The Philippian...Lewis House tied by students during Wednesday night fellowship events. * 30 donated food bags students sorted for HFS Thanksgiving food drive. * 1 giant mixed-media

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Fall Events Begin

The Philippian The Monthly Newsletter of St. Philip’s Lutheran Church of Hastings, Minnesota

Come and Worship...Come and Serve...Come and Learn...Come as you are

…Philip said to him, “Come and see” John 1:46

December 2015

Christmas Events

Sunday, December 20 Children’s Christmas Program

10:30 am

Monday, December 21 Early Learning Center

Christmas Program 6:00 and 7:00 pm

Thursday, December 24 Christmas Eve Worship

3:00 pm 5:00 pm 10:00 pm

2 THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with

God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning

with God. All things came into being through him, and

without him not one thing came into being. What has

come into being in him was life, and the life was the light

of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the

darkness did not overcome it.

John 1:1-3

“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not

overcome it.” It seems that there

is a lot of darkness in our world,

both literally and figuratively. The

darkness of night seems to creep

in earlier and earlier and we have

to wait later and later for the

sunrise. Even farther to the north,

people are affected by “Seasonal

Affective Disorder” which comes from not experiencing

enough sunshine.

On a similar note, it seems that there is a figurative

darkness that grips our world. From alcohol abuse, to an

uncertain economic future for many of our young

members, to the realities ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram and

the corresponding battle against terrorism, it is clear that

there is no shortage of sources that seek to overcome us

with the forces of darkness.

Into this world and into each dark space in our lives

comes a light. It is a light that shines in the darkness. He is

the living Word of God, Jesus Christ. It is his life that

becomes our light.

We may vainly try to keep out the darkness during this

season with lights hung on our homes and our trees. They

are pretty and we associate them with good feelings. They

also are a way for us to acknowledge that darkness was

not what God intended. However, to address the true

power of darkness we need a light whose source is

beyond us.

Somewhere deep within us is a remembrance that says

that darkness was not what God intended. God intended

that we should all have a close loving relationship with

Him. For this to happen something new had to happen,

and so it did!

God gave new life, spiritual life, to us by the birth of His

Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus became the light for the world to

shine God’s love for all people.

During that dark night of the first Christmas in Bethlehem,

the heavens opened and the glory of God shone around

those shepherds and angels sang of that bright new Word

coming into the world. Later, darkness closed in again

around Calvary. But in the bright light of Easter morning,

sin and death were no longer victorious. The darkness did

not overcome Jesus and now his light has become our

light. And so it is with gratitude and joy that together we

can sing, “Shine, Jesus, Shine!” Peace be with you this holy


Your Servant in Christ,

Pastor Geier


Sympathies to… Linda Wallner and family as they mourn the death of her

sister, Joyce Anders.

Lois Wroge at the death of her father.

Congratulations to…

Anthony and Lori Keller (son of Randy and Diane

Keller) on their marriage.

Donn and Susan Nelson on their 40th Wedding

anniversary on December 20.

Rich and Luann Roiger on their 15th wedding

anniversary on December 30.

Hazel Jean Gilles (daughter of Dan and Ashley Gilles)

on her baptism.

Anton Edward Brown (son of Aron and Allison Brown)

on his baptism.

Child of God, Anton Edward Brown

THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015 3

Thank You!

A SINCERE THANK YOU to the members of St.

Philip’s who supported our lunch and bake sale on

Saturday, November 21. It takes so many different skills

to make this one day event a success. Thanks to our lefse

makers, vegetable choppers and peelers and bakers.

Thanks to the members that came to buy bake goods and

stayed to enjoy a bowl of soup with family and friends. In

addition to the bakes goods donated by our members we

made and sold 232 packages of lefse, 68 quarts and 100

bowls of soup. Over $4000 was raised in just 3 short

hours. In addition Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

provided $250 to buy the groceries for the soup. The

monies raised are used to provide bibles story books for

our 3 year olds, bibles for our 3rd graders, help with

tuition for a female college student in Tanzania and

financial support for other mission projects. Thank you


Susan Cruse and Kathy Stockman, co-chairs

THANK YOU! With your help we collected 76 gift-filled

shoeboxes! These gifts, lovingly packed by you, will give

Operation Christmas Child the opportunity to share

God’s love and the message of salvation through faith in

Jesus Christ with children around the world. What an

amazing gift! Thank you for your love and generosity!!

Robyn Tank and Emily Preston

THANK YOU for the visits, meals and rides that you

provide for our family during my recent injury and

surgeries. Thank you also for your prayers and kindness

during my recovery. We are so blessed to be part of a

caring, generous and Spirit-filled community like St. Philip’s

Lutheran Church!

Blessings to you,

Annette Hanson, Jeff, Miranda, Linnea and Jared

Dear Congregation of St. Philip’s Lutheran Church,

Thank you for inviting me to share in worship with you on

Sunday, November 8. What a joy it was! The worship

service, music and readings were so well done. God has

blessed you with many talents. It was wonderful to see

and hear so many participating as well! I hope the painting

continues to tell the love of Jesus for all who see it.

Blessings in Christ,

Paul Oman

I wish to share a very genuine thank you for everyone

who has welcomed me and my family to St. Philip’s

Lutheran Church and the Hastings community. From the

strong backs that unloaded two large moving trucks, to

the many creative “Paper or Pound” housewarming gifts,

we were overwhelmed by the warmth and generosity of

our faith family.

I look forward to the opportunity to get to know you as I

serve you. I pray that God will continue to bless our

partnership in the Gospel to draw us closer to each other

and to Christ.

Pastor Gregory Geier

P.S. Since you asked…

After almost three weeks in the office I am grateful for the

patience of our great staff, and for the opportunities to get

to meet many of you. There have been a few questions

that I would like to address even as I hope for more


First of all, as to how I wish to be addressed, I prefer

Pastor Geier or just pastor if being addressed in a formal

capacity. I encourage adults to call me Greg. If you call me

Pastor Greg I will not correct you and am not offended,

but since a number of you have asked I wish to share my


Secondly, as to when I can be called or notified of

something, the answer is whenever it is convenient for

you. If you or a family member is going to the hospital

and would like a pastoral visit, I would like to know. If

surgery is scheduled and I could be of support to you or

your family, I would like to know. If there is something

going on in your life that you would like to share I hope to

be available to you. I do not want to impose myself upon

you but I care about every member of our congregation

and desire to witness God’s love to you in any way that I

can. And while it is true that being a pastor means that

there are many “irons in the fire” at any given time, I

never want to give any of you the impression that I am

too busy to be there for you at a time of need. I am also

grateful for our prayer team and Gordon Gathright who

are also available to represent our faith family in walking

with you on your journey.

Please note that I now have a church email: and my cell phone number is

563-357-2795. Thank you for this opportunity to lead and

to serve.

4 THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015


Celebrating 30 years!

St. Philip’s ELC is proud to be

celebrating our 30th year. Preschool

has changed a lot over this time, but

one thing that has not changed is

our love for children.

This month I would like to

introduce you to one of our past

teachers, Char Vier, who taught

here from 1988 to 1998. Char had

6 different class sessions when she was here. In a given

week she would see up to 80 children come through her

classroom door. She shared with me that in her time here

there wasn’t the pressure to make sure the children knew

the ABC and 123’s. The academic side was more for

Kindergarten. She was able to focus a lot on the social

and emotional side of preschool.

Char has 2 children, Kara and Jay. Char has had 3

grandchildren that have gone through the ELC program. I

was lucky enough to teach 2 of her grandkids. We

currently have the youngest Vier grandchild enrolled.

I would like to thank Char for everything she has done for

this program. It will be sad not to see Char drop off her

grandchildren after next year.

Kim Sill

ELC Director


CHRISTMAS PROGRAM - Please join the preschool

on Monday, December 21 for their annual Christmas

Program! This year’s program is entitled The Story of

Christmas. The children will be wearing costumes as they

tell us the story of Jesus’ birth.

The teachers started singing programs songs with the

children the first week in November. They will start their

costume rehearsal the second week in December. The

ELC staff are so proud of how long and hard the children

work to learn the songs.

They hope you can join them on December 21 at 6:00 pm

(our Tuesday/Thursday classes) or at 7:00 pm (our

Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes).

The ELC staff hopes everyone has a blessed and safe

Christmas season.


These Early Learning Center Halloween party pictures

were too good to not share. The super heroes were in

full force and loved the costumes they made. Two

mystery super heroes (Stephanie Becken and Joe Russell)

made an appearance too. It was a fun day.

THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015 5

TEEN TALK “The greatest among you shall be your


Matthew 23:11

November was a time of service for

the youth. A quick break-down by the


* 18 truck-loads of leaves raked and

removed from congregation

members’ yards November 7

* 10 adult-sized blankets for the

Lewis House tied by students

during Wednesday night

fellowship events.

* 30 donated food bags students

sorted for HFS Thanksgiving food


* 1 giant mixed-media mural made

with the Sunday School students

during the Paul Oman visit.

* 65 minutes during which many of

our 8th


shared their

musical gifts with veterans and the

community during the Veteran’s

Day Program at the Middle School.

Over the month of November, I’ve had the joy of serving

side-by-side with SPLC youth, and one thing is very clear:

we have servant-hearted youth. Whether they are raking

leaves, helping with little cherubs on the loose, tying

blankets, or deciding where gravy belongs in the food-

sorting process, they are ready and willing to be the hands

and feet of Jesus.

As advent is starting, I’m so happy to be walking with the

youth at St. Philip’s and in Hastings. Over the month of

December there will be many opportunities for outreach

into the community, but also within St. Philip’s. Consider

baking with the senior high students. Think about coaching

the Sunday School kids for their Christmas Program

ministry. Or maybe you can join the youth on movie night

at the end of the month.

When I count my blessings, my church family is near the

top of the list, and I love being the youth coordinator for

St. Philip’s. Whether it’s a hug from an excited seventh

grader who had a great day, or a sigh and homework list

from a struggling sophomore, I treasure the moments

spent in fellowship and service to our Lord.

All the best,

Stephanie Becken

Coordinator of Youth Ministries


I'm sick of this rain. I'm a Minnesotan

through and through, and if it's this

late in the year and something is

falling from the sky, it better be snow.

I mean, Bing Crosby never dreamed

of a wet Christmas, right? Hey,

speaking of Christmas, it's right

around the corner, and I couldn't be

happier about it! Christmas truly is

the most wonderful time of the year.

I'm not going to lie, I love presents,

and that barely cracks my top 5 of favorite Christmas

things. It might actually not even be in there. A new

favorite thing for me very well may be the St. Philip's

Christmas Program, which is on December 20 at the

10:30 am service! If you'd like to help out in any way with

that, please come find me. Practices are on Wednesdays

December 9 and 16, and Saturday, December 19!

While the Christmas program is certainly taking up the

vast majority of my metaphorical plate, don't forget about

Camp Sunday! This is very preliminary; just make sure to

mark your calendars for January 24, and maybe dust off

your favorite pair of shorts and your flip-flops!

Joe Russell

Coordinator of Youth and Family Ministries

December 6 (Second Sunday of

Advent): Kathy Luedtke presents

"Comparing and Contrasting the

Gospels Matthew and Luke: Do

you know the true Christmas


December 13 (Third Sunday of Advent): Chuck Clanton

discusses "How Christmas Traditions Started"

December 20 (Fourth Sunday of Advent): No Adult Forum -

- Children's Christmas Program

December 27 (Christmas): No Adult Forum

6 THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015


confirmands headed to Eagan to help pack meals for Feed

My Starving Children. There were 46 students and adults

who were there for the evening.

Our group worked with two other groups and together

we packed enough food to feed 49 children in Haiti for a

year. The meals consist of vitamins, soy, rice and


There were lots of cheers as boxes were packed and filled

and made ready for the trip to Haiti. At the end of the

evening our group laid hands on the packets pallets of

food to pray for their travel and the meals which would be

provided for the children.

Feed My Starving Children provides meals as well as

opportunities for medical help and sending children to

school. We were able to see dramatic pictures of

children being given food and how their lives changed as a

result of those meals.

Thanks to everyone who helped pack the meals! We had

a great time of helping. You are invited to join us when

we go again!


Sunday, November 22 Stephanie Becken was installed

during the service as SPLC’s Coordinator of Youth

Ministries. Stephanie works with the 7-12 graders in

continuing their faith journey.


DECEMBER 6 at 11:30 am - 12:00 pm in the Room of

Requirement - Students who will have finished 9th, 10th,

11th and 12th grade at the end of the 2015-16 school year

are invited to talk about a summer service trip to Chicago!

No dates have been set—this is only a preliminary

planning meeting to find out where students would like to

explore in Chicago. Dates, costs, and other details will be

announced in January with a parent meeting at that time as

well. Contact Stephanie Becken with questions 701-690-

2297 or email:

Pastor Geier reads the words

of installation

SPLC’s youth surround Stephanie

and take part in the blessing

THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015 7


School Christmas Program is

December 20. A cookie reception

has been long part of the morning,

and this year, the senior high

students of St. Philip’s have been

asked to host. Sr. High students are

invited to plan, bake, decorate, and

serve for this special service time.

Important dates:

December 9 -Cookie Party Planning 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

December 18 - Baking 5:00-8:00 pm

December 19 - Baking, Decorating and Set Up 9:00 am -

12:00 noon

December 20 - Hosting and Serving 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Students can attend one or more of

the set times. We’ll plan, decorate,

bake, and be a loving, welcoming group

for our young members and their

families. Please contact Stephanie

Becken for more details at 702-690-2297 or

COOKIE BAKERS - Instead of congregation donations

for the Sunday school cookie party,

this year, bakers are invited for 2

hour shifts to bake with senior high

students December 18 (5:00-8:00

pm) and December 19 (9:00 am -

12:00 pm). Volunteer bakers are

asked to purchase the supplies for 4

dozen of their favorite cookie (no bake options and bars

welcome) to bring to church and use for their shift. Adult

volunteers will be supported by the youth participants,

and will work together to make the treats for the cookie

party. We need at least 6 adults to help. Please contact

Stephanie Becken if this sounds like something you’d

enjoy. 701-690-2297 or


EVENTS - SPLC teens in action!

Tuesday, December 15 at 7:00 pm: All Strings Holiday

Concert at Hastings High School

Saturday, December 19 at 2:00 pm and 4:30 pm: Choir

Concert at Hastings High School

FLEECE BLANKETS decorated the sanctuary on

November 22. The fleece blankets were prepared by

WELCA and St. Philip's youth, to be distributed to needy

people by Lewis House in Hastings. Over 30 blankets

were made in sizes for babies, small children, teens, and

adults. We pray that many people will be blessed by

receiving a warm blanket for the winter. Thank you to

everyone who helped with the blanket tying.


PROJECT was very successful with a total weight of 383

pounds of food plus 24 Turkey gift cards which would

purchase a 12 pound turkey which would then equal a

combined total of 671 pounds of food going to Hastings

Family Service. Thank you for sharing your blessings with

others in the community.


12 with Our Saviour's. The menu includes hot cooked,

sliced turkey with whole kernel corn, cranberries by the

gallon jug, prepared stuffing, 2 dozen dinner rolls, big box

of instant dinner mashed potatoes (not cooked), prepared

and cut dessert pieces. Sign up on the kiosk. Any

questions contact Elaine Wilbur.


to do their next scheduling on December 13 at 9:30 am at

the Welcome Center. If you like to serve “behind the

scene” this is an opportunity for you. Anyone who might

be interested in joining our team, please contact Jay or

Becky Raimann (437-7175) to get more information.

8 THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015


SERVICE TO SEVERAL - Seven home locations were

visited by youth and adults in early November for the

purpose of raking leaves for the homeowners and hauling

them away. Stephanie Becken organized the morning.

Adult volunteers who were drivers and rakers were Becky

Kaphing, Katy and Andy Lindberg, Shannon McGinnis,

Pastor Geier and son Callan, and Diane Anderson. Many

thanks to the whole raking team for this most generous

service of outreach to other members.

Everyone gets busy as soon as they arrive at a new lawn

Becky Kaphing was present with

children Dominick and Makayla

and helped keep things organized

Father – son team Shannon

and Evan McGinnis enjoyed

the raking assignments Lance Anderson was

a vigorous and happy


Pastor Geier was part of the

raking team through all

seven stops

Mom-son team Katy

and Zackary Lindberg

Coordinator Stephanie Becken

pictured with senior youth member

Max Flaten

Callen Geier was a great senior high

raker, working alongside his dad.

THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015 9

ROCKIN’ RETREAT - Our 7th-9th grade confirmands enjoyed a rockin’ retreat November 13-15 at Camp Victory

in Zumbro Falls. It was a great weekend with 39 youth and adults attending the weekend!

Our focus was Jesus Christ, who we are and who I am in Jesus Christ. There were five sessions plus a communion

service and a closing worship service on Sunday.

One of the big highlights of the weekend was the high ropes course on Saturday. Many fears were challenged and

overcome as students walked on high wires and flew through the air. It was very fun and exciting!

Everyone enjoyed the worship band and their leadership in singing and praising the Lord this weekend. The band

also played a fun set to which students could truly let go and have fun.

Another highlight of the weekend was meeting “Bill” for the first time. Bill’s presence helped us see how important

our words and actions toward others. Ask about Bill. I know they would love to tell you about him.

We enjoyed great accommodations and food all weekend and of course great snacks too!

Special thanks to Shaunte and Donnie Richards, Sherry Akins, Raul Jackson, Becky Shorter, Steph Becken, Reece

Catlin, Pastor Geier, Kristian Ronning and Pastor Gordon for their leadership as well. They were an amazing and

important gift to the weekend.

10 THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015


MEN’S GROUP will be on Saturday, January 9, 8:30-

10:00 am. All men are invited to meet our new Pastor

Greg Geier. In this informal setting, he will be telling us

about himself, his family, his background, his passions –

information which will allow us to connect ourselves to

him and his interests. He’s anxious to meet you and get

to know you better too. What better way for this than

this casual gathering. Please mark your calendar now for

this casual, fun and informative time. If you have any

questions, please contact Dan Retka at 651-295-7835.


encouraged to engage in weekly sermon preparation.

Your worship experience can be greatly enhanced by

reading and studying the scripture lessons in advance.

Take the time to read ahead and see how God's Word

speaks to you.

December 6 December 13

Malachi 3:1-4 Zephaniah 3:14-20

Philippians 1:3-11 Philippians 4:4-7

Luke 3:1-6 Luke 3:7-18

December 20 December 27

Micah 5:2-5a 1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26

Hebrews 10:5-10 Colossians 3:12-17

Luke 1:39-45 [46-55] Luke 2:41-52


beautiful 70” electronic display screen was recently

installed above St. Philip’s Welcome Center. The screen

is a welcoming message board on which details of current

events roll through for the reader.

The acquisition of the screen came from an initiative put

forth from the Men’s Saturday Morning Bible Study. Golf

outing fundraisers at Chuck Egeberg’s Clifton Hollow golf

course plus outright donations and St. Philip’s funding

made it possible. Thank you to Dan Retka and his team

for leading the way on this practical and good looking

enhancement to the church’s expansion project.


DECEMBER 31. Please ensure they are received at the

church by December 31 to be included in your 2015 giving

statement. Offerings received after that date will be

included in 2016 giving. Thank you.


DIFFERENCE - Please consider donating stock to St.

Philip’s. Consult with your financial advisor to see if this is

right for you. Contact John Bergland at 651-437-6541 for

information on how to make the donation.


THE SANCTUARY at Christmas time

again this year. Sign-up sheets are

available on the kiosk for you to sign up

to purchase one in memory or in honor

of loved ones. Choose a white, pink or

red poinsettia. Cost is $10.50. Deadline is December 6.

HOLIDAY HELPERS - It may seem early, but

Christmas will be here before we know it. Because of

Christmas services we need additional volunteer worship

helpers. If you are willing and able, please sign up on the

kiosk for one of the below worship assistant positions.

These are critical roles that need to be filled. Thank you

in advance for your assistance.


under the direction of Mr. Jim Jacobsen, and including the

talents of John Bergland, Lisa Berget and Dan Retka from

St. Philip’s, is pleased to offer its fourth annual Christmas

Concert for the Hastings, Prescott and surrounding

communities. The concert will be held on Sunday,

December 6 at 3 pm at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in

Hastings. In addition, the string ensemble “PONTICELLI”

featuring Mary Ellen Fox and Margaret Cox of St. Philip’s,

will offer selections as well. This concert will provide a

wonderful focus for your Christmas season. So come,

bring the kids and bring a friend too. A food donation to

Hastings Family Service will be gathered and a free will

offering to support the Band will be taken. Merry


PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS with Bells of the Bluffs

and Red Wing Singers. Bells of the Bluffs Handbell

Ensemble will be featured in the Red Wing Singers Annual

Christmas Concert, “Flora and Fauna: The Plants and

Animals of Christmas.” The concert is Sunday, December

6, at 4:00 pm at Church of St. Joseph, 426 8th Street, Red

Wing, Minnesota. Selections will include familiar tunes in

unique settings and dramatic pieces that take advantage of

the brilliance of handbells and complementary percussion


Bells of the Bluffs is a faith-based community ensemble

under the direction of Marilee Anderson. Cynthia Clanton

of our congregation is a member of the group. Also mark

your calendars for the Bells of the Bluffs concert that will

take place here at St. Philip’s on Sunday, February 28, at

3:00 pm.

THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015 11


ST. PHILIP’S - Susan Cruse took the lead organizing

three lefse making opportunities for St. Philip’s members

who were willing to work tirelessly to make a volume of

lefse for the annual Bake Sale and Soup Luncheon event

which took place November 21. Lefse volunteers rolled

about 800 total rounds for the event.

Sue Cruse led the lefse making sessions. Geneva

Weisser devotes her skill to making the lefse

dough for the grills

David Weisser is glad to help newcomers to

the skill of rolling and turning

Jackie Holper began

her lefse-making

hobby at St. Philip’s

several years ago

Patty Todnem worked all the lefse making

sessions creating dozens of packages

Gerri Holmseth and Pam Hoffman are seen doing the

sorting packaging of each lefse circle for sale

Sally Anderson demonstrates

lifting a lefse off the grill

Making up some of the kitchen crew who makes the dough

are Ruth Jackson, Mary Lou Christenson, and Lois Twedt

12 THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015

Pastor Geier found a painting of “On the Road to

Emmaus” that he acquired for his office

"DRAWN TO THE WORD" – The congregation

watched as its painting developed before them. An

inspiring morning of worship took place on Stewardship

Sunday, November 8 as Pastor/Painter Paul Oman graced

the chancel with canvas, easel, paint and brush, to

manually create a painting of Jesus welcoming the children

to come near Him and be comforted. This large 5’x7’

mural is now on display by the church office.

Stewardship Chair, Al Todnem came to know Paul Oman

years ago as a student teacher in the Hastings District. Al

knew Oman had followed his dream of becoming a pastor

which evolved into sharing the Gospel through art.

Getting on Paul Oman’s demanding schedule was acted on

by Al nearly a year ago as he anticipated the 2015

Stewardship Sunday of “Sharing God’s Gifts Through


A video recording is available of the service. If you would

like a DVD or Blu-Ray copy of the service, please call the

church office or contact Director of Music Ellen Diischer.

These videos will be provided at no charge.

Al Todnem, Paul Oman, and Gerri Lundby are shown

by the finished painting. Members of the stewardship

committee, not pictured are Ron Wegener, Connie

Balls, Natalie Carda and Pam Johnson.

Paul Oman steps back after 45 minutes of

painting to check his work

Immediately following the service congregation members

jumped to the chance of photographing the newly done work

Paul Oman had two tables of art works he had done which

people could purchase. Patty Todnem was his assistant

along with Conrad a German student traveling with Paul.

THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015 13

“‘Twas the Beginning of Advent”

by Todd Jenkins

'Twas the beginning of Advent

and all through the Church

Our hope was all dying-- we'd

given up on the search.

It wasn't so much that Christ

wasn't invited,

But after 2,000 plus years we were no longer


Oh, we knew what was coming-- no doubt about


And that was the trouble-- it was all "old hat."

November brought the first of an unending series

of pains

With carefully orchestrated advertising campaigns.

There were gadgets and dolls and all sorts of toys.

Enough to seduce even the most devout girls and


Unfortunately, it seemed, no one was completely


From this seasonal virus that did all of us tempt.

The priests and prophets and certainly the kings

Were all so consumed with the desire for


It was rare, if at all, that you'd hear of the reason

For the origin of this whole holy-day season.

A baby, it seems, once had been born

In the mid-east somewhere on that first holy-day


But what does that mean for folks like us,

Who've lost ourselves in the hoopla and fuss?

Can we re-learn the art of wondering and waiting,

Of hoping and praying, and anticipating?

Can we let go of all the things and the stuff?

Can we open our hands and our hearts long


Can we open our eyes and open our ears?

Can we find him again after all of these years?

Will this year be different from all the rest?

Will we be able to offer him all of our best?

So many questions, unanswered thus far,

As wise men seeking the home of the star.

Where do we begin-- how do we start

To make for the child a place in our heart?

Perhaps we begin by first letting go

Of our limits on hope, and of the stuff that we


Let go of the shopping, of the chaos and fuss,

Let go of the searching, let Christmas find us.

We open our hearts, our hands and our eyes,

To see the king coming in our own neighbors'


We look without seeking what we think we've


But rather we're looking for relationships


With him he brings wholeness and newness of life

For brother and sister, for husband and wife.

The Christ-child comes not by our skill,

But rather he comes by his own Father's will.

We can't make him come with parties and bright


But only by getting down on our knees.

He'll come if we wait amidst our affliction,

Coming in spite of, not by our restriction.

His coming will happen-- of this there's no doubt.

The question is whether we'll be in or out.

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock."

Do you have the courage to peer through the


A basket on your porch, a child in your reach.

A baby to love, to feed and to teach.

He'll grow in wisdom as God's only Son.

How far will we follow this radical one?

He'll lead us to challenge the way that things are.

He'll lead us to follow a single bright star.

But that will come later if we're still around.

The question for now: Is the child to be found?

Can we block out commercials, the hype and the


Can we find solitude in our holy halls?

Can we keep alert, keep hope, stay awake?

Can we receive the child for ours and God's sake?

From on high with the caroling host as he sees us,

He yearns to read on our lips the prayer: Come

Lord Jesus!

As Advent begins all these questions make plea.

The only true answer: We will see, we will see.

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THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015 15

16 THE PHILIPPIAN December 2015


Greg Geier, Senior Pastor

Gordon Gathright, Ministry Associate

Lista Klocow, Office Manager

Ellen Diischer, Music Director

John Bergland, Business Manager

Kim Sill, ELC Director

Joe Russell, Coordinator of Children and

Young Family Ministries

Stephanie Becken, Coordinator of Youth

Noreen Swanson, Organist

ST. PHILIP’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 1401 West 15th Street

Hastings, Minnesota



Church Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm

Friday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Worship Schedule:

Sunday: 8:30 and 10:30 am Holy Communion the first three Sundays of the month

Christian Education:

Sunday School: 9:40-10:25 am

Sunday Adult Education: 9:40-10:25 am

Confirmation: Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 pm

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