
Platinum Networking Group

The Power of Who:You Already Know Everyone You Need to Know

by Bob Beaudine

Brian Vance, Sept. 6, 2013

Target Market

A Market is a group of people with common goals, interests or needs.

Six to Eight Target Markets

Natural Market – Whom you already know COI (Mavens) – Centers of Influence. Those

who can introduce you to others Service organizations Alumni groups Industry societies Referrals

AXA Company Study of Success

Looked at the following factors

Natural market

Work ethic


Product knowledge

Ability to generate names/referrals

Successful professionals exceeded in “GENERATING NAMES” over all else

The Power of Who:You Already Know Everyone You Need to Know

by Bob Beaudine


What if each of us had been given key relationships in our lives that have been specifically placed there to help is in ways we never imagined? And what if those special people were not just happenstance acquaintances, but were, instead, strategic relationships meant to be actively involved in helping us find that place in life we always dreamed about?

Bob Beaudine

President and CEO of Eastman & Beaudine – Leading sports executive search firm in the country

Lives in Plano, TX

Served as Chairman of the “Doak Walker National Running Back Award”

Member of SMU Cox School of Business Associate Board

A “Who” Friend

Will call halt to fearful thinking by insisting you stop listening to your own negative self talk

Will intercept you on the dark path you've taken and redirect your steps back on the path of light

Knows your true identity and won't let you forget it

Power of Partnering

People serve as catalysts. By definition, a catalyst is an agent that speeds up a process, sometimes exponentially. Other people provide the power to help you achieve your goals a whole lot quicker than you could ever do it on your own.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up. —ECCLESIASTES 4:9–10

Implement the 3 R's

1. Remember

2. Reach Out

3. Reconnect

100/40 Strategy

1 – 100 = “Who” (Relationships)

1 – 40 = “What” (Whatever it is you're after)

Connecting the Dots = Success

Your “Who” World - Spheres of Influence

Inner Circle – 12/3/1

“Who” Friends





Inner Circle – 12/3/1

Friendship, by definition, involves two. You and each person in this circle have made the choice to be friends.

12 Friends – You don't see or communicate as often as you'd like

3 Close – You share big sections of life

1 Best Friend – One who transcends all else, even family at times.

“Who” Friends

This sphere is your “Inner Circle” expanded.

Shares core values.

Factors keeping them from your “Inner Circle” are proximity, opportunity and time.


“To associate or connect by some mutual relationship, as resemblance or friendship” -

Allies are people you associate with, connect with, or touch through your 12-3-1 and “Who” friends

They'll introduce you to their “Who” friends


Can someone you don't even know be instrumental in helping you with your dreams and goals? Yes!

“A person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc.” -

May have had impact from brief meeting, speaking engagement, letter, etc.


“Knowledge of a person acquired by a relationship less intimate than friendship”

All friends start as acquaintances


“An enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer.” -


Know of you

Encountered you professionally or socially

Have read something about you

Seen you perform publicly

Boundaries are necessary

Personal Board of Directors

Mom/Dad Mate Best Friend Legal Counsel Career/Life Coach Financial Advisor Spiritual Advisor

You trust them because you know they have no selfish agenda

40 List

“What you want to do and accomplish in life list.”

Write it down Put in on a “dream wall” Daily reminder for whatever it is you want to

reach, achieve, accomplish or fulfill “Help me, help you” List of 40 companies, banks, individuals,

foundations that could assist in meeting your “dream” list

Connecting the Dots = Success

100 friends x 40 opportunities = 4,000 potential hits

You only need 1

Most people don't get what they want

They don't ask. No one can help if they don't know what you want.

When they do ask, they ask the wrong people. For some reason, people are uncomfortable asking their “Who” for help. They'll ask anyone except their friends.

When they do ask, they ask to vaguely. Even if I'm motivated to help a friend, I can't do it when I don't know what he or she wants.


If you want to have something that you've never had before, you've got to be willing to do something that you've never done before!”


Research Create a game plan Focus Execute

Create Lists

A list is ruthless because it makes you be specific about “what you want and don't want.”

Creates accountability because you will have to let some things go in order to pursue what's on your list.

It helps you clarify your priorities, your values and your personal preferences.

A Good List

Dream it

Believe it

Have confidence in it

Do it

Beyond Networking

The book also gets into self help.

Important Traits of Successful People

They start

They're not discouraged by obstacles

They turn mistakes and so-called failures into stunning success

They maintain self-discipline

They stick to it

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