The Spirit Newsletter - St Luke's College, Karratha

Post on 11-Dec-2021






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Edition 10 Term Four| 27 October 2017 From the Principal’s Desk

Warm greetings to all families!

Our Year 12 students have now completed their formal education

here at the College and last week we were given the opportunity

to farewell them at a number of official events. The Year 11 led

Assembly on Friday enabled our Year 12 class to pass on a

number of messages to our younger students, teachers and

parents, and there was a strong theme of appreciation – for their

education, for each other and for the opportunities they have had

during high school. That evening, we celebrated Mass at St Paul’s

Church, followed by the Graduation Dinner. The whole day was a

wonderful celebration of both them as young people and what we

seek to build for all of our students here at St Luke’s – good

relationships. I am personally very proud to lead a school which

has a hand in shaping the lives of such outstanding young people

and we wish them the very best for their futures.

On Monday night, we gathered to recognise our hardest working

and highest achieving students in Years 10-12 at our Annual

Presentation Night. It was an evening of celebration, in which

many student achievements were rewarded with generous prizes

from our sponsors. Congratulations to all award winners and a

sincere thank you to all of our sponsors.

Recently our College celebrated our first St Luke’s Patron Mass.

The feeling of peace in the gym as we celebrated was amazing

and the Mass gave us a wonderful insight into the man who was

St Luke. St Luke the Evangelist highlighted Jesus’ great love for

those who operated at the margins of society – the poor, the sick

and the children. His mission is our mission, we must continually

reach out to those who need us and offer our practical and

prayerful support.

At the start of 2018, St Paul’s Parish will welcome new Priests and

farewell our current clergy. Father Brian has been with us for the

last 14 months and will conclude his time here on November 20,

after which he will depart to Dongara Parish. Father Bernard will

be in Karratha until early January, and will then relocate to

Geraldton as administrator of the Cathedral.

Our new Parish Priest will be Father Ziggy, who will be arriving in

Karratha in January.


Friday 27 - Saturday 28 October WAJO Maths Camp

Thursday 2 November

Year 10 Retreat

Saturday 4 November

FOSL Twilight Xmas Markets

Monday 6 November Cyber Safety Parents Evening

Tuesday 7 November FOSL Meeting

Thursday 9 November

Year 7 2018 Orientation Day

Monday 13 November

Remembrance Service

Tuesday 14 November Board Meeting

Tuesday 14 November Year 8 Immunisations

Uniform Shop

Opening Hours Tuesday 11:15am – 3:15pm

Thursday 11:15am – 3:15pm

For more information on uniform

prices, requirements or ordering

online, please check out our website at


Alternatively you can contact Carol, Uniform Shop Manager at

St Luke’s College

Rosemary Rd, Karratha (08) 9144 1081

Like St Luke’s College

Karratha on Facebook.

The Spirit Newsletter

I would like to acknowledge both Fathers Brian and Bernard for their dedication, service and prayers in

our College community during their time in Karratha.

Recently I sent an email to all families regarding an opportunity for online music tuition. A number of

families have expressed their interest and we will now work with the Primary Music Institute to organise

suitable times for these lessons. If any other families are interested in these lessons, please email me. for

the details.

Staff at St Luke’s College have recently commenced a workplace giving program, which involves voluntary

donations by staff members to a fund which is focussed on assisting students in our College with extras

which families may struggle to provide. This is part of our pastoral commitment as Catholic educators.

Pastoral and teaching staff, along with families can approach either myself as Principal or either Deputy

Principal in order to access this assistance, which could take the form of providing uniforms, school shoes,

books or assisting with camps. If families are aware of students in our community who may benefit from

such assistance, please do contact me personally to discuss how we can assist.

Recently the College surveyed families regarding their preferences for future technology use by their

students. Overwhelmingly, families have told us that they would prefer to move to a Bring Your Own

Device (BYOD) model, rather than the College requiring iPads. Shortly, I will be writing to all families

explaining the change in more detail. Please be assured, no family will be required to incur cost for

replacing a device which is currently serving their child’s needs.

Our College will shortly be offering Special Eucharistic Minister training for interested students aged 16

and over, and staff. This ministry is an important and valuable way to serve our Parish and College

community, in distributing Communion at either College or Parish Masses and is another wonderful way in

which our students serve. If any family has a student who is interested in undertaking the training, please

contact Mrs Rhondda Tittums at the College.

This weekend, our College is hosting the Annual Maths Camp, to which we have invited our top and

aspiring Maths students. The Camp is just one of the many ways we are providing opportunities to really

strive and excel academically. Over the course of the weekend, students will have the opportunity to

participate in a number of Maths and Science based challenges, including the WA Junior Maths Olympiad,

which is a very challenging state-wide competition. There are some excellent prizes up for grabs for both

individuals and groups, thanks to the generosity of the Karratha Education Initiative. Thanks to Mr

Doherty for organising this excellent event and good luck to all competitors!

A reminder to families that I will be on leave for the whole of the 2018 academic year, as communicated

by the Board Chair during Term 3. Mr Michael Williams will be the Acting Principal during that time and I

am sure that the community will make him welcome. I must also announce that two of our staff will be

leaving us at the end of the year, to pursue other areas of their careers. Mr Aaron Pedlar, Harding House

Coordinator, is moving to Kearnan College in Manjimup as Head of Health and Physical Education and Mrs

Kogi Govender is relocating back to New Zealand with her family. Both these staff have given much to the

College in their time here and I wish them the best for their future journeys.

Finally, I would like to offer our prayers and condolences to the Dredge and Whelan families on the recent

loss of their sister. The Whelan family has a long association with the College, back to our foundation

years and I offer our College community’s prayers for the peaceful repose of their sister, Kerri.

Peace and blessings to all families.

Mrs Alanna Otway


Deputy Principal’s Address

Year 8 Immunisations

Our Year 8 students will be receiving their final immunisation on Tuesday 14 November. Your

child will receive an envelope with the relevant information and permission slips in the next week or so.

If you have any questions or concerns about this immunisation, please contact Pauline Arnold (Clinical

Nurse – School and Community Health) on (08) 9143 2221 or Email:

Year 12 WACE Examinations

The Year 12 WACE begin on Wednesday 1 November, and will take place in St Luke’s Performing Arts

Centre. Students have been given their individual timetables - these need to be signed by students and

brought to each exam. They will not be permitted access without them.

What can parents and carers do about exam stress?

One of the best things parents or carers can do if their child is experiencing exam stress is to try to be

as supportive and tolerant as possible. We've put together a list of strategies that may help young

people to manage exam stress. We've also included some tips on how to help your child deal with

stress on and after the exam day.

Effective study and learning habits

Parents and carers can help reduce the exam stress of their child by helping them establish effective

study and learning habits:

Help your child find a quiet place to study without distractions. Make sure their table is uncluttered so

they can focus better.

Encourage your child to find out exactly what the test involves - are there past test papers they can

look at to help them understand what to expect?

Encourage your child to ask for help or ask their teacher for clarity if they are unsure of something or if

they feel confused.

Help them to make 'mind maps' to collect ideas and summarise thoughts - use bright colours to help

remember important links.

Help them to plan their study schedule early on so they have sufficient time to study. It can be helpful

to develop a clear, realistic plan of what they want to cover in each study session. Can they break it

down into small chunks?

Remind your child to take a short rest and move around in between each part of their study.

Offer help sometimes. It can be useful having someone to listen or practise with.

Healthy sleeping and eating habits

Encourage your child to stick to a routine of going to bed at a reasonable time. They need to avoid late

night TV shows or movies.

Motivate them to eat regularly and make time to have fun and exercise.

Help them to cut back on coffee or any other stimulants which they may be using, as these can

increase agitation. Encourage them to drink lots of water instead.

Remind them to take time out when they eat, rather than carrying on with study.

Encourage them to eat fresh fruit, veggies, cereals, grains, nuts and protein - they are all good for the

brain and blood sugar levels.

Encourage them to eat when they get hungry. This keeps blood sugar and hydration levels steady.

Avoid junk food if possible. It will bring a sudden sugar high which will fall away quickly, leaving a

person feeling tired.

Deputy Principal’s Address

Relaxation ideas to help your child cope with exam stress

Always encourage your child to relax before they go to bed after concentrating for long periods of

time. Activities such as reading a short story may help them unwind and sleep better.

Encourage them to go out for a walk, run or do some other exercise they enjoy.

Teach them relaxation techniques such as listening to some gentle music, getting them to lie down,

closing their eyes and taking a deep breath while visualising a calming scene such as a deserted beach.

Help your child to develop a positive mindset by encouraging them to visualise success - this can really

help with self-confidence.

Avoid rushing on the day of the exam by organising and packing everything they need to take with

them the night before.

Ideas for exam day

Talk about these ideas before exam day so as not to add to anxiety levels.

Suggest to your child that they:

Eat a good and light breakfast - something that will sustain them and help them concentrate.

Try to arrive at school or the exam venue early.

Go to the toilet before the exam starts.

Keep away from people who may agitate them before the test or may say unhelpful, anxiety-provoking


Try writing about their thoughts and feelings at least 10 minutes before the exam to free up

brainpower from focusing on emotions, so they can focus on the test material instead.

Take time to slow their breathing and relax when they first sit down in the exam room.

Skim over the exam paper, underlining key words and instructions.

Work out how long they have for each question or section.

Watch out for the wording of the questions - they need to understand and address what the question

is really asking.

Answer the questions they find easiest first to build their confidence, then as they relax more move on

to more difficult ones.

Don't worry about how long others are taking but keep an eye on the clock to ensure they have

enough time to answer the more difficult questions.

Re-read answers if possible and make any changes that are necessary - correct spelling, check


Post-exam tip

If your child is not able to do well in the exam and they feel very upset about it, reassure them that

there is always a second chance and passing an exam is only part of the story. It may be helpful to

take some time to discuss any problems they had so they can avoid them next time.

Who else can help?

You may wish to contact your local parenting help service/s for further information.

Helpful links:

Headspace - School Stress and Exam Survival

Reachout - Beating Exam stress

Career FAQs - Final year exams survival guide

Parenting and Child Health - Stress and exams

OLNA results

The results from the September round of OLNA testing have been released and the college will provide

these results to relevant families in the upcoming weeks.

Deputy Principal’s Address


SEQTA Engage (for parents) and SEQTA Learn (for students) have been recently activated and I trust

that parents and students alike are enjoying the ease at which information is shared. If you experience

any log on issues, please contact the Front Office - they will be able to assist you.

Presentation Night

It was a wonderful experience to witness the wonderful Presentation Night and see all the award

winners receive recognition for all their hard work over the year; it was delightful to see so many proud

family members there to witness this. Further appreciation must be shared with the students who

shared their artistic talent with the audience - we are truly blessed to have such a wealth of talent here

at St Luke’s.

Goodbye Year 12s

Finally, I wish to farewell our graduating class of 2017. Whilst I have only been at St Luke’s for two

years, I feel privileged to have worked with the Year 12 students; the growth and maturity I have

witnessed over their last two years at school has been incredible. I am sure that they will continue to

grow and impress our community. Best of luck to you all - remember to stay in touch and let us know

how you are going.

God bless,

Miss Melanie Caddick,

Deputy Principal (Year 8, 10 & 12)

Welcome to Term 4 and Week 3 already!

The Year 11 ATAR students have hit the ground running with two weekends of Revision Seminars held

in Fortescue on both Saturday and Sunday. It was fabulous to see so many students taking advantage

of the tutors who came up from Perth thanks to the North West Shelf Project: Karratha Education

Initiative. It was also wonderful to be consistently told by these tutors how studious and personable the

St Luke’s students are. Thank you, Year 11s you make me look good.

I am looking forward to spending the night on the Year 9 Outdoor Education camp this Thursday. I can’t

wait to see the camp skills and cooking prowess of the Year 9s.

I’m also fortunate to be spending Friday evening and Saturday with students at school this weekend on

the 2017 Maths/Science Competition Camp. It’s always wonderful to see students’ minds working

together using a variety of strategies to solve puzzles and conundrums.

Lastly, can I please encourage parents, guardians and friends to come along to the Surf Online Safe

presentation on Monday 6th November from 7pm. Many of the phone calls I receive from parents are in

relation to ‘social media’ issues. Paul Litherland has a wealth of knowledge on cyber-safety having

worked as a police officer in the Technology Crime Investigation Unit for the West Australian Police. He

has dealt personally with victims of crime and the offenders, so his presentation is a must for parents of

teenagers. Please ring the office on 9144 1081 to register your interest for the evening.

God bless

Miss Sharon Cusack

Deputy Principal (Year 7, 9 & 11)

Religious Education

Blessings All,

Year 12 Graduation Mass

It was an emotional time last week when our Year 12 students graduated.

On Friday 20th October, the Year 12 Graduation Mass was held at our local Parish Church, St Paul’s.

Year 12 students, their parents, family members and St Luke’s staff attended. Father Brian and Father

Bernard celebrated this special Mass for the Year 12 students, parents and teachers.

The Mass was a reverent occasion and one which we hope will stay with our now former students as

they prepare to leave secondary school and go onto further study, employment or travel.

Our prayers will be with the Year 12 students as they prepare for and sit their WACE exams. May God

help them to use their time well, and may He give them a calm mind and a real confidence as they face

this time in their lives.

Year 10 Retreat Day

Retreats are an integral part of the way each student is challenged to grow in Christian self-

understanding, to develop a life of prayer and worship, and to respond to Christ’s call to serve others.

The Year 10 Retreat will be held on Thursday 2nd November in Dampier at the Dampier Pavilion. The

Retreat day is a normal school day and attendance by all students is compulsory. Students may wear

their sports uniform and morning tea and lunch are provided. Our Retreat Days start at 9am with Mass

which will be held at St Peter’s Dampier.

If any parents would like to attend the Mass please feel free to come along, it is always nice to see our

students’ parents attend.

If you have any questions about the Retreat Days, please do not hesitate to contact me.

God bless,

Mrs Rhondda Tittums

Head of Religious Education

Important Dates Term Four

Year 10 Retreat: Thursday 2nd November 2017

Year 8 Mass: 22nd November 2017

Learning Area Updates


EDUCATION PERFECT - a perfect way to learn and have fun!

At St Luke’s College we use this powerful online learning platform to improve learning outcomes and

increase student engagement.

The program focuses on daily learning, revision and assessment of particular skills. Teachers set tasks

online and students gain points for correct answers. Incorrect answered questions are explained and

tested again until the correct answer is obtained, reinforcing the rule. Students can also complete tasks at

their own level ensuring that each student works to his/her own level. Teachers are able to track student

progress using data provided and give specific feedback on student extended answers. Once an

assessment is completed, students are provided with targeted remediation where they get personalized

lesson recommendations based on content they need to revise.

Dash, which has recently been introduced, is a fun, single- or multiplayer revision activity for students to

unlock after they've worked through a Smart Lesson.

Education Perfect is accessible from any PC as well as tablet or iPad devices with internet access. All the

content is built to follow the Australian and New Zealand curriculum and also includes activities in

preparation for NAPLAN testing. Parents are encouraged to have a look at the website, for further information regarding the benefits the program has to offer.

St Luke’s makes use of the bulk school package, which provides an annual academic subscription of $100

for all subjects.

Benefits of the full Education Perfect experience:

Direct integration with many Learning Management Systems

Single sign on available

Full examination features available to schools. This is the same technology used by the New

Zealand Qualification Authority to deliver digital Pilot Assessments in 2014, 2015 and 2016.

Access anywhere, anytime on PC/laptop/tablet devices

Parent reporting

Live monitoring shows if students go off task onto other sites/programs

Spaced repetition

Content fully customisable

Full entry to all Education Perfect World Series Events

A recent school usage update for English reflects how students are engaging with the program:

Some recent student comments about Education Perfect:

Maddie Armstrong: "I love education perfect because I learn so much new stuff. I'm always trying my

hardest because it is fun."

Kimberley Prizmic: "This is a great way to engage kids in learning and I do enjoy it when I get going

on it."

Willem Sach: "It's pretty cool."

Prashan Wijesinghe: "It is very good."

Joshua Vernon: "I believe it is a new fun way of learning!"

Lyn Kleynhans

Head of English

643,028 questions answered

38,249 this month

13,028 logins

888 this month

2,624 hours online

200 this month

Learning Area Updates

Design and Technology

The Solar Model Car demonstration was held at the Quarter on Saturday 21 October with at least seven

cars on display. On an extremely hot day, it was pleasing to see the number of people that had turned out

to show their support. The Solar Model Car Programme is a fully funded event sponsored by the Karratha

Education Initiative through the North West Shelf Project.

It provides an opportunity for students to show off their Engineering skills in designing and building a solar

powered model car. The rewards of the winning students’ hard work through the programme is a trip to

the National Solar Model car competition, held at various cities across Australia.

Although 2017 has already produced two entries for the Nationals, it was a great opportunity to

experience what the programme offers. Other than being able to design a vehicle to specification,

students will learn how to apply many other workshop and electronics skills in creating a solar speeding


We wish Mitchell Greensill every success on his trip to Adelaide this year and encourage all St Luke’s

College students to become part of the programme in 2018.

Mr Anand Subramoney

Head of Design and Technology

KEI Student Cyber Safety Seminar

In week 5, St Luke’s College will be hosting Paul Litherland’s Surf Online Safe as part of the North

West Shelf Project: Karratha Education Initiative. Young people between the ages of 12 and 18

make up almost 43% of all internet users, whilst over 90% of teenagers use Social Networking on a

daily basis. The online world is vastly different from how the Gen X and even Gen Y grew up and it is

a constant worry for parents to try and keep their teenagers safe and responsible online.

Teenagers have embraced the online world at full pace. With that in mind Surf Online Safe specifically

targets this age group. It is this demographic that is the most at risk and as such, it is this age group

that Paul’s effort is aimed at. This is the main reason Surf Online Safe was created.

Paul’s very informative, interactive and fun presentations are not designed to scare our teens away

from the internet, but to have them understand the risks and to observe the warning signs. Paul

shows how to use social networking safely and appropriately whilst still enjoying interaction with their

friends and peers and at the same time, taking worry away from parents.

Paul offers a wide range of age appropriate presentations which vary in content and subject matter. A

presentation is tailored to each year group, so a Year 7 session will be very different to a Year 12.

This is because each age group is dealing with varying online concerns and issues. Presentations will

be held over Monday and Tuesday, encompassing each year group individually.

“I was a WA Police Officer for over 20 years working in a wide range of different areas. I regularly

visited schools across WA conducting "Stranger Danger" talks and working with the Constable Care

program. From 2009 to 2014, I worked at the Technology Crime Investigation Unit, a section

internationally recognised as one of the leading technology crime divisions in the world. I was working

specifically with children (and their families) who were either the victims of online crime, or the

offenders themselves. I dealt personally with the victims of cyber bullying, grooming and predatory

behaviour as well as the perpetrators themselves. I came to know all too well the heartbreak parents

were going through, as well as how frustrated they were with how little care the online world seems

to show our kids. I felt driven to make change.”

A parent/guardian presentation, for both St Luke’s parents and Karratha Senior High School, will

also be conducted on the evening of Monday 6th November from 7pm – 8pm in the St Luke’s

gymnasium. Though your children would have received quite an informative and interesting session

during the day, parents receive a much more advanced and knowledgeable presentation. But don't

worry, the information presented is very easy to follow and Paul's presentation style ensures you will

leave having learnt a massive amount in only a short time, without the fear of having to know much

about computers.

Our main goal is to help parents better understand the networks and systems our teens are using and

to help them grow online with their kids. Communication is ultimately the key, however Paul also

offers some great tips and hints to help you maintain your sanity and peace of mind that your kids are

doing what is expected of them.

This presentation lasts for approximately 90 minutes, after which a comprehensive question and

answer session is held for those who would like more information. The sessions are very interactive

and at times can be fun and enlightening.

Please register your interest at St Luke’s College on 9144 1081.

St Luke’s would like to extend an invitation to the wider parent community so if you know

anyone who would be interested in attending please ask them to contact the College to

register their interest.



Two Year 10 students, Ila Vaughan-Williams and Devni Wijesinghe, recently attended the GREaT Hospital

Program at Nickol Bay Hospital. Sonia Dawson, the staff development nurse, enjoyed having the students

around. Sonia said the students were very well presented and got involved in their dedicated areas. Both

Ila and Devni said the experience had opened their eyes, they didn’t realise how much went on behind the

scenes at a hospital. There will be a GREaT Hospital Program presentation for the current Year 9 students,

we encourage students to submit their applications later this term for the 2018 program.


Adam Hawley and Jaymie Harris are two Year 12 students who have

recently graduated with their School Based Traineeships (SBT) through


Jaymie and Adam were signed up for a SMYL Community Services

Aboriginal School Based Traineeship in Year 11 in 2016 with Jaymie

working towards a Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology and

Adam working towards a Certificate II in Engineering.

Both Jaymie and Adam were required to complete off the job training

blocks with North Regional TAFE and attend the workplace one day a week with local businesses. There

they gained hands on work experience in their industry of choice and used the knowledge learned at TAFE

and put it into practice and complete their nominated qualification.

Jaymie and Adam worked really hard for the duration of the traineeship and have now completed Year 12

with their Certificate II qualifications and great references from their host employers which will have them

well placed for apprenticeship or employment opportunities.

Along the way to successful completion, they received ongoing mentoring and support from Mia Zaknich

from SMYL Community Services. Mia is based in Karratha and was always available to help resolve

workplace or training issues and provide moral support. She kept the school and families updated on their

progress and addressed any barriers faced with the workplace. Mia continues to offer support to Jaymie

and Adam if needed, with helping update resumes and applications for apprenticeships and other

employment opportunities.

Any Year 10 or 11 indigenous students that might be interested in participating in a SMYL Community

Services Aboriginal School Based Traineeship in Year 11 or 12 in 2018, please contact Ms Potter or Mia

from SMYL on 0408 462 894 for further information.

St Luke's College thanks Mia from SMYL Community Services for her support to Jaymie and Adam for the

duration of their traineeships and looks forward to an ongoing positive relationship well into the future.


Our Year 12 students have come to the end of their High School chapter, we often wonder what they

will do and where they will end up. They have been role models to the other year levels, but does

anyone ask the question: What’s next? Some of our Year 12 students were keen to share their story:

Morgan Hartland

I have lived in Karratha for 9 years, been at St Luke’s College all of my high school life. I

have been a House Councillor since Year 8 until Year 11 and House Captain of Fortescue

for 2017. During Year 11 & 12 I chose the ATAR pathway with subjects: Geography,

English, Religion and Maths Applications.

I have applied for University courses at Murdoch and Curtin in areas of Forensics and

Toxicology, Nursing, Marine Biology, Architecture and Human Biology Pre-Clinical. Next

year I plan on taking a gap year, but don’t want to waste it and want to travel somewhere. Now I’m

going to Norway as an exchange student for 10 months and then coming back for University in 2019.

Glynn Shrosbree

I have lived in Karratha for 10 years. I went to St Paul’s Primary School and started at St

Luke's College in Year 8. At the end of Year 11 I was selected for 2017 Head Boy for the

school which has been a huge honour, I have enjoyed the role and working together with

teachers and students. I have part-time work at Baker’s Delight, I have been there for

quite a while, I’m now Senior Shift Manager.

During my Year 11 and 12, I chose the General Pathway, I achieved a Certificate II in Automotive and

hoping it will lead me onto future studies. I have submitted my application to the Australian Defence

Force and been successful in interviews and testings and wait patiently for the final stages of the

recruitment process. I would like to wish my fellow students all the best, I will miss you all.

Polite Kamudyariwa

I have been attending St Luke’s College since the start of 2015, I have really enjoyed my

time here. My initial goal was to take the ATAR pathway for Year 11 and 12 because I

thought it was the only way to get into University until I was exposed to other

opportunities. Becoming a nurse has always been my dream job, I attended the GREaT

hospital Program at Nickol Bay Hospital. It is a three-day work experience program,

working in areas such as Emergencies, General ward and Surgery. It was a great

experience. During Year 11 and 12 I completed a certificate in Business with TAFE, I

finished the course early in Year 12 and approached the hospital for some volunteer work.

At the start of Year 12 I knew I had to make some decisions about my future and ideally how to get

entry into University. I came across a Bridging Course at Charles Darwin University which commences

over the summer months. I have been accepted into the bridging course leading to the nursing

pathway. On completion of passing the bridging course, I should gain a minimum ATAR equivalent score

of 70 which will aid in a direct entry into University early next year. I’m looking forward to my time

ahead, it’s exciting and daunting.

Claudia Becker

I’ve lived in Karratha for 12 years and have attended St Luke’s College since 2013. Since

being at St Luke’s College I have participated in many things such as the 2014 Japan

study trip, CAD (which involved going to Perth), Woodside Work placement at Woodside’s

Gas Plant in 2015, 2016 and 2017, as well as the Rio Tinto Student Vacation program

work placement in 2016 and 2017. While at St Luke’s College, I chose to take the General

pathway to help me obtain an apprenticeship as a mechanical fitter. I selected school

subjects closely related to my interests: Building & Construction, Automotive, Materials

Design & Technology. I also completed two Certificate courses through TAFE: Certificate II in

Automotive and Certificate II in Engineering.

I have since applied for an apprenticeship with both Woodside and Rio Tinto. I have been successful

with being shortlisted with both companies. Third round interviews with Woodside and a request for a

medical with Rio Tinto, both fantastic opportunities, I am truly grateful. I’m nervous about my decision

making but I’m looking forward to exciting times ahead!


The Bullseye Charts assist students with linking school subjects to career

opportunities. These are a great help to Year 10 students who are choosing

Year 11 subjects and they are useful for teachers who have been making up

answers when asked “What jobs can (… your subject…) lead to?”

Go HERE for more information.

YEAR 11 & 12 PATHWAYS 2018

Current Year 10 students are feeling the stress of having to choose a

pathway ahead of Year 11 and 12. Ms. Caddick and I have worked closely with students assisting with

pathway options, subject selections and certificate course opportunities.

This year, Year 11 and 12 students on a General pathway have either attended a Certificate Course with

TAFE, or a School Based Traineeship (SBT) on a Monday. This will change from 2018. Year 11 students

will attend TAFE / SBT on a Thursday and Year 12 students will attend on a Wednesday. The decision

to change the days is due to a number of reasons, one being, most businesses are unable to

accommodate trainee students on Monday due to RDO days and Monday being the quietest day of the

week for students to gain the full experience of the workplace. Another positive for changing the days is

due to St Luke’s College and KSHS amalgamating TAFE days. TAFE are able to assist with a wider range

of course offerings to a small number of students.


The team at EPIC are often invited to our school to assist students from Year 10 onwards with resume

writing, career guidance, interview skills and mock interviews.

EPIC are a team that work closely with the community, they have grown at a rapid rate in Karratha over

the last 3 years.

The world of work is constantly changing and evolving. Most people can expect to have a diverse career

made up of a number of different occupations through their lifetime. So when it comes to employability,

what is really valuable? Is it your skills or your ability to develop skills? What about your working life and

its effect on your family, household and relationships? Have you got a plan for your career?

EPIC’s Career Centre team can help you answer these questions as well as discover new career options

through an easy career exploration and planning process. They offer one-on-one tailored advice with the

aid of specialised career guidance software and online resources.

EPIC have LOCAL information about your training and education options, the local employment market

and even who to talk to in the community to further your career. They also assist in searching for work

and preparing a winning resume.

For more information, please go HERE.


Applications for fulltime places in TAFE for 2018 are now open.

Search and apply for TAFE 2018 HERE.


Most Year 12 students may have submitted applications through TISC to gain entry to University. The

closing date was 29th September, for those that missed the cut off date, you are still able to submit your

application at an additional fee. Go HERE for further information,


This is a great guide for current Year 12 students as well as the current Year 11 students looking ahead.

Students that are interested in the School of Arts, Murdoch University offer a Portfolio Entry using a

media portfolio for creative students to gain admission. Applicants will be assessed based on their

motivation and potential for creative aptitude, rather than by their ATAR results.

Murdoch recently had their Open Day for the Media Portfolio Prep Day, students are welcome to contact

Murdoch University School of Arts for further details call: (08 9360 6000)

Portfolio Entry to Murdoch is available for the following courses:

English and Creative Writing, Games, Art and Design

Graphic Design, Journalism

Photography, Public Relations

Radio, Screen, Production

Sound, Theatre and Drama

Web Communication

Go HERE for more information.


SPOL identifies occupations where there is a skills shortage. The SPOL is used to identify which courses

get the greatest government subsidies. By checking the SPOL website you can find those courses that

are likely to be a) cheaper and b) lead to a job.

To check occupations where there are skills shortages search HERE.

I’d like to wish all students GOOD LUCK with their upcoming exams, stay

calm, eat healthy and keep physically active!

Mrs Carol Potter

Vocational Education Coordinator

Presentation Night

Congratulations Navyaa!!

Recently one our Year 11 students, Navyaa Shukla, entered the Country to Canberra Competition, which

aims to provide amazing opportunities for female students from around the country to strive for

leadership. The winners have won an all-expenses paid ‘Power Trip’ in December 2017 to Canberra to

meet Ministers and CEOs, attend a Powerful Women’s Breakfast, tour Parliament, receive leadership and

public speaking, mentorship and much more. Well done, Navyaa, this prize is testament to your hard

work and commitment over many years!

Check out Navyaa’s winning submission and information regarding the

competition here:

Friends of St Luke’s

Christmas Markets

Cake Stall

Saturday 4th November

3pm - 6 pm

FOSL would love some of your home baked goodies for our Cake Stall at the Christmas Markets.

Send in one of your family favourites for us to sell on the day, donations can be dropped off at the gym

from 9am.

Please label your donations, including their ingredients.


This is a general reminder to all families that school fee balances must be finalised by Wednesday

15 November 2017. Could those families who have yet to organise payment, please contact the

College urgently to make arrangements?

Need an updated copy of your family statement?

Please email and a copy will be sent to you directly.

Click here to view or download a copy of College’s Payment Plan form, Fees Schedule or Fees Policy.

Payment of school fees can be made directly to the College via Credit Card, Cash, Cheque or Direct

Funds Transfer. Our account details for Direct Funds Transfer are as follows:

Account Name: St Luke’s College Board Account

Branch Number (BSB): 086-006

Account Number: 545 070 180

Payment Reference: Family code as per statement

If you are experiencing difficulties in paying your fees, please be assured, there is always a solution.

Please contact the College to make a private and confidential appointment with the Principal to discuss

what arrangements might be put in place to assist you in moving forward with your account, whilst still

ensuring that your child remains part of our St Luke’s community.

Warm regards

The Finance Team

Uniform Shop

The uniform shop will be open prior to the start of Term 1 2018 for any last minute school uniform

requirements. I am looking for any parent helpers over the two days, please email me if you are able to

assist, even if it’s for an hour or two. Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th January from 9am – 12pm.

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