The Redwood gazette. (Redwood Falls, Minn.), 1880-12-02, [p ]. · 2018. 10. 30. · Don't foijfet ifau Ptiilbrick ft Praaoois have as nicc a line of clothing as was evrr brought to

Post on 22-Jan-2021






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nrr T

The Gazette. ^ KEDWOOD FAUA MISS- >wa i*-.

& RIG BY, Proprietors.

ft per Ama.





M & POWKLL, umi,

FMK. Mtaa. IwWUm mmv MM —d 1%itd 1*.

ALPKRH walltx, aW»«sey & ourNSELLOR at law.

Itedwood Fulls, Minn, in adjoining coiutkc wd be Mai

praapU/ ittwdHi cm.


IMund Fuji*, Minn.


Rfimwd Fiilfe, Km. tMln nrit door to f


ttodwiHx! Fall*, Minnesota. made a ipivisltf.

Vkn oa Njeond street, ww 0' Utrt'a Itmr



; 1 w i I w"T* w :iaHB|»«iily I tq. : l w iTi~TWY~*fTt001 »w: tom « Sq'S I 75 MS t T8 8 «# • COM 00 U «H 3 sq's j 8 tS t Ti I » S *i T CO M 00: 18 «• t sp*s :tn I» tniBBWUoo; WUI * Out !400 600flOOTWlf OUilS 0# BO at i coi ; • on a oo w w I* oo ie ootao nun 1 col TIP Wit 00 U 001> 00lUWHO 00 X> U)

All transient advertisements must he-paid for in advance.

Legal XotlcM. 76 et«. p»r squire for the Am insertion and 37W eta per .*jua re for each sub­sequent insertion.

Local Notices inserted at 10 c4nts per lino, b'tsineas cards of Are lines or loss, HM.

Soxzia 24!attere.

llorc holiday goods at Pond & Co's this week.

Croulcy trill hare a lot of fresh oysters, is can or in bulk, next Saturday.

Iwej Can be saved every day this month, buying goods at Kobt. Wil<on'».


Mr. Merritt. at the foundry. is preparing to cast a lot of sleigh runners.

Quite a Uiju addition to the Canada House ham n beag put up.

Live geese feathers, both in pillows and balk, at H. N. Bell & Co's.

Performances day and evening. Child-• lir Neighhan. ren free; fathers and mothers half price. ' < vmbkrtox. '1 No extra charge for private boxes. Sea j Commercia,: The cievato„ h3« been son tickets given away to eaeh purchaser uk|nff ,n whcat f|i3ter ^ th£ coum

I get cars to ship it in. Whitteu Jh Judd's elevator was blocked up from Friday un­til Wednesday. Mr. Lamberton'a eleva­tor has been unable to take in wheat for a week, but will be ready again next

of Christina* goods at Thompson's.

SHEEP EXCHANGE. The reason Robt. Wilson's store U called

the Sheep Exchange is because he ex­changes more genuiue sheep's wool fur less money than any other man in town.

Monday The Old Settlers' Association of Willow Lake, Cliarlestown, Sundown

Richter and concert harmonicas—very | adjoining towns, meets Dw. 8d, *t line—positively cheaper than elsewhere, at the Old Reliable Drug Store.

Wanted to exchange—two hundred dol­lars' worth of holiday goods for cash, at Thompson's.

Willow Lake school house. •ENVILLE COOim. '

Times: Oood hard wood can t»e had at this point for $4 per cord... .Beaver Fulls is receiving about one mail per Week over the k. & D Rev. V. E. Loba returns

. . , ... . Those " fellows" who want to pull the thanks to the people of Beaver Falls for Thi« week and next, holiday goo s ar-, woo) ovej. (t)e eyeg Qf tjlcir .. gjri,S-" ; their liberal encouragement of the Aead-

rivingat Hitchcock's drug store. j do so without a struggle if they buy one emy pedwood.... A Red Ribbon Re-Our two elevators have received fully j of those nice wool hoods, at Robt. Wil-

95,000 bushels of wheat up to date.


WD. • « FMNX, M. I).

mtsician Axn sr rcjeox. AIm L'aited States

ltedwovd r*


OAre over O'Hara's Onic StaM, XataMd Vail*. Minn.

Do not fail to see the stock of at! kinds


Last week Mr. H. D. Chollar sold the of picture frames at II. N. Bell Jt Co'a. re!,idt"nce Property known as the Preston

— » —• | house to Mr. J no. Drake, for $1,000. The


Don't foijfet ifau Ptiilbrick ft Praaoois have as nicc a line of clothing as was evrr brought to Redwood Falls. |

Preaching in the IVeahytcriaa church next Sabbath, Dec. 5, by Bev. V. E- Loba. Subject: Faith.

Fred. TbonpiKin and J. M. Dunniogton pnesent t n«w front in our advertising caimans this week.

latter gentleman has managed Mr. Dol-vin's farm during the past season, and has, we understand, lately purchased a quarter section froU the farm of Rev. Mr. Phoenix. i

form Club has been established, through the instrumentality of Messrs. Hall and Rice Should the present stateof affairs on the H. & D. continue, it is qoitu prob­able that a transfer of our mails and freights to tko Chicago ft Northwvstera R. R. will be made.

Bird Island Post: The elevaiprs at Olivia are full, aud have been unable to receive wheat lately Tuesday flight a

Om*f e*ra?rf«ff«rt<va street ani Broadwror, rnearly opposite BtUrj Uuute. > iMwvod K«£ls, Jfino.

Pure Wisconsin buckwheat flow, at Crouley's. j

Pond ft Co. will receive another invoice of silverware next week. I


HANK OF UKDWOOD FAi.LS, If W. F. DlCKl.VSti.N. Hanker.

Trantaets a r'-ncntJ Hankin*; busiucm. Collections promptly attonJ<><l to. Ptanitr ncken mlil to wd from Europe.

J. C. Vining has a quantity of oil cake /or sole. Leave orders for wood or oil • very cheap, at Robt rake at his residence, on Washington St.

New line of dress goods, in a few days, Wilson's.

The rate of tax on village property this jvar is3.7 mills. The rate for general tax. aside from local, is 12 mills, and for State is 2.1 mills

TIED WOOD COlrXTY DANK,. 11 REDWOOD FAU.S, MISS.. j " Dae* a roaeral Itxnkinc it***.

Kxcitanjr" on HhuI, (Jk.^jr^an4 XuwYork.: Collations r>l.ctr«I.

UliO. W. BltAl.ST. Backer.

Brother Greene reminds «s that his in-



primed them last meek. We were think­ing of the GrcenBack part)' at the time. Mr. Greene also believes in the inflation of Green bv the addition of a final e.

YVVS that court house LAND AND COLLECTION Af.EXcr. j"4 ^ »<***«"»«* «P («r

'«®wn?) the other day. A bystander of jtlie legal p'Tsnasraa aVterced that it was a pity that the fire was a failure, since the worthier old shell was iasared for $3090.

Mrnml TiH*, Minn. IjinJi hou*ht »»i >*n c >m luission. Taxi** |Miil f'»r *ttk<wt ««tra

ckurire. on rwci(rf mwj. Collvetious u\aJ - aad prooajiUr i^aittvd. tVuvejranciaK a t^ccinh?. Office on Staiat aoaity PM

(Wee. &. rU kX

j freight train was stuck between Hector and Stewart, and some one broke into a car and stole goods to the value of about •35... .The railroad company will enlarge the round house at this place to double its present size next year Our Repre­sentative elect has sent word that if the Post contains anything more derogatory

. j to his character, he will come all the way Silver reed accordeons, violins, bows, from Hector and horsewhip us in our own

ctc., a new stock at reduced prices, at the ofllce. If he wants to see us, our latch Old Reliable Drug Store. ' string is always out... .Three flat cars

— ' loaded with wood arrived Friday morning. Twenty-three car loads, or nearly 800 Fifty or more fanners were in town at the

tons of hard and soft coal, have thus far tillle( Hlld as soon as „ known

been sold at this point by Van Dusen ft tlmt wooJ had comc a„ of them rushed

^ , . | for the depot with their teams, and eacli

[ Just the place to buy holiday gifts, and ; w as anx'OU8 to share that they j headquarters for ladies' furnishing and *ou .no' wa't tor it to be measured, but fancy dress goods. Robt. Wilson s. jthrew il off the cars and Pi,ed °a their

— » » , wagons and sleds as rapidly as possible, We have not sold furniture enough the while curses and maledictions were show-

last year so that we can retire from busi- ered upon one another without stint. ncss, but will keep right on for a while • longer. H. N. Bell ft Co. i *^r- F- H. Dyckman has started a bank


pOMMEKClAL MOUSE. H. 1>. RVKUETC, Froftrictac,

Ki^tirood NK Mum. mimptf wMi Rrtc class te wny

CMveot. ExcfHent «tJ*t4»> awotnmiKlnttonv auetut

koetlers. livery, te. tu omtirftu.



Oar door ca«t of Fort OfBee, ItedHifii Fall*. AfiMM.

Ilnr Watch Itrpairinir «ijK'ciiWly.

Insure Your Pix>perty



Agent* for th«' f««llowing C«iH|taa<«y: Continrnt*l, of N -w York. Asects.. Cni»rwi-«»ers " ** SprliiK-licId Fire A Marine.

of Ma*whti**n« Ftremjui's Fund. tM... ** jUtfiicsn, i>f Newark, \J. **

txet w X*t£42K

Aaather popalarcitizea gaae. He mvs teriously disapp<4red last Friday, and is «W>po«ed to have ^-tt^ed with a designing stranger, who coaxed him away from his friends. Rover was his front name, and he was a retainer of the honsc of Chollar. by occupation a Newfoundland dog.

'rte inevitable fuel question is likely to decline in "nterest during the balance of the season. Considerable wood has been hauled in by tcaias the prist week, and Mes-srs. Vining aad Smith have each re­ceived several ear loads. The supply has

!not yet b:ien s« great, however, as to re­duce prkvs very at:ich.

The M. E church will be reopened for services next Sunday, and properly heated for worship. Morniu* siil»j«;< t: The Pov­erty of Jesns. In tlie evening the pastor will ad<'re»s the yw.sitr men. Subject: How Can I Succeed in Life?

A week from u«xt Sunday evening, an address to the faNlk-s -Ideal Womauhcod.

L4.k).»k , West s

Awrtgttf total a.«.«te of... Farm innurtMM a «peci«ity. Call and us before iu^ariafc <cl4ewfceiv,

*nd «nve mon-v. Onior next door cn*t til Uedarood C<>UBty

Bank, Kedwood


Mrs. T. E. Walton, 8eeond S(., Kinft Btm.' rtove.

f. MTmuteTLE,

la conneetiaa with the notice of Mr. I purchase of the stock of drugs from O E O'Hara. we should have stated

J that the latter gentleman will remain in charge of the store. Mr. O'Hara's many

; frienis will be gratified by this nrrange-:m?nt. Mr. We*', will bring his family tq Redwood an<l make his home here.

Oh I Tkat Bunch! at Sleepy Eye.

Here he comes, with boy's sleds, a large ,f1forf la-

.» Of wilinur kiri, <*.«» «iiw dle«-J"st the thing for holiday gifts-can bo found at Piiiibrick & Francois'.

H. N. Ball & Co. have not sot such large carpet samples, but they have good ones and they sell them close, as their many orders will testify.

Circus and menagerie—Ciandall's Hnp-versus stock raising was decided in favor: PJ Family to be seen in the window of the contestants for the latter. "Thrice Thompson s Christmas Baoar, east of

German Store.

new set of willow higli chairs, willow rockers, and everything in ths line of Christmas presents. Don't wait too long to make your selections.

We are informed that the Delhi lyreum had an interesting meeting last Friday evening. The debate on wheat farming

armed is he who hath his quarrel just.'

The Mmikato Review says that 600 or Marshall s Lung Sj rup needs no 800 wood choppers will be emploved in' flaming posters to proclaim its merits, the Big Woods this wint-T. at big wages. • One bottle satisfies the most skeptical that It also states that the railroad line from 't does cure cougns and colds. Ask your Fort Dodge to that point will be complet-, druggist for it. ed next summer, an 1 afford a direct line from the coal fields.

Santa Claus* head quarters Co's.

It makes a man feel sheepish to find out that he is wearing "flannels" that

at Pond ft* ®evt*r »'>ade the acquaintance of a sheep. Buy your underwear at reductd prices,

: and " true to name," from Robt. Wilson. A large line of gentlemen's neckwear,

in all the latest designs, just received at Now ,he time for ,n:,kinS Presents has Philbrkk ft Francois'. ,con,e- and a* i»wetof«re H, N. Bell ft Co.

— : ate prepared to make presents to all their

Redwood Academy. 1

,.i The tittle is approaching when there ^rill be given to the public a report of this institution f6r the first term of its exist­ence. Should this report be glorious in its encouragement, no small amount df compliment would accrue to the citizens of Redwdod Falls for • seconding this much-needed enterprise.

As the case now stands, however, what­ever foothold has been gained is due not so much to home patronage, or home en­couragement, as to the persistency tff those etlgrigeQ in the enterprise/ fcbd thfc' practical enedtiragemeht from surround­ing neighborhoods. It is very true that a taste for such things must first be begot­ten. Yet what better method is there for producing this taste than by establishing an institution right in the midst of the people, sowing such ground as is pre pared for the seed. We recognize that all institutions of civilization, of educa­tion, of refinement, precede this taste. But what is the report in regard to Red­wood as a community? That it is very intelligent, sociable, and possesses no small amount of culture. That is what we like to have said of us. That is what we ourselves asserted in our first circular, i Without retracting one jot from such a j Compliment, we would define this iutelli-1 gencc, sociability aud culture as individ-' ual.'and not organic. We are as it were, in a stupor, or as a man freezing to death, who says. Let me alone; I'm doing well enough. Yet the man is none the less a man for so spenking. and is in none 1 lie less a freezing condition. Our intelli­gence, sociability and culture i* like the sugar in the canc. It needs organizing. It is there, but only in the sap. Do not { understand us to say that all the people : in Redwood are sap heads. Not this at' all. At this point a long and mournful: wail, as from the inmost recesses of some deep gorge, strikes our auricular tj-mpan-um-p-o c-e r t-y. The significance of this word is enhanced by experience. Its oft repetition has made the word familiar. Poverty, hard times and the weather— bating a few weeks past, when politics was the theme—in these parts furnish the only vigorous subject for un half-hour's conversation. Poverty, perhaps, is a very wicked thing. But it need not make us immoral. It need not keep us in ignor­ance. It need not cause us to be improvi­dent of generations to come. If we look


* FRANCOIS Wtthlthe huiast, most elegant and oompleta line ot

General Merchandise ever brouK&t to Redwood county. This lis no "gentle breese" of kdiucloatloal M MMbw fact, and to be convinced of tne-MUne Is but iq go and see,


We baro Just received a large invoice of

Fall and Winter Underwear, For Men. Women, Misses and Children, at prices ranging from GO cents to M per suit.

We have also Just received a magnificent line of

In the matter of the estate et Charles Huiton. deceased.

Notice Is herebv given that the Jadge f-l the Probate Court of RtdWood county flxnd upon the first Monday In Frbroarr. IMt, and the first Monday in April, 1M1, iu tba Probate ofllce in said count -, as the lines and place when and where he will rooelm, bear aa<l adjust all claims of all persons agninst ftald de­ceased, and that sis months have been United as the time for creditors to present their claims against paid e*tat*.

Dated the 23d day of October. 1W1. URIDOHT HoLTOSf,

oTtt ' Administratrix. [First publication, Oat. M, 1MB.]

SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of sn exeeu'ion Imufrl out of ao4

under the seal of the Distil it • ourt of ui« Ninth Judicial District, In ami for ths fount y of Redwood, in the State of Minnesota, upon a judgment rendered and docketed In iwl 1 court, on the tth day of October, A. L>. 1880, in

plaiotlS, Cfid Alexander J. jtogcn<, defendant. In favof of said plaintiff and aeainst said 6w

Which to be Justly appreciated must be seen. Our stock of Hamburg Gdgfngs and Kmtx-oldery aad Ladies' Hosiery is the largest ever saea

in lledwood, and our

DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT With Its endlesa variety, "caps the climax."

We wish also to call your special attention to our large and attractive

BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT, Which consists of a fine variety of Ladies' fine Ties and Slippers. Misses' fine and cheap Shoes, anil dents' low Oxford Ties and hand-sewed Button Shoes, in ail the latest styles and shapes, and bought direct from the best manufacturers of the Eaist, and every pair Is warranted and guaranteed to be just as represented. In our

Hat and Cap and Men's Furnishing Department

We are offering some big bargains, and It will be to your interest to Interview us before making your purchaacs. Of our • -a


a certain action whrrein H. U. Peterson wm itOTcad i ivor of said pit

fendant, Alexander J. Hnfm. Apr the sum ot three hundred and twaatv-three dollars and nineteen Cfnts, I have on ihl< l.Vh day of Octo­ber, A. I). Mm, levied upon alt the light, thi-i and interest of the sum Alexander j Ito.prr* in and to the follpwlM deecrlUd real oetatr, to wit: The southwest Quarter ?f .estlo-a f»<v~ teen, In township one handled and ten nonlt of range thtrt£fl*ai said county and will sell m same, or so siuca t

be nccMsair to salhty «MT amsutien.

• thtrty4*e wast, Ijias aad Mhtg v> inty of Redwood, and State atuvssaJ''. I sell the same, or so siuch thereof »%

may be ncceaaary to salhty stM ameutton and costs, together with the iaxas paid f»n aatd tract by the plaintiff, if any. at the fmat door

Ooutt House, in f" "* of the tbevtitafB 6f fWdwood Fails, in said county of RadwoMI, Hi the State of cember.

Dated at Rodwaod Minnesota, on the Midi day of Dc-nber. 18M, at 10 o cloek A. m. of that day.

" Fsfls, Oet. IS. 1W0. AT, QALS,

Hherlff of itedwood eoanty. John LOT, residing at New elm, Minn., At­

torney for Plaintiff.

[First publication, Oct. M, 1880.] DISTRICT COURT SUMMONS. Stat* or Minnesota, > County of Kedwood, f

District Court, Ninth Judicial District. John Taber, Plaintiff, 1

against SmJ,-Charlotte Taber, Defendant, i for ""ow-The State of Minnesota to the above-named

defendant: You are hereby summoned and required te

answer the complaint ot the plaintiff in the above-entitled action, which said complaint U now on file In tho office of the Clerk of the I»i*-trict Court in the county of Kedwood and State of Minnesota, nnd to serve a copy of your an-We can only say that it speaks for Itself, and to be convinced that we are headquarters in this «wer to aiiid'c-onmHiTit on thp subscriber nt

at other peoples, and read a few pages of Mihs you have only to give us a trial. , ... . hisatt%> in^the vtllag e of R^w^Sf F^!i: X » • • • * t'hanlrftt<» /uiatAmnM #<m> nod# fat'AM atxl nAt\Ina Ke valo and h/«nA*AmA ifaollni* f a ••• n —II a ,. . • .F dftVS Atthl) 94*f upon you, exclusive of

the day of such service; and if vcu fail to an­swer the said complaint within the time aforo-said, the plaintiff in this actioa will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said oont-

N. B.—The highest market price always paid for Butter. Eggs and Wool. In exchange PlSlnt. H. D. BALDWIN Plaintiff's Att'y, ffipffdiiai • KfcllWOOU 31IIH. i or goons. , jjatd October 11,1880.

House Painting, Graining, Oiabg. Kaisom-tning .-.nd Paper K<«giiiy

Klci Painting a Specialty. Ikiat shop un MM Street, nppuelte lUtnch's

Vwniture store.



Kedwood FaM«, Mimiesota.

Ail kinds (it Beots, Shoes and Slippers made Aider. A large stock of material always on


Have you seen all the novelties iu the Tine of holiday gifts at Pond ft Co's ? If ymi have not, and arc in doubt as to what gift will be most appropriate for your purpose, you may call there and have the

hole stock ransacked without ruffling the temper of Santa Class's accommodat­ing deputies.

The statement made in the Gazette of two weeks ago, thnt neatly 10,000 bushels of wheat were received ht re in two sue cessivc days of that week, wus based up­on a rather exaggerated rumor. Four thousand bushels would he near the mark for the largest day's sales (last Monday), and our elevator men tell us that the av­erage for the latter half of November lias been fully 2,500 bushels per day, divided pretty evenly between the two elevators.


Slain and Ornamental

(have had large experience in the business, • MMI solicit work.

N EW Restaurant


WA HATTER I Has opeied a Restaurant and Oyster Moon ta Ms building sn taosd street, aad is prepared

MEALS AT ALL HOURS, Ami Oysters la every style.

Oysters by the can for sale at the

If you want a woven-wire in at trass that wont sag, just go to H. N. B«l! & Co. They have it, and it is something good.

J. F. Newcomer, of Toledo. Ohio, says: I have been greatly benefited by wearing an Excelsior Kidney Pad, and would recom­mend all persons troubled with weak kid­neys to try it. Sec advertisement.

patrons from now until after Christmas.

To the Ladies. Wc have secured the agency for Red-

wool Falls for the sale of the celebrated Reynold's Bros. Utica fine shoes, which for style, durability and fineness of qual­ity stands without a rival. We have just received direct from the factory our first invoice, which consists of French kid, Curafioa kid, pebble and Tampico goat,

Phii.bhick & Francois.

A large addition, 33x50, is being built on to the west end of O. P. VVhitcomb's elevator. This will add to the capacity of the building, and part of Mr. Whitcomb's grain will be stored there. A feed mill will alsa be operated in the new exten aion by Mr. G. W. Fisk, power being fur: nished by a shaft front the engine room. The framework is In place, and llr. French ! roii. four miles cast of Walnut Grove, will push the balance of the carpenter | The caboose separated from the engine

We advertise only what we have K»t, and when we say we have the largest and best stock of furniture in this county we i in button and side lace, and other novel-mean it. H. N. Bell & Co. ; ties. We shall aim to keep only the best

„ ,, fin these goods, and every pair is.fully Sudden changes of the weather create . wnrranted. Wllcn yon want a pajr of thc

more or less lung complaints and to insure i be8) sboe8 jve us , ca„ a cure Dr. Marshal] s Lung Syrup should be taken. Price 25 cents and 50 cento. Druggists sell it. To the Gentlemen.

Charles Ilartman, Toledo, Ohio, says: I agents for the largest custom know it cured me, and I hope others simi- okdbr clothing house in America, the laiy troubled with pain in the chest may 8ame being that of Wanamaker & Brown, be helped by the "Only Lung Pad" as I j Philadelphia. We have 150 samples have. See advertisement. | 'font which you can make selections, and

— j wc take your measure and guarantee you Mr. T. J. Strausell. of thc Redwood a fit or no sale.

Rouse, has formed a copartnership with j In this way you are enabled to make a K. Z. Robeor in the meat business, and; better selection and get as good a fit as their advertisement appears in another froin the best merchant tailoring estab-column. Call on them. jlishment in thc country, and at figures

All our butchers advertise.; 'Messrs. i ve5^ muc'! '°wcr-Buxton & Broughton follow the t&d of i.We f ̂ (>»«ent8 for the "Burlock the others-they realize that printers Pia

1m.0"<1 Sh"^r T. 8,ands at thehcad

can't get through a cold winter without f" tl"s llne- We ket'P m 8toek H flne line

meat | cf these goods ready made, or take your *»• [ measure and have them made to order.

On Monday of last week a wild train on : Remember, in every instance we guaran-thc W. & St. P. was ditched by a broken tee a fit or no sale.

work to a speedy finish.

Our county officers have been unusually busy lately, we judge. Auditor Van Shaack and his assistant, Mr. Geo. Evans, have been preparing the tax lists, Mr. Paxton is laboring oa the court records, whil^ Mr. Robinson has had a big job of abstracting to do for Messrs. Davidson and Valentine, affectlag the title to 18,-<24 acres of land lying fat Three Lakes aad Morgan townships. Commodore Da­vidson now has a separate and exclusive title to 18,283 acres, and his former part­ner to the remaining % CM.

Redwood Co. Bank.

$ 15,000


Mits fir ltett Mated In Redwood mcvaMRft"

D. H. Valentine was in town this week, and returned to his home in St. Paul on Tuesday.

G. Bob., of the late firm of Bohn & Lamberton, was shakisg hands on our streets Wednesday.

Dr. Townsend aad II. V- Stroup, of Lake City, stopped over bete for a day or two last week, on'their homeward return from a trip to Fort Pierre.

Freaont Cfcppman and Ed. J. Homier, two aspiring y«Aths of Kedwood, have gone to St. Paul to attend colleger. The forager will take a commeftial cotme.

1LX Dmieb, cashier *4 (Tniam Nation­al Bank «f Rochester, war the guest of

and was overturned and destroyed by fire, Conductor B. C. Rowley was badly cut on the head, Engineer Norris and both brakemen were slightly injured.

Phtlbrick & Francois.


wood House, on the 29th ult., by J. H. Bow­ers, Esq., Wm. Forrest®r to Anna E. Wilkin­son, both of Redwood county.

If you wish to make your husband or O'HEIER-THOMSON.-At the Commercial

history, the fact will dawn upon ion that our material condition is not worse, nay. by far not so bad as that of other people who were more intelligent, more enterprising, more moral, more reli­gious. We will cite three of the poorest1

countries in the world, also three of the wealthiest, and see if we do not discover ( the l»w that education is in an inverse! ratio to natural resources. On the one hand we have Holland, Switzerland, New England; on the other, Spain, Turkey, Mexico. In the first case, we must under- j stand that Holland was actually a h-Mow I lun-J. and so jealous was Old Ocean of his ! possession, that thc population were; called on one? and again literally "to take > arms against a sea of trouble." Add to ! this natural disadvantage the social dis- '• advantage of being condemned to be hung and burned <i< a n besides be­ing taxed to the amount of ten per cent. [ aud over during the government of such i a monster as the Duke of Alva; aud the many hardships through which the iuhab- | itants were made to pass in order to gain tueir freedom and carry on a system of natioual freedom. The series of obstacles overcome in Switzerland aud New Eng­land in order to gain a high standard of intelligence, confirms the proposition that _ . education is begotten not of wealth but Oysters, of struggling penury. Spain, Mexico and I Turkey, with all their wheat and ail their ! gold, are only upon the rairg 'd edge of' civilization. Let us not then plead pov­erty as an excusc of zeal in matters of schools, society, or the church. The trite-1 ness of the remark makes it exceedingly vulgar— procul, procul. 0! profuni.

It has been remarked that were we to organize an institution for the education of the wrong end—commonly called (lanc­ing school—we could soon establish an­other bank. This might be verified in some places. We douttt whether it could be in Kedwood. Just so soon as the peo­ple understand that patronizing the Acad­emy—where the system of hourly recita­tions prevails— is chmper and (with effi­cient instructors) more profitable, we need no (make many pleas in behalf of the in stitution.

Wc are not in opposition to the public schools, but supplemental. For the latter you pay your taxes, and give yotir son or daughter all tluir time. To the Academy you pay ten dollars for three months, and your son or daughter gives three hours a day.

If a young man or woman, by working in thc day time, studying in the evening and morning—sudposing health to be nor­mal—cannot earn ten dollars aud board, they will probably fall to pieces before i the *ime comes.

The following schedule, though simple, shows how time may be economized:

Sleep, 8 hours (none but infants whose brains arc very soft, and those who un­usually exert themselves, require more); study, 0 hours; meals, 2 hours; etc., 2 hours; work, 6 hours.

Six hours per day work ought to earn board and tuition.

Without wishing to speak in a carping manner or a piteous tone, we would ask thc people, Can you afford to neglect in­teresting yourselves in that which, if

our vis Thanking our customers for past favors, and hoping by fair and honorable dealing to merit a unid county within thirty i* „7.i continuation of the satnc, wc remain, Very respectfully, : vice of this summons upoi


c K A Y * R A C E ' S

DEC. 2. 1880.

OUR MOTTO:—Get what you pay for, and pay for what you get.

Fresh Oysters, and Royal Celery' Buckwheat Flour in bulk, also Salt to season them with. Heckers, self raising, in packages.


REDWOOD FALLS. MINN.. Nor. 17.18W. Notice is hereby given that the following-

named settler has filed notice of his intention I to make final proof in support of his elnlm, and secure final entry thereof, and that sula

j proof will be made before the Register and | Receiver of the IT. S.«l Office at Itedwood

l-'alfc. Minn., on Saturday, th« 18th day of Df-: cember, 18H0, viz: Halver Anderson, additional ; Homestead entry No. S.S0S, for lot 4. section 87, : township 114, range 37, and he names the fol­lowing witnesses to prove hln continuous ree-

: idence upon and cultivation of said tract, via: Lars L, Kudi, Niels Peterson. Ole O. Enestvedt, and Halver Ilelgeson, all of Sacred Heart, Ren­ville county.

Wm. P. Dcsnixqton, Register.

A new arrival of Cranberries and

Headquarters for Green Apples.

Something nice in the line of M-^ sorted jellus. i

The old dreaded job gone forever. Klein's beef steak mince meat all ready for pie*, in earthen jars, S lbs.


Smoked Halibut and boneless Cod­fish.

Hams and dried beef, each piece warranted.


REDWOOD FALLS, MINN., Nov. 18,1W). Notice la hereby (riven that the followintr-

named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his r-lrilrn.Miil

; secure final entry thereof, and that said proof | will be made before the Register Hnd Receiver

What iu that which sticks to i man ot ,he lT s- at Itedwood Fall*, » nai is mat w men sucks to a man Min„M on Saturdav, the isth day of December, after his friends have forsaken him' ls80» v,*-: Mathias Oimmestad, Pre-emption aner ins menus nave iorsaKcn mm. eMtr}. No e6 for nHrthwil,t quarter of ITi<< nnvertv northeast quarter of section 36. township 114,

'** range 87, and he names the following witnesses ... , ,, , to prove his continuons residence upon and We have an excellent Cider to go cultivation of said tract, vis: John Kurcker, . . . „ j Andrew Peterson, Nils Hanson, and Fred Holt.

With your mincemeat. ! all of Redwooid Fills, Redwood county, Minn. Wm. P. DcxxiMiTOK, Register.

We call special attention to a| mixed browned Coffee, Mocha and! Javu. !





fnoperly conducted, will attract an intel-igent class of people, and prove a great

1881; privilege to your successors?

Winter term begins January 4. ends March 27.

It you wish a preparatory drill in the languages, mathematics, history, geogra­phy, or anything else; in music, instru­mental ana vocal; in penmanship and bookkeeping, you will find it all in Red­wood Academt.

wife or friend a useful and ornamental Christmas present, nothing can be more suitable than a beautiful clock. Phil-brick & France is have received a large assortment of novelties in this line, which they would be pleased to have you call and examine. Remember, these goods are of standard manufacture, (made by 4he New Haven Clock Co.). and every one warranted perfect and good timers.

We were in the District Clerk's ofllce at the court house the other day, and no­ticed a tremendous spatter of ink on the ceiling over thc stove. Had it been on the walk we should have concluded that Mr. Paftton or Judge Bowers'had been unofficially slinging ink in the beat of a political argument, and refrained from further investigation; but we bad too good an opinion of their judgment and experi­ence to suppose that either of them would throw so wild « to carom on the ceiling. It was explained to us (hot by Judge Bower*) that a rather excitable occupant of 16* office bad beert rtnMffng the story of Martin Luther's encwi#ter wfrtr the

Hotel, on the 1st Inst., by J. H. Rowers, E*q., Ole R. O'Heier to Turene Thomson, all of Redwood oounty.

WHITE BRACE.—At the Exchange Hotel, on thc 1st inst, by J. H. Rowers, Esq., James White, of Lyon oounty, to Mrs. Susan Brace, of Redwood county.

DIED. GALB.— In the town of Gales, on the 27th ult.,

of diphtheria, Willie S. dale, aged ten years. Within a few days our little town of Gales

has been called upon to give to Ood three of Its little ones. Three' desolate homes! Ob, how our hearts go out in sympathy for t^S||<

TO WILUa. yt;r> j>:

Huahod for aye is the boyish voloe. That ealled the sunshine to otftr dourf > / »

Cold and still is the form we loved. And our cherished dreams are forever o'er:

Hopes that the ySMrfc to cotte would Bbow< Lying now 'netttb the cold, cold snow.

Rut oh, how oft we shall feel him near, ' And almost touch the hand so dear! (( a

Though our hearts may aette for the lovea ana lost.

They mf not faetfk, for tie hope is strong That we attlfrMWIM be.

In a worM tftat fe free from pafo and wfotif. In the nflHi land his life wllf uo/oAf

• fd* I- il'i-.J

In bratherW«W> i» f|pe eariy part of this upon- his feeling* that he fet fiy the ink week, having paid the fatter a boriness bottle id a momeftt of atnvpMhetie fren-


• w.v'i:;' •: • . * ts.fn-v> '.j-t' n, hn>- : ' • " .. . ' ' «'»• , - ' ' ' i

•I I" , Jl ' <> t .»•••»>> •'* _ . <j> ' .. V ':<».'!? • '1**.

^ »> i*UCL y^ritt '<* iWSte } ' .. vi-KlAi 1 ^ «

de—gfcmlemsn tobtaek. Which so wrought | • >'**** po#er tiHir OAs #orW ooufct hoMl

With iUudie aad Either, his playmates sweet Ha nowaiag h* wSfting the golden street I

Ayer's Hair Vigor, as its name implies, invigorates and strengthens the hair. It not only restores the original color to gray or faded hair, but by its stimulating action at the roots, produces a vigorons growth, and gives it that beautiful lustre !

which results only from a strong, healthy j growth of the hair.

Invites Strangers and the trade to an inspection of her

Fall l Winter Millinery.

Satins, Velvets, \ Zephyrs, Yarns, Ribbons, S Iks, \ Germantown Wools,

Veilings, Laces, \ Passementerie, and IM English CrepesX Silk Fringes.

Especial Care Gra to Dress Mm.

t LAND OFFICE AT i REDWOOD FALLS, MINN., Nov. W, WW. ! Notice is hereby jriven that the following-

1 named settler has filed notice of his intention j to make final proof in support of bis claim. > and secure final entry thereof, and that sai<! I proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the lT. S. Land Ofllce at Redwood Falls, Minn., on Saturday, tne 18ih day of De­cember, 1880, viz: Khenezer Cuff, Homestead entries Nos. 884, original, 2.M9, additional, for southwest fractional quarter seetion 90. town­ship 114, range 34, aud he numcs the following witnesses to prove hi* continuous residence upon and cultivation of said tract, viz.: Thi.*. Brady, Silas Brooks, Joe Hourke, and Edward Mahoay, all of Beaver Falls, Renuille county.

Wm. P. Dusmnoton. Register.



Kottoe Is hereby given that the following* named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final pro«f in su; and secure final entry th<

of his claim, and that said

Redwo od falls Market. WHEAT-No. 1, file; No. 8,01* MtrS, Wi No.

4,00c; Rejected, fiOc. OATS—Me. NEW COMN-SSe. POTATOES—86C/ BUTTER—18990c. BQGSMRc. HIDES—GTWen, Mr.


IKAT lilETl Robeor 6l Strausell, Bave formed a copartnership for thc purpose

of selling

Stall-Fed Beef,


Andtftb choicest PORK, MU~^TON, etc., to be foWnd h this market.


We'make a specially of Mkyinit

Call and see for yourselves the quality of oar meats.

If you think of BUILDING, be sure and get Prices of

Laird, Norton i Chollar,


proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land O0OC, Itedwood Fails, Minn., on Saturday, the 4th day of Do-ceaibor, 1880. vis.: Thomas Moore, Hottestoa<l entry No. 1167, for nouthwest quarter section 28, township lit, ritnge 35, and he ntiiWOs tbu following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon nnd oultivation of said tract. Vis.: Frank Wllford. James Watson, John

hitt Fans, Redwoort co\» Whittet and Robert Parker, all of Redwood

>rt coimtv. W)|, P. DCXN150T0K, IlefiKter.

L I V E R Y .

GoodLiv^ry T«

" •tTn




Can be had at any time. TCHMB.

Ilafnifacturing at their saw mill in Winona all tUaflr* V-

t t * Lumber, Windows, , ^Shingles, Blinds,

Doors, Mouldings ̂And Frames,

Aritf buying in C^ft-LOAD L&Mf

Povl fifvon aiid Wilfdtia Lim%

Cement, Stticco, BviclC^

iixld Building Paper;

ife-MWOT Paxmk:

MONEY fO IiOAN"^""-*4'""* v:



Haroecm, Saddles

Collargf Whips,


A) s# Thinks, Vainer Griiptselis

aftd Satchci^ .

ted St.->•

thcnwoOV t*A tuk Mr? v.

NOTICE I am the only licensed AoCtktate# fn the

city and will sell all kinds of goods at a low precen tags. If yon hive anything you wish to dispose of, call OB me. . .

Ceo. w. Bcnce. Can always M found #t Bunce Bros.'

groce^f store.

LOAN& Honey in loan, if applied for soon, in

ums of $900 and upwards, on undoubted ecuritles, at ten per cent, interest, eotn-missions fechitUa. ,

- .f witsoy WITTS

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