The Resonator - December 2010

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The Resonator - December 2010




"Prez Sez"WRAP UP

After a busy summer of Healey activity it is always a downer to have to putthe car away for the winter months. Our season has had two long distancejaunts of over 4000 miles each, a trip to Conclave and numerous side tripsto fill in the spare weekends. The Healey has covered over 12,500 miles thisseason and enjoyed every minute of it, as have the driver and passenger.Last pub night saw the annual elections and some new faces will help steerthe club in the coming year. I want to thank the outgoing officers BobGergely (membership), Lyn Chrysler (webmaster) and Sue Allison (treasurer)for their service to the club over the last several years. These people are allvolunteers and their time and expertise is freely donated to the smooth runningof the Club. Their contributions are much appreciated. The new faces areHeather Doust (treasurer), Bob Slater (webmaster) and Phillip Jarrett(membership). We need to thank these members for stepping up andallowing themselves to be elected into these positions. A full slate of officersis listed on the club website and also on page 12 of newsletter.The Christmas meeting is fast upon us (Dec 08) and at that meeting we willbe taking bids on the F1 Montreal Grand Prix tickets, which the QuebecClub have generously donated to us. Make sure you take advantage of thisonce in a lifetime opportunity.It only remains for me to wish you all a very Merry Christmas Season anda Happy Healthy New Year.This year I got into my Healey and got a lot out of it. DID YOU?

Bob Yule

Official Newsletter of the Austin-Healey Club of Southern Ontario

View From the Navigator's SeatWell folks, not much left of 2010 - whether good or bad it will be a NewYear in about 4 weeks time! Our Events Team of David and Mark puttogether great Healey driving events, thoroughly enjoyed by those whoparticipated. To add to that the other events which included the Wine Tour,Conclave 2010, Salmon Tour & BBQ, Fall Windup & Bronte British Car Dayrounded out a fantastic opportunity to appreciate and enjoy our little gems;our Healeys! With our new Executive Team in place we can now look forwardto an fun filled 2011! 'Christmas Blessings' to each and every one!

Happy Healeying!

InsidePrez Sez . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pg 1

View From The

Navigator's Seat . . . . . . .Pg 1

Run For The Leaves Tour ... Pg 2-3

Winter Park Concours ... Pg 4-5

Advertisers . . . . . . . . .Pg 6-7

Delegates Meeting . . . . . . . . .Pg 8

Pub Night Visitor . . . . . . . Pg 9

News & Info . . . . . . . .Pg 10

Advertisers . . . . . . . . . Pg 11

2011 Executive Team . . Pg 12

Visit our web


Nine cars, 7 Healeys, 1 MGB and a BJ9 took part in The Run for the Leaves Tour on Sunday, October 3rd,organized by Mark and Heather Doust and it was a great event. We met at a Tim's location off Highway 10 inOrangeville at 10.30 a.m. under partly sunny skies, but very cool temperatures. Nonetheless, we had severalvery brave members who headed out with tops down.

We headed up Highway 10, stopped for a fill up on the outskirts of Shelburne so no-one would run out of gason the country roads ahead, and then carried on through Shelburne. On the outskirts of Shelburne there is avery large wind farm on both sides of the highway.

On to Dundalk and Flesherton in the Grey Highlands eventually finding ourselves on County Road 13, drivingthrough the Beaver Valley, with beautiful views either side of the road; quite magnificent with a mass of colouron the far hills. Our first stop was at the Beaver River Grille & Bakery in Eugenia Falls, where we were joinedby Mark's parents. We had a break there which gave us time to view Eugenia Falls, which are a short distanceoff the highway following a scenic walk through the trees. There was a lookout over the Falls, which werediscovered by an early farmer who thought he had also discovered gold at the foot of the Falls, but he andhis friends were disappointed when it was found to be fool's gold, and so back to farming!

We moved on still enjoying the colours in the Beaver Valley and bypassing the entrance to the Talisman Resort.Our next stop was at Farmer's Pantry Apple Farm in Kimberly. Some of our group took advantage of the applecider on offer and others purchased fresh picked apples. Whilst there another visitor to the farm took a photoof our whole group and also photos of the cars.

By this time we were all thinking of lunch so we continued on to Meaford, with a marvellous drive down thehill leading into the town seeing the Lake spread out in front of us. Meaford was all dressed up. Apparentlythey were holding the "Scarecrow Festival" with all the poles in town decorated with various scarecrows. Wethen continued along the scenic Meaford waterfront and regrouped at that point before heading out of townto our lunch stop by following Highway 26 west out of Meaford for a few kilometres, turning right down a roadwhich appeared to lead to nowhere. Down the road a short distance we found Ted's Range Road Diner, whata neat place and how fortunate that Mark and Heather found it. It looked rather odd from the outside, butinside very welcoming and ready for our Healey group and we all had a really great lunch. They served somevery different fare, one lunch item being a buffalo burger. Some of our members indulged in some very lusciouslooking deserts. Obviously this diner is a well known venue in the area, because there was a write up on the wallwhich had been printed in one of the newspapers.

There was to be an award presented for the best hat and Sue really excelled with a magnificent show of autumnflowers decorating her hat, easily winning the award. Bob came second with a hat which looked as if he hadgrown another head of hair. Very impressive.

After lunch, well fortified, we headed back through the Beaver Valley by way of another route, giving us adifferent viewpoint.

Our final stop was at a lookout overlooking Beaver Valley where there was a beautiful historic plaque com-memorating John Muir, a renowned naturalist who briefly lived in this area. He left Scotland for Canada in the1800's and on the plaque he is described as being the first conservationist, instrumental in making peopleaware of the need to preserve such areas as the Beaver Valley. Most interesting and coincidental of all it turnsout that he was the brother of Anna Orr's great-grandfather, so it was really great that particular spot waschosen for our visit, and of course Mark and Heather had no idea of its significance to Anna. Before we leftthere, Heather had a treat for us, home baked very yummy chocolate chip cookies. What a nice surprise ona perfect day.

From there we headed for home, back onto Highway 10, through Flesherton and on to Orangeville, where ourtour ended. Our thanks to Mark and Heather for a very enjoyable final driving event for 2010.




Our leaders - The Doust Family The Holmes drove their MG

Sue won "Best Hat" contest The Gang at the Apple Farm

My famous ancestor 'John Muir'! Scenic drive nearing Georgian Bay/Meaford


WINTER PARK CONCOURS D'ELEGANCESunday November 7 2010 the 9th annual Concours d'Elegance held in Winter Park Florida wasas elegant and fancy as the name suggests.

A weekend of grand tours, catered meals and a professionally judged car show.

Two years ago I had expressed an interest in this event and was duly invited to attend, so wepacked up the Healey and Levina and I headed for Florida, with few side trips on the way. InAtlanta we were joined by Laurie and Diane Wilford who joined in the weekend as well, althoughtheir car was in the display category, not being judged.

Early Saturday morning we joined a number of the show cars in Hannibal Square and after agourmet breakfast, were led by police escort to the city limits and proceeded, on tour, to an asyet undisclosed location. The identity was only revealed on arrival, and we were served a cateredlunch, under the trees in the garden of a theatre.

Saturday evening saw the signature event and major fundraiser, held in private hangers at theSanford International Airport. Guests mingled amongst show cars, vintage and modern aircraftand boats, ate fine cuisine and were entertained by various artists. One novelty was a younglady with a rope around her feet hanging upside down from the ceiling, pouring champagne intoglasses and handing them to the guests. It was too bad the weather was quite cool, so it keptpeople inside the buildings.

On Sunday morning we had to be in downtown Winter Park by 7am and were directed to parkour cars in designated spots on the main street, which was closed for the event. There were manyfabulous, rare and exotic cars on display, the featured Marques this year were Rolls Royce,Bentley and Corvette. There was a Corvette from each year they were built, plus someexperimental and prototype models. The vintage Bentleys were truly awesome, and an eightlitre model had an exhaust that you could almost crawl up.

The judges did their work and the crowds descended on the street. There were 70,000 expectedand I heard that number had been exceeded. It was wall to wall spectators, and it seemed allof them had two cameras. We smiled and smiled and smiled.

Although we did not feature in the prizes, we had a great time in some very lofty company andthe Healey Marque got a great deal of exposure.

We spent the rest of the week in and around Orlando and had a very pleasant vacation, thehighlight of which was the Concours d'Elegance.



Packard 3 wheel Morgan w/Harvard Transport

Champagne anyone? Nash Healey

Bob Yule's beautiful BJ8 8 litre Bentley - not a hybrid -



Full Page $400

1/2 Page $210

1/4 Page $105

Business Card $45

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As delegate for AHCSO, I attended the recent meeting in Atlanta on behalf of the Club, and following isa brief report of the weekend.The big item was a $10 dues increase. After the budget was presented it was apparent that holding theline, as had been done for the last 11 years, was not an option this time. The Club had been running onprevious surpluses, small Conclave profits and not least the reduced costs of Healey Marque. However,this year had seen four price increases in the cost of paper, a 10% rise in insurance premiums for increasedliability coverage and postage rates are set to increase again. This increase is projected to be good forfive years, providing expenses are as predicted.Conclave 2010 made a profit of $1100 half of which was given to National. Planning for Conclave 2011in Colorado Springs is well under way and about 60 registrations are in already. Steve Pike from Australiais confirmed as a guest along with the Streamliner salt flat car. The Quebec Club had their bid for Conclave2013 in Charlevoix, eighty miles NW of Quebec City, overlooking the St. Laurence River accepted. The roomrate at the Fairmont Richelieu has already been locked in at $130.00. Cole Getzler the webmaster has resigned due to work pressures and a new webmaster is being sought tokeep the club website operating. It was felt that this should be a paid part time position because of theamount of time involved with it.The Concours guidelines are now available on CD at a cost of $20 which is a reduction from $65 for thepaper version.Fred Dabney needs to be informed of local Club events so that the insurance company is aware of them.Certificates are available but should only be given to sites if they ask for them. Last year there were 52requests for certificates.The 100/M registry is still proving to be a bone of contention. An agreement regarding its safekeepingand operation has been reached but not yet ratified. This was over two months ago.The long distance awards program is being reformatted as is the length of membership awards program.Details as they become available.Club events calendar needs to be submitted to Gary Feldman in January for publication in the Marque.Carl Brown has completed an index of Chatter (now Healey Marque) articles from 1982-1996 which willbe available on line to members and a simple word search will bring up all articles on a particular subject.This work is ongoing. An internet list called Angie's list which lists businesses from recommendations by customers has askedAHCA to participate in setting up the Classic car section. For a limited time the Club will be paid $5 foreach recommendation as long as the Club is listed as the charity of choice.The directory will have a tear-out section that a car seller can fill out with details of the new owner andgive to local club.To keep mailing list current changes of address need to be sent in faster. The Three Rivers Club has been de-sanctioned at their own request.Many areas were discussed to make the delegates more involved and to make better use of the meetings.The agenda will be published well ahead of the meetings and delegates will now be contacted quarterlyfor input onto those agendas. The minutes of the meetings will be made available on line in January andin the Healey Marque in March.The Delegates will meet again at Conclave in July and in Louisville next November.

Submitted by Bob Yule Delegate AHCSO




You never know who will show up at aHealey Meeting .

At our November 2010 meeting, which isusually set aside for election night, wehad the pleasure of meeting some out oftown guests from Malta. Our guests wereCharles Zahra, President and founder ofthe Classic Sports Car Club of Malta,and his wife, Miriam. They were inCanada visiting Miriam’s family. Theylived in Canada from 1965 to 1985 andreturned to Malta .

They had heard about our club from aformer member, who now lives in France.They checked out our website, decided toattend our meeting and brought withthem some great photos to share withus. They also told us stories about theirGrand Prix and their club outings toSicily, which required taking their cars ona high speed ferry.

Charles has a great looking 100-6 andonly one of 5 Austin Healeys on theisland of Malta. This would be why theclub is Classic Sports Cars!

The CSCCOM was started in April 2008and has come a long way in short time. Youmay be interested to check out their website at

Looks like a great place to drive aHealey.




Four of us called in sick on Wednesday, so we could get one more drive in our Healey’s before theweather turned to snow. We all met in Orangeville at Tim’s for coffee. We were treated to some ofBill McNaughton’s, what he claims, fat free donuts. It was a cold day but sunny and there was a wind warning out for the area. We headed up to Creemore for lunch at high knots of speed being lead by David Underhill in theMGB. Glued maybe even stuck to his bumper, was Rocket Man Phil Jarret in his modified Sprite. If anyone is up in that area, you may want to search out River Road, running off Airport Road. It isa beautiful winding road that takes you beside the river, through Terra Nova and into Hornings Mills.Just watch for gravel in the corners.As the three of them blasted down River Road, I was holding down the back forty. As I came aroundone of those corners, I had the pleasure of meeting some of Santa’s Reindeer suddenly surroundingme and my 100-4. Let’s say I had Prancer and Dasher on my left and Comet and Rudolph on myright. As I slowed I said “okay boys play your positions and we will all get out of this alive”. They didjust like a hockey team going down the ice. It’s a great sight when you look over in your Healey andyou can see daylight under that beast running beside you.After some more great road and no more four legged creatures, we arrived in the Village ofCreemore. We stopped at Creemore Springs Brewery for a taste of the local water. After a greatlunch we headed back to Orangeville to end our day.




HEALEY SMILEThe question is: What Do Retired People Do All Day?Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting.Well, for example, the other day my wife and I went into town and went into a shop.We were only in there for about 5 minutes. When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket.We went up to him and said, 'Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?'He ignored us and continued writing the ticket. I called him a ####. He glared at me and started writing anotherticket for having worn tyres.So my wife called him a ####-head. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Thenhe started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him, the more tickets hewrote.Personally, we didn't care. Don’t know whose car it was. We came into town by bus. We try to have a little fun eachday now that we're retired. It's important at our age.


Hey Gang! Great news. You asked for it… you got it.

Your club and marquee logos are available in store!

After more than 30 years of seeing you at the

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Visit us and take a look at the fashions

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Dundas, Ontario


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We are closed Sundays, Mondays,

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You can still order on line at:

or call us at 1.888.250.4917 (toll free).

See ya there!

Kim Chevalier

(aka Kimbo)

Our 2011 Executive Team

President: Vice-President:

Bob Yule

RR # 1

Monkton, ON N0K 1P0


Mark Doust

69 Albright Ave.

Toronto, ON M8W 1X4


Membership: Events Committee:

Phil Jarrett

14 Kentmere Grove

Carlisle, ON



David Underhill

22 Mill St E

Tottenham, ON



Newsletter Editor: Newsletter Distribution:

Anna Orr

1376 Hwy # 8

Stoney Creek, ON

L8E 5K6


Ed Orr

1376 Hwy # 8

Stoney Creek, ON

L8E 5K6


Secretary: Treasurer:

Scott Morris

100 North Main St.

Simcoe, ON

N3Y 2M3


Heather Doust

69 Albright Ave

Toronto, ON



Club Delegate: Flea Market Co-ordinator:

Bob Yule

RR # 1

Monkton, ON

N0K 1P0


Martyn Ridley

41 Scott St.

St. George, ON

N0E 1N0


Past President: Flea Market Assistant:

Laurie Wilford

11 Lee Court

Cambridge, ON



Ed Kesik

2214 3 rd Side road

Campbellville, ON



Webmaster: Regalia:

Bob Slater

27 Joseph St.

Breslau, ON



Wally Holmes

56 Turtlecreek Blvd.

Brampton, ON

L6W 3Y1




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