave as are supposed to.

Everybody knows the unpleasant and compelling

feeling that drives us back to the track originally

dictated to us by the social expectations turned inner





Another social expectation that becomes an integral

part of our inner value system appears at the level of

requirements and demands in our life. Our parents

and teachers wanted us to meet the expectations of a

specific status as well as we could. Our desire to meet

the expectations is a demand on our side.

Often we set very high goals and strive to do

something perfectly in order to meet our inner

demand, that level of requirements. If we perform

below our standard requirements, the compelling

force appears again, and the unpleasant feeling spurs

us to achieve a higher performance, so as to reach at

least our standard level.

Since we are unable to be perfect in all areas of life,

the unpleasant feelings may become permanent.

The Involuntary Track Dictated by the Expectations

What keeps us on the forced track of expectations,

why do not we simply leave it behind?

The dynamizing power of the social expectations is

provided by our identification with the internal and

external expectations, and base our identity on them.

We identify with our social statuses, with the masks

of our roles in our gender, family and occupation.

These masks are attached to us so closely that we

would not be able to exist without them. We indentify

ourselves with our internal expectations, and our

scruples and level of demands often constitute the

cornerstone of our identity.

We are so deeply identified with these social

expectations, we do not notice that these very

expectations convert us into replicas, fake

personalities. The pages of our personal history are

written by these external forces imposed upon us by

society, they determine how to see the world, how to

think about the world, how to think about it, what to

believe in, what is good for us and what we should


That is how we have lost our individuality over the

years and became unconsciously the victims of a

manipulation based upon public agreement. The

social expectations have been shaped through a

general agreement over the centuries, and became

manipulative because we insisted on our

identification with separate state of consciousness.

That is how we jointly sustain this identity, rooted in

isolation, this social ”creatureness,” because, due to

our ignorance, we stick to the world of forms and

shapes. We are only able to imagine our personal

existence in the here and now.

Existence without Expectations

When we look at the social expectations in the light

of Consciousness, we must ask the question: are we

able to live without expectations, what is a life

without expectations like?

The problem does not lie with the expectations. The

expectations are natural parts of our existence in the

world of forms and shapes, just as it would be

impossible to live as a form without our body.

Without expectations we would be unable to exist as

a part of the social space in which we live at present.

The compelling force of the expectations is rooted in

our identification with the expectations, the fact that

we cling to our personal identity and the masks that

come with it, and the expectations are a natural part

of all this.

The proper question to ask is, whether we exist at all

beyond our personal identity, beyond our masks?

Our world appears in the space of Consciousness, and

the dance of the varied forms takes place in it. Out

thoughts, emotions, expectations and everything we

sense also appears in that space of Consciousness.

That is the space of Consciousness, this Miracle is the

only phenomenon which is not a ”thing”, is a „no-

thing”, not a manifest object but a space-like, wakeful

emptiness in which the image of the world, thoughts

and emotions appear.

We, however, in our present, dormant state identify

with the appearing content elements of the space of

the Consciousness, although our real self is nothing

but the very space of Consciousness. We ourselves

are the Miracle!

If we give up the efforts aimed at building up our

personal identity from the contents appearing in the

space of the Consciousness, and instead recognize

ourselves as the space of the Consciousness, then–and

only then–we are able to exist without expectations.

In an existence without expectations we still continue

to meet the basic social expectations rooted in the

social status we, for a while, fulfill in the world of

forms and shapes. We continue to function as a

father, mother, doctor, accountant etc.

At present, the program of our internal expectations

have already been dissolved, and we no longer

identify with our expectations of the other people.

Our entire Self is filled by the Miracle.




The Law of Attraction

Authored by Frank M. Wanderer

At some point of the spiritual quest most Wanderers

encounter the law of attraction at theoretical, practical

or both levels. That encounter has been the reason for

a lot of misunderstandings, so it is necessary to

examine the law of attraction in the light of


Let us first clarify what the law of attraction means?

Michael J. Losier’s opinion about the subject:

”Wherever I turn my attention, whatever I focus my

energy on, positive or negative, I attract that thing

into my life. The law of attraction reacts to any

vibration you emit by giving you even more of the

thing–whether it is positive or negative vibration. The

attraction simply reacts to your vibration.”

It means that we are attracting things that match the

quality of our existence. And the quality of our

existence depends on the quality of our thoughts and

emotions. According to the law of attraction, it solely

depends on us whether we attract happiness, peace or

suffering and feud into our lives.

If we want to convert suffering into happiness with

the help of the law of attraction, all we need to do is

attend a course that teaches us the proper way.

The Promise of the Master Key

This passage is from the brochure of a course:

For everybody who wants to do something about

improving his/her life, the best news is that it is

possible to achive what he/she really wants at any

time. The choice is solely up to us. Anybody is able to

do it by learning and practising the appropriate


The offer follows like this:

I would like you to imagine a large iron gate. It is a

heavy gate, difficult to open. It keeps you where you

do not want to be at all. It seems, however, that one

day the gate will open up, and when it happens, you

may experience freedom that you have so far been

able to read only. In your dreams you live where you

want to be, you can empty the goblet of joys to the

bottom, you may draw the income that you believe

you honestly deserve, that is, you can live the way you

would like to!

The course offers you a chance; let us open that gate

together, and once we have done that, a new world,

full of possibilities and promises will open up for you.

You will receive an answer to your question why so

far you have not lived in the wealth you know so well

that you deserve.

Our whole life is a rush. We chase our desires and

unfulfilled dreams. We are attracted by money,

power, prestige, a wholesome, happy life. All this lies

there hidden behind the powerful iron gate that is

towering in front of us. But now we are given the

master key, with which we achieve all our goals,

because we will be able to open the iron gate. By the

masterful use of the law of attraction we will be able

to achieve everything that we have been longing for

so far, everything we desire will be lying at our feet.

Buy to read more..




The Downfall of Vampires

Authored by Frank M. Wanderer

Vampire stories are fashionable nowadays. Creatures

of superhuman abilities feed on human blood in order

to stay alive. What is the reason for that popularity?

From a psychological aspect, it is clear that people

suffer from various anxieties and fears that cannot be

connected to any specific object, so people are unable

to deal with those fears. Once the fear takes a specific

form (e. g. that of a vampire), it is possible to fight

and overcome it.

In this way we project the heroism or defeat of the

fight against our own anxieties into the fight against

the vampires, depending on which side we identify


Another form of vampirism is that of the energy

vampire, who draws energy from other creatures. It is

not feeding on blood, but on the energy and

cheerfulness of others. Consciously, but even more

often subconsciously, the energy vampire creates a

situation in which it is able to draw on other

creatures’ vitality. They need it beacuse their own

vitality diminished considerably, they are full of

negative emotions.

People who are in reality energy vampires struggle

with a multitude of problems, but instead of looking

into themselves, they tend to blame all their problems

on the outside world. They expect salvation from

others who they either pamper or want to see

suffering, because seeing others suffering temporarily

recharge them with energy.

The Vampire Nature of Thoughts

In the following, the nature of vampirism shall be

examined from an entirely different aspect, that of

Consciousness. From this aspect, it is best to

approach the phenomenon of vampirism through the

vampire nature of thoughts.

“Thoughts and vampirism? How can these two things

be mentioned on the same page?”–the Ego-

dominated mind, relying on identification with

thoughts, begins to protest immediately. For the mind

it is really outrageous, as it suggests that the Ego-

dominated mind itself is cursed with a vampiric


Physics, especially quantum theory, revealed the fact

that matery is nothing but energy vibrating between

existence and non-existence. In this way, thoughts are

also a form of energy. Thoughts are small energy

creatures that we continually supply with energy by

lastingly thinking of something.

As a result of analyzing the nature of these energy-

creatures, our spiritual experience suggests that as

there are negative and positive thoughts, there are

energy thoughts with positive and negative charges.

While positive thought energy is constructive,

negative thought energy is destructive.

Regardless of their nature, every thought energy is an

autonomous creature, the life of which depends on

whether the ”host organism” feeds it or not. When it

is ”hungry,” that is, its energy level is low, it clings to

its host organism in a vampire-like way, hipnotizing it

to feed it with similar thoughts. That is how positive

thoughts produce further positive, and negative ones

further negative thoughts.

That is how we do our continual dance in the

treadmill of our thoughts, rising on the wings of

positive thoughts and falling back to the depths again

on negative ones. This process is going on in the

background of our Consciousness, we hardly notice

that the purpose of the whole thing is to nourish our

thought creatures.


All this suggests that our thoughts, regardless of their

positive or negative nature, exploit us like vampires,

draining away our energies, thus reducing the chances

of the awakening of the Consciousness from the

world of shapes and forms.

How is it possible to terminate that thought-


Most people are incapable of that, as they live their

life under the hypnosis of the mind, identifying with

their thoughts.

It goes on until they realize that they are more than

simple conceptual definitions, more than their body

and emotions, and realize that the essence of their

existence is their Consciousness, their awareness in

the Present moment.

Experiencing this (and it is insufficient to understand

it on the levels of the thoughts, of the mind), then the

light of Consciousness will bring about the downfall

of the energy-vampires and terminates their

independent existence.

The light of Consciousness will shine upon the

vampire activities of the thought creatures that has

been going on in the subconscious so far. Seeing this

energy-draining activity, we will be no longer ready

to nourish them (independently of their positive or

negative nature). They will be left without food, so

they will gradually disperse, giving way to the more

and more powerful light of Consciousness in us.




Spread your Wings and Fly Away!

Authored by Ervin K. Kery

How many people suffer because they are unable to

utilize their potentials to the fullest? How many

believe that they are unable to live their own lives

because their environment impedes them, with false

references to ”loyalty," "traditions," and "customs?"

Have you ever had the impression that deep inside

you shrink smaller and smaller, and you give up your

dreams just in order to meet the expectations of your


In the young seagull the desire arises to spread

his wings and discover the distances

promising so many wonders. The other

seagulls were scared, and strictly reproached

him: ”The sense of life is to fly as far as you

find food. If you fly any further, you will be

alone, and won’t find the way back.” Though

the young seagull was scared of finding

himself alone, he was unable to resist the

temptation of flying far away, and he tested

his wings day by day. Successes were

followed by failures, but he did not give up:

every day he flew a bit higher. One day he

flew higher than the clouds, and the familiar

landscape disappeared from his eyes, and he

saw nobody around him. He could have felt

lonely, but he still did not feel lonely. He was,

instead, unique. The little seagull soared on,

enjoying the currents of the air. Then he met a

seagull–its wings were shining bright. Then

newer and newer seagulls appeared, with their

wings shining bright. The little seagull arrived

in his new home...

(The story was inspired by Richard Bach’s book entitled:

“Jonathan Livingstone, the seagull.")

You are individual and unique, a special

manifestation of life. Or-in other words-you are an

unique flower of life. You are unique: the level of

your Consciousness is unique, and so are your

experience, recognition and wisdom. You have

unique skills that you have learnt in a unique way–no

matter how objective the information is, as long as

you have acquired it, it has gone through your

individual and unique filters, thus gaining an

individual color. Your experience is your experience,

and even if your friends have similar ones, those are

still only similar, and not fully identical with your

own experience. These experiences give birth to

unique recognitions–these constitute your own

wisdom. There has never been, there is not, and there

will never be another person who is fully identical

with you. Your countless individual characteristics,

complementing and mutually reinforcing each other,

add up to an absolutely unique individual–that is your

gift to Life. Through you, a peculiar flower of Life is

blooming, and this flower is your personal gift to

mankind, to existence.

Why would you need to be a copy of anyone else?

Why would you need to imitate others, who are

”more successful” and ”cool?” Why would you need

to uncritically accept the dogmas of others, when you

also possess the source of wisdom, waiting to be

utilized? Why would you need to dwindle, to give up

your dreams?

…And still, the story is repeated on innumerable

occasions... You arrive on this wonderful planet so

rich in opportunities, you start on your journey, to

explore it with innocent curiosity, you begin to know

yourself, you acquire individual knowledge, add it to

your individual skills, gather experience and wisdom.

Then you are unable to use all this, because your

environment tells you to often to stay pout, to stay

where you are. Instead of the immense opportunities

of the endless journey, you choose the narrow path

they show you, and you must not detour from that

path. Your grand plans and ideas from your teenage

evaporate, you give up your dreams, and you suppress

your deep-rooted desires of self-implementation. You

burn out, you become indifferent and insensitive to

the miracles of life, and you are quietly broken.

At a meeting the participants were dealing

with the question whether there is life after

death. The Zen master said nothing, just

laughed, and refused to answer question. The

disciples became increasingly impatient, and

wanted him to answer their questions. ”Now,

is there life after death, or there is not?” they


”Have you noticed that it is always those who

want another, eternal life, who are unable to

do anything with their present life? The

questions is, whether there is life before

death?” he said mysteriously.

(Anthony de Mello)

Dou you have a life before your death?–that is the

only question the answer to which you must find

yourself. Are you able to live your own (not infinite)

life, or will you copy the life of others? Do you live in

the present moment, or are you a ghost wandering in

the past or pursue the dreams and nightmares of the

future? Are you able to discover that the most

important point of your existence is existence itself,

enjoying the nectar of a life lived to the full?

When you start your journey of inner development,

experiences will become recognitions, and these

recognitions usually dramatically transform the way

you look at the world and yourself. A change of

world-view takes place in you, your old beliefs are no

longer valid, and you wake up in a larger and more

receptive world. This awakening may, at the same

time, bring about a change of your environment.

Some people will look at you worried, whereas others

with hatred, as they do not understand the reasons of

your change. With your new and broader world view

you become a stranger, a menace for them, and a

reaction of their internal Ego appears: "You are

different from us! You have deserted and betrayed us,

you no longer have a place among us!" Where you

used to have a good time previously, you have no

place now. That is too small place a home for your

expanded world view. As your old environment and

old friends and acquaintances become hampering

factors, you can do nothing but leave them behind.

You leave them behind, so that you can freely try your

own, newly discovered wings! You do not need to

break up all connections with them, or to react to their

negative emotions in any way, all you need to do is to

accept that everybody acts according to their own

levels of Consciousness, shapes their own

environment and lives in it. You accept them as they

are, you do not intend to change them: their way is

not your way. If they are able to, they accept

peacefully or at least acknowledge your change, if

not, that is their responsibility and not yours.

Everybody is responsible for their own life. You may

look at another person with empathy and

understanding, but you cannot take responsibility for

their fate. His life is his way; you may peacefully help

him in his difficulties, but you cannot redeem him.

The only thing you are responsible for is how

consciously you live your own life. You are in no

way able to redeem the world, but you can be a

shining light of Consciousness, illuminating your

environment. Where there is light, darkness cannot

rule. The only thing that counts is you should be this

Consciousness in the eternal moment of Now, and

allow Life wishing to soar in you arise.

When you submit to the depths of the Present, the

actor will not be "you," the ”small self," who drives

on to achieve something, to manipulate, influence,

control and rule, but Life itself will spread its wings

in you. Just as a small seed grows into a beautiful rose

without any willful intention, as a seagull, able to

soar, hatches from an egg, as a caterpillar turns into a

colorful butterfly, the program of Life is there in you,

and takes to wings–if you allow it to. It is not possible

to bring up a man with education, training, religious

or educational methods; it will only create a member

of a society. The program of becoming a man is in

you, just as the program of developing your

individuality is also there in you. You do not need to

do more than allowing it to unfold, in an alert,

permissive, receptive and conscious way.

You and I, we were all born with gull wings. This

book is intended to point out those wings. Discover

them, spread them, and soar! The infinite world is out

there, waiting for you!




About the Authors

Frank M. Wanderer

(Ph.D, Prof. of Psychology, consciousness

researcher, writer)

The awakening of the

Consciousness leads us from

our own personal history to the

pure space of Consciousness.

There we experience the

Miracle, and all personal

histories become insignificant.

Despite this, I would like to

present a few pages of my

personal history to the reader,

as every journey on the road starts with a personal

history. That is the only way it may start, there is no

alternative; that is the only way leading to the

awakening of the Consciousness, the appearance of

the Miracle.

Since my early childhood, I have been interested in

the Miracle, the mystery of human existence, the

mystery that summoned us from the Nothing, and the

mystery we are destined to solve in our life.

I still remember my beloved mother’s astonished face

when, after some of my questions, she turned to the

others: “Now, look at that, what that kid is asking!”

The questions did not stop in the later years but, as I

did not find appropriate partner from whom I could

expect answers, the questions mostly remained within

the walls of my room, and I myself attempted to find

the answers.

My motivation became even more powerful after the

following adventure: I was at the elementary school

(12 years old), walking home from school and

suddenly I experienced the Miracle, the completeness,

the experience of the unity with the Self. At that time,

naturally, I was not able to describe it that way, but

the sense of unity and happiness was what I


That experience did not result in my lasting

awakening, it faded away after a while, but it left

behind a burning wound, a real sense of want. At the

same time, it showed me the way where to look for it

answers to my questions.

There was a long way to go to the second awakening.

The first awakening made me start dealing with

esoterica and find books on the subject.

Leaving the years of childhood behind, in my

adulthood I became intensively interested in human

soul, in the work of the human mind.

As a teacher and psychologist I have met a lot of

people, and had an opportunity to study the ”normal”

operation of human ego, and also its functions that are

considered as not normal. I turned the pages of

innumerable books of personal histories, trying to

find the cornerstones that give the dramas and

ecstasies of these personal histories meaning and


I eventually found that cornerstone in the Miracle, in

the awakening of the Consciousness, which

demonstrated the futility of these personal histories

and at the same time it showed the treasure to be

found in them.

The personal histories are futile from the aspect of the

awakening because we identify with our mind and we

allow its unconscious functions to control our life and

steer the boat of our life in one, and some time later

just the opposite direction, depending on the actual

desire or ambition dominating our mind. That is how

page after page is filled in the history of our life until

the last page arrives, and we realize the futility of all

that happened before.

Our personal history may, however, have a very

profound meaning if we become more wakeful and

alert to these mind games, and recognize the Miracle,

the wide open spaces of the Consciousness that is

beyond our personal history. That pure consciousness

was what I experienced as a child, and that is what I

found again as a result of my regular meditation

exercises that I had started a few years ago.

We must therefore wake up from our identification

with our personal history, so as to be able to find our

identity in the Miracle, the mystery of the

Consciousness, instead of the world of the forms and


Contact me at

Ervin K. Kery

(consciousness researcher, writer, publisher)

What is the nature of the human

soul, the human spirit? Why do

we think the way we actually

do? How our habits and roles

evolve? What are we, beyond

our roles? What is the

mysterious Life that lives in me,

and experiences the world

through me?

I have long been fascinated

by the secret of human existence, the mystery of

human soul/spirit. There has to be something that is

beyond social roles and programming. There has to

be a ”foundation,” which lives in me as life, and to

which learnt and acquired thoughts and habits, the

programmed patterns–the personality–are attached.

Psychology, still not a full-fledged science, only

studies the conditioned patterns of behavior, that is,

the Ego (it is therefore possible to refer to it as the

science of the Ego), but it does not address the issues

that precede the emergence of the Ego, not does it

deal with whatever is beyond the Ego. What is the

eternal factor that follows us from our birth to our

death, no matter what a mature and powerful

personality we believe we have?

I have been enthusiastically and anxiously studying

the human consciousness for over twenty years,

experimenting with various methods of meditation,

hoping that in this way I would finally understand

myself and the world completely. This understanding,

however, did not come easily.

Then something extraordinary happened. When I

was deep in my adulthood, a critical period came in

my life; everything I had believed in, collapsed.

Mulling over the past and the dark visions of the

future brought about a lot of suffering, and when I

was no longer able to face the internal hell, there was

nothing to be done, and I gave up the fight. I was not

able to carry the burden of my sufferings any longer.

At that time, something mysterious took place, and it

shattered all my former ideas about myself and the

world. When I finally released all that had been

previously, I was able to get over the heavy prison of

my personality, and for hours I felt some incredible

inner peace, and a curious ”something” was

contemplating the miraculous external world through

me. After a while, however, the tormenting thoughts

and the suffering returned.

This experience changed me drastically. From that

time on, I have focused all my attention to learn what

that exceptional experience was, and how it is

possible to make that experience constant. In the

course of my research I found that the most

elementary method of all spiritual disciplines is

monitoring the Consciousness living in us. That is

what meditation is for, the profound prayer of monks,

and the practice of transpersonal psychology. I

therefore began to concentrate on the Consciousness

inside me.

At that time we purchased a farmhouse in the country,

far from the noise of the external world, so I retreated

there from Budapest in order to abandon myself into

observing my own inner world. I persisted in turning

inward: I watched my bodily sensations, my emotions

and thoughts and also the actor that senses all these:

the Consciousness. As I concentrated my conscious

attention on myself, I began to believe my own

thoughts, emotions and convictions, and started to

wake up from the dream world of dogmas. I woke up,

then I woke up again, through a series of awakenings,

each time into a more spacious world and a larger

image of the world, until what had previously

happened spontaneously, took place again.

After a few years of practice, the state of observing

Consciousness became permanent. In this period I

have made several astonishing discoveries about our

real Self and the nature of the world.

I wish to describe these discoveries in the chapters of

this book that I authored and contributed.



I recommend this book to you with love, so that it will

help you recognize and accept the Miracle!




Our Published Books

The Ultimate Enlightenment: How to Find Your

True Self in Mindfulness?

Authored by Ervin K. Kery and Frank M.


Format: e-book (Kindle).

2.99 USD

Who are you beyond your roles in society? Who is

contemplating the world through your eyes? Who is

the one who experiences the world through your

body? Who is hiding behind your eyes sparkling with

life? Who are you in reality? Jump into your True


View/Buy at Amazon:

The Biggest Obstacle to Enlightenment: How to

Escape from the Prison of Mind Games?

Authored by Frank M. Wanderer

Format: e-book (Kindle).

2.99 USD

What is the Ego? What are the Games Rooted in the

Deepest Levels of the Mind? What are the Tricks of

the Mind Reinforcing the Ego? The Mind-based

Scenario of Our Spiritual “Development”. The Tricks

of the Spiritual Ego.

The Ego accompanies the Seeker along the first

segment of the Journey. In this book I intend to

discuss this, as being familiar with the functions and

games of the mind with an Ego is indispensable for

identifying whether we are on the right track.


The Miracle of Consciousness: Explore your Real Self!

Authored by Ervin K. Kery, Frank M. Wanderer

5" x 8" (12.7 x 20.32 cm), 158 pages, paperback

ISBN-13: 978-1499115451 ISBN-10: 1499115458

There is a mysterious human dimension, the

recognition of which shatters all our ideas about who

we are, where we come from and what our mission in

this world is. This is the realm of Consciousness: the

final scientific and spiritual mystery.

This book is about the mysteries and miracles of

Consciousness. About the living spirit in action

which, dressed up in the machinery of your body,

discovers itself and the wonders of the world.

The Awakening of Consciousness: Adventures On The Spiritual Path , Authored by Frank M.

Wanderer, General editor Ervin K. Kery

6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm), 122 pages, paperback

ISBN-13: 978-1495200557 ISBN-10: 1495200558

We are all on a spiritual journey.

This journey starts with birth and ends with death.

Our life is a link between our date of birth and date of

death. A link that contains all the secrets, dramas,

tragedies and comedies of our lives, and we are so

deeply involved in this performance that we tend to

forget who we really are: the shining Consciousness.

This book is about this spiritual journey.




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