The Protestant Reformation The Challenging of the Church.

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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The Protestant Reformation

The Challenging of the Church

A PROTEST against Church Abuses and a REFORM movement in the Christian Church.

Prior to the Reformation many Europeans Christians were Roman Catholic

People like Martin Luther wanted to get rid of the corruption and restore the people’s faith in the church

100 Years War and Black Death Scientific Advances which contradicted

the Church The Corruption within the Catholic Church Availability of printed books such as the

Bible. Revival of education in Europe; which

emphasized critical thinking.

Gutenberg’s Printing Press

Before the press was invented, books had to be written by hand

After the plague decimated the population of Europe, new technologies were created to make up for the lack of workers

The printing press helped spread information to the masses very quickly

Helped to spread Reformation literature

Abuses of the Church Pope Leo X’s lifestyle.

Very wealthy lifestyle based on gifts to the church Very influential in Italian politics

Sales of Indulgences. An indulgence was a pardon. It released a sinner from performing the

penalty that a priest imposed for sins. Indulgences were not supposed to affect God's right to judge, but they gave people the impression that by buying indulgences, they could buy their way into heaven.

Sales of Relics (relics, which can include the fragments of saints' bodies, pieces of clothing or rosaries, serve as mementos of the individual saint.)

Sales of Church Offices.

Martin Luther John Calvin

Martin Luther

Lived from 1483-1546

in Germany

Criticized Church practices and the leadership of the Church in 95 Theses.

Posted his 95 Theses on Church doors in Germany

Printing Press made it possible for Luther to spread his beliefs

The Trial of Luther

The Diet of Worms This was a meeting in the city of Worms

1520 Pope Leo X order Luther to give up his beliefs

Luther burned the order and was excommunicated

Luther went into hiding where he translated the New Testament into German – spreading his beliefs even further

He was the Pope during the height of the corruption

John Calvin

John Calvin (1509AD) Geneva, Switzerland

Key Doctrine: Predestination: a belief that God alone directs past, present, future.

At birth it is decided if you will go to heaven or hell

Church body regulated behavior – drinking, gambling, card playing forbidden

Takes hold in France & Scotland

Results of the Reformation

There is another GREAT SCHISM within the world of Christians

Division of Christianity

Map of Christianity

after the Reformation

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