The South Pole - 1st Issue

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Newspapers of 18th regional session of EYP Poland


The South Pole The official newspaper of 18th Regional Session of EYP Poland,

Rzeszow, 7.—10. July, 2011

1st Issue

The South Pole— Official newspapers of 18th Regional Session of EYP Poland


The Veni Vidi Venues


Have you ever been able to stay at a “Hilton” dormitory during your studies? Well, neither did we, but we got the pleasure of being accommodated in a building of the same fame: the Filon. Together with the university that pro-vides the teambuilding venue, we think that this is best place ever to stay at an EYP session.

We were greeted on the 6th of July by the view of a Rzeszow’s „skyscraper“. No, we are not talking about its discussable monument, but about the block of flats where we would be hosted for the next five days. The ever-patient stu-dents, who normally inhabit it, lent this lovely place to us. Awesome rooms were to welcome us with writings on the ceiling, which basically said: “You are stupid.” Przemek can confirm that the furniture hasn’t been changed since his mother lived here, a few decades ago. Well, as they say, if nothing’s wrong with it, don’t change it. Also, you can find Swiss chocolate in room 410, we have heard it’s being handed out for free.

The Teambuilding venue on the other hand is more than extraordinary. It has air conditioning that can bring the rooms at fridge temperature even during the hottest summer days. It is therefore recommended to wear coats even inside, especially since it is raining in the Press Room. Don’t worry; there are plenty of buckets on the floor. Also the smokers will be able to enjoy the break in the organiser’s rooms, as they have a balcony. It is a true paradise for the cigarette-addicts. Yesterday the or-ganisers even carried in a fridge from the dormitory. The deed was car-ried through by Dawid and his lovely helper Magda, who did her share by carrying the entire cable. It was celebrated with champagne. Unfor-tunately it was not shared with the Press Team. But we don’t mind being excluded from the champagne. We have a shopping trolley and we are not afraid to use it. You can see this on the cover page of the welcoming issue. Altogether the venues make a huge impression, and we can be sure that we will remember them for a long time.

Appaled by the exclusivity of the venues on the session? Join the club. (Get it? Exclusivity, clubs, haha?

No? Nevermind.) Giada and Przemek were too, and have felt the need to share their enthusiasim over just

how practical it is to have refrigerators next to your bed. Now it’s not just the women who sleep in the


Dear all, Yes, we noticed. We noticed how you dress, we noticed how you dance, we noticed how you made a monster out of yourselves. Yes, we noticed how you instantly made friends, we especially noticed how bad you flirting is. Don’t worry, The South Pole team is here to help you sooth your pain over a sweatheart lost to a more fluent speaker of his/her languange, to boost your ego by prinitng you face in the paper (make sure to show it to your Mom), to be the single sound of reason in the sea of Chairs making you lose last bits of self-respect right there under their noses and on the wet Polish grass. Be a player, play The Game! It was specifically tailored and designed for you—and we are open for suggestions! Always wanted to do “the Penguin”? Now is the perfect chance. Just get someone to make a photo, or better yet, a video. Remember, the session is what you make of it!


Nope, still no idea on what to write on the right banner



Things you thought you’d never do with the people you never thought you’d


Waka, waka eh eh, it’s time for AFET I!!! Just as the sun had come back to Rzeszow, Dima and Franziska’s committee started their challenging but amusing teambuilding. They began by getting to know each others’ names and it quickly began apparent how unique they all are. Their actions and behavior were summed-up by Franzi in such a way, “You look like retarded people”. The group showed their ability to react quickly and creatively throughout the whole time, even with some of their senses such as their sight being taken away from them. According to Kian who was guid-ing his blind mates, being blind-folded is difficult as “when the people are blind, they are not walking straight”. Most delegates, when faced with a camera, like to look away, walk off, or hide be-hind their friends like a deer in car headlights. Not so with this newly formed team: with huge, honest smiles on their faces they faced the lens and the challenges ahead. Getting to know each other and untying the knots of shyness and inhibition in one huge, metaphorical human knot have fully prepared this committee for the challenges, but also the joys which wait ahead. I am sure that today’s experiences will help Kian, Kasia, Tomek, Iza and Marcin to create a team of good friends. Look out, AFET I is comming!



Teambuilding is all about the communication and creativity. AFET II, the

Presidential committee by now is aware of it 100%. A team of 6 youngsters under-

stands each other flawlessly after creating the body monster that could take the con-

trol over the city of Rzeszów. AFET II has the sense of rhythm, with no doubt the tune

that bonds them is a Green Frog song, and Streetfighter and Chicken pilot let their

energy out. The final outcome of any game was nothing short of brilliance: an analysis

of the conduction like when forming the Perfect Square or wonderful tango per-

formed by this lovely committee. You achieved a lot during this first day, you found

out that the best solutions for the complex problems only come with time and team-

work where every voice is valued and undoubtedly I am looking forward to work with

my committee. Keep it up guys, you rock the session.

AFET III After two days of raining, the lovely committee on AFET III was greeted by sunshine and hot weather. This group, led by Slava Melnyk, didn’t take long to prove to everyone that the team wouldn’t be the same if any of them were missing. Al-though nearly all Polish, the group can count on Phillip’s Swiss touch. His promise of sharing chocolate did not pass unnoticed by this member of the Pressteam. Also, Lucas, though coming in contact with EYP for his first time, didn’t shy back from even the more hard-core teambuilding games. The team managed to overcome all challenges given to them by their chair. Only the human knot caused some problems, but was solved under the firm leader-ship of Ola. When the committee moved to the game that involved guessing the person who was on top of them, everyone’s first guess was Mattheus. Apparently, everyone wants to have him lying on them. On a side note, Slava was unable to guess his delegate’s name even after the entire committee was bunched on top of him. Another awkward moment occurred when Piotr asked if it was possible to check on Youtube what sound cows make when reproducing, in order to complete The Game. Finally, the committee returned outside to become sheep, safely saving Anna from a near nervous breakdown. AFET III is a great committee who go perfectly with the session spirit. I am expecting a lot from these people, and if you haven’t seen why yet, well, you proba-bly will be very soon.



The South Pole— Official newspapers of 18th Regional Session of EYP Poland in Rzeszów


ITRE’s lonely hearts column

Handsome, young delegate with a fetish of being dragged across quads, Adam, is looking for meeting many people at the parties. Likes to show off his body; may be insulting. Man who accepts all challenges, Bartosz is known

for his photo exhibitions of architecture at night he

works on over his travel58s, he believes that God

is his co-pilot needs a lady who would share his

enthusiasm for Iberia-American literature and who

would not be afraid of experimenting with things. Heavy drinker but a REAL HERO, Konrad, seeks for a fellow delegate who would like to join him sailing (although he has been to the wrong part of Belgium). La-dies, this boy saves lives every day.

Attractive brunette aspirating to be a policeman, Tilda, enjoys everything that’s

new and cannot wait to meet many fellow delegates and make contacts with new

people. The potential applicants must love horses, dogs and rabbits.

Lovely Ukrainian, Sonia, is looking for someone in-

terested in languages who would share her interests

in photography to share enjoyment of dreamed ten-

nis games. Preferably close to Warsaw where she

currently studies.

All applicants must pass their personal details to Weronika, ITRE

journo either personally or via the ‘gossip box’.

ECON: Teambuilding

So, while you are reading this, it is the late morning of your second day already. Yesterday, on the first day, you all had teambuilding. ECON committee started off with 5 people, but soon Victorious Victor, Wonderful Wojciech, Joyful Joanna, Kind Katarzyna and Ironic Ida were joined by the lovely Ola. Though the teambuilding had the usual dose of awkwardness at the start, it wasn’t long before everyone got along as if they’d known each other for years. Never lacking a volunteer, the delegates of ECON were soon lifting one another off the ground, talking about the colour of their underwear, and putting blindfolds on their part-ners. Kinky, to say the least! ECON is showing great promise, their amazing team spirit should do wonders for their commit-tee work.



Today something really special happened: the members oft he CULT committee met each other. This small group in which Adam, Marcin, Ada, Wiola and Aneta could express themselves soon become great friends and everyone found their place fairly quickly. This is the first EYP experience for just about everyone and it is turning out to be a good one for all of these lovely delegates. Their chair, Weronika, made them do a few games about music (they have become a group of school friends who have met each other after a plane crash and become great friends when the music band they created saved them). They got to know each other’s names during name games, then could find out how much they actually trusted their fellow CULT friends by doing all sorts of other fun games like the monkey game or just any other typical EYP game. Our wonderful delegates were getting into EYP position automatically, making circles even before they were told do so. The chicken pilot game went on in a fairly paticulier way, as it happened a few times as the whole delegation was running around the circle, which was no longer a circle of people standing but a circle of running people. At the end of the day, CULT crew was asked to make a drawing of a concert scene with themselves on it placed the way they wanted on a big piece of paper. The picture on the poster turned out to be as awesome as they are! This committee really rocks and their great friendship will get them through this session smoothly.


Iza is a new comer to EYP, really into pho-

tography and architecture is seeking a com-

panion who would be up to join her in learn-


It’s really sweet of you to keep hoping something will pop up here


EYP Catwalk

Pizza—the ambrosia of the EYPers

We all like it, don’t lie. Large, small, with various toppings or just classic, hot and fresh . Always wanted to know what kind of

pizza our delegates prefer? The answer to all your questions is brought by Karolina Uchman 1) How do you like your pizza? 2) Do you like it big or small? 3) Do you like it already hot or you like to heat it up yourself? Łukasz Darłak, AFET III 1. Pineapple with tuna, mixed of course, ketchup under all the ingredients. His dad makes the best pizza ever. 2. It depends how hungry he is but since he often is, he would rather have the large one. 3. He likes to observe when somebody does his pizza. He can’t do it himself so he always buys it unless his dad is around to prepare one for him. Bartek Kamioski, ITRE 1) Big, hot, thick, triple cheese, onions and loots of mushrooms, really meaty – with bacon and sausage. 2) size C is enough. 3) He treats a pizza like a woman so he makes her hot by himelf. Maria, AFET II 1) juicy, cheese, chicken and pineapple

2) medium size, not too big. 3) It has to be hot when she gets it, it is a must.

Directly from the

Paris Haute Couture

week, Monika the

Orga Weronica’s morning fantasy, be-

lieve me, regret you haven’t seen it

in person .

Animal prints are in this season

Your next fashion challenge will be the committee work so you might want to follow the recent trends brought to you by your favorite fashionistas. Your stylish outfit should make you feel as if you were the very important person (+100 to the confidence). Next to the committee work there are some decent parties coming up. Looking fashion-able at each of them requires a lot of thought and creativity. Remember that no one wants to see too much body so get rid of any scanty dresses. We expect you all to make a huge effort and live up to your fashion standards !

Something between

the grunge and indie

style performed by

Victor (ECON)

Floris, let’s talk about the emotions !

It is the details that make the creation

exceptionable, Magda knows that!

Clothes may not make a man, but they do make you noticed. See what Karolina Fashion-Is-My-Passion Uchman took from the Teambuilding day!


The South Pole— Official newspapers of 18th Regional Session of EYP Poland in Rzeszów

Session Flirt Tips

Up for an action?But don’t know how to start??How about you try to impress your chosen one with a bit of

a flirrrrrrt in his/her language...? Weronika, the LOVE journo, decided to give you a hand with that!

Dutch Hi! – Hallo! How are you? – Hoe gaat het? What’s your name? – Wat is je naam? You have a lovely bum. – Je hebt een lekkere kont. Are you diabetic?... because you look so sweet. – Heb je diabetes?... want je

ziet er zoet nit. Czech

Hi! – Ahoj! How are you? – Jak se máš? What’s your name? – Jak se jmenuješ? You are one pretty lady! – Isi pěkná kost! You are a really handsome guy! – Ty jsi ale krasavec!

French Hi! – Salut! How are you? – Ca va? What’s your name? – Comment tu t’appelles? Hold on, I’m going to call the police because you’ve just stolen my heart. – Attends, je vais appeler la police parce que tu viens de me

voler mon. Are you tired? Because you were walking through my dreams last night. – Tu es fatigué(e)? Parce que tu te promenais dans mon

rêve hier soir. Ukrainian

Hi! – Privet! How are you? – Yak ty? What’s your name? – Yak tebe zvaty? I don’t have a key to my room, can I borrow yours? - U mene ne malfe keuchiv vid moei kimnaty, chy mozhna pozychyty tvoi? I want you in my bed tonight! – Ya hochu tebe ciei nochi.

German Hi! – Hallo! How are you? – Wie geht es dir? What’s your name? – Wie heiβt du? If they had you at McDonalds you would be called McHot. – Wenn es dich bei McDonalds gäbe, würdest du McHot heiβen. Is your dad an astronaut? Because you have stars in your eyes. – Ist dein Vater Astronaut? Weil du hast Sterne in den Augen.

Italian Hi! – Ciao! How are you? – Come stai? What’s your name? – Come ti chiani? Does it really hurt when you fall down from heaven? Because you look like an angel. – Fa male cabere dal paradise? Perché sambrí

un angelo! I want you in my bed tonight. – Ti voglia net mio letto!

Croatian Hi! – Di si mala! How are you? - Kako si? What’s your name? – Kako se zoveš? Do you have a map? Because I get lost in your eyes. – Mala imaš možda kartu, izgubio sam se u tvojim očima. I forgot my phone number... Can I have yours? – Zaboravio sam broj,... daš mi

svoj? Swedish

Hi! – Hej! How are you? – hhHHur mår du? What’s your name? – Vad heter du? I’m pretty hungry, I wish I could have you for dinner. – Jag är ganska hungrig,

jag önskar jag wunde få dig till middag. I cannot really speak your language so shall we just switch to the language of

love? – Jag nästan inte prate ditt språk så ska vi byta till romantikens språk?

Polish Hi! – Cześć! How are you? – Jak się masz? What’s your name? – Jak masz na imię? You’re one pretty bird. – Niezła z Ciebie jaskółczka. I could literally eat you – Ale bym Cię schrupał(a).

Baby, you’re so hot I need a refrigerator.

Success? Guaranteed.


The South Pole— Official newspapers of 18th Regional Session of EYP Poland in Rzeszów

Let’s face it—without them, we wouldn’t be here, doing what we love most. A huge thanks to all of them, for giving all of the participants a chance to get together, and make Europe a better place, a happier

home, and a more integrated social environment for all its citizens.

Honorable Patronage

Tadeusz Ferenc

President of the

City of Rzeszów

Małgorzata Chomycz

Governor of


Mirosław Karapyta

Marshall of




Member of the European



The City of Rzeszów Wyższa Szkoła

Prawa i

Administracji w

Rzeszowie wraz z



Media Patronage


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