The Reformation: 1517 How Martin Luther Changed the world.

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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The Reformation:1517

How Martin Luther Changed the world

DO NOW: grievances!

A grievance is a complaint.

[Paragraph] What kinds of things do you complain about? How do you deal with your grievances?

[ie, do you just yell about it? Or do you try to fix the problem? Do you talk about it? Or keep it to yourself?]

1. Roman Catholic Church

Dominated life

Criticized: $ and power

2. Definition: Reformation

-Movement of reform (change)

-lead to Protestant Churches

3. Causes of Reformation:

a. Socialb. Politicalc. Economicd. Religious

-INDULGENCES! (paid pardons)

“Give me $, I’ll pardon your sins.”

4. Along comes Martin Luther

MonkWanted to be good Christian

5. 95 Theses

Written in 1517

List of 95 bad things church did

6. 95 Thesis: A Closer Look

On your sheet, write down another way to explain each grievance.

1. Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ in saying “Repent ye,” etc., intended that the whole life of believers should be penitence.

95 Thesis: A Closer Look6. The Pope has no power to remit any

guilt,1except by declaring and warranting it to have been remitted by God; or at most by remitting cases reserved for himself; in which cases, if his power were to be despised, guilt would certainly remain.

21. Thus those preachers of indulgences are in error who say that, by the indulgences of the Pope, a man is loosed and saved from all punishment.

95 Thesis: A Closer Look

37. Every true Christian, whether living or dead, has a share in all the benefits of Christ and of the Church, given him by God, even without letters of pardon.

95 Thesis: A Closer Look

43. Christians should be taught that he who gives to a poor man, or lends to a needy man, does better than if he bought pardons.

44. Because by a work of charity, charity increases, and the man becomes better; while by means of pardons, he does not become better, but only freer from punishment.

45. Christians should be taught that he who sees any one in need, and, passing him by, gives money for pardons, is not purchasing for himself the indulgences of the Pope, but the anger of God.

95 Thesis: A Closer Look

86. Again; why does not the Pope, whose riches are at this day more ample than those of the wealthiest of the wealthy, build the one Basilica of St. Peter with his own money, rather than with that of poor believers?

95 Thesis: A Closer Look

92. Away then with all those prophets who say to the people of Christ: “Peace, peace,” and there is no peace.

95 Thesis: A Closer Look

94. Christians should be exhorted to strive to follow Christ their head through pains, deaths, and hells.

95. And thus trust to enter heaven through many tribulations, rather than in the security of peace.

7. 95 Thesis: A Closer Look

ANSWER IN YOUR NOTES:Summarize Luther’s 95 Thesis in 3-

5 sentences. What is the tone of the thesis?What do you think the reaction to

his thesis was? (By the Pope? By the average Christian?

8. Printing Press

Discussion Question: The printing press was invented in 1452. How would that affect Luther’s message?

9. Luther’s Teachings

Protestant Catholic

Faith alone works

Bible final authority


All equal need for priest to interpret

10. Martin Luther’s PunishmentCalled an outlaw and hereticExcommunication: kicked out of church

“I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. I cannot do otherwise, here I stand, may God help me. Amen.”



What would you do if YOU were Martin Luther?

Recanted your beliefs, knowing you would be excommunicated?

OR, stick with your beliefs and suffer the consequences?

11. Consequences

A. Lutherans form (first Protestant group)


B. Protestants = support Luther (protest!)

Today, Protestant= Christians in non-Catholic churches

C. Protestants Today

Over 33,000 denominations in 238 countries

Every year there is a net increase of around 270 to 300 denominations.

1970: 8,196 denominations within Protestantism

D. Question

Why do you think there are so many Protestant churches? (Hint: Think about its foundation)

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