The Role of Epilepsy Surgery in the Treatment of Childhood Epileptic Encephalopathy

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Hindawi Publishing CorporationEpilepsy Research and TreatmentVolume 2013, Article ID 983049, 6 pages

Review ArticleThe Role of Epilepsy Surgery in the Treatment ofChildhood Epileptic Encephalopathy

Husam R. Kayyali,1 Ahmed Abdelmoity,2 and Saleh Baeesa3,4

1 Department of Neurosciences, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Jeddah 21499, Saudi Arabia2Department of Neurology, Children’s Mercy Hospital and Clinics, Kansas City, MO 64108, USA3Division of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia4Division of Neurological Surgery, King Abdulaziz University Hospital, P.O. Box 80215, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia

Correspondence should be addressed to Saleh Baeesa;

Received 19 February 2013; Revised 25 March 2013; Accepted 29 March 2013

Academic Editor: Giangennaro Coppola

Copyright © 2013 Husam R. Kayyali et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

Children with epileptic encephalopathy often have global impairment of brain function and frequent intractable seizures, whichcontribute further to their developmental disability. Many of these children have identifiable brain lesion on neurological imaging.In such cases, epilepsy surgery may be considered as a treatment option despite the lack of localized epileptic pattern onelectroencephalogram (EEG). In this paper, we summarize the clinical features of epileptic encephalopathy syndromes and reviewthe reported literature on the surgical approach to some of these disorders.

1. Introduction

Epileptic encephalopathy is defined as a condition in whichthe epileptiform abnormalities themselves are believed tocontribute to the progressive disturbance in cerebral function[1]. The report of the International League Against Epilepsy(ILAE) Task Force on Classification and Terminology in-cludes eight syndromes under epileptic encephalopathies.One common feature among these epilepsy syndromes is thesuboptimal response to treatment with antiepileptic medi-cations. This invited the utilization of epilepsy surgery inselected patients who have structural brain lesion believed tobe the cause of epilepsy.

In this paper, we briefly review the clinical features of dif-ferent epileptic encephalopathy syndromes and summarizethe reported literature on the surgical approach and manage-ment of some of these disorders.

2. Classification of Epileptic Encephalopathies

According to the age of onset, epileptic encephalopathy syn-dromes may be divided into two main groups.

2.1. Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathies

2.1.1. Ohtahara Syndrome. First described in 1976 by Ohta-hara, Ohtahara Syndrome is characterized by tonic seizuresand burst suppression pattern on EEG [2]. Symptoms developearlier than other forms of epileptic encephalopathies withinthe first 3months of life, usually in the first 10 days. Etiology isunclear but it generally accompanies structural brain anoma-lies. Seventy-five percent of cases turn into West syndromewithin 3 to 6 months, and some of these turn into Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Seizures are resistant to treatment andgenerally have a poor prognosis.

2.1.2. Early Myoclonic Encephalopathy. Has an early onsetwithin the first few months of life in the form of erratic, frag-mentary, or massive myoclonic seizures. Frequency variesfrom occasional to almost continuous myoclonus. Infantshave severe delay in development, hypotonia, and disturbedalertness, sometimes with vegetative state. EEG is charac-terized by a burst-suppression pattern. Erratic myoclonusdoes not generally have an ictal EEG counterpart. Etiologyremains often unknown. Some inborn errors of metabolism

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were suggested such as nonketotic hyperglycinemia, propi-onic acidemia, molybdenum cofactor deficiency, andmethyl-malonic acidemia. Cerebral malformations can also causeearlymyoclonic encephalopathy, butmore often they produceOhtahara syndrome [3]. The prognosis is poor since there isno effective therapy.

2.1.3. West Syndrome. It usually occurs in the first year of lifeand consists of the triad of infantile spasms, developmentaldeterioration, and hypsarrhythmia pattern on EEG [4].Thereis a broad range of potential causes, including cerebral mal-formations, infection, hemorrhage, hypoxic ischemic injury,metabolic disorders, and genetic conditions, such as Downsyndrome [5]. No clear etiology is found in approximately25–40%of cases. Adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) andvigabatrin are widely used for treatmentwith variable degreesof success depending on the etiology. The ketogenic diet wasfound to be helpful in some cases [6]. Focal cortical resectionor hemispherectomy may be considered for cases that arelesional and medically intractable [7]. The developmentalprognosis depends partially on the etiology; normal develop-ment was described in 51% of cryptogenic cases versus only6% of symptomatic cases.

2.1.4. SevereMyoclonic Epilepsy in Infancy (Dravet Syndrome).It presents typically with frequent myoclonic seizures in thefirst year of life. They are often associated with fever andinvolve one side of the body although both sides of the bodymay be involved [8]. During the second year of life seizuresbecome more persistent and no longer occur in associationwith fever. The early development of affected children isusually normal, but during the second year of life devel-opmental regression occurs affecting mainly language andcognitive skills. OnEEG there are spike andwave or polyspikedischarges, which may be generalized or regional. 35–40%of patients have mutation of the SCN1A gene [9]. Seizuresare very resistant to antiepileptic drugs. A combination ofsodium valproate with either topiramate or stiripentol maybe the most helpful. A short course of prednisolone and theketogenic diet may also be helpful. Children with Dravetsyndrome continue to have severe developmental disabilitiesand learning difficulties requiring full educational support.

2.2. Childhood Epileptic Encephalopathies

2.2.1. Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS). It is characterized bymultiple seizure types, mental retardation or regression, andcharacteristic findings on EEGwith paroxysms of fast activityand generalized slow spike and wave discharges (1.5–2Hz).Seizure onset is usually at 1–8 years, peaking between 3 and4 years. The most common seizure types are tonic, atonic,and atypical absence seizures, but myoclonic and generalizedtonic-clonic seizures can be observed [10, 11]. According toetiology it is divided into cryptogenic or symptomatic. Symp-tomatic cases may be secondary to hypoxic ischemic enceph-alopathy, congenital brainmalformation, vascularmalforma-tion, genetic conditions like tuberous sclerosis, trauma, braintumor, or perinatal meningoencephalitis [12]. Antiepilepticmedications, ketogenic diet, and hormonal therapies are used

in treatment with variable success. Surgical treatment hasbeen suggested for patients with structural brain lesions asdiscussed below.

2.2.2. Electrical Status Epilepticus during Slow Sleep (ESES). Itis a disorder that includes clinical manifestations of variableseizure types, deterioration of neuropsychological functions,and typical EEG pattern of continuous spikes and waves dur-ing slow sleep [13].The age of onset ranges between 2 monthsand 12 years, with a peak around 3 to 5 years. Etiology is oftenunclear. BrainMRI shows diffuse or unilateral atrophy in 33%of cases [14]. Seizures may become self-limited and disappearin the midteens. However, many of affected children do notreturn to normal levels, particularly in the verbal area andattention [15].

2.2.3. Landau-Kleffner Syndrome (LKS). It is also known asacquired epileptic aphasia since this is the main clinical fea-ture of this syndrome in addition to the presence of frequentspikes in the temporal or centrotemporal region activatedduring sleep. Onset is between 2 and 7 years in children withpreviously normal development [16]. It is more common inmales. The presence of normal development in premorbidperiod is an important feature; however, preexisting languageanomaly was described in 13% of cases [17].Many therapeuticmodalities have been tried with variable success. Amongthese are anticonvulsants, corticosteroids, IV immunoglob-ulin, ketogenic diet, and surgical intervention with multiplesubpial transactions (MSTs) [18].

3. Surgical Approach to Children withEpileptic Encephalopathy

Epilepsy surgery was originally introduced as a treatmentmodality for patients who had localized epileptiform dis-charges on EEG. These findings are important clues to thecortical region that has to be removed to stop the seizures,and they remain a cornerstone of selection for surgery inmost cases. However, over the years and with the advancesachieved in neuroimaging, workers in this field developedmore comprehensive approach to these patients, and the planfor epilepsy surgery nowadays is built on data gathered fromEEG, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emis-sion tomography (PET), single-photon emission-computedtomography (SPECT), neurologic examination, and seizuresemiology [19]. The level of concordance between thesedifferent sources of data correlates with postsurgical seizurefreedom rates.

EEG in patients with epileptic encephalopathy due tocongenital or early acquired brain lesion may sometimesreveal diffuse or bilaterally distributed multifocal epilepti-form activity. “The exception to the rule” for surgical candi-dacy despite generalized or bilateral multifocal EEG featuresis based on the experience gained during infancy and earlychildhood, when the age-related pattern of hypsarrhyth-mia may manifest in response to a variety of diffuse orfocal brain insults or lesions [7]. Furthermore, it has beennoted that localized cortical abnormalities may occasion-ally cause generalized epilepsies such as Lennox-Gastaut

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Figure 1: EEG prior to surgery showing generalized hypsarrhythmia.

syndrome [19]. The exact mechanisms behind these phe-nomena are unknown, but the generalized and contralateralepileptiform discharges may be a manifestation of poten-tially reversible secondary epileptogenesis resulting from aninteraction between the early lesion and the developingbrain [20] although further research is needed to refine thisunderstanding.

Based on the above, it has been proposed that infantsand young children with intractable epilepsy and focal brainlesionmay be candidates for epilepsy surgery despite the pres-ence of generalized EEG seizures and a diffuse pattern ofmultifocal or bilateral epileptiform discharges [7, 21, 22].

3.1. Case Illustrations. The following two examples illustratethe successful utilization of epilepsy surgery in such clinicalscenarios.

Case 1. A 7-month-old infant girl was born at full termafter uncomplicated pregnancy and normal delivery andpresented with increasing number of epileptic spasms atage 3 months. She had an initial normal development. EEGconfirmed the presence of hypsarrhythmia pattern (Figure 1).BrainMRI showed vascularmalformation in the left temporallobe (Figure 2). Conventional antiepileptic treatment wasinitially tried using adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH)then topiramate. This resulted in partial control of herspasms. Then at age of 11 months it was determined thatsurgical resection of the left temporal vascular lesion wouldbe beneficial since the child failedmedication therapy and thevascular malformation carries a risk of intracranial hemor-rhage (Figure 3). The child became seizure-free after surgerydespite weaning off all antiepileptic medications 6 monthslater. Developmentally she made remarkable progress afterthe cessation of her seizures. Three years after surgery sheremains seizure-free and developing normally for her age.

Case 2. A 9-year-old ambidextrous girl presented with in-tractable epilepsy since age 2 years. Since the onset of her

Figure 2: Axial T2-WIMRI scan demonstrating congenital vascularmalformation in the left temporal lobe.

Figure 3: Postoperative axial T2-WIMRI scan at the same level afterleft temporal lobe resection.

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Figure 4: EEG prior to surgery showing multifocal sharp waves in the left and right temporal and frontal regions, maximal on the left side.

Figure 5: Coronal FLAIR MRI scan demonstrating the left mesialtemporal lesion.

seizures she had global delay of her development affectingmainly communication, social, and cognitive skills. Despitetreatment with large number of antiepileptic medications shecontinued to have 5–10 seizures daily. Her seizures start withan aura (sensation of fear) followed by tonic posturing of theupper bodywith eyes and head deviation to the right side, andthen she has clonic jerking of the right arm and leg. Someof her seizures involve left hand dystonic movement andsecondary generalization. Interictal EEG showed multifocalsharp waves in the left and right temporal and frontal regions.However, majority of sharp waves were in the left temporalregion (Figure 4). Ictal onset was in the left frontotemporalregion in three of the recorded seizures. The other twoseizures were difficult to lateralize on scalp EEG. Brain MRIshowed nonenhancing lesion in the left mesial temporal

Figure 6: Coronal T2-WI MRI scan demonstrating the left mesialtemporal lesion.

region, which was hyperintense on T2 images (Figures 5 and6).

Even though scalp EEG provided an evidence of mul-tifocal bilateral epileptic process, the decision was made toproceed with left mesial temporal resection based on thefollowing: (1) the presence of left mesial temporal lesion,(2) majority of epileptic activity was recorded from the lefttemporal region, (3) seizures were resistant to treatment withantiepileptic medications, and (4) patient’s severe epilepsycaused significant global cerebral dysfunction, and she wasnot expected to have further deficit as a result of the plannedsurgery. The resection was done without any major com-plications (Figure 7). The pathology showed ganglioglioma

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Figure 7: Postoperative axial T2-WIMRI scan at the same level afterleft temporal lobe resection.

(WHO grade I). On her four-month followup after surgery,the patient remained seizure-free, and she had remarkableimprovement of her level of function.

4. Surgical Outcome of Children withEpileptic Encephalopathy in the Literature

In 2007, Wyllie et al. reported 50 pediatric patients withintractable epilepsy since early in life, developmental delay,and congenital or early acquired brain lesion on MRI [23].They had focal surgical resection or hemispherectomy despiteabundant generalized or bilateral multifocal epileptiformdischarges on preoperative EEG. Postsurgically, 72% of thesepatients achieved seizure freedom, 16% hadmarked improve-ment, 12% were not improved. Interestingly, the authorsreported no significant differences in the rate of seizure-freeoutcome in association with age at seizure onset or surgery,presence of hemiparesis, or focal clinical features duringseizures, type of lesion, or surgery type. In these cases, theconsideration of epilepsy surgery is usually influenced bymultiple factors including the presence of a unilateral orstrongly asymmetric congenital or early-acquired lesion onneuroimaging, the severity of the refractory epilepsy, the lowrisk of incurring a new postoperative neurologic deficit, andin some patients the presence of localizing clinical featuresduring seizures. The most striking age-related finding in thiscohort was the age at occurrence of brain lesions. 90% of thelesionswere congenital, perinatal, or acquired during infancy,predominantly malformations of cortical development, orcystic encephalomalacia.

Lee et al. analyzed data of 27 children who had Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and underwent resective epilepsy surgerydespite the presence of abundant generalized or generalized-contralateralmaximal andmultifocal epileptiformdischargeson preoperative EEG [24]. 85% of these patients had iden-tifiable lesions on brain MRI. At a mean of 33-month post-operative followup, 60% were seizure-free and another 15%

had infrequent seizures. Interestingly, two out of four patientswithout brain abnormalities on MRI became seizure-freeafter resective surgery was performed on the basis of elec-trophysiologic studies and concordant results in other mul-timodal neuroimages. Most, 73%, of the reported patientsshowed an increase in developmental quotient after seizuresdeclined.

A more recent study by Liu et al., of 18 patients withLennox-Gastaut syndrome treated surgically showed similarresults [25]. The authors reported good seizure outcomewhen majority of epileptiform discharges were ipsilateral tothe brain lesion despite the presence of contralateral ictal dis-charges. Also they noted a better intellectual outcome withyounger age at surgery or shorter interval between onset ofseizures and resective operation [25].

Several other studies have indicated that, in carefullyselected patients, early surgery during infancy or childhoodmay reduce serious social, psychological, and educationalconsequences of uncontrolled seizures and maximize func-tional recovery [26–30].

Considering the overall clinical picture in epilepticencephalopathy syndromes, one might raise the concern thatthe generalized or bilateralmultifocal epileptiformdischargescould be evidence that the lesion seen on neuroimagingis only “the tip of the iceberg” of a more diffuse epilepticprocess. This concern is supported by the presence of globaldevelopmental delay, the diffuse nature of some of the earlybrain insults such as perinatal intraventricular hemorrhageor infection with infarction, and in many cases the absenceof focal clinical features during seizures. Features that mayovercome this concern included the catastrophic nature ofthe epilepsy experienced by these devastated patients, thelack of good response to currently available nonsurgical treat-ments, the relatively low risk for new postoperative deficitsin patients with preexisting hemiparesis, limited languagedevelopment and/or poor functional level, and the character-istics of the lesion on preoperative MRI [23].

5. Conclusions

Early reports of successful surgery for selected children withinfantile spasms and hypsarrhythmia were met with skep-ticism [31], but subsequent experience with similar clinicalscenarios was supportive of this approach [7, 19, 21–25]. Incatastrophic cases of epileptic encephalopathy, indicationsfor surgery and assessment of its results require differentrules from those that apply to adults and older children [32].Epilepsy surgery in carefully selected patientsmay be effectivein controlling seizures and improving neurological functiondespite the lack of localized epileptic pattern on EEG. Itis expected that this new paradigm for pediatric epilepsysurgery will be refined in the future by additional clinicalexperience and further studies.


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