
The strangers (2008) -

Camera work:A two shot is used near the beginning of the trailer, this helps the viewer to understand the relationship between the two characters. In a film like this, this is extremely important as

they are the protagonists in which all the action surrounds.

An extreme close up shot is used when one of the protagonists are locking the front door. This helps the viewer to may full attention to this action. The action of locking the door suggests that security is going to be a theme that is explored throughout the film. This extreme shot also makes the audience/viewer question, what are they trying to protect themselves from?

A wide two shot is used. This gives the viewer a good idea of what the film is based on. Two shots are often used to show the relationship between two characters, there is a suggestion in the distance between the characters that they aren’t close. The mise-en-scene confirms this as one of the characters is wearing a mask which hides their identity.

This could also suggest that the woman in the shot isn’t aware of the presence of this other character. These aspects hint massively at the genre of a psychological thriller as the techniques suggest ‘un-known existence’ which is often the main theme that runs through many thrillers.

The mid-shot used here, shows one of the protagonists turning around to look behind him BUT the viewer doesn’t get to see what he is looking at, this can be confusing for the audience and leave them intrigued to find out more. This suggests to the audience that there is a constant need to watch your back throughout the film. The fact that the viewer sees the character from behind could also refer to the idea that he is always being watched.

Sound:To start off with the music is extremely tranquil; the viewer will be able to hear a piano playing. This non-diegetic sound would probably make the viewer feel relaxed and maybe even give them the impression that this will be a nice, calm film. Instruments such as violins and pianos are often used in thrillers in order to create tension.

(0:18) the viewer can hear something drop. It sounds like tools (e.g. spanner). This sudden diegetic sound creates a sound mix with the peaceful non-diegetic sound which suddenly makes the atmosphere slightly tenser.

The diagetic sound in this section, when the protagonist says “Theres someone out there” makes the viewer worry. Automatically the viewer can tell that there is a huge fear element and can sympathise with the protagonist. The dialogue suggests that the character isn’t sure of what it is which means that the viewer and the characters will be travelling through the story together.

The use of the record player is a convention of a psychological thriller (music/sound used to create tension). Often, the music used will contrast with the action or mood of the scene in the same way as the record player in this scene which is playing music that is more upbeat than the scene which is extremely tense.

At 1:20, the viewer watches as an axe hammers through the door. The diegetic sound of the impact of the axe along with the falling wood is extremely dramatic and keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat trying to find out what happens next which is the intention of psychological thrillers.

This action along with the diegetic response (1:21) by the protagonists when they scream add to the tension.

When she screams, it seems that the trailer story progresses to another level, the record on the record player seems to be jammed and continues to play the same section of the song over and over again. This expresses the chaos and fear of this section. (1:22)

The pace of the action and editing also supports the progression of the plot and allows the audience to sense the growing fear.


Low key lighting:

Low key lighting is used throughout the entire trailer and the viewer can see that the film was filmed during the night. This sets the mood for the entire piece and due to the darkness, the entire trailer seems much scarier and therefore is more effective than it would’ve been if it was filmed during the day.

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