The right to question critical literacy

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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Where does your knowledge of the world come from?

Do people in different parts of the world see things in the same way?

Do you think any group should have the power to decide for other people what a good society is?

What is teaching? What’s the teacher’s role?

Teaching is the creation of spaces and contexts of learning.

Understands that teachers have some knowledge, learners have other knowledges.

Knowledge is not transmitted, but negotiated based on needs and relevant contexts.

Worlds within wor(l)ds

Learning to cope with complexity and uncertainty is the first step to learning to live, to be and to work together.

to engage with complex local/global processes and diverse perspectives

to examine the origins and implications of our own and other people’s assumptions and positions

to negotiate change, to transform relationships, to think independently and to make responsible and conscious choices about our own lives and how we affect the lives of others

to live with and learn from difference and conflict and to prevent conflict from escalating to aggression and violence

to establish ethical, responsible and caring relationships within and beyond our identity groups

Within a complex environment of peer pressure, information overload and different kinds of (local and global) injustices, empowering pupils to think independently and make informed and responsible decisions become more meaningful than a rhetoric of good virtues.

What are our own


Each context will have specific characteristics related to the profile of participants. Factors like age, level of inclusion/exclusion in the social-economic system, emotional stability, communication skills, etc. directly affect how participants react to the methodology.

The right choice of content and its level of language are key in addressing these factors and the educator/facilitator who works in the context is in the best position to make decisions.

It is up to the educator/facilitator to assess the suitability of the methodology for their context, to adapt it as necessary, to evaluate its effectiveness or to choose not to use it.

Thank you!

Lucia Bodeman Email:

Twitter: @lu_bodemanWebsite:

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