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The Further Education Quality Strategy

2012 - 15

The Further Education Quality Strategy

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Change Control

Version: V9

New or Replacement: Replacement

Approved by: Department

Date approved: 12 March 2013 by Corporation

Name of author: Deputy Principal, Curriculum & Quality

Name of responsible committee: Quality Improvement Committee

Name of Corporation committee: Curriculum and Quality Committee

Date issued: 13 March 2013

Review date: August 2013

Document Reference: FEQ1

Revision History

Version Type Date History

Previous versions in old format

V9 Replacement 16/01/2013

The Further Education Quality Strategy

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Introduction / Background

1 The Quality Improvement Model

2 Group Vision

3 Group Mission

4 Group Core Values

5 Strategic Objectives

6 Further Education Quality Policy

7 FE Quality Assurance

8 FE Quality Management

9 FE Quality Control

10 Governors and Quality Assurance

11 Self-assessment

12 Learner and customer feedback

13 Complaints/Concerns and Compliments

14 The Programme Assurance Framework


1. Learner Journey Support Cycle 2. Further Education Quality Improvement Framework 3. The Programme Assurance Framework 4. Senior Management Team Responsibilities

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The Further Education Quality Strategy 2012-15

Introduction The Further Education Quality Strategy is driven by a change in culture which is focused on providing high quality learning opportunities in a supportive environment that responds to the education and training needs of each learner. This quality culture is supported by each individual member of the Group who is part of our Curriculum, service and management teams. It will prosper as every member of staff ensures responsibility for the Quality of their own area. The strategy meets the requirements of the Common Inspection Framework (CIF) 2012. 1. The Quality Improvement Model The Group’s approach to quality is based on continuous improvement. It starts with the strategic objectives that reflect the Group’s mission statement. These objectives take into account the external environment in which we operate and define the processes we need. Standards need to be set to measure these processes, and procedures designed to help them operate consistently. These procedures are regularly monitored and evaluated to identify issues, for which further actions are implemented and they themselves monitored and reviewed. Continual improvement is achieved by raising standards as performance targets are reached, and reviewing objectives. The Grimsby Institute Group is committed to Quality and improving the Learner’s experience. 2. Group Vision Inspiring, innovative and outstanding 3. Group Mission To deliver accessible high quality education and training to all our communities 4. Group Core Values Our core values are built on the vision and mission statements. Our overall aim is to “put learners first” which means: 1. ‘Our learners and customers are paramount’ 2. The Institute is a service provider with many and varied services and facilities. Our customers (Internal as well as external ones) and our learners are crucial to our success 3. We expect excellence in everything we do. Satisfying our learners and our customers is core to what we all have to do every day. We want our learners and customers to recommend us for our good work 4. Working together, with mutual respect and support:

a. Working with our colleagues and with others across the Institute b. Working on Institute, team and individual goals and plans c. Being positive d. Showing respect to others – regardless of who they are

5. Acting with integrity at all times a. We work in a public setting and much of our money is public money

5. Strategic Objectives 1) To enable students to achieve their full potential by delivering accessible and outstanding education

and training

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2) To increase and widen participation in learning of young people, adults and employees and their workforce

3) To meet the changing needs of students/our community through the delivery of a dynamic, flexible, innovative and relevant portfolio of learning programmes

4) To engage in a range of strategic partnerships to facilitate and enhance the development of our provision and services

5) To encourage and support our workplace 6) To ensure our processes and operations are efficient, effective and focused to deliver our mission 7) To maintain the long term financial viability and reputation of the group

6. Further Education Quality Policy • The Group’s commitment to quality and customer service extends to all learners, customers and

employers. • Every member of staff is responsible for quality. • The senior managers and the members of the corporation recognise their roles in continuous

improvement of the Group and fully support the principles of quality management. • Sustained quality excellence requires continuous improvement. This means, regardless of how good

present performance may be, it can be improved. • Quality improvement will be applied to every facet of the Group’s work in order to constantly review

and improve the services it provides. • Learner Journey Support Cycle is detailed in Appendix 1.

7. FE Quality Assurance Quality assurance is putting systems into place to ensure that high standards are achieved and embedded. This is achieved through the following:

• Key Group processes • Quality standards e.g. FE Choices • Key Performance indicators • Benchmarking and target setting • Performance measurement • People management • Quality Management • Feedback from partners, employers and customers • Further Education Quality Improvement Framework (Appendix 2) • The Programme Assurance Framework (Appendix 3)

8. FE Quality Management The management of quality will be through:

• SMT (Appendix 4) • FE Quality Hub • The Committee Structures • The Corporation • Quality Improvement Teams • Quality Control • Responding to feedback from learners, employers and customers

9. FE Quality Control The Group operates across 15 major sites:

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• The Grimsby Institute Nuns Corner Campus (including UCG) • Nunsthorpe • Westward Ho • Yorkshire Coast College • Westwood • Lincolnshire Regional College • Lincolnshire Rural Activities Centre • IT Centres (Grimsby, Cleethorpes, Immingham, Willows, Louth, Mablethorpe, Skegness) • Weston

The Group also has a number of Franchise and Sub Contract partnerships. It is essential therefore to have documented policies/procedures produced with the involvement of staff, which ensures common standards. All documented policies and procedures are to be stored on the VLE. 10. Governors and Quality Assurance The Corporation receives regular reports on the Group’s performance and feedback from learners and customers. They will also review and monitor all quality reports from its various activities, to raise standards and bring improvement for learners and customers. Governors validate the Self Assessment Report and monitor the improvements from the Self Assessment Report. 11. Self-assessment A formal review and evaluation of the Group’s performance to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our learners and customers and achieving our performance indicators and targets. Areas for improvement are those that are below what is expected from our own standards and PIs (performance indicators). The self-assessment report is a requirement of Ofsted, best practice for SFA and will be an assessment by the Group of the learner’s experience. 12. Learner and customer feedback Surveys are carried out each year at appropriate stages of the learner journey with learners. Results of these surveys will inform course Self Assessment Reports, Curriculum Self Assessment and Group management reports. Employer and learner surveys will be carried out regularly. Learner focus groups and reporting from the Learner Representatives will also inform actions to improve the overall provision. Learner Representatives are actively engaged with quality through their involvement in focus groups including Meet the Principal. Learner and customer feedback will be used to bring improvement and change to the services provided by the Group. 13. Complaints/Concerns and Compliments The Group has a new system for recording and monitoring complaints and concerns. Complaints received are seen as opportunities for improvement. The process of how complaints can be made is available to all learners and customers and is distributed during induction. Progress on complaints and complaint trends are constantly monitored and termly reports are produced by the Quality Hub.

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Appendix 1: Learner Journey Support Cycle

Stage Entitlement Quality Assurance process Before Joining the Programme

Information on: - The learning programmes offered - The Group performance - Support and guidance

Pre Entry Advice and Guidance Course Leaflets

Acceptance / Enrolment

- Admission arrangements designed to meet the needs of all learners, including those with learning difficulties and disabilities


Induction - A comprehensive introduction or induction to study skills

- An initial assessment of the support learners may need, and advice on how it will be provided where appropriate

- An individual learning plan

Induction Initial Assessment

Teaching and Learning

- High quality teaching and training which takes account of individuals' needs knowledge, experience and range of skills, and abilities; including access to ICT

- Teachers and trainers who set high standards and who are knowledgeable, competent and well qualified in their subject or vocational area

- Well managed and well co-ordinated learning programmes

- Teaching and learning that is informed and improved through consultation with learners and customers

Value Added Schemes of Work Lesson Plans Teaching and Learning (Peer & graded TLOs) Work Placements Residentials / Exchanges Equality and Diversity Disciplinary FE Learning Centres Information Learning Technology Work Based Learning Learner feedback through surveys and focus groups ECM Safeguarding Health & Wellbeing Enrichment

Assignments Assessments

- Regular, fair and accurate assessment and recording of achievements

- Prompt marking of learners' assignments and timely feedback to learners

Assessment of Achievement Academic Appeals Internal Verification External Verification

Learner support

- Regular support during their learning - Guidance on their responsibilities and

what is expected of them - Learner support that is responsive to

learners’ needs

Tutorial Functional Skills Literacy and Numeracy Additional Learning Support (ALS) Learner Support Fund Tracking documentation (I-Track) Careers advice Safeguarding Attendance Monitoring Learner feedback through surveys

Health and Safety

- A safe, healthy and supportive environment

- An induction to health and safety at each new location or placement

- Information on any risks associated with the learning programme

Health and Safety

Completion Destination Results

- Clear information and impartial advice on opportunities for progression

Learner withdrawal or transfer Exam Control Destination Analysis




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Appendix 2: Grimsby Institute Group - Further Education Quality Improvement Framework External Assessments


Inspection and monitoring visits under the Common Inspection


SFA Provider Review

Monitoring of review of performance


Governing Body Overview Meets termly to monitor and review progress Curriculum & Quality Sub Group feeds into


Quality Improvement Committee

The QIC meets termly to receive and comment on reports related to learner experience and success. Reports to

the SMT and governors

Senior Management Monitoring Impact Upon Learner

Improvement Plans

Performance management review Programme and Service Areas directly supporting

students report to Senior Managers on performance of programmes versus targets and progress on action plans

Cross-college Evaluation

Curriculum & Standards Executive Meet every two weeks to review policies,

procedures, Quality, Data Analysis and impact on the Learner

Self Assessment Self-assessment is carried out at

programme team area and Curriculum levels. A self-critical analysis that enables teams to plan to build upon strengths and overcome weaknesses. All judgments are

backed up by evidence

Performance Evidence

Classroom Observations Internal graded observations by HOS, Senior Management and

external consultants. Developmental peer reviews by the Learning


Student & customer feedback

Surveys of student and customer

satisfaction. Focus group

feedback/Learner Rep

Recruitment, Retention, Achievement Rates

Data analysed by three year trend and

comparisons with national rates at course level and

SSA level

Concerns and Complaints, IV/EV

reports Service standards

Operating/Business Plan Review to be





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Appendix 3: The Programme Assurance Framework Stage Need established Annual Business Planning Marketing Producing Publicity Materials Acceptance for programme Accreditation

Course Validation External Contracts Logging the course on the MIS system Registration with Awarding Body

Staffing and Resources FE Learning Centres Staff Recruitment Staff Induction Performance Review and Appraisal Staff Development Learning Coaches

Teaching & Learning Value Added Schemes of Work/Lesson Plan Acceptable Standards Developmental Observations Graded Lesson Observations Moderation

Timetabling Course timetable Course Materials Course Handbook

Learning Materials FE Learning Centres Moodle VLE

Course Induction Learner Enrolment Learner Induction

Delivery Course Management Monitoring Learner Progress Attendance & Punctuality Monitoring

Register Control Learner Records Learner Withdrawal or Transfer I-Track

Resources Learning Environment Technology Health and Safety Staffing

Interventions Mentoring/Consultants Classroom Observations Learner Satisfaction Surveys/Focus Groups Concerns, Complaints & Compliments Learner Voice Performance Management FE Quality Reviews Board FE Choices

Assignments / Assessments Assessment of Learner Achievement/ILP/Feedback Value Added High Grades

Examinations / Final Assessments

Internal Verification External Verification

Modify / Develop Self Assessment







Business Support

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Appendix 4: Senior Management Team Responsibilities

Principal & Chief Executive

• Chief Accounting Officer • Policy Adviser to the Board • Strategic Planning, • Staff communication, • Quality Improvement Committee, Collaboration and Partnership, • External relations, • Contractual matters • Staff Development • IIP • Industrial relations policy • Human Resources • Marketing

Deputy Principal Curriculum and Quality

• Leadership and Management of Teaching and Learning across the Group • Quality Assurance, Target setting/ PIs • Equality and Diversity • Learner Voice, Surveys • Learner guidance/ support • Tutorial support • Academic Policies, • IV/ EV processes, • Pastoral issues • Planning and Self Assessment Cycles, • Achievement, Retention and Success Rates • Safeguarding, Complaints Monitoring and Response • Curriculum Development • Value Added Policy and Implementation, • Learner Journey • ILP

Principal - Yorkshire Coast College

• Leadership, management and operations of Yorkshire Coast College • Collaborative work with agencies, institutions and employers • Ensure that the Strategic Management Team are kept adequately briefed

about the activities of the College and external matters and issues of significance and relevance

• Drive the Curriculum Strategy for Yorkshire Coast College and ensure it meets the needs of its key stakeholders

• Effective delivery of the strategic plan, curriculum and business plan and the integration of Yorkshire Coast College into the Grimsby Institute Group

• Quality assurance compliance

Vice Principal Corporate Services

• External Funding • Business planning and targets • Resource allocation strategy • MIS/MIS reports, YPLA/SFA returns, contributes to Risk Management • Site facilities, planned maintenance programme, learner tracking/registers • Examinations • Contractual matters • Quality assurance compliance • ILT strategies • Health and safety policy and procedures

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• Site administration • Data protection • Accommodation strategy

Finance Director

• Finance and Budgeting, • Payroll • Quality Assurance compliance • Financial regulations, financial compliance • Risk Management • Central purchasing • Compliance and audit arrangements

Vice Principal Commercial

• Strategic Finance • Legal • Grant Funding and Projects • Commercial (including Outlets) • Quality Assurance compliance • Fees policy, HEFCE returns, Quality Assurance compliance.

Assistant Principal Adult & Community

• Oversee management of range of curriculum delivery areas • Support and empower Heads of School • Seek out and develop new opportunities for curriculum to meet the changing

needs of the learners and employers • Initiate, foster and develop key stakeholder relationships • Monitor performance against Curriculum and Quality KPI’s • Ensure curriculum areas deliver excellence in teaching • Monitor retention, achievement and success of learners • Quality assurance compliance • Community Engagement

Assistant Principal Workforce Development and Employability

• Oversee management of range of curriculum delivery areas • Support and empower Heads of School • Seek out and develop new opportunities for curriculum to meet the changing

needs of the learners and employers • Initiate, foster and develop key stakeholder relationships • Monitor performance against Curriculum and Quality KPI’s • Ensure curriculum areas deliver excellence in teaching • Monitor retention, achievement and success of learners • Quality assurance compliance • The workforce development team and the group’s enterprise,

entrepreneurship and employability manager

Assistant Principal 14-19 and Higher Education

• Oversee management of range of curriculum delivery areas • Support and empower Heads of School • Seek out and develop new opportunities for curriculum to meet the changing

needs of the learners and employers • Initiate, foster and develop key stakeholder relationships • Monitor performance against Curriculum and Quality KPI’s • Ensure curriculum areas deliver excellence in teaching • Monitor retention, achievement and success of learners • Quality assurance compliance • The 14-19 curriculum across the group and the group’s HE provision

Head of School/Studies

• Management of the curriculum area in terms of physical, financial and human resources

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• Creating the best possible ethos for learners’ personal development within the curriculum area

• Develop and implement strategies for maximising learners’ achievement of their goals and exceeding their potential

• Lead on outstanding teaching and learning within the curriculum area ensuring all staff are suitably qualified and experienced and the use of best practice in terms of delivery mechanisms including the use of learning technologies to support teaching and learning

• Ensure the provision within the curriculum area addresses the learning needs of diverse client groups/individuals.

• Produce the area’s Business Plan and Operational Plan ensuring that it relates to the Institute Group’s strategic objectives.

• Contribute effectively towards the Grimsby Institute Group Self Assessment Process and actively engage curriculum teams in the production of the Annual Self Assessment. Report/Self Evaluation Document ensuring the process has significant impact on quality improvement for every course and the curriculum area as a whole.

Curriculum teams

• Ensuring that all members of the delivery team, teaching and support, comply with the current requirements of the course and are aware of the performance targets such as: retention targets, exam success targets, targets for progression, growth etc

• Ensuring that monitoring of performance targets and quality improvement occurs through regular team meetings

• Production of self critical course Self Assessment Report and Curriculum Self Assessment

• Ensuring that results of performance measurement are reported to management via the Quality Hub and that action planning takes place to use these results to effect quality improvements

• Ensuring that the requirements of the Every Child Matters agenda are embedded across the curriculum

• Ensuring that the equality and diversity policies and principles of the Group are embedded across the curriculum

• Participation in FE Quality Review Boards and undertaking interventions through updated Quality Improvement Plans.

Business Support teams

• Ensuring that the quality of service to external and internal customers complies with the Group’s standards

• Ensuring that staff are facilitated, supported and assisted in the achievement of their quality objectives

• Ensuring that monitoring and evaluation of these services takes place at regular team meetings and that action planning is used to effect quality improvements

• Ensuring that the requirements of the Every Child Matters, agenda are embedded as appropriate across the service

• Ensuring that the equality and diversity policies and principles of the Group are adhered to and embedded across the service

• Ensuring that the Safeguarding policies and procedures are adhered to and embedded across the service.

Director of Quality Improvement

• To contribute to the development of strategy and policy • To ensure the provision of detailed, timely and accurate performance data

for all course reviews and self assessment reports

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• To work with curriculum teams and director of MIS in developing the effective use of Institute Group data to assist in the continuing quality improvement on all courses

• To maintain the Quality Audit Calendar and ensure production of timely and high quality audit reports

• To lead on the Observation of Teaching & Leaning Process and provide timely impact reports

• To monitor, evaluate and report on all teaching and learning data. To inform the Deputy Principal (Curriculum and Quality) and curriculum delivery staff of performance against benchmark

• To lead on and manage the self assessment process and produce the institute self assessment report

• To ensure robust quality assurance, leading to evidence of good or outstanding across all curriculum areas

• To support preparations and operations for all Institute Group Inspections or external assessments

• To lead regular review of the Institute groups quality assurance systems taking account of best practice

• To manage the complaints process and provide regular high quality impact reports to the Principal and Board

• To develop and deliver programme of sharing good practice across the Group • To ensure the implementation of all Institute Group policies and procedures

within designated areas of responsibility

Teaching & Learning Manager

• To lead on the observation of Teaching, Learning and Assessment Process and provide timely impact reports

• To manage the team of learning coaches to improve Teaching and Learning

FE Quality Hub

• Achieving the strategic aim of continuous quality improvement • Raising standards by improving retention and achievement and success rates • Promoting quality awareness with all staff to achieve a total quality culture • Contributing to strategic planning, particularly in relation to total quality • Developing procedures through which to evaluate the effectiveness of

learning and customer satisfaction; • Developing a range of qualitative and quantitative indicators through which

efficiency and effectiveness of the Group can be monitored and evaluated • Offering support and training in areas of weakness to improve practice • Providing advice and guidance to management on all aspects of the quality

initiative; reporting to the management team an assessment of the Group’s quality performance

• Preparing and supporting the Group in responding to the review and audit processes of external inspectorates and agencies

• Ensuring that the equality and diversity policies and principles of the Group are adhered to and embedded across the provision

• Collating the Self Assessment Report for the Grimsby Institute Group.

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