The Shrouded Isle

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The Shrouded Isle

A Warhammer Fantasy Battle CampaignBy Jon Kerr

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A Warhammer Fantasy Battle Campaign ......................................................................................... 1 

Introduction ......................................................... ................................................................. ............ 3 

Albion................................................................................................................................................ 5 

History .......................................................................................................................................... 5 

The Mists Lift ................................................................................................................................ 6 

The Campaign ............................................................................................................ ....................... 7 

Objective .......................................................... ................................................................. ............ 8 

Painting ..................................................... ................................................................. ....................... 9 

Scenery Bonuses ......................................................... ................................................................ 10 

Painting Schedule ....................................................................................................................... 11 

Rules ............................................................................................................................................... 12 

Creating Characters .................................................................................................................... 12 

Your Armies ................................................................................................................................ 12 

Additional Army Selection Options ......................................................... ................................ 13 

“Heroes of Legend” and “Veteran Regiments” .......................................... ................................ 13 

Your Territory ............................................................................................................................. 13 

The Turn ........................................................... ................................................................. .......... 13 

Random Events ............................................................................................................. .......... 14 

Move Armies........................................................................................................................... 15 

Declare War ............................................................................................ ................................ 15 

Roll for Mines ......................................................................................................................... 15 

Fight Battles .................................................................................................................. .......... 16 

Resolve Victories, Defeats & Injuries ................................................................. ..................... 16 

Resolve Expeditions ................................................................................................... ............. 18 

End of Turn ............................................................................................................................. 18 

Racial Bonuses ............................................................................................ ................................ 19 

The Map ............................................................... ................................................................. .......... 20 

Locations .......................................................... ................................................................. .......... 21 

The Games ................................................................................................................. ..................... 24 

Weather ........................................................... ................................................................. .......... 24 

Bonus Games .................................................................................................................... .......... 24 

Regiments of Renown ............................................................ ..................................................... 25 

500pt and 750pt games ......................................................... ..................................................... 25 

Where to start?! ............................................................................................................................. 26 

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This “slow-grow” campaign is designed as an easy way to build up a Warhammer Fantasy army in

manageable chunks, to set short term painting objectives, and build upon tactics gradually.

To the west of the Old World lies a raging area of ocean, thundering rain falling upon

the crashing waves like the tears of the old ones. When the storm rarely dies down,

the area is still covered by an impenetrable fog. Ship captains avoid the area like the

plague, knowing full well that no ship that ever enters that region of sea is ever

sighted again. Even on the outskirts, the fog is so thick a sailor would be unable to

see from port to starboard on the deck of his ship.

Legend tells that every few centuries, the mists clear to reveal Albion- a mysterious

and isolated isle in the middle of the sea, inhabited only by Giants and reeling with

magical energies. Tales are abundant of magical artefacts lost to the island, powerful

wizards who take refuge to hide from the world, temples which harness the winds of

magic and other such fanciful stories, but these are surely just fairy tales…. 

Regardless, word is spreading that the mists have once again lifted, and a strange

island is visible on the horizon. Few captains are insane enough to investigate, since

who knows how fast the storms will return? It would be wise not to ignore this

opportunity, however, since enemy forces will be quick to take any advantage that

can be gained from the Shrouded Isle. You should gather your armies...

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The objective is that after 18months all participants will have a fully painted 1500pt army and an

understanding of how to be a good general!

The campaign is based on Albion, a mysterious island in the ocean to the west of the Old World.

Usually shrouded in mist and rain, the island occasionally reappears for a short time every few


Your forces have been sent to investigate the island- to what end is up to you entirely. A

Daemons of Chaos force might wish to take control of the fabled Ogham stones, in an attempt to

tap their power to open a gate to the Realm of Chaos. High Elf forces may be racing to the Island

to ensure that the forces of Chaos do not tamper with these ancient stones and damage the

fragile barrier between dimensions. Wood Elves may wish to travel to Albion to continue their

search for the dying Wych Elm species, in the hope that the uncharted island still contains a few

groves of these magical trees. Other races may simply wish to fight, plunder, loot or look for the

legendary artefacts on the island. Your motivations are your own.


Throughout this campaign pack there will be references to multiple different rules sets and other

terminology. For those not necessarily familiar with Warhammer Fantasy:


Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) is the core rules set for Warhammer, which will be

used for most of the games in this Campaign.

  Regiments of Renown is an adapted and greatly simplified version of the WFB system,

which allows skirmish games to be played with 100pts worth of troops.


For 500pt and 750pt games, we will be using the WFB core rules with some minor

changes to reduce the devastating effects of magic spells in such small games, and allow

more flexibility in army selection.


Triumph and Treachery is an addition to the core WFB rules to allow multiplayer games

for up to 5 players. It also includes a “mess with your mates” mechanic using decks of

cards to provide additional rules, similar to games like Munchkin.

  Storm of Magic (SoM) is an addition to the core WFB rules to allow insane, large scale

games of Warhammer with additional monsters, huge spells and random effects. The

SoM book contains stat-lines and points values for a huge range on monsters and

creatures. This is further supplemented by the Monstrous Arcanum book from Forge

World which adds to the available selection of creatures. This campaign will not only use

the full SoM rules for a few fun games, but will also allow the use of SoM and Monstrous

Arcanum units to be taken in standard lists.


For this campaign:o  Turn- One turn takes place over one month of real time.

Season- One season consists of three Turns and as such lasts three months.


PDFs for all army books and Warhammer supplements (including SoM, T&T, and

Monstrous Arcanum) can be found in the following super-secret location! 

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Albion is a small island located in the Great Ocean, near the Old World. It is said that it rains

every day in Albion, and the islands are shrouded in mist and heavy fog and the land is

predominantly bogs, marshes and fens. This damp and gloomy environment is roamed by humantribes, led by Truthsayers, guardians of the mysterious Ogham Stones, and inhabited by

creatures such as Giants and the strange Fimir.


A Tilean explorer and conqueror, Curious Gesar, the so-called First Citizen of Remas, was the first

to reach the shores of the misty islands and tried to bring the native barbarians his view of Tilean

culture. He wasn't successful, and resorted to taking Hengus the Druid and the two biggest

Giants of Albion with him back to the Old World to prove the existence of the magical island.

Back in Tilea he was assassinated and the giants now roam the Old World as mercenaries.

The Ogham Circles that dot Albion were erected by the giants of the land, under instruction from

the human Truthsayers during the First Great War against Chaos and work to steady the Winds

of Magic that blow from the Realm of Chaos in the north. Perhaps it is this magical saturation

that causes to abnormal weather which usually shrouds the island. The degeneration of man on

the island to Barbarians of the Stone Age or - at best - early Iron Age may also be a consequence

of this magical influx, or at least their complete lack of contact with the outside world.

After the second Great War against Chaos the cursed Daemon Prince Be'lakor managed to

escape his fate of madness and imprisonment and started to materialize in the Citadel of Lead in

the north eastern Albion. He misguided some of the Truthsayers to become his Dark Emissaries

to help him regain corporeal form. The Dark Emissaries roamed the Warhammer World in search

of any evil, warmongering, ambitious or at least greedy leader, to convince them to journey the

Islands of Albion. Using these forces they intended to divert the energies of the Stone Circles and

allow their Dark Master to materialise. Those Truthsayers that weren't corrupted also travelled

the Old World to find help against their fallen brothers.

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Fleets of all States and Races set sail to reach the shores of Albion to help or to stop the Dark

Master and to earn the artefacts of the Old Ones and so the events of the Shadows over Albion

took place.

In the aftermath of the Shadows over Albion some Dark Emissaries fled from the island and a few

Truthsayers followed them to hunt them down. Both sold their services to armies acrossWarhammer World as mercenaries, using their ability to raise and control Fen Beasts for the

benefit of their employers.


Once again the mists over Albion have lifted. Many races have sent landing parties back to the

island to once again colonise the territory and search for any magical artefacts which may

provide benefit.

Upon reaching the isle, no sign of any of the previous expeditions can be found. Your scouts

bring back word of other forces beginning to build camps around the shoreline of the island, but

no structures remain from the previous invasion of the island whatsoever.

You begin to set up your defences and send out forces to make some headway into the territory.

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The Campaign

The format of the campaign will be as follows:

  A “season” consists of three “turns”.

Each turn lasts one month of real time

AND game time. Each season therefore

lasts 3 months.


Once per month the full group will

meet to carry out a “turn” on the

campaign map, and decide which

players will be paired up for games.


Each player starts at a certain point on

the map and can expand their territory

outwards, partly dependant onwinning/losing games.


You can play as many games per month

as you like, but only one game per

month fully counts towards the

campaign (there are other benefits to

playing additional games, detailed later in this pack.)


The first “season” starts with 100pt Regiment of Renown style games (a slight variation

on the standard rules, but generally you will need less than 10 models).


The second season starts at 500pts and we increase by 250pts per season. By the end of

the 18 month campaign we will all have a 1500pt fully painted army, and fingers crossed

we can all go to a tournament and have a proper good piss up!

Season Real time Games

Season 1- Summer June, July, August 2014 Regiments of Renown (100pt games).

One game per month for three months.

Season 2- Autumn September, October,

November 2014

500pt Warhammer Fantasy games (see

500pt rules changes). One game per

month for three months.

Season 3- Winter December 2014 , January,February 2015

750pt Warhammer Fantasy games (see750pt rules changes). One game per

month for three months.

Season 4- Spring March, April, May 2015 1000pt Warhammer Fantasy games.

One game per month for three months.

Season 5- Summer June, July, August 2015 1250pt Warhammer Fantasy games.

One game per month for three months.

Season 6- Autumn September, October,

November 2015

1500pt Warhammer Fantasy games.

One game per month for three months.

The Battle for


December 2015 1500pt Triumph and Treachery

(multiplayer) grand finale.

Total 18 Months real time.

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The objective of the campaign is to collect Relics, while simultaneously capturing territories to

put your empire in the strongest position possible. The final battle of the campaign will decide

which empire gains final domination over Albion and ultimately wins the campaign.

Relics are the remnants of magical artefacts scattered throughout Albion, and will provide your

race with a huge advantage in the final Battle for Albion at the culmination of the campaign.

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At the beginning of each season, you must demonstrate exactly which models you have painted

that season and how many points they add up to. As long as the total is over 250pts, you’ve met

your target! You are one step closer to a finished army.

All games must be played with fully painted models! If you don’t meet your painting

requirements you can continue to play games at the next point value but you will be playing

games at a disadvantage. Work out how many points you were “short” by in your painting target

last season and this must be subtracted from your army points total in every game until you

meet your target!

Points penalties are not cumulative from season to season , but you still aren’t permitted to use

unpainted models in any game. This just means that failing to meet your target might result in a

short term penalty, but longer term you should be able to juggle some points around, spend

some extra on wargear, and ensure you are back to having equal points in your future games.

While the above rules might sound harsh, it’s all in the spirit of the campaign. The idea is to have

some light pressure to reach your painting targets and continue to progress through the army.

250pts should not be too onerous for anyone and equates to roughly a unit, large monster or

character per season (3 months!).

Tips and tricks:

  Get your Core selections (the bulk of your troops) done early in the campaign. The

minimum core allocation for a 1500pt army is only 375pts. Once that core is done you

may never have to paint troops in bulk again!

  Use your characters as a “Get out of Jail free” card. A Lord level Wizard will be

approximately 250pts alone, for a single miniature! Consider saving him for that month

when real life/work get busy and you can’t complete your painting allowance.  


Similarly, large monsters can be up to 250pts for a single miniature. While this is a large

and time consuming project, it’s much more rewarding than batch painting infantry. Use

this opportunity as a break in between painting your large units!

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Creating themes pieces of scenery to go with your army is a great way to build up a collection of

scenery for gaming with, that you can take anywhere.

As a bonus award, each piece of scenery you build for your army (to a maximum of four, but feel

free to create more!) will give you a bonus for capturing an enemy territory! Your opponents

“Fortification Save” roll (detailed in the Blood in the Badlands rules) will be at -3 for a single roll,

giving you an almost guaranteed capture of an enemy tile! This cannot be used on the

opponent’s Capital. 

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Bear in mind that you need to meet the following painting schedule to keep up with the


Season Real time Painting RequirementPre-Campaign Pre June 2014. Regiments of Renown (100pts individual

models) plus your 3 army counter tokens

(details given in the Rules section).

Season 1- Summer June, July, August 2014 400pts models to bring your total up to

500pts ready for Season 2.

Season 2- Autumn September, October,

November 2014

250pts models to bring your total up to

750pts ready for Season 3

Season 3- Winter December 2014 , January,

February 2015

250pts models to bring your total up to

1000pts ready for Season 4

Season 4- Spring March, April, May 2015 250pts models to bring your total up to

1250pts ready for Season 5

Season 5- Summer June, July, August 2015 250pts models to bring your total up to1500pts ready for Season 6

Season 6- Autumn September, October,

November 2015

Some additional SoM monsters might be

required for the Battle of Albion!

The Battle for


December 2015 You are finished! Enjoy your 1500pt


Total 18 Months real time.

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The following rules provide everything you need to play the campaign.

The group will meet once per month to carry out the campaign “turn”. Each of these “meetings”

will actually involve carrying out the end of the previous turn, and the start of the next turn,

since the sequence of each turn requires a break to play games in between.


Before the campaign starts the first thing each player needs to do is create three characters that

will lead your armies to war. One of these commanders will be the overall leader of your empire

during the campaign, and the other two will be his or her lieutenants.

Each character should be chosen as a unit choice from your army book (don’t worry about

upgrades or equipment; this can change freely between games). You should also come up with

some background for each character and for your force as a whole. At the minimum, 3 facts

about each character will give your opponents some flavour and an idea of who they are up

against, and a few bullet points to describe your empire’s origins and objectives for the campaign

will provide immersion into the storyline.

Each of your characters will lead one of your armies during the campaign, as detailed below.


During the campaign you will have 3 separate armies represented on the campaign map by a

25mm round token. This token must be built and painted before the start of the campaign, and

can be anything you like to represent your army.

Each army must be led by one of your three

Heroes of Legend. This model must be the army’s

general. Their wargear and magic items may

change freely between games, but they must stay

as the same type of character. If they are a Hero

level character, they can be promoted to a Lord

level by paying the appropriate points when

writing your army list, but they can never be

demoted again once this is done.

Army lists can change freely between games,

providing all models used are painted. Be aware-

the native Giants of Albion take great offence to

“list tailoring” (writing an army list to be effective

against a particular race or army who you happen

to be playing against that month!). Anyone

suspected of doing so will be punished harshly!

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In addition to your standard army selection rules (taking note of the minor changes at 500pts and

750pts, detailed later in this pack):


Units from the Storm of Magic and Monstrous Arcanum books may be taken as Rare

choices in any army. 

Truthsayers and Dark Emissaries may be taken as Hero choices using the rules and

points costs from Storm of Magic.

  All Games Workshop data slates/scrolls of binding available online are permitted, as are

any rules published in White Dwarf.


As the campaign progresses, heroes and regiments might perform great deeds and earn renown

across Albion. Some units may find themselves promoted to Veteran Regiments. These units

must be given a name and some background information. Once a unit is promoted to a Veteran

Regiment they can no longer be modified- they must be fielded at exactly the same size, with thesame wargear, fighting for the same army (and Hero of Legend) whenever that army is involved

in a battle.


At the outset of the campaign, we will generate starting territories before the first turn.

Players roll off. Starting with the player with the highest roll and moving clockwise around the

table players will place their capital, and take control of the 6 surrounding map tiles by placing

their flags in the tiles. Players can then place a single mine and a single fortress anywhere within

their empire.

For The Shrouded Isle campaign, at least one of these starting tiles must be a coastal tile when

you place your capital. This represents your armies landing their ships on the coasts of Albion

and setting up a base camp for further operations on the isle.

Each player then places their first army token (representing their Regiment of Renown landing

party) anywhere within their Empire and the first season of the campaign can begin!


At each of the below steps, players act in order of

smallest empire to largest before moving on to the

next step. Roll off to resolve ties.


Random Events


Move Armies


Declare War


Roll for Mines

5.  Fight Battles


Resolve Victories, Defeats and Injuries


Resolve Expeditions

8.  End of Turn

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Each player rolls a D66 on the Random Events table and resolves the event.

Random Events Table

11 Recalled from War.  Remove one of yourarmies from play until the start of the next


41 Spies. In your nest game you may take a lookat your enemy’s army list before you pick your


12 Embattled.  Roll 2D3 when moving all your

armies this turn and pick the lowest result.

42 Dawn Attack.  In your next game the enemy

must roll a D6 for each unit before

deployment. On a 1 they do not deploy and

must enter play as Reinforcements instead.

13 Enemy Sympathisers.  Any fortification saves

you have to make this turn are at an

additional -1.

43 Scouting Force.  In your next game, after both

sides have deployed, you may redeploy D3+1

of your units. You also gain +1 to the roll to

see who goes first.

14  Assassin!  Pick one of your Heroes of Legend

and immediately roll on the Character Injury


44 It’s a  Trap! In your next game you may use

Admiral Ackbar as a special character.

Actually, you can just decide whether to

deploy and go first or second.

15 Deserters.  Pick any of your tiles and remove

the flag.

45 Prepared Ambush. In your next game, you may

pick which scenario you play and whether to

deploy first or second.

16 Plague. Remove one of your fortresses, cities

or mines, but leave your flag in place.

46 Stacking the Odds.  In your next game your

army is 25% larger than your opponent’s. 

21 Stoking Unrest! Pick any of your enemy’s tiles

(other than their capital) and remove the flag.

51 Siege Force.  If you win a battle this turn you

automatically capture the tile you are fighting


22 Settlers. Pick an unclaimed tile and plant your

flag in it.

52 Slave Labour. You can re-roll the dice for one

of your mines this turn.

23 Raiding Party. Pick a rivals tile without a city,

fortress or mine in it and plant your flag in it.

53 Diplomacy.  Pick an opponent. They may not

challenge you this turn.

24 Sappers. Remove one of your enemy’sfortresses, but leave their flag in place.

54 Infiltrators at court.  Pick an opponent. Youmay pick who they challenge this turn.

25 Grab the Gold!  Pick an enemy’s mine and

plant your flag in it.

55 Secret Tunnels. You may pick any opponent to

challenge this turn, regardless of location.

26 Seize the Crown!  Pick an enemy’s city (other

than their capital) and plant your flag in it.

56 Blood Sacrifice. You may force your enemy to

re-roll any rolls he makes on the Character

Injury table this turn.

31 The Winds of Change.  Move one of your

enemy’s armies one tile back towards their


61 Treasure Map.  Gain a relic and place a mine

anywhere on the map.

32 Forced March. Move one of your armies again. 62 Unwritten Victories.  Pick one of your armies

and immediately roll on the Spoils of War


33 Swift Steeds.  Roll 2D3 when moving all yourarmies this turn and pick the highest result.

63 Treasure Chest. Gain D3 Relics.

34 Bad Intelligence.  You can move one of your

enemy’s armies this turn. 

64 Cunning Commander. For the rest of the turn

you count as having the smallest Empire.

35 Unfurl the Flag! One of your units immediately

gains a free magical standard, as per result 4

on the Spoils of War table.

65 Bolstered Defences. Any fortification saves you

make this turn are at an additional +1.

36 Regiment of Renown.  One your units

immediately gains Veteran status, as per

result 5 on the Spoils of War table.

66 Reinforcements from home. For the rest of the

season, you gain an extra army!

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Each turn (month) your army can move D3 tiles (roll separately for each army). You must keep at

least one army within your own territory at all times to defend.

Armies may move up to D3x5 inches if they start and end their move on a coastal tile. This

represents the army using their ships to move quickly and raid along the coasts of the isle. If anarmy chooses to move in this way, it must roll a D6 after moving. On a roll of a 1 the army is

removed from play as if destroyed- their fleet has been battered by the weather, ambushed by

pirates, or hunted by sea monsters. They will be placed back at their Capital at the beginning of

the next turn.

Armies return to their own territory at the end of each season. Starting with the player with the

smallest empire, players each place their three armies anywhere within their borders.


Starting with the player with the smallest army, each player challenges another player to battle,

attempting to capture their land or drive off an invading army. Only one challenge may be issuedor accepted per turn. When it is your turn to challenge, the following list must be followed in



If you have an army in the same tile as another (non-allied) player, you must issue a

challenge to them.


Otherwise, if another (non-allied) player has an army in your empire, you must issue a

challenge to them.

3.  Otherwise, if you have an army in another (non-allied) player’s empire, you must issue a

challenge to them.


Otherwise, if none of these apply, you must challenge any player an ally could challenge



Finally, if none of the above apply, you must challenge a non-allied player of your



Your mines represent the ability of your empire to generate coin, be that through actual mines,

agriculture, manufacture, taxation or exploitation. Your armies are fuelled by this flow of gold,

supplying them with food, arms, reinforcements and in some cases mercenaries. Roll a D6 for

each of your mines and consult the following table:

Dice Roll Result

1 Collapse! The mine is exhausted. Remove the mine.2-4 Gold and Iron. The next time you fight a battle with this army, you may take an additional

D6x10 multiplied by the Season number, worth of points.

5-6 Fabulous Treasures! Not only do you find a relic (add it to your tally) but also a magical

artefact. One of your Heroes of Legend may take a magic item worth D6x10 points for

free (this does not count towards his magic item points limit, but the other usual

restrictions apply). If that character is ever slain in a challenge the free item is lost!

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Whenever you agree to fight a battle, you and your opponent need to nominate which tile on the

map should be representing this. This will usually be obvious, such as the tile occupied by both

armies, or the tile occupied by the invading army. In other situations use your judgement.

If one army is larger than another (for example, due to a roll on the Spoils of War or Mines table)it may not be more than 25% larger than the opponent.

See The Games section late in the rules pack for more details on how each game should work.

Have fun!


In the aftermath of a battle, a victorious army may be emboldened and gain great rewards,

whilst the defeated army may be routed and demoralised.

The victorious player must roll a D6 on the Spoils of War table, whilst the defeated player must

roll on the Ignominious Defeats table. Both players must roll on the Character Injury table forevery Hero of Legend that was removed as a casualty during the game.

Finally, the winner must roll a D6:

  1-3 the defeated army manages a controlled retreat and is driven back one tile towards

its own empire (or capital).


4-6 the defeated army is so badly smashed that it is removed from play as the survivors

scatter for home. It will regroup as normal at the end of the season.

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Spoils of War

D6 Result

1 Living in Infamy. Tales of the misdeeds of your army spread amongst the enemy, fostering a

burning hatred at the sight of your banner. Whenever this army next fights a battle against

your defeated foe, all their units suffer from Hatred.

2 Elite Army.  The next time you fight a battle with this army, the limits on Special or Rare

choices are increased to 75% and 50% respectively.3 Ranks Bolstered. The next time you fight a battle with this army, you may take an additional

D6x10 multiplied by the Season number worth of points.

4 Beneath a Proud Standard. Pick one of our units and name it as a Veteran Regiment. They

may take a magic standard worth up to D6x10 points for free. If the standard is ever lost in

battle, the magical standard is lost permanently.

5 Valorous Deeds. Pick one of your units to be recognised for its valiant efforts and rename it

as a Veteran Regiment. Roll a D6 to see what special rule it gains (re-roll if it already has this

rule). 1= Devastating Charge, 2= Frenzy, 3= Always Strikes First, 4= Immune to Psychology,

5= Stubborn, 6= Fear (or upgrade to Terror).

6 The Glitter of Gold!  Not only do you find a relic (add it to your tally) but also a magical

artefact. One of your Heroes of Legend may take a magic item worth D6x10 points for free

(this does not count towards his magic item points limit, but the other usual restrictions

apply). If that character is ever slain in a challenge the free item is lost!

Ignominious Defeats

D6 Result

1  A Sound Beating! When your army next fights the race that defeated them, all enemy units

cause Fear!

2 Walking Wounded. Pick a unit from the defeated army. It is unable to fight this army’s next


3 Understrength. Pick a unit from the defeated army. It fights at half strength in this army’s

next battle.

4 Inexperienced Leaders.  Pick a unit from the defeated army. It has Stupidity in this army’s

next battle.5 Green Troops. Pick one of your Veteran Regiments. They lose one of their abilities or magical

standards gained from being promoted.

6 Vengeance will be Ours! When this army next fights a battle against the race that defeated

you, all your units gain Stubborn.

Character Injuries

D6 Result

1 Serious Injury. Roll again. 1= Dead!, 2= -1M, 3= -1WS, and -1BS, 4= -1S, 5= -1T, 6=-1A. If any

characteristic is reduced to 0 then the character is too infirm to take part in any further

battles, unless their characteristic started at 1, in which case re-roll the result.

2 Captured! The enemy have taken the character hostage. If they still hold him/her at the end

of a season each hostage is worth 1 relic. To rescue him, you’ll need to defeat the empire

that captured him or play a special scenario.

3 Minor Injury. Roll as for a serious Injury, except that the result only applies in the next

battle. In this case, Dead is instead Coma, and the character may not take part in the next


4 Psychological Injury. Roll again. 1= Fear race fought against, 2= Frenzy, 2= Hate race fought

against, 4= Stupidity, 5= Stubborn, 6= Immune to Psychology. If the character already had

the rule, roll again.

5 Where’s my sword?! One random magic item owned by the character is lost in the battle.

The enemy may roll a D6: on a 6 they can add it to their own roster! Otherwise the item is

lost forever!

6 Heroic Escape! Not only has he recovered but he is changed by his ordeal and gains +1 to a

random characteristic, to a maximum of 10.

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As well as defeating enemy armies, your own armies can launch expeditions to do all manner of

things, from conquering enemy tiles to fortifying your empire.


If your army was driven back by another army it may not do anything else this turn- it is

too busy making a retreat. 

If your army is in an unclaimed tile you may claim it. Place your flag in it.


If your army is in a tile occupied by an enemy army and a battle wasn’t fought, roll a D6.

  1 your army is removed.


2-3 your army is driven back a tile.


4-5 the enemy army is driven back a tile.

  6 the enemy army is removed.


If an army is in its own empire it may build a fortress, a mine, or a Wizard’s tower if

there is not one already. Each tile may only have one building, however. If there is

already a fortress there you may replace it with a city instead. Each army may only build

once per season (3 turns). 


If your army is in an enemy tile that does not contain any enemy armies, you may

attempt to conquer it. The enemy player may attempt to make a Fortification Save to

see if he can garrison his lands in time and stave off the attackers. The defending player

rolls a D6 and applies the following modifiers:


The tile borders the attacker’s territory. -1

  The tile is adjacent to a defending fortress. +1 (cumulative)


The tile is adjacent to a defending city. +1 (cumulative)


The defender can attempt to bribe the attacking army! For each relic handed

over the defender gains +1.

If the roll is a 6+ the defender successfully protects his territory and the tile does not

change hands. If the save is failed, the tile is conquered.


Tidy up the board and begin the next turn. At the end of each season, players should remove all

their armies and replace them anywhere in there empire (starting with the player with the

smallest empire). Armies that were previously scattered can now regroup and be placed on the

board as normal.

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Race Special Rules

Beastmen Beastmen are driven into a state of fury by the trappings of civilisation. Any tiles

occupied by a Beastmen army, and any adjacent tiles, do not gain bonuses to

fortification saves from fortresses or cities.

Bretonnians Armies of crusading knights ride full pelt across the land seeking the grail.

Bretonnian armies add an additional +1 when rolling to see how far they move

(on land!).

Chaos Dwarfs Chaos Dwarfs combine their foul magicks and engineering skills to horrific

effect. A single Chaos Dwarf Wizards Tower may also count as a Mine each turn.

Daemons of Chaos Daemons of Chaos are immaterial creatures of magic manifest. Before any

armies are moved, the Daemon player may move his armies 1 tile in any

direction. In addition, one per turn after challenges have been declared the

Daemon player may swap the position of any two of his armies.

Dark Elves The Dark Elves capture slaves to toil in their mines. For every campaign battle

(not bonus games) won in the previous turn, a Dark Elf player gains +1 to any

rolls on the Mine table. In addition, a Dark Elf player counts all coastal tiles as

adjacent to their empire, regardless of its true position.Dwarfs The mines of the Dwarfs are sturdy and well-defended structures. Dwarf mines

add +1 to the fortification saves of the tile they are in, and cannot be exhausted

(ignore a roll of a 1 on the Mine chart).

High Elves The Elves of Ulthuan are swift, their armies moving at great speed. Whenever

moving an army, a High Elf player may re-roll the dice to see how far it moves.

In addition, a High Elf player counts all coastal tiles as adjacent to their empire,

regardless of its true position.

Lizardmen Slann Mage Priests scry the future from their Temple-cities. Lizardmen Cities

also count as Wizard’s Towers. 

Ogre Kingdoms Ogre tribes migrate across the land, never settling in one place for long. The

capital city of an Ogre empire can move in the same way as an army, but may

not leave the borders of its empire.

Orcs and Goblins Any area invaded by the greenskins quickly becomes infested. Whenever an Orc& Goblin army is removed from the map, immediately replace it in an

unoccupied tile anywhere in its own empire.

Skaven The surface dominions of the Skaven are the tip of the iceberg, their true

empire stretching far beneath the surface. Once per turn, a Skaven army may

move anywhere on the board instead of moving normally. When doing so,

however, roll a D6: on a 1-2 the army is removed as the tunnels collapse. On a

3-4 the expedition is resolved as normal. On a 5-6 the expedition is resolved as

normal but in addition a mine is placed on the destination tile.

The Empire The lands claimed by The Empire are garrisoned with serried ranks of State

Troops. Empire cities and fortifications provide an additional +1 fortification


Tomb Kings Many of the warriors of Nehekhara still lie buried beneath the sands, ready to

answer their Tomb King. Once per turn a Tomb King army may remove any one

of their armies from play and place it anywhere within their empire. A Tomb

King player does not have to leave an army within his empire, so long as he

moves an army back if attacked.

Vampire Counts Animated by powerful necromancy, the Undead are not easily put down.

Vampire Counts characters may re-roll results on the Character Injury table. The

second result is final.

Warriors of Chaos The Warriors of Chaos are the masters of conquest and slaughter, readily razing

cities to the ground. When a Warriors of Chaos army is conquering a tile, any

fortification saves made by the opponent incur a -1 modifier.

Wood Elves The spirits of the forest are angered by the presence of intruders. Wood Elf

players add an additional +1 to fortification saves made for forested tiles. In

addition, once per turn one Wood Elf army may move from one forested tile toanother, anywhere on the map.

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The Map

The campaign map will be based roughly on the map of Albion below, using Mighty Empires tiles.

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The following locations will be present on the Campaign Map.

LocationWhen fighting in this tile or in an

adjacent tile… If a player controls this tile… 

Fortress None. A fortress adds +1 to the

fortification save of any

adjacent tile. A tile

containing a fortress can

only be captured if the

attacker wins a Siege


City None. A city adds +1 to the

fortification save of any

adjacent tile. A tile

containing a fortress can

only be captured if the

attacker wins a Siege


Mines None. They may roll on the Mines

table as part of their turn.

Wizards Tower If a player owning this tile fights a battle

in this tile, their wizards gain the

Loremaster special rule for the duration

of the game.

Rolls on the Random Events

table may be reversed (so a

56 can be taken as a 65).

The Giants Causeway

 A series of

mountains, lakes and

valleys in the

northern regions of

 Albion. The last

remaining Giants

reside here- this once

 proud race now

devolved to a state

of idiocy due to

millennia of


On a roll of a 3+, a random Giant may be

caught in the crossfire of the battle. Place

a Giant model in the dead centre of the

battlefield. At the end of each player’s

movement phase he moves 2D6” in a

randomly determined direction. If he

moves into base to base contact with a

unit, he counts as charging. In this case,

the charged player’s opponent counts as

controlling the giant from this point until

he is unengaged, and begins moving

randomly again.

They may take a single Giant

as a rare choice in any/all of

their armies for 80pts! Use

the rules from Storm of

Magic. Additional Giants can

be taken by armies who

have access to them in their

army book for the usual


Ogham Stones

(multiple locations)

The true purpose of

these mysterious

standing stones is

unknown- but the

earth is saturated

with magical

energies around the


Place a piece of scenery to represent the

Ogham Stones. These count as Arcane


They get +1 to all

channelling attempts in all

games. This is cumulative ifmultiple Ogham Stones tiles

are controlled!

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LocationWhen fighting in this tile or in an

adjacent tile… If a player controls this tile… 

Great Ogham

The greatest of all

the Ogham stones, in

the centre of Albion.

Place a piece of Scenery to represent the

Great Ogham. This counts as a Wizards


At the end of the game, the

Great Ogham counts as 5

relics. If a player owns the

Great Ogham they get +1 to

all channelling attempts in

all games. This is cumulative

if multiple Ogham Stones

tiles are controlled!

Bogs/Marshes All units count as being in difficult terrain

at all times.

They may take units of

Fenbeasts as special choices

using the rules from Storm

of Magic.

Isle of Wights

This island off the

coast of Albion is

host to a large

number of ancient

barrows. The dead

do not rest easy… 

Place a number of pieces of scenery to

represent barrows. Any unit within 6” of

a Barrow causes Terror.

You may take a single

Banshee or Wight as a hero

choice from Warhammer

Armies: Vampire Counts in

any army.

Pillar of Agog

This ancient shrine to

long forgotten

deities still reaches

towards the cloudy

skies in defiance of

time itself. The

ground is darkenedwith the blood of

ancient sacrifices.

None. If a player still has a

captured enemy character at

the end of a season, they

may sacrifice them at the

Pillar of Agog to gain D3


Citadel of Lead

 Almost nothing is

known about this

huge fortress, except

that does not appear

to be as ancient as

the architecture

across the rest of

 Albion. It comprisesentirely of metal,

with seemingly no

way in or out… 

Place a piece of scenery to represent the

Citadel of Lead. At the start of every

magic phase the Citadel casts a random

spell from the Lore of Metal (excluding

the signature spell) on the closest unit.

This counts as a bound spell cast at the

basic casting value.

Any wizard may swap

choose to use Searing Doom

as their signature spell.

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The Games

Each turn you will have an opponent whom you must play your main campaign game against.

The army list used must include the applicable Hero of Legend, depending on which armies

instigated the battle on the campaign map.

Scenarios from the Warhammer Rulebook should be used in all games. Roll to determine this

randomly. If the Watchtower scenario is rolled, use a Blood Forest as the objective rather than a

Watchtower. Mark the central point of the forest and use this point to determine who has

control of the forest for the purposes of victory conditions.

(For Regiments of Renown games use the scenarios printed in the T4G rules pack.)


At the start of each game, before rolling to determine the scenario, roll 2D6 and consult the

following chart to determine the weather conditions:


2D6Weather Result

2-3 Freezing Deluge. All units count as being affected by the Iceshard Blizzard spell while

the pouring rain continues. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each player turn. On a 5+ the

rain down.

4-5 Driving Hail. Roll a dice for each unit at the start of each turn. On a 4+ they take 2D6

Strength 1 hits. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each player turn. On a 5+ the hail dies


6-8 Always Raining. The incessant drizzle has your troops damp, cold and grumbling, but

otherwise unaffected.

9-10 Impenetrable Fog. On the eve of battle a dense mist settles across the field. Do not roll

for a scenario- play a Pitched Battle with the following deployment rules. Both players

must identify their three most expensive units (excluding characters) and, in secret,

draw a diagram of the deployment of these units, splitting the deployment zone into 6”

wide sections and designating which unit will deploy in which section. Once complete,

both players then reveal their decision to their opponent, and roll off to determine who

starts deployment first. Deployment then takes place using the Alternate Deployment

rules, starting with the 3 declared units within their chosen “zones” as each player’s

first three deployments.

11-12 Winds of Magic. The winds of magic wax and wane throughout the battle. When rolling

for Winds of Magic in each magic phase, the casting player rolls an additional D3 and

adds this many dice to his Power Pool.


Additional games may be fought in addition to the campaign game each turn. These games can

be arranged outside the usual mechanic for choosing opponents, and can be standard WFB

Games of any size or Regiments of Renown games. If your opponent is in agreement, you can

even use a different army/race for bonus games, since these are just for fun. The fully painted

rule is still in operation, however!

For each Bonus Game you win, you can apply -1 to an enemy Fortification Save during the

campaign turn (to a maximum of -2 per roll, though you could choose to affect multiple


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Regiments of Renown games should use the

rules published on the Tale of Four Geeks

website here 

Please note these rules are a slight variation

on the official GW rules set. While the pack

above was written for a tournament, please

ignore the details specific to the event itself.

The adapted rules also include a number of

scenarios which add an extra level to the

RoR games and keep it interesting.

Since the RoR games are so fast, it might be

best to play a “Best of Three” system when

playing campaign games to make it last

longer. This must be agreed with your

opponent before the first game starts;

otherwise the first result stands for the

purposes of the campaign.

Things to note:

Your leader will gain bonuses after every game as per the Leader Advancement table.

They can claim advancement for every RoR campaign game played during Season 1, and

for the first Bonus Game each turn during Season 1 (to clarify; only one Bonus Game per

turn counts towards Leader Advancement.)

After Season 1, your RoR Leader becomes an additional Hero of Legend for the duration

of the campaign. This character is not one of your initial three Heroes of Legend, and

they cannot lead one of your armies. Instead, they can be taken for free in every

campaign game played for the rest of the campaign (we assume they roam around your

empire, heading to where the fighting is thickest, so they do not need to be attached to

one specific army). This model is worth 50 Victory Points if killed, and must roll on the

Injury Table as per any normal Hero of Legend.


For games at 500pts and 750pts the following changes to the rules will be in place:


Restrictions on minimum unit sizes are lifted.


For example, this would allow a Beastmen player to take a single Minotaur

rather than a unit of 3+.

  This change allows some variation in the army lists which might not otherwise

be possible, and provides the opportunity to mix up your painting by doing

different types of models.


You must still take minimum unit sizes where possible. For example, if the

Beastmen player wanted to field two Minotaurs they must make a unit of 2

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www TaleOfFourGeeks co uk

together, and cannot both be fielded individually. If the same player took a unit

of 3 Minotaurs (meeting the minimum unit size) he may take an additional

Minotaur as a separate unit consisting of a single model.


When rolling for the Winds of Magic, rolls 2D3 dice instead of 2D6 dice.


As usual, the casting player gets the sum total of the dice and the dispelling

player gets the single highest number. 

This reduces the potential for magic dominating the game at such small point


  “Boosted” versions of all spells are banned.  


This prevents the “big spells” from destroying units outright at such small point


Once the campaign reaches 1000pts, the standard Warhammer Fantasy Battle rules will be in

place for all games with no restrictions or changes.

Where to start?!

The best place to start is by planning your 500pt army list. Once you have an idea what might be

in your 500pt army list its easy to choose a few models which can represent your Regiments of

Renown 100pt scouting party.

A 500pt army will generally consist of:


Your general. Usually in the region of 100-150pts.


Your core unit. The 25% minimum works out at 125pts at 500pt level, but it’s sensible to

spend around 250pts on core to get some bodies on the ground at this stage.


Something interesting from your Rare/Special choices. You should have 150-200pts left

over to spend on something fun- a small unit of Special troops, a monster, or few

monstrous infantry. You may want to spend a few of these points on a cheap wizard

from your Heroes slot, if your general isn’t already a wizard! 

Once you have any idea of what your 500pt army will eventually look like you can think about

what your shopping list for the next 6 months is going to look like!

Based on the models you will need for your 500pt list, you can also plan out your 100pt RoR list

and decide which models you need to buy first.

Most importantly- get painting! Get your 100pt RoR warband knocked together and get started

on the 500pt army as soon as possible. The first season’s painting will be the most demanding 3

months  (turning your 100pt warband into your 500pt army!), as you will need to paint nearly

400pts worth of models, most of which will be Core troops! Once you are over this hurdle it’s

easy to just keep ticking over to meet your 250pts per season. 

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