The Roar / February 2014

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Divison 41 South / Volume III / Issue 2 / Editor: Aidan Jones


The RoarDivision 41 South • Volume III • Issue 2

February / 2014

DCON 2014

April 11-13

Sacramento Convention Center

Late Registration: $218 due by March 15

Editor’s Note

We meet again, !As you may of noticed, there is a new cover design. The reason I could make this is because of the good people at Tesoro High School who submitted high quality photos which still look extremely good when scaled up to the size that it is (for those who are curious, this is a 12.2 megapixel photo). Laguna Hills’ photos were close to that as well, coming in at 8 megapixels. I very much enjoy these high quality images and if more photos are sent in close to this quality, the covers could become more creative. The quality of the newsletter in general would also increase. !Other than my gushing over high quality photos, there is the obligatory reminder to submit things on time. Also, this month, I will actually try to get on that new content that I mentioned in the previous newsletter. !Until next time,

Aidan Jones

Table of ContentsTesoro

Cover Photo: Tesoro High School’s Ashley Teves collecting a donation from a little girl.  !Body Text is set in 14 pt. Garamond Premier Pro Subtitles are set in 24 pt. Myriad Pro Condensed Photo Captions are set in 12 pt. Myriad Pro Condensed Semibold Authors are set in 14 pt. Myriad Pro Italic and Semibold Italic Page numbers are set in 34 pt. Myriad Pro Bold Condensed All other text, except for this text, is set in various sizes of Myriad Pro Designed in Pages 4.3


7Laguna Hills

5Mission Viejo

Starting out early in the morning, Tesoro’s Key Club split up into pairs of two to be stationed around the race.

Vladi Lotov, Kendall Barnes, Allie Guillen, Alexandra Stettner, Clarissa Smathers, Courtney Veg, Haley Lawrence,


Half Marathon


Taylor Villahermosa, and Ashley Teves all posing for a picture after helping out at the Woodbridge half marathon. 

Because the race was a street race, each pair was responsible for ensuring that the runners all stayed on the correct path and, by directing traffic around the race, made sure that the runners would be safe as well. As each group of runners strode by, some in packs and some running individually, the Key Club pairs offered moral support and encouragement to the runners. The runners each had their own reactions to this, from smiles to little jokes back, or even just a simple “Thank You.” Our Key Club members also offered additional support to those lost cars and runners who were looking for the start or wondering how to get out of the path of all of the runners. Through all of the craziness, the smiles on the runners’ faces and the appreciation expressed to our club for helping in any way that we could made the half marathon experience, even if we weren’t the ones running it, an amazing one. !!- Clarissa Smathers


The San Francisco Solano community food bank has been helping the community for the past 20 years. Once a week, they open their doors to local families in need and give back.

Food Drive

To help this great cause, the Tesoro Key Club hosted a food drive on February 1st at a local grocery store. It was an overall success: the pantry went from being almost completely empty to being filled up with almost 5 carts of food! The generosity and kind hearts of many people in our community were quite evident as dozens happily agreed to purchase food, in addition to their own grocery list, to participate in the food drive.


Whether it was a single can or literally a whole cart of various foods (actually donated by a couple individuals), it was great to see a whole community coming together. As every hour passed by, we were able to fill up one cart after another. Our goal of “maybe 2 to 3 carts” was surely accomplished and exceeded. Much to our delight, the employees of the grocery store were impressed by our success and even commented they had never seen this much food donated in one drive. Holding signs, passing out flyers, and informing many people about San Francisco Solano’s cause, we met many people who wanted to learn more and even those who already knew about it and were excited to participate. Our volunteers helped through the morning, motivated and encouraged by the cause to give back, and cheerfully stuck by the motto: "One can can make a difference!" And it was quite obvious that one can, plus the hard work and willingness of a community did indeed make a difference. !- Izzy Olaes

Top: Taylor Villahermosa and Izzy Olaes receiving the first donations of the day.  !Bottom: Kathy Woo sharing a laugh with a donator.


Mission Viejo

Mission’s Key Clubber’s entered the new year by teaming up with CSF (California Scholarship Federation) in order to help out with the Southern California Half Marathon on Saturday, January 11th, in Irvine.

While it was early in the morning with a bit of winter chill in the air, everyone was still eager to support all of the runners in the marathon. There were multiple jobs that people were given, from running small snack stands, directing runners in the right direction, and, of course, cheering them on. All of the volunteers had a great time. Some volunteers even got creative with their cheers and sang songs to the runners as well! The marathon was a great opportunity to be with friends while helping the community, and a terrific way to start off the new year!

- Kaelani Vergara / Historian

Jogging in January


Sammy Nadj, Tyler Lloyd, Joseph Soden direct runners in the right direction.

Michelle Diab (CSF), Marina Weinberger, Sama Zafar, Julia House, Kaelani Vergara wait to cheer on runners.

We brought a bunch of homemade baked goods to “sell” (because the bake sale was donation based). We did this fundraiser to help cut the cost of DCON, which is coming up very soon. So far, we possibly have about twenty people interested in attending and that is amazing! We hope to have them all go, so this fundraiser was a big deal. The bake sale was lots of fun and had a huge turnout, especially of people who want to go to DCON. We also got to meet some fellow past-Key Clubbers that would donate generous amount to us! I hope that we can inspire some future members to attend DCON and even to become a past-Key Clubber as generous as the ones we met at the bake sale. !!- Maria Nguyen / President 2014 - 2015


Laguna Hills High school recently held a bake sale at the Trader Joe’s across from the Aliso Viejo movie theater.

Bake Sale

The theater did many productions such as, Star Wars, The Diary of Anne Frank, Annie, Cinderella and many more! It was fun, but a lot of work to move around all the cool props. We even had to try and fit some of the props into cars, which became quite the struggle, especially if the cars were too small. So, we basically played real life Tetris. The theater people were fun and were really passionate about inspiring kids who loved to act to continue doing what they like, which is why they created and founded a place where anyone could sign up and go there to act, sing, and do a bunch of theater productions. The venue was small, but in time they will grow. Also, even with a small amount of people and space, they still had rooms separate for those that needed a bit of one-on-one teaching and aid. I hope that someday maybe I and other fellow Key Clubbers would be as passionate about Key Club or serving as the theater people. !- Roger Leal / Member

We helped out a new coming theater to try to find their footing and even help move some cool props.

Moving Theater



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